
Hôla! You've found the money-making site! Here you will get tips and be shown ways to make MOOLA! for your squad (or self >;D). Here are my ideas.

Cookbook -

You must first be donated lots 'n' lots of recipes. Make sure their name is on the recipe they donated. Put together the cookbook and make it nice (catagorized, alphabetized, the works..). Send it to a copy place and when you get them back, sell them for $5 to $10 dollars more than what it costed to make one.

Help From Stores -

Go into the the store or business and ask them if they'd like to help support the ----- ------- Cheerleaders. "Oh, yes! We'd love to! What can we do to help?" You can give them a bucket or jar with a sign on it that says "Help support the ----- ------ Cheerleaders". Like when you see them in banks and restaurants, "help the starvin' marvins in zskfjhekjgbe". It's the same thing. Every week come and collect the money out of the bucket or jar.

Spirit Signs -

Make lots and lots of signs on posterboard and sell them for $1 at the gate before the game starts.

Cheer Mimi Camp -

We held a mini camp for kids in 3rd through 6th grade. It was from 3:30-5:00 for 4 days. We taught thm a cheer, a chant, beginner stunts, and jumps. We charged $15.00 which included a t-shirt. They performed at the first home football game. It was a big hit and we raised a lot of money!

Blankets -

We sold red and black checked cotton/flanel blankets with football print for $15 or $20 with our school name and mascot monogrammed on it. They costed $13 to buy so you make big profit if you sell them at the football games.

Bake Sale

Baby Sit

Garage Sale

Last minute Tips for Fundraisers -

  • Check the weather before your big day
  • Make sure you have back-ups incase some drops out at the last minute
  • Have everyone donate $2-5 for money supply
  • Make signs and tell everyone at school
  • Get parents to help
  • Have a fundraiser at school functions (football games, dances,...)
  • Your Suggestions

    - Sell cookie dough. The dough will be mailed to you frozen, in three pound tubs. The cookie dough comes in a variety of flavors, including chocolate chunk, oatmeal raisin, sugar, and peanut butter. You must order at least 504 tubs of the cookie dough, that's a requirement from the company. Which means if you have 15 girls on your squad, each girl would have to sell around 33 bins of the dough, which is kind of a lot. But you can do it; think of the profits! Each bin of dough sells for $10.

    - Get the girls out to sporting events and sell mugs! Each mug has a logo of a professional or college sports team (like the LA Lakers, New York Yankees, or USC Trojans). There are also mugs with other pictures on them, one of which is of a cheerleader! The mugs do not have set prices on them. The company sells them for $3.50 per mug, so I'd suggest selling your mugs for about $6 - $7.

    - Candle sales are popular and moneymaking. There are a wide variety of scented and unscented candles you can sell via this program. The prices range depending on the size of the candle. The medium price would be around $16, which would be including what the company gets and your profit.

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