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Duchies United In Trade Constitution.
These are intended as guide lines.


The governing body of DUIT will consist of a Duke or Duchess from each member Duchy. All PO's are welcome to attend and voice their opinions at all meetings. Any meeting concerning DUIT will be made public 72 hours in advance.

Dukes/Duchess will be allowed to have two votes in any matter brought before DUIT.
.....One vote shall be cast for the PO's of the Duchy.
.....One vote cast for the Duke or Duchess of each Duchy.


All Planet Owners shall keep their planets Trader "friendly." This includes, but is not limited to:
.....Planets shall be kept tax free unless doing money transfers.
.....Exchanges will be well marked and easy to find.
.....Death locations are permitted provided they are away from trading areas and LP's.
.....Clearly mark the areas that pose a potential hazard to unwary traders.

There shall be no dumping allowed. Trading fairly is the motto of DUIT. Trade with your fellow members as you would like them to trade with you.

No Manitoba or skimming type hauling programs are allowed to be used in DUIT. DUIT recognizes FedNav and some forms of Zmud (see your Duke/Duchess if you use Zmud) as hauling programs in DUIT. All other forms of auto hauling programs must be approved by DUIT.

Trading shall be conducted in member Duchies as long as fair prices can be obtained.


At all times, members of DUIT will treat each other with due curtesy and respect to each members individuality.

If a member of DUIT has a problem with another player, the matter should be brought to the attention of your Duke/Duchess. If the matter continues to be a problem, a meeting will be held to discuss and resolve the problem.

It is important to ALL of us as members of DUIT that ALL members are treated fairly.


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