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FED Programs

ZMud -- A program released by Zugg Software. It is a great MUD client for PC. Offering basic triggers, alias's, variables, speedwalking, and more. Advanced trigger programming is possible.

Rapscallion -- A great, modern MUD client for the Mac. This MUD client has tons of great features including multi-channel sessions, triggers, blocks and more

FedNav -- This program is what every PC fed player needs. It eliminates the repedative commands used in Fed and it's easy to use.

FedTerm32 -- Well...what can I say. This is a very basic MUD made by the people of Fed. It has certan features like; a players list, function keys and a Password storage system.

Fed Term Loaded -- This program is alot like FedTerm32 except that it has Genisis the map building program and the players list retracts.


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