God's Law
For Free People

  Loyal Opposition
Issue 2


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    Where are we now?
          From a Sermon by George Whitefield entitled: The Seed of the Woman and The Seed of The Serpent.

          Scripture Text: Genesis 3:15 "And I will put Enmity between thee and the Woman, and between thy Seed and her Seed, it shall bruise thy Head, and thou shalt bruise his Head."

    Small excerpt from the sermon. "Are there any enemies of God here? The promise of the text encourages me to bid you defiance: the seed of the woman, the ever-blessed Jesus, shall bruise the serpent's head. What signifies all your malice? You are only raging waves of the sea, foaming out your own shame. For you, without repentance, is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. The Lord Jesus sits in heaven, ruling over all, and causing all things to work for his children's good: he laughs you to scorn: he hath you in the utmost derision, and therefore so will I. Who are you that persecute the children of the ever blessed God? Though a poor stripling, the Lord Jesus, the seed of the woman, will enable me to bruise your heads."
          Enable me to bruise your heads! How often have you heard words such as these from pulpits in America in the last 100 years? Why should we care what George Whitefield has to say? The way I see it, we need to listen to someone God used to transform two nations. This is a man who preached to millions of people, when it took weeks to travel from place to place across our land, not hours or days. When there was no voice amplification, yet he preached to over 100,000 people at a time. This was a man who made eight trips to the new world, spending two years of his life at sea. Men such as Patrick Henry, George Washington, and George Witherspoon said he was the father of our Nation.
          Let me ask you these questions. What does your theology inspire you to do? What action does it require of you? His words led to the establishing the greatest Nation in man's history. A nation that has had the freedom to touch more for Christ than any other before. When Whitefield came to this land he saw a people who had forgotten their heritage, and he determined by God's grace to reacquaint them with that heritage. He was successful!
          Does your theology reacquaint you with the vision and dreams of those who came before us, of those who risked all that they might be a free people under God? I see the business of killing going on each week day in Kettering and I have to say I doubt it! Maybe we need to be reacquainted with the words God used to drive those before us to action and the Spirit that moved through them. May it be so Lord Jesus.

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