Nuwaubian Factoids From The Past
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Truth is Truth

The facts that I point out is Not done so to prove that one race is better than another, but to prove who was who in the bible. Also to show the Black, Nubian, African, Americans that knowing who's who in the bible and biblical times is a very important thing to know. Every since we were brought to this country we have been taught only what white americans want us to know,and only a fool would think that it has been any different when it comes to the bible.

Please don't take me and my pages wrong, I have nothing against white people or Jews, as long as they are respectful of me and my people. White americans and Jews tend to look at things from a one sided glass, They try to walk on the moral high ground as if they never done anything unmoral, when we all know that's a Big Lie. And the Jews tend to do the same thing. After the U.S. & Britian basically made Isreal a state in 1958, they signed treatees giving them a alotted amount of land, but since then Isreal has taken more and more land from it's neigobors, and they wounder why they are hated so much!

But that is not the topic of my pages, I will point out to you who is Not White in the Bible!


Only one mention of the people of Israel occurs by name on all the monuments of Egypt. This was discovered a few years since by professor Petrie on a stele erected by the King Merenpath II. Not that there is any possibility of identifying these with the Israelites of the biblical exodus. The "people of Ysiraal" on the monument belong to those who were amongst the confederated Nine Bows, the marauders, North Africans, the Kheta, the Canaanites, the Northern Syrians, and others which whom they are classed.

"Every one that was a marauder hath been subdued by the King Merenpath, who gives life like, the sun-good everyday." This inscription gives an account of the Libyan campaign, and concludes with the following description of the triumph of King Merenpath: "Chiefs bend down,saying, peace to thee; not one of the Nine Bows raises his head. Vanquished are the Tahennu ( North Africans); the Khita ( Hittites) are quieted; ravaged is Pa-kanana ( Kanun) with all violence; taken is Askadni ( Askelon); seized is Kazmel; Yenu (Yanoh) of the Syrians is made as though it had not existed; the people of Ysiraal is spoiled--it hath no seed;

Syria has become as widows of Egypt; all lands together are in peace.

The people of Ysiraal (Israel) are here included, together with the Syrians, and amongst the confederated "Nine Bows" who made continual incursions into Egypt as invaders and marauders,and who are spoken of as being exterminated. Hence it is said, " The people of Ysiraal is spoiled; it has no seed." But there is nothing whatever in the inscription of King Merenoath corresponding to or corroborative of the biblical story of the Israelites in the land of Egypt or their exodus into the land of Canaan.

The campaign against the Libyan confederacy had been undertaken by Merenpath, who, according to the inscription, was born as the destined means of revenging the invasion of Egypt by the Nine Bow Barbarians. In proclaiming the triumph of the monarch the inscription says," Every one that was a marauder hath been subdued by the King Merenpath."

The people of Ysiraal in this inscription are identified by the Pharaoh with the nomads of the Edomites Shasu or Shepherds, and are classed by him with the confederate marauders who invaded Egypt with the Libu, and were defeated with huge slaughter at the battle of Procepis ( pa-ar-shep, which is also recorded on the monuments. They were a tribe or totemic communityy of cattle-keepers, one of "tribes of the Shasu from the land of Aduma" who went down into Egypt in search of grazing ground to find sustenance for their herd in the region of the delta. At this very time, when the people of Ysiraal and their see were being "wiped out" or annihilated as the Israelites in Syria, there was an exodus of the Edomite Shasu which has been pressed into the service of false theory on behalf of biblical history." These tribes had considered the eastern region of the Delta, as far as Zion, to be their own possession, until they were driven out by Seti I.

Now they bestirred themselves anew, under Menepath II. but "in a manner alike peaceful and loyal." As faithful subjects of Egpt, they asked for a passage through the border fortress of Khetam in the land of Thuku ( Heb: Succoth ) , in order that they might find sustenance for themselves and their herds in the rich pasture-lands of the lake districts about the city of Pa-tum ( Pithom)." An Egyptian official makes the following report on the subject. "He says: "another matter for the satisfaction of my masters heart : We have carried into effect the passage of the tribes of the Shasu from the land of Aduma ( Edom) from the Fortress ( Khetam) of Merenpath-Hetephima, which are situated in the land of Thusku, in order to feed themselves and their herds on the possessions of the Pharaoh, who is there a beneficent sun for all peoples.

In year 8...Sut, I caused them to be conducted. (steered,guided )Merenptah also had his royal seat in the city of Ramses. Here we meet with the field of Zoan and the store-cities of Pithom and Ramses which have been imported into the second book of Moses, and futile efforts ha ve been made to show that this record corroborated the biblical version of the exodus. But in this exodus we find the Shasu or shepherds are peaceful and loyal people, faithful subjects of the Pharaoh, who are politely conducted from the land of Edom through the fortress (Khetam) to the lake-country of Succoth (or Thuku), the first encampment assigned to the Israelites, where they would find abundance of food and fodder for themselves and their flocks and herds instead of wandering in the wilderness for forty years, according to the other story. At the same time, or thereabouts, the people of Ysiraal in Syria were cut up root and branch by Merenptah.

The passage througnh the land of Thuku, Hebrew Succoth, here described is apparently the route adopted by those who converted the "coming forth" from Amenta into the biblical exodus from Egypt, and it tends to affiliate the cattle-keepers in the land of Goshen to the nomadic rigea of the Edomite Shasu (Gen. xlvi. 32). But we shall not overtake the children of Israel as an ethnological entity on this line of route, nor as the people who perish by the million in the wilderness of sand that formed the land of graves in the desert domain of Sekari. For that we shall have to "turn back" and encamp before Pi-ha-hiroth, and pass through the mouth of the cleft into the wilderness of Amenta.

But it is useless tring any further to confuse the Jewish exodus with the mythical "coming forth" from the lower Egypot of Amenta, with intent to reestablish a falsely-bottomed history. The eruption of the Libyans and their confederated invaders in the time of Merenptah is a matter of historic fact. That they were vanquished and driven back by Merenptah is equally historical. they at least made no triumphant exodus from Egypt as 600,000 fighting men, for they never got there, but were fatally defeated on the borders of the land. The only people, then, known by the name of Israel to the Egyptian monuments are the people of Psiraal who had their very seed destroyed, as claimed by the Pharaoh beloved of Ptah.

These can be identified as a North Syrian contingent of fighting men who had joined the Libyans, or the old confederated of the Nine Bows, in their attacks on Egypt, and were hunted back in wreck and ruin, if not entirely destroyed, by Merenptah, the so-called "Pharaoh of the edodus." Thus, if these were the same people s those of the Hebrew exodus, the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt would be turned into the deliverance of Egupt itself from the Libyan confederacy of raiding barbarians amongst whom the Israelites were a hardly distinguishable unit.

What then was "the seed of Israel" as an ethnological entity in the eyes of Merenptah, or the writer of this inscription? they fought as mercenaries and maruders for the Libyan King, who had made war on Egypt collectively, and were driven backward all together in one common, overwhelming rout. They came and went, and left no record of their past. Israel in Syria was not Israel in Egypt. Israel in Egypt is not an ethnical entity, but the children of Ra in the lower Egypt of Amenta, who are entirely mythical.

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On 6/19/98