Where Is My Address Book

T his is the question that thousands of Yahoo! email users are yelling about. Well, look no further, the Support Staff of Consigliere™ Ltd. were in direct communication with the Team of Technical Experts in the Yahoo! Organization and received the below transmission from them to answer you question.

Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 12:07:22 -0700
To: <SupportStaff@ConsigliereLtd.zzn.com>
Subject: RE: Feedback - Address Book link missing from Compose screen
From: Address Book <address-book-feedback@yahoo-inc.com> | Add to Address Book Reply-to: Address Book <address-book-feedback@yahoo-inc.com>

As you may have noticed, some enhancements have been made to the compose screen of Yahoo! Mail.

To access your Address Book from this page, simply click on the (blue) hypertexted "To:" "Cc:" or "Bcc:" links located next to the corresponding fields. By clicking on these links, the Address Book pop-up window will appear to insert the recipients that you wish to send to.

Thanks for the great feedback. It is through these comments and feedback that we are able to continue to make improvements.

Original Message Follows:

Name: Support Staff Representative @ Consigliere™ Ltd.

Subject: Address Book link missing from Compose screen

Type your feedback here:
Hi! I am one of the Experts with your Yahoo! Services. Of late myself and many of our staff have been receiving a major amount of questions concerning the moving of the address book to the "To: , BCC and CC links. Is there a page of reference that would explain why and the location of the new address book links we can direct all the questions we receive on the rhyme and reason for changing the location of the address book on your email.
Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter.
              Support Staff Representative of The Consigliere™ Ltd.

While Viewing: http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/ab/ab-09.html

Yahoo ID: theconsigliere1949
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
REMOTE_HOST: unknown
Date Originated: Friday August 17, 2001 - 08:35:36

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