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Loan Repayment Calculator ]
Collapsible Explorer Type Menu ]
Show-Hide Material ]
Picklist Script - Forms ]
Update Order Form ]
Password Verifier - Forms ]
Expiring Passwords-Windows Login ]
Byte Converter ]
Format HTML To Show ]
Absolute Pop Up Box ]
Fraction Calculator ]
Registry Scan ~ Process and DLL Search ]
Priority Juggler ~ Rearrange Items Within A Form ]
Days Remaining In Year ]
JavaScript Event Handlers ~ What Are They? ]
Page Builder 1 ]
Page Builder 2 ]
Matrix Effect Text Message ~ IE And Netscape 7+ ]
How Good Is Your HTML ]
Frontpage Editor Problems ]
Form Button Links Aligned Horizontally ]
Flash Animation Menu ]
Frames Builder ]

Blinking Text ~ IE And Netscape ]
Contact Information Generator ]
Pop Up Window Generator ]
Meta Tag Generator ]
Custom Templates ]
Search Your Hard Drive ]
Everything About Your Browser ]
Define Any Word On Your page ]
Message In Task Bar On Mouse Over ]
Yellow Pages Nationwide Look Up ]
Great Deals And A Great Free Business Opportunity ]
Pop Up Window On Mouseover (Ticker Window) ]
AOL AIM Instant Messenger ]
Visual Count Down Redirect ]
Download Timer ~ How Long To Download A File ]
Drop Down Document Viewer ]
Border Generator ]
Make Your Own Gif Animations ]
Wheel Of Links ]
Calendar Generator ]
Calendar Generator Deluxe ]
Drop Down Menu ~ Always Visible ]
Random Password Generator II ]

If you would like to know howto add the Open links in secondary ( new ) window
grab the below link and you are there
Open Links In New Browser Window ]

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