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And in the midst of all this personal information - here is some professional information too! I don't have much, but this pages intent is to let you know what I go to school for and what I do in my spare time. As I mentioned before, (if you read it), I am an Architecture major in my 4th year and I also like to design web pages.

I became interested in architecture when I was in the 10th grade. My high school made everyone take a Technical Drawing class. (It was a tell-tale sign of what year you were... Sophomores carried T-Squares!) That is when I was exposed to drafting, and later I took an architecture design class in the 12th grade. I decided to stick with it. It gets hard, and sometimes it's called architorture!! (It's not easy being green...) So I'll eventually be posting some of my work and slides of models up here.

I became interested in web page design when I started making one on Angelfire about one year ago. I got sick of "filling in th blanks" and I wanted to know what was behind all of it. So I started learning HTML! (Freedom!) Now, I need to learn a lot more programs like Fireworks, Dreamweaver, and Flash - of which I have no space on my hard drive to install them. But until I learn those programs, I'll be posting examples of my humble, static websites, and retrospect posters. :-)

last updated: 09/22/2000 20:20:30