Church History Powerpoints

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The following powerpoint presentations were designed for the class at Trinity International University: The History of Christianity. These tend to be very long downloads as they make use of considerable graphics, maps and other sorts of images. They are available for use in teaching situations, but are not for re-publication.

Class Session 1A. Introduction
Class Session 1B. The Church Persecuted
Class Session 1C. The Church and the Canon
Class Session 2A. The Church Victorious
Class Session 2B. The Medieval Church
Class Session 3A. The Road to the Reformation
Class Session 3B. The Reformation and Beyond
Class Session 4A. The Awakening Church
Class Session 4B. The Great Century
Class Session 5. The Modern Church

A video version of these lectures can be found at Church History Video.


The following powerpoint presentations were designed for the Masters Level Church History Class at South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary. They provide a more in-depth exploration of the History of Christianity. These tend to be very long downloads as they make use of considerable graphics, maps and other sorts of images. They are available for use in teaching situations, but are not for re-publication.


Class Session 1. Introduction
Class Session 2. The New Testament Church
Class Session 3. The Apostolic Fathers
Class Session 4. The Persecuted Church
Class Session 5. The Canonical Church
Class Session 6. Doctrines and Heresies
Class Session 7. The Church Victorious
Class Session 8. The Monastic Movement
Class Session 9. Teachers and Preachers in the Early Church
Class Session 10. The Medieval Church
Class Session 11. Islam and Mission
Class Session 12. Schism and the Crusades
Class Session 13. Road to Reformation: Part 1
Class Session 14. Road to Reformation: Part 2


Class Session 1. Road to Reformation: Part 3
Class Session 2. Martin Luther
Class Session 3. John Calvin
Class Session 4. English Reformation
Class Session 5. Council of Trent
Class Session 6. Refining the Reformation
Class Session 7. The Puritans
Class Session 8. The Enlightenment: Part 1
Class Session 9. The Enlightenment: Part 2
Class Session 10. The First Great Awakening
Class Session 11. The Second Great Awakening
Class Session 12. The Great Century and the Rise of Mission
Class Session 13. Modern and Postmodern Church: Part 1
Class Session 14. Modern and Postmodern Church: Part 2

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