
Vaginas. Many people have never seen one. But I have. I have seen the elusive vagina in its full horror and glory, and let me tell you, it is not pretty. The typical vagina looks like this:

Vaginas come on all sorts of people. Pretty people. Ugly people. Old people. Young people. Some vaginas are real, and some are fake. This doesn't really matter because, when you get right down to it, no matter who owns the vagina it still looks similar to a pile of ground beef. This is why those who posess vaginas are often very secretive about them. Because of this, few people have actually viewed a vagina.

The vagina has many uses:

There are many names for a vagina. I suggest you pick your favorite and stick with it. A change in vaginal grammer could result in unnecesary confusion: Vaginas and menstruation.You may be thinking "This is all extremely fascinating, but what do vaginas have to do with menstruation?" Although scientists are certain there is some connection between vaginas and the monthly bill, they are, as of now, unsure what that connection is. There are, however, many theories ranging from governmental conspiracy to the big bang.

The link between female genitalia and the occult. There is a clear relationship between vaginas and witchcraft. It has been proven that the majority of female occult leaders have vaginas. Do not fear, vaginas are not a clear cut indicator of occult activity. If you, of someone you know has a vagina, it does not necisarily mean they are a witch. However, excercise caution when dealing with vagina-clad individuals. They could very-well be dangerous.