Welcome to Hell a.k.a. "That time of month."

    Once a month (no more, no less--well...sometimes...when God gets frisky...), the demon princess of biological clockdom unleashes her bloody wrath upon the poor, innocent, only-a-little-bitchy, flower-of-a girl, Kira. When the crimson tides of hell begin to flow forth from Kira's loins, she is transformed (through no fault of her own) from the sweet, happy, midget-loving, sinless maiden she was on the 16th, to the hell-raising, sack of fucked-up hormones and dead hamster guts she is today--the 17th. Usually, she lives her days quietly, frolicking in the fields with the fairies and lambs who she lives among symbiotically (not symbolically), singing songs in praise of our Savior the Lord Jesus (pronouced HAY-SUS) Christ all the live-long day. But when the Goblin King strikes, she leaves this life of Elysian peace behind and lives the life of a bitchy unwanted whore. Our hope is, that with this website, we will help to make Kira realize what is taking place every month. Perhaps one day she will be able to look the Goblin King in the eye and say, "You have no power over me!"
The twat guy.

If you have a question about menstruation, cows, or Kira, email me at roseisnotarose@hotmail.com. If you have a question for the period goddess herself, use the guestbook or send it to me and I will relay it to her. Unfortunately, Kira cannot come to the phone right now--she is in Siberia... or Belgium...something like that.

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This page was made for netscape. I'm sorry, I know ie is supposedly way better, but I'm old and stuck in my ways.