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 Simply Grazin' Organic Farms
Organic BeefPork, Chicken and Eggs
(609) 466-8504


All-Organic-Food.Com Nutritional Health

  • article: Grain Fed Cattle Need Antibiotics

  • article: Grass Fed Beef is a High Order Health Food 

What's so important about Organic?

How YOUR DIET Can Help Save Your Life and the WorldThe Food Revolution

What About Grass-fed Beef?

a very long article by John Robbins

Marin (California) Organic Beef Farm

gathered some excellent articles - Dr. Joseph Mercola

Why Grassfed Animal Products Are Better For You

Discover How Your Beef is Really Raised (4 parts)

March 31, 2002  NY Times
Article by Michael Pollan

Some farmer humor

Union of Concerned Scientists
Union of Concerned Scientists speaks out against antibiotics
Organic Consumers Association
Renewal: The Anti-Aging Revolution by Timothy J. Smith M.D., Chapter 15. Chicken Is Not a Health Food
Read the last sentence



PBS Logo Frontline April 2002 report on
 Modern Meat is comprehensive.
Eat Wild - The Clearinghouse for Information about Pasture-Based Farming eat wild
Simply Grazin' is listed (under our old name, Stonyfield)

Order Inquiry
Beef  Pork
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More Info

Simply Grazin' Organic Farm
182 Vandyke Road
Hopewell, NJ 08525
Voice (609) 466-8504 fax (609) 466-0114

Email: Mark and Karen Faille can develop a web site for youThis Page created and maintained by Maureen Greenbaum of Sumware in NJ
with the help of Clip Ar
t from various sites
Last Updated 09/16/2002