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Pictures are in date order
Due to the quality or lack of quality of my scanner, pictures are much better then they appear.

This was the first homework assignment for Visual Art 2. It is a still life using cross hatching.
This was a homework assignment where I had to set up a still life and draw and shade it using stipple.
This was the first project for V.A. II. We had to draw our shoe and put in in a setting using any type of media we wanted.
This drawing was for a Visual Art 2 homework assignment where you had to draw 3 drawings with 3 different types of balance. This picture is an example of radial Balance. This is one of my favorite. Here is a color verison I made on the computer. Here.
This drawing was for a Visual Art 2 homework assignment where you had to draw 3 drawings with 3 different types of balance. This picture is an example of Formal Balance.
This was the second projct for V.A. II. It is an intaglio print. If you have never done this type of print before it can be an interesting experience. However, it is much better then doing a relief print.
This was a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. This is my sister from a profile point of view. It looks like her.
This was a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. This was supposed to be me from a front view. I think it some what looks like me but at least it does look like a real person.
This was a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. I had to paint a person in any type of setting using water colors. I had to use the splatter technique and the graded wach technique.
This was a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. I had to paint a face with water colors using a monochromatic color scheme.
This was my water color action project.
This was a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. We had to pick a sclupter from a given list and draw on of his/her scluptures. I Chose The Crouching Woman by Rodin.
This is a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. We had to draw the sclupture we were curently making in class monumental in size.
This was a massive still life project for Visual Art 2.
This was a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. We had to draw the sclupture we were curently making and abstract it.
This was an abstract painting of an object from our still life project for Visual Art 2.
This was a cover I made for part of an Art II project. All together I had to make a book jacket. I drew the characters, scanned them, and did everything else on the computer. Becuase I did most of the work after on the COmputer my scanner did not butcher this one like it did the others seen on my site.

Visual Art 1

Visual Art 2

Visual Art 3

Visual Art 4

Personal Sketch Book
(drawings not school related)


View All sketches On 1 Page


Doodles done in my school notebooks.

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