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Pictures are in date order
Due to the quality or lack of quality of my scanner, pictures are much better then they appear.

This was my calligraphy project. I decided to pick a shortened quote from The Great Hunt.
This was a homework assignment for Visual Art 3. We had to draw a bench. I decided to draw a bench in front of the White Tower, (In the Wheel of Time).
This was supposed to be a drawing of Moiraine, from the Wheel of Time, however, it did not come out as i pictured her.
This is a drawing of Rand fighting a Trolloc (The Wheel of Time).
This was a homework assignment where I had to draw a picture including the Imitation Theory of Art. This is the ter'angreal Moiraine uses in The Eye of the World. It is done in marker.
Another Homework drawing on the Imitation Theory. This could be a Trolloc weapon.
This was the last project in VA3. IT is an acrylic lanscape with Rand and an Aes Sedai looking over Tar Valon with Dragonmount in the background. Of course this is from The Wheel of Time series.
This was a homework assignment where I had to draw a picture including the Instrumentalism Theory of Art. I am trying to make the viewer want to read The Wheel of Time series.
This was a homework assignment where I had to draw a picture including the Expressionism Theory of Art. I tried to portray fear by using a Fade from The Wheel of Time series.
This is a drawing of The Daughter of the Night, Lanfear from The Wheel of Time. Color version HERE.
This is a drawing of the False Dragon Logaine as he is being escorted to the White Tower to be gentled.
This is a drawing of Rand from The W.O.T.
This is a drawing of the 13 Forsaken from The W.O.T.
This is a drawing of Shadar Logoth from The W.O.T. The perspective is a little off but overall the drawing is fine.
After drawing Shadar Logoth, which took a long time, i wanted to do a easy quick person. This is a generic Aes Sedai.
This is a dawing of the Forsaken, Moghedien, after she has delt with Liandrin. She has a sort of a casual smirking appearance despite what she did to her.
This was a quick sketch I drew of my WOT RPG character while I was playing the game.

Visual Art 1

Visual Art 2

Visual Art 3

Visual Art 4

Personal Sketch Book
(drawings not school related)


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Doodles done in my school notebooks.

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