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Pictures are in date order
Due to the quality or lack of quality of my scanner, pictures are much better then they appear.

This is a drawing of the X-Man(woman) Marrow. She underwent a transformation that now allowes her to control her random bone growth.
I painted this painting on a rocks while my family was at our house in New York State for 4th of July week.
This was a drawing I did that I was going to enter into a creat your own monster contest in "Wizard" magizine. However, I never did.
This drawing was for a Visual Art 1 homework assignment. Using perspective I drew my house.
This drawing was for a Visual Art 1 homework assignment. The theme was The Big Flood and I can not think of a greater flood then when it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.
??? Between 2/1/00 and 2/15/00
This drawing was for a Visual Art 1 homework assignment. The theme was The fantasy character.
This is a drawing for a visual Art 1 homework assignment. The theme was Fairytale King or Queen. Since I was playing Final Fantasy 8 at the time parts of the quenn resemble Edea.
This Picture was for a Visual Art 1 homework assignment with teh Theme of Magic Lamp. Instead of doing the traditional gennie in a lamp I drew a face in a lava lamp.
This Picture of Final Fantasy 7's Aeris was for a Visual Art 1 homework assignment. The Theme was Flower shop so Aeris, the flower girl in the slums, is with her flower basket with the church behind her.
This Picture was for a Visual Art 1 homework assignment. The Theme Root system. I drew a complex root system that turns people into trees. This is one of my favorite sketches I did for this class.
This Picture was for a V. A. 1 homework assignment uner the theme apple orchard. Just try to worm your way out of this one.
?? between 4/6/00 and 5/3/00
Your guess is as good as mine.
This is a drawing I did for an online friend. Altough I forgot why he needed it he never used it. I still think it is a cool drawing anyway.
This Picture of a protest was for a Visual Art 1 homework assignment. In anticipation of the X-Men movie coming out I made this a protest agains mutants. I hid deveral X-Men throughout this picture. Can you find Angel, Jubilee, Rouge, Storm, Cyclops, and Professor X.?
I painted these paintings on miniture rocks while we were at our house in New York State for 4th of July week.
I did this picture for a comic my friend joe was making. IT was really funny but all the jokes were inside jokes.
This was the first homework assignment for Visual Art 2. It is a still life using cross hatching.
This was a homework assignment where I had to set up a still life and draw and shade it using stipple.
This was the first projct for V.A. II. We had to draw our shoe and put in in a setting using any type of media we wanted.
This is a drawing of an asian fighter throwing knives and holding a sword. It is sort of cool.
This is just a drawing I did. There is a certain elegance to this drawing that i just simply like.
This drawing was for a Visual Art 2 homework assignment where you had to draw 3 drawings with 3 different types of balance. This picture is an example of radial Balance. This is one of my favorite. Here is a color version i made on the computer.Here.
This drawing was for a Visual Art 2 homework assignment where you had to draw 3 drawings with 3 different types of balance. This picture is an example of Formal Balance.
This was the second projct for V.A. II. It is an intaglio print. If you have never done this type of print before it can be an interesting experience. However, it is much better then doing a relief print.
This is a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. This is my sister from a profile point of view. It looks like her.
This is a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. This is supposed to be me from a front view. I think it some what looks like me but at least it does look like a real person.
I did this sketch to practice drawing muscles on the upper body.
This is a drawing of the character Red Monika, from one of my favorite comic books, "Battle Chasers." This is not an original drawing. I copied (not traced) it from a cover of Battle Chasers 7.
This is a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. I had to paint a person in any type of setting using water colors. I had to use the splatter technique and the graded wach technique.
This is a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. I had to paint a face with water colors using a monochromatic color scheme.
This was my water color action project.
This is a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. We had to pick a sclupter from a given list and draw on of his/her scluptures. I Chose The Crouching Woman by Rodin.
This is a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. We had to draw the sculpture we were curently making in class monumental in size.
This was a massive still life project for Visual Art 2.
This is a drawing for yet another Visual Art 2 homework assignment. We had to draw the sclupture we were curently making and abstract it.
This was an abstract painting of an object from our still life project for Visual Art 2.
This was a cover I made for part of an Art II project. All together I had to make a book jacket. I drew the characters, scanned them, and did everything else on the computer. Becuase I did most of the work after on the COmputer my scanner did not butcher this one like it did the others seen on my site.
A drawing of Storm that I did while in Disney World.
I liked this picture so I drew it. It is the princess from Disney's Atlantis
This is a drawing of a face in an anime style. This is also the 2nd piece I colored completely on the computer. Here is the Original without the colors.
This is a computer colorized version of my Art 2 radial balance drawing.
This was the 1st homework assignment for VA 3. I had to draw my hand.
This was the 2nd homework assignment for VA 3. I had to draw a shirt over a chair.
This was the 1st project in VA3. IT is a dawing done in white pencil on black paper of a glass object.
This was our American Flag Landscape drawing/homework. I am adding this to my website so late (10/8/02)becuase it has spent almost a full year in various displays.
Using only 2 colors, I had to draw anything.
This was my calligraphy project. I decided to pick a shortened quote from The Great Hunt.
This was a homework assignment for Visual Art 3. We had to draw a bench. I decided to draw a bench in front of the White Tower, (In the Wheel of Time).
This was supposed to be a drawing of Moiraine, from the Wheel of Time, however, it did not come out as I pictured her.
This is a drawing of Rand fighting a Trolloc (The Wheel of Time).
This was a homework assignment where I had to draw a picture including the Imitation Theory of Art. This is the ter'angreal Moiraine uses in The Eye of the World. It is done in marker.
Another Homework drawing on the Imitation Theory. This could be a Trolloc weapon.
This was the last project in VA3. IT is an acrylic lanscape with Rand and an Aes Sedai looking over Tar Valon with Dragonmount in the background. Of course this is from The Wheel of Time series.
This was a homework assignment where I had to draw a picture including the Instrumentalism Theory of Art. I am trying to make the viewer want to read The Wheel of Time series.
This was a homework assignment where I had to draw a picture including the Expressionism Theory of Art. I tried to portray fear by using a Fade from The Wheel of Time series.
This is a drawing of The Daughter of the Night, Lanfear from The Wheel of Time.
This is a drawing of the False Dragon Logaine as he is being escorted to the White Tower to be gentled.
This is a drawing of Rand from The W.O.T.
This is a drawing of the 13 Forsaken from The W.O.T.
This is a still life of some flowers that I drew from observation at our house in New York.
This is a drawing of Shadar Logoth from The W.O.T. The perspective is a little off but overall the drawing is fine.
After drawing Shadar Logoth, which took a long time, i wanted to do a easy quick person. This is a generic Aes Sedai.
This is a dawing of the Forsaken, Moghedien, after she has delt with Liandrin. She has a sort of a casual smirking appearance despite what she did to her.
This was a quick sketch I drew of my WOT RPG character while I was playing the game.
Well it is senior year and this was my 1st Homework drawing. We had to do a modern Native American Fashion pic.
This was my 2nd Homework drawing, "Dance the night away. I drew a break dancer on the moon.
1st project. A Pastel drawing of "A Night at the Pow Wow." Digital Picture not a scan.
This was my 4th Homework drawing. We had to create an Indian story picture.
This was a homework drawing. We had to create an A Tree of Life.
3rd project. A Ink and water color of "The Art History Tree." Digital Picture not a scan.
4th project. A Mosaic using magazines. Digital Picture not a scan.
I took the picture of Storm I already drew and colored it in. I did this very early in the morning.
I drew this while a bunch of people and me were in the process of Watching the complete collection of X-Men Evolution. It was the beginning of a bunch of X-Men related drawings.
An alright picture of Magnero.
An alright picture of Phoenix. I really like the eyes, the hair, and the fire.
A picture of Storm in her original costume.
I was bored so I took some of Kat's water colors and did this in like 5 minutes.
This was supposed to be a picture of Aaliyah, however it turned out to look nothign like her. I still like the drawing though.
This is a picture of Link from Wind Waker.
This is a picture of a Fairy. I based it off a doddle I did earlier in my Psych class.
I took the picture of a female Native American I already drew, and digitaly colored it in.
A picture of Elijah Wood as Frodo in The Lord of the Rings.
A picture of a model in Vouge Magazine.
A digitaly colored picture of my fairy drawing.
A cover to the comic Meridian.
A drawing of Donkey Kong I did for Jeff.
A drawing of the Rescue Rangers I did for Bryant. This is one of the scenes from the intro.
A drawing of Mario Party 5 I adapted for Meghan's Birthday.
A drawing of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I did for Jay's Birthday.
I spent over 7 hours painting this mural. It is located on Travers one between rooms 131 and 133. Thanks to Meghan for letting me use her paint.


Alex Yang

Tommy P.

Jason Block

11th Grade Health 2001/2002
This was a picture that I did over a health worksheet. It has various X-Men and villians fighting.
12th Grade Economics H 11/22/02
This is another full page picture that I did in my Econ notebook. I was inspired by "MacBeth" and "A Game of Thrones".
09/24/03 and 10/01/03
The picture of Psylock I did in my Freshman Business Seminar on the 24th and the pic of Cyclops on the 1st. I later traced my picture of psylock onto good white drawing paper and inked it over.

Visual Art 1

Visual Art 2

Visual Art 3

Visual Art 4

Personal Sketch Book
(drawings not school related)


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Doodles done in my school notebooks.

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