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The Deities of the Wicca
The primary Deities of the Wicca are the Goddess and the God, the Great Mother and Her Horned Consort. For Wicca recognizes that the Ultimate Divine Essence manifests Itself through the creative interaction of the Divine Polarities, the Female and the Male Principles of Divinity. As such, Wicca is obviously not in any way related to Satanism or the worship of evil; unlike dualistic religions which hold that the two great forces in the Universe are mutually antagonistic, with one being "good" and the other "evil", Wicca is duotheistic, recognizing that the two great Forces in the Universe are necessary and complementary, each being half of the whole, and that all things are brought into being through the creative interaction of the Divine Polarities.

The Great Law, as that wise occultist Dion Fortune called it, states that "All the gods are One God, and all the goddesses are One Goddess."* However there is some divergence of opinion among Wiccans about this principle. Some Wiccans reject it completely, and insist that all the goddesses and all the gods are distinct individual beings; they may view some particular goddess and god as their special patron deities, and/or may call on different deities at different times depending on the need or the occasion. Some Wiccans, on the other hand, hold that every goddess and every god is merely a manifestation or aspect of the One Goddess or of the One God, being the different names by which those "Great Two" have been known in various cultures and eras. The latter may be termed "pure duotheists" and the former "pure polytheists". Many Wiccans, however, take the "both/and" viewpoint that while all the goddesses are One Goddess, nevertheless each individual goddess still has her unique being and identity; likewise while all the gods are One God, each still has his own individual existence. So some Wiccans are polytheists, some are duotheists, but many are polytheistic duotheists.

Now the full text of Dion Fortune's Great Law states that "All the gods are One God, and all the goddesses are One Goddess, and there is One Great Initiator." And in keeping with this, Wicca recognizes that the Goddess and the God are the Two Polarities of the single Ultimate Divine Force, or for some Wiccans, of a single, undefinable, Ultimate Divine Being; the former are monists, and the latter monotheists. Wiccans can thus be polytheists, duotheists, monists, or monotheists, or all of the above at one and the same time, a position that follows the rule of "both/and", which is so often the wisest guiding principle.

Wiccans also diverge between those who are pantheists, holding that the Divine and the Universe are identical, and those who are panentheists, holding that while the Divine is present in all things, and throughout the Universe, the Divine nevertheless also transcends the Universe. In other words, the pantheist holds that the Whole is the One; the panentheist holds that while the Whole proceeds from the One, the One is more than the Whole. Yet both will agree that the Divine is immanent in Nature: the Divine is present throughout the Universe, the Divine is manifest in all things, all things contain the Divine Essence. Nature is holy, for it is the visible form and manifestation of the Divine. Wicca teaches that harmony with Nature, and its cycles and seasons, is the way to harmony with the Divine; and this is reflected in the fact that the Ritual Occasions of Wicca are determined by the cycle of the seasons, and the phases of the Moon.

*Dion also held that "A goddess-less religion is halfway to atheism."

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