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Silver Pendant


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A Wishing Spell

This spell was given to me on a scrap of paper, in a slightly different form, about two years ago. I've found it works if you are really focussed on your desire and only asking for what you need, rather than what you think you want. Be careful not to wish for something that will attempt to bend another person's Will. For example, I wouldn't wish for a specified person to fall in love with me, but I may wish generally for love to come into my life. Just be careful!

You will need:
One white candle
Some red cotton or ribbon

First of all be clear about what you are wishing for. Take a clean piece of white paper or parchment and write down your wish using simple language. Concentrate hard as you are writing, on your desired outcome. Make sure your wish will not bring harm to others. Perform your magick alone.

Light your candle and focus your energy strongly on the flame and until you have achieved a calm and meditative, but open-eyed state. Say out loud three times what it is you are wishing for. Then fold the paper with the wish written upon it towards you until you cannot fold it any more, wrapping the seven Job's tears in the parcel. Tie it up with the red ribbon or cotton. (It is important that you fold the paper towards you as you are asking for something to come to you, rather than banishing it.)

Place the tiny parcel in front of your candle and leave it there until the candle has finished. Then, on the following day, take your parcel to a living body of water, stand with your back to the water and cast the parcel over your left shoulder, repeating your wish three more times out loud. Walk away and don't look back. If you do, the spirits will assume you are checking on your spell because you don't really believe it will work!

A Cleansing Spell

You will need:
Access to a shower or bath
Soft and clean towels
An essential oil relaxation blend (optional)
A place to relax for a while

This spell is for cleansing yourself of negativity - negative feelings such as anger, fear, emotional pain and so on. First of all make a firm decision to heal yourself of whatever is harming you and to renew your life. In order for this to work properly, you need to make that commitment to yourself.

Prepare your sacred space and a place to relax skyclad in the warmth after taking your ritual cleansing. You may wish to leave a heater on in your bedroom for an hour or so before the cleansing. Make sure you have some fresh drinking water, and some juice or a snack ready. Prepare some of your favourite music if you so choose. Make sure you won't be disturbed. Choose a time when the moon is in its waning phase, and if possible, as the sun is going down in the evening. n this ritual I will use a shower but feel free to adapt this to a bath if you prefer.

Be clear about what you are washing away as you step into the shower, focus on your feelings, see how they affect you physically, emotionally and spiritually. Recognise and accept all of the feelings as valid and take responsibility for them as you own. As you stand under the water, feel all of the negative feelings and pain you have washing away. Imagine it as a red liquid, like your blood, flowing down the shower hole, leaving you feeling cleansed and renewed.

Allow any tears to flow and see them going down the drain alongside the negativity that has haunted you. See yourself as whole and free, cleansed and renewed. See your life as a positive affirmation and survival and strength. Look at all of the positive things you have experienced and all the possibilities that lay ahead for you. Call on your special deities, Gods and Goddesses. Ask them to help you in your renewal and to support you in your growth and change.

Stay in the shower for as long as you need to. When you feel ready to leave, wrap yourself in warm, clean, soft towels and dry yourself. Go to your resting place and rub your body with essential oils if you wish. Sit or lie down and think about your future and start to make plans for a renewed life. Play some music you enjoy and drink some water or juice. Have a snack and leave a little outside as an offering of thanks to the Gods.

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