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Silver Pendant


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Agate: Healing
Botswana Agate: Healing addiction
Crazy Lace Agate: Raising energy
Fire Agate: Clarity, Fire magick
Moss Agate: Communing with nature spirits
Tree Agate: Calming
Alexandrite: Transformation, regeneration, psychic protection
Amazonite: Astral travel, departing to the Summerland
Amber: Divination, Air Magick
Amethyst: Cleansing, claming, protective
Ametrine: Money magick, protection, spiritual development
Angelite: Creativity, psychic healing
Yellow - Manifestation;
Blue - Art, music, love, creativity
Clear - Intuition, letting go;
Green - Love, emotions, balance
Aquamarine: Inspiration, peace, love, Water magick
Aragonite: Meditation, God/Goddess balance
Green - Career/job, healing of wounds
Blue - Career, relationships, future foundations
Orange/Peach - Spirituality, intuition
Azurite: Communication, relaxation, listening
Azurite/Malachite combination - Personal vision
Barite: Emotional trauma, past lives, karma
Bloodstone: Physical healing, cleansing, decision-making
Blue Lace Agate: Higher wisdom, inner self
Boji Stone: Earth Mother, sea magick, joy
Green - Clears toxins
Blue - Emotions, water magick
Honey - Energy booster
Clear (Icelandic) - Astral workings, awareness
Pink or Peach - Uplifting
Red - Grounding and balancing
Carnelian - Focus, Earth magick, manifestation
Cassiterite: Women's healer, grounding
Celestite: Interdimensional (or astral) travel, Air Magick
Cerussite: Co-operation, introspection
Chalcedony: Peace, relieves anger
Charoite: Recuperation, change, growth, transformation, self-esteem
Chiastolite: Passing over to the Summerland
Chrysocolla: Spiritual purpose, will, direction, Earth Magick
Chrysoprase: Focus, self-esteem, communication
Citrine: Money and wealth magick, Earth Magick
White - Intuition, Water magick
Red - Conflict/harmony magick
Crocoite: Fertility, ease conflict
Cuprite: Immune system, grounding
Danburite: Psychic development, Faery magick
Diamond: Will, ethics, conviction, truth
Black Star - Scrying, astral magick, children, inner child
Green - Astral magick, healing emotions
Dioptase: Emotional awareness and stability, self-esteem
Emerald: Abundance, uplifting
Epidote: Clears negative atmosphere, Earth Mother, dream stone
Erythrite: Love, guidance
Fluorite: Understanding, communication, intuition
Clear - Focus, meditation
Purple - Concentration, study
Green - Natural environment/ecology, relationships, friendships
Yellow - Calming, group workings
Chinese - any colour - Protection
Fossils: Past life recall
Garnet: Completion of tasks, Kundalini, sex magick
Gem Silica: Spiritual growth
Hanksite: Dream Magick
Hematite: Grounding, healing broken bones
Herkimer Diamond: Dream recall and magick, telepathy, psychic enhancement, Air magick
Howlite: Dream recall, aids sleep
Iolite: Strength
Jade: Sacred stone, Earth Magick
New Zealand Nephrite Jade - Protection, friendship, sleep
Picture Jasper - Visualisation, problem solving
Yellow - Physical healing, digestion
Red - Grounding, fertility/reproduction
Green - Wishing stone
Rainbow - Chakra workings
Kunzite: Depression, divination, insight, intellect
Kyanite: Dreamwork, prophesy
Labradorite: Scrying, any of the elemental magicks
Lapis Lazuli: Personal power, will, creativity, psychic ability
Larimar: Sea Magick, Goddess Magick, knowledge, power
Lepidolite: Relieves depression, connects to the physical environment
Lodestone: Drawing power, magnetism, protection from psychic attack
Malachite: Courage, regeneration
Marcasite: Job interviews, dealings with government/bureaucracy, protection
Mica: Intellect, academia, study,
Moldavite: Spiritual guides and teachers
Moonstone: Moon magick, emotions, Water magick
Morganite: Memory, Dark Goddess Magick
Obsidian: Scrying/divination, inner work, power stone
Opal: Spirituality, intuition
Peacock Ore (Chalcopyrite): Colour Magick, ritual baths
Peridot: The Green Man, personal growth
Prase: Sex magick, childbirth, dreamwork
Prehnite: Relaxation, Green Witchcraft
Pyrite: Sun Magick, God Magick, wealth, psychic ability
Quartz Crystal: Elemental magicks, spirit guides, totem animals
Red Quartz: Earth magick, grounding
Rhodocrosite: Emotional healing
Rhodonite: Confidence, self-esteem
Rose Quartz: Love, healing, Goddess magick
Ruby: Rescue, energy, strength, Fire Magick
Rutilated Quartz: Healing, communication, energy
Sapphire: Faery Magick, psychic ability
Scapolite: Death and dying, loss
Selenite: Protection, cleansing
Smithsonite: Dreamwork, spiritual growth
Smoky Quartz: Dream awareness, grounding, sex magick
Sodalite: Creativity, communication, Air magick
Staurolite (Fairy Cross): Earth Mother connection, material manifestation
Strawberry Quartz, Ceremonial magick and ritual
Sugilite: Memory, psychic workings
Sulphur: Fire Magick, clears negativity
Sunstone: Spiritual expansion, God Magick
Tektite: Earth Magick
Tiger Eye: Fire Magick
Tiger Iron: Fire magick and Earth magick, grounding
Topaz: Knowledge, understanding, self-expression
Tourmaline: Physical healing
Green - pain
Pink/red: sorrow
Watermelon - balance
Blue - personal power
Black - grounding, Earth magick
Turquoise: Communication, emotional balance
Transformation, personal power

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