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Each year, three individuals who have positively impacted Joe Rules' career will be inducted into Joe's Personal Hall of Fame

Joe Rules has known The Lovely Kerri for over 20 years ... She was the one person who encouraged him to pursue a career in professional wrestling, while other friends and family members were against it ... Kerri has managed Rules on several occassions but now works behind the scenes as the CEO of Joe Rules Enterprises ... She and Rules are pictured here as guest ring announcers for a WCW event at the Philadelphia Civic Center on 9/19/92. When Joe Rules joined the ECW Wrestling Academy in Philadelphia in 1995, J.T. Smith was his instructor ... Smith was as good a teacher as he was a wrestler, and Rules has always considered himself lucky to have him as his trainer ... J.T. Smith defeated The Tazmaniac (now known as Tazz)on May 6, 1994 for the ECW Television Title ... Smith and Little Guido were the original members of the Full Blooded Italians, or F.B.I. ... Currently retired from professional wrestling and living in Virginia, J.T. came back for one last match in July for the Virginia Wrestling Federation ... He and Ray Storm defeated the team of Death and Destruction and in the process, showed that he hasn't lost a step in the ring ... Other wrestlers trained by J.T. Smith include Gabriel Knight, James Proper, The "Tall Cool One" Jake Lawless, Chris Krueger, Steven Richards, and The "Queen of Extreme" Francine. It was in 1984 when Joe Rules recognized the "Guiding Light" in Cyndi Lauper's music video, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, and decided to start following professional wrestling on a regular basis ... So the wrestling world essentially has Capt'n Lou Albano to thank (or blame) for Joe Rules' involvement in the sport ... To list everything this legendary figure has accomplished would take more space than is available here ... Albano was involved in several matches in PCW where he managed Boogie Woogie Brown and George "The Animal" Steele to victories over Joe Rules.
Our first posthumous inductee, Andy Kaufman is well-known for his role on Taxi and his unconventional brand of humor ... He would often wrestle women and proclaimed himself the Intergender Champion of the World ... His Memphis feud with Jerry "The King" Lawler is downright legendary ... Kaufman had a better understanding of pro wrestling psychology than the majority of modern wrestlers ... Cancer tragically took his life in 1984 ... His influence on Joe Rules can be clearly seen in Joe's feuds with Amanda Storm, Susanna Power, and other females ... Unlike Andy Kaufman, however, Rules is rarely able to defeat the women. Winning the JWA World Championship automatically earns the titleholder a spot in the Hall of Fame ... The Hot Rocker won the belt on June 2, 2001 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Guilford, Connecticut ... Due to a bye, a draw, a double disqualification, and a double countout, he won the 15-Man Quest For The Best Tournament without wrestling a single match ... Top contenders to the gold are Rockin' Rick Silver, "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush, and The "Ever Popular" Chris Krueger ... The Hot Rocker didn't fare to well early on in his career, losing to preliminary wrestlers like Mr. Florida and Jonathan Day ... Also a former MECW Tag Team Champion with J.R. Styles. Ever see a bad Ricky Steamboat match? That's because there is no such thing ... The "Dragon" is a former NWA World Champion and a former WWF Intercontinental Champion ... Has also held the United States Title and NWA World Tag Team Title, among others ... His matches with Randy "Macho Man" Savage and "Nature Boy" Ric Flair are considered to be some of the greatest bouts in history ... Steamboat retired in the mid-90s after an in-ring injury ... In April 2001, he held a two-day wrestling seminar at Maryland Championship Wrestling's school, which Joe Rules participated in ... Rules learned a lot from the legend that weekend.
Bob Backlund's first lengthy WWWF title reign came to an end when his belt was procured in the wrong manner ... As he was about to counter The Iron Sheik's Camel Clutch, manager Arnold Skaaland threw in the towel ... After overcoming adversity, Backlund returned years later to challenge Bret Hart, the current WWF champion ... He lost, and snapped ... He insisted on being called Mr. Bob Backlund ... He regained his belt when he defeated Hart with the Crossface Chicken Wing ... Joe Rules uses both the chicken Wing and Camel Clutch as finishing maneuvers as a tribute to one of his favorite wrestlers. Known for his trusty 2x4 and American Flag, and seen here posing with Joe Rules at an autograph signing in the early 90s, Ol' Hacksaw is great at what he does: beating people up ... After great success in the Mid-South Area, Duggan entered the WWF, where he feuded with the likes of The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff, and later "King" Harley Race, and Andre the Giant ... When he entered WCW, he defeated Steve Austin for the United States Championship in mere moments! ... He also held the WCW World Television Title ... Joe Rules has always admired "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan due to the fact that he's big, he's charismatic, he loves the USA, and--as stated--he beats people up ... HOOOOOOOOOO!! Wrestling's Manager Extraordinaire (and she's cute, too!) Luxurious Lynne managed Joe Rules for the first time on October 31, 1997, and Joe Rules ended that match as a champion ... She would go on to lead him to the UWC North American Title, which she renamed "Lynne's Belt" ... The Luxurious One has also managed such top-notch superstars as The Fabulous Moolah, J.P. Black, and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine ... Lynne is a two-time G.L.O.R.Y. Girl of the Month and would surely appreciate it if you clicked here to vote for her.
Curt Henning is without a doubt one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time ... He was involved in some of the best matches Joe Rules has ever witnessed, such as his classic one-hour time limit draw with Nick Bockwinkle on ESPN and his Intercontinental championship match with Bret Hart at SummerSlam ... The Flawless One is a former AWA World Champion and former Intercontinental Champion ... Also a former AWA World Tag Team Champion with Scott Hall, and has held other titles as well ... Sadly, Mr. Perfect is a posthumous inductee ... He will never be forgotten and will always remain one of Joe Rules' favorites. Magnum T.A. was one of Joe Rules' childhood heroes ... Best remembered as United States Champion, Magnum had classic battles with Ric Flair and Tully Blanchard, among many others ... Also a frequent tag partner of The "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes as America's Team ... His cage match with Wahoo McDaniel and his I Quit Match with Tully Blanchard were outstanding ... Last major feud was the famous Best of Seven Series with Nikita Koloff for the U.S. Title ... Magnum's career was cut short by a motorcyle accident ... Magnum T.A. is now able to walk without the use of a cane, but he never wrestled again ... Had the accident never occurred, Magnum T.A. would have most certainly become World Champion, and he most certainly belongs in this Hall of Fame. Jeff Osborne gave Joe Rules his first shot in professional wrestling ... He promoted New American Wrestling events in Indiana and Kentucky which Joe Rules appeared on in 1993 and 1994 ... Osborne himself also appeared on these shows, competing in a memorable feud with The Comet Kid ... After closing NAW, Jeff Osborne turned his attention to the world of MMA and started the popular Hook'n'Shook promotion ... He has also appeared on UFC broadcasts.
Kristy Kiss debuted 1998 as one of the founding members of The Big Unit (which of course consisted of herself, Luxurious Lynne, Dave Desire, Rick Silver, and Joe Rules) ... She managed Joe Rules in promotions such as New Jersey's JAPW and Ohio's OCW, among others ... Rules and Kristy dated for about a year until Joe's drunken escapades landed them on The Jerry Springer Show ... Their feud culminated in a memorable bout in the JWA: Joe Rules & Dave Desire vs. Bulldog Blanksi & Kristy Kiss in a match billed as The Ultimate Battle of the Jerry Springer Guests! ... They eventually patched up their differences and Joe Rules and Kristy Kiss reunited for a time in the GWF ... Kristy Kiss has also suffered a broken neck at the hands of The Hit Squad and has held the WEW Women's Championship during the course of her career, but has since moved on from professional wrestling ... Will she be back? One never knows! While still just a fan in the front row, Chris Krueger was famously attacked and stabbed with a fork when Brian Pillman made his debut in Extreme Championship Wrestling ... Krueger trained with Joe Rules at the ECW Academy under the tutelige of J.T. Smith ... Rules and Krueger would go on to form a tag team that was so successful, they dubbed themselves The Greatest Team Ever ... Won the World Wrestling Enterprises Tag Team Championship, but lost it to The "Maniacal" Hubie Volk & The God Of War ... Had a great run in Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling where he was known as The "Celebrity" and managed by Patricia M. Steinman ... Feuded with The "Golden Boy" Tommy Golden over the PCW Commonwealth Title ... Attended Shawn Michaels' wrestling school to further his training and formed tag teams with Michael Shane (More Than A Handful) and Spanky (Double Trouble) ... Chris Krueger has wrestled for AAA, ECW, and World Championship Wrestling (where he was beaten up by Goldberg and Scott Steiner on separate occassions) but has since left the wrestling business ... Everyone would love to see him make a comeback. Rick Silver has both teamed with and wrestled against Joe Rules more than any other individual ... Has gone by the names Rockin' Rick Silver and Sterling Rick Silver ... One of the original members of The Big Unit, along with Rules, Luxurious Lynne, Dave Desire, and Kristy Kiss ... Later, Cindy Rogers & Alicia joined forces with Rules & Silver to form The New Big Unit ... Rick Silver & Dave Desire are former Jersey All Pro Wrestling Tag Team Champions ... Joe Rules & Rick Silver held a tag team championship in a Penn State-based promotion ... The Sterling One was often prominently featured on the now-defunct website ... Rick Silver remains a top contender to the JWA Wrestling Alliance World Title.
"I wanna wrestle, man!" and "Oh, boy! Can I please license?" are two phrases for which Mad Max will always be remembered ... Formed an alliance with Dr. Click and Dr. A. Scott Rutkay ... Was unsuccessful in his quest to obtain a wrestlig license, which prevented him from actually competing ... This did not stop him from brutalizing Rick Silver, however ... His inability to get his license prevented him from ever actualy competing in a sanctioned match, so he soon faded away from the wrestling scene ... Mad Max tragically died early in 2005 ... He gave the JWA some of its most memorable moments, and he is missed. Winning the JWA World Championship automatically earns the titleholder a spot in the Hall of Fame ... Chocolate Boy Wonder defeated The Hot Rocker for the belt on August 27, 2005 at SummerBash 3 in Boonton, New Jersey ... The man from Hershey, Pennsylvania is a frequent tag team partner with his best friend Bill Ding ... Together they are known as Style And Structure ... Competed in the first-ever BattleZone match, teaming with Ding & Rick Silver & The "Maniacal" Hubie Volk & Ron Zombie and defeating Joe Rules & The Punisher & "Textbook" Philly Madison & T-Bonz & Trey Owens to win $5000 and Heartford Whalers season tickets ... CBW is also a former Great Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion ... Feuded in the GWF with Ethan De Sade ... No truth to the rumor that his finishing maneuver is named The Hershey Squirt. Joe Rules met Taylor Nicole at a wrestling convention ... That evening, Joe Rules managed her at the Soul Asylum Wrestling event ... Taylor Nicole went on to win the SAW Women's Title (which she still holds) and feuded with Alexa Thatcher over the belt ... Shortly thereafter, Rules and Nicole began dating and things soon got serious ... At the annual UWC Toys For Tots event, after she defeated Allison Danger and Cindy Rogers, Joe Rules proposed in-ring to Taylor Nicole, and she accepted! ... Joe Rules and Taylor Nicole will get married on May 27, 2007.
The Maniacal One and Joe Rules have been feuding since the day they first met in the Western Wrestling Alliance ... Hubie Volk is the only wrestler to have ever busted open Joe Rules during a match: the infamous Senate Road Street Fight ... The two also fought in Joe Rules' only steel cage match, which took place in SCCW in Fall River, Mass. ... Rules won by escaping the cage through the door, before Volk could climb over the top ... The "Maniacal" Hubie Volk has feuded extensively with "Superstar" Rick Flutie and The Great Cerenzio ... Has formed very successful tag teams with Mike Duddie, The God Of War, Guillotine LeGrande, and Cerenzio ... Also a former GWF Heavyweight Champion. A long-time wrestling fan formerly known as Common Rarity, Major Burns debuted at the 2004 United Wrestling Coalition Toys For Tots event as the manager of Section 8 ... At JWA-United Wrestling's SummerBash 3, she lead Section 8 to a victory over Brian Mitchell Foster and had a vicious catfight with Taylor Nicole, who refered to her as a "hair-pulling wench" ... Has also made appearances in the Bodyslam Wrestling Organization ... Aligning herself with Section 8 and feuding with Taylor Nicole made it inevitable that The Major would be a thorn in the side of Joe Rules ... At the 2005 UWC Toys For Tots show, Section 8 proposed to Major Burns, and after defeating Joe Rules with Taylor Nicole, they tied the knot in the middle of the ring ... The Section 8/Major Burns - Joe Rules/Taylor Nicole feud is far from over! Section 8 and Joe Rules began their feud in 1999 when both participated in a five-man mini-rumble for the vacant UWC North American Championship, which Section 8 ultimately won ... Several months later, Rules won the title from Section 8 in a bootcamp match with help from Patricia M. Steinman and Luxurious Lynne ... Section 8 feuded with Rick Silver (managed by Joe Rules) for a time in the BWO ... Now with Taylor Nicole and Major Burns involved, Rules and 8 are at it again ... Section 8 made Joe Rules tap out for the first and only time ever in his career.
Indy wrestling lost one of its most entertaining talents when Boogie Woogie Brown passed away in June ... Wrestled primarily in Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling and the East Coast Wrestling Association ... Feuded extensively with Joe Rules in PCW ... Together, they made history when Brown pinned Rules in 22.6 seconds, the shortest match in PCW history! ... The team of Boogie Woogie Brown & "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush & The Inferno Kid defeated Joe Rules & The "Celebrity" Chris Krueger & Col. Jihad Hussein to win the vacant PCW Six-Man Tag Team Title Trophy ... Boogie Woogie Brown also feuded with Chef D.Z. Gillespie, The Kodiak Bear, and King Kong Bundy and was often managed by Capt'n Lou Albano. Hulk Hogan's entry into this Hall of Fame is long overdue ... Captured the World Wrestling Federation Championship for the first time on January 23, 1984, defeating The Iron Sheik in New York's Madison Square Garden and Hulkamania was born ... The WWE Hall of Famer is a twelve-time World Champion and also held the WWE Tag Team Championship with Edge ... There isn't enough room here to include all of Hogan's accomplishments, but some of his most noteworthy feuds have been with "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff, Andre The Giant, and "Macho Man" Randy Savage ... Also one of the founding fathers of the New World Order in WCW as "Hollywood" Hogan, along with Scott Hall and Kevin Nash ... Easily one of Joe Rules' favorite wrestlers of all time and one of the main reasons Rules began following professional wrestling in the first place ... The Hulkster can currently be seen on VH1's Hogan Knows Best and NBC's American Gladiators. After spending a year abroad in England, Brad Trechak took the name "Lord" in homage to Lord Alfred Hayes ... Trechak is responsible for introducing Joe Rules to his cousin, Rick Silver ... Lord Brad is a former New Jersey Champion in the old JWA ... It was later revealed that he also competed there as Pancho Hadassah and Hanak, making him a former World Champion ... Brad Trechak was also the ring announcer for Jersey All Pro Wrestling for a time ... Also served briefly as President of The JWA Wrestling Alliance ... While Lord Brad Trechak is no longer currently involved in professional wrestling, one never knows what the future holds.
This pure bread wheaten cairn terrier has been honored as the Official Mascot of the JWA ... Scout is owned by The Lovely Kerri and is Joe Rules' favorite canine ... Certified as an OBEDIENT DOG, his hobbies include chewing bones and sleeping ... AKC registered as Scout V, his special skills include: Lay, Sit, Stay, Roll Over, and Play Dead ... He also enjoys Playing on the Jungle Gym where he Goes Up Stairs, Through a Tunnel, and Down the Slide ... Scout has no balls. When Joe Rules made his first appearance in the United Wrestling Coalition in June of 1999, it was against Susanna in a special Evening Gown Match ... Susanna emerged victorious ... She was also the winner in their 2001 rematch ... Susanna has been the long-time manager of The Unholy Alliance, consisting of Bobby Piper, Billy Lassiter, The Ripper, and others ... She even managed Joe Rules on several occassions ... Appeared at the 2002 G.L.O.R.Y. Convention ... Susanna left the pro wrestling business a few years ago to devote more time to her family ... Prior to her leaving, she was the No. 1 Contender to the JWA Women's World Title. ECWA mainstay Mr. Ooh La La was one of the first members of Joe Rules' stable, The Rulebreakers in PCW ... Rules managed him when he defeated Lance Diamond for the Americas Title, when he successfully defended the belt against George Steele, and when he ultimately lost it back to Diamond ... Joe Rules and Mr. Ooh La La often competed on the same side in 6-man and 8-man tag team bouts ... He may stumble and bumble during his ring entrances, but Mr. Ooh La La is still ZE BEST!
Trained by ECW's Jason Knight, Della Morte became a sister-in-law to Joe Rules when he married Taylor Nicole ... Managed by Luxurious Lynne, Della Morte and Taylor Nicole Rules form the deadly tag team known as Pure Absinthe ... Della Morte has held numerous women's championships in various promotions, including, while managed by Rules, the Great Wrestling Federation Women's Title ... It may only be a matter of time before she challenges for Ariel's World Women's Title. A WWE Hall of Famer (Class of 1995), George "The Animal" Steele is perhaps best known for his mid-80s feud with "Macho Man" Randy Savage ... Prior to that, "The Animal" feuded extensively with The "Living Legend" Bruno Sammartino ... His green tongue and destruction of turnbuckles can be quite intimidating ... Won a Slammy Award for Best Performance by an Animal in 1987 ... Upon entering Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling, he did battle with the likes of Mr. Ooh La La and Joe Rules ... Often managed by Capt'n Lou Albano ... George Steele portrayed Tor Johnson in the movie Ed Wood ... Also a member of The Oddities. Along with Joe Rules and Rick Silver, "Live Wire" Dave Desire is one of the three original members of The Big Unit ... In 1999, Desire & Silver defeated Billy Reil & Trent Acid to win the JAPW Tag Team Title ... Also a former ECPW Light Heavyweight and Tag Team Champion ... Achieved his greatest success in the JWA wrestling under a hood as Matman ... A series of broken clavicles sent him into retirement some time ago.

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