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A Faery's Homepage

Welcome! If you dont know how you got here and if you dont know why...good! You're not alone! If ya do know...its likely that Clare sent ya. So go on in...

Dont wanna visit EVERY single page? -Don't Blame ya.... Heres a list of shorcuts...

Clare The Faery

Life in the DDK

Clare's History

A Faery's Clan

Coming soon to a web page near you...

NEW!Fun Faery Facts

NEW!A bit of Magic


NEW!More Links

...and another list of links outta here...

The DDK (aka the town of Tronicia)

A Faery's Clan

The DDK's Homepage

( The Award I recieved at the DDK's Masquerade Ball- GO DDK!)

This The DDK WebRing site owned by Clare the Faery.
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