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A bit of the Past

Most stories begin when you are born, but not Clare's. Way before she came to live upon the earth, she existed as a young spirit among the stars. A bit of the "heavens" can still be seen on her, but mostly the starry twinkle in her eyes.

Now, to part where she came unto the earth...

Clare still is a very young faery. Only being but a few months old in her people's time, she is about 16 in human years. She was also born with the gift of the "lyric's tongue", allowing her to constantly speak in rhymes.

Her parents, the legendary Oberon and Titania, didn't like their kids scurrying around much. So each one, rangeing to over 60, went to live in different places, or were set out on their own.

The unknown wizard, Garu De'mare, gladly took in Clare, teaching her the ways of magic. She learned quickly, becoming powerful in the ways not of her faery kind. These times with Garu were quote, "Some of the happiest times of my past", she said.

But naturally, all good things end, as did these joyous times. Garu died suddenly, when Clare was out one day. Her only regret was that she never got to say goodbye.

Clare could not bare to stick around in her only known home, so she set out to uncover her past and learn of her faery heritage. Years later, after much searching, she came upon a sibling. Her brother, Robin Goodfellow, told her everything she needed to know.

Going back to the village she was born in, she came to love everything about her people. But again, the thing she dearly loved was torn from her tiny faery hands only years later. Her village burned down, and she again set off in search. But this time, she was in search of herself.

All her life she had been looking for her past, her siblings, and her heritage. She didnt even know herself anymore. She wasnt the innocent child that loved to be taught magic, nor a rebel who could but clutch to her heritage. She was only Clare, the thing most foriegn to herself.

She wandered around for years, popping up her and there. She soon came upon The DKK, where she suddenly became to be happy again. She had new found friends, a fun job, a cozy home, and people who loved her just as much as she loved them.

Clare only hoped it would never end...

All art on this page Copyrighted by Ken Stone. All rights reserved.