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A Bit of Magic

Faery elves, whose midnight revels by a forest side,

Or fountain, some belated peasant sees,

Or dreams he sees, while overhead the Moon,

Sits arbitress and nearer to the earth

Wheels her pale course, they on their mirth and dance

Intent, with jocund music charm his ear;

At once with joy and fear his hear rebounds.

From Paridise Lost, by John Milton

Into the scented woods we'll go

And see the blackthorn swim in snow

High above, in the budding leaves

A brooding dove awakes and grieves;

The glades with mingled music stir

And wildly laughs the woodpecker.

When blackthorn petals pearl the breeze

There are twisted hawthorne trees

Thick-set with buds, as clear and pale

As golden water or green hail-

As if a storm of rain had stood

Enchanted in the thorny wood

And, hearing fairy voices call,

Hung poised, forgetting how to fall

From "Green Rain" by Mary Webb

Art Copyrighted By Rebekah Lynn. All rights reserved.

It ganne to rayne, the king and queen they runne

Under a mushroom fretted overhead

With glowormes, artifically doune,

Resembling much the canopy of a bedd

Of cloth and silver: and such glimmering light

It gaves, as stars doe in a frosty night

From a Jacobean Poem "The Sports of Fairies"

Art Copyrighted by Brian Brinlee. All rights reserved.

Some to the sun, their insect-wings unfold,

Waft on the breeze, or sink in clouds of gold,

Transparent forms, to fine for mortal sight

Their fluid bodies, half dissolv'd in light.

"The Rape of the Locke" by Alexander Pope

Art Copyrighted by Nancy Timpanelli. All rights reserved.

Do you seek the road to faeryland?

I'll tell, its easy quite.

Wait till a yellow moon gets up

O'er the purple seas by night

And gilds a shiny pathway

That is sparkling diamond bright

Then, if no evil power be nigh

To twart you out of spite

And if you know the very words,

To cast a spell of might,

You get upon the thistledown

And if the breeze is right,

You'll sail away to Fairyland,

Along this track of light.

"The Road To Fairyland" by Earnest Thompson Seton

Art Copyrighted by Rebekah Chase. All rights reserved.

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