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Welcome to the tactics section, this section will learn you important tricks and give you tips how to use the different weapons. So here they are: Sorry for not updating this page. Forgive me....

Weapon: Shortkey: Max. damage: Aff. by wind? Homing? Special moves: (see below)
bazooka: F1 50 Yes No 1,2,3
mortire: F1 30 No No 4

homing  missile:

F1 50 No Yes 5
homing pigeon: F1 75 No Yes 6,8
magic bullet: F12 100 No Yes 5,8
super sheep: F5 75 No No 7,8,9
aqua sheep: F5 75 No No 7,8,9
sheep launcher: F1 75 No No -
flame thrower: F9 70 No No 10

1. Bazooka bounces when you shoot it at a low angle in to the water (it bounces over the water and hits the terrain (if there is any) in front of your worm).

2. You can shoot zookas over the roof using the wind. This can be useful in suddendeath, when you have no girders, blowtorches, ropes and teleports anymore. Just shoot the zooka over the roof at the enemy, cause he has not much energy left in sudden death, one shot can just be enough to finish the game.

3. Bazookas can be helpful in BnG games to blow a worm of the terrain into the water for a nice cold bath. Sit on his head ( on the good side!-the side that is further away from the cliff ), aim your bazooka down and fire. The worm will probably fly further then with a grenade, but your worm will have 45 damage too, so its risky to do. 

4. Weapons like mortire and the petrol bomb explode when you hit the terrain with them. So if its hard to hit the guy in a straight way, shoot a mortire or throw a petrol bomb against a piece of terrain above your enemy and aw aw =)

5. Homing missiles and magic bullets can fly under the watersurface like torpedos. But be careful if you shoot the homing missile too deep it will be lost!

6. When you have to shoot a pigeon over a mountain next to you, DO NOT aim the pigeon away from that mountain, cause the pigeon will crash against it. Just aim it straight up and it will fly over it without a problem.

7. These weapons can pick up health crates when they are running on or flying over the terrain.

8.You can shoot these weapons outside the terrain, and with some luck and skill they will come back.

9. When your sheep is in the air, you can drop it by pressing space. It will fall down and explode when it hits the ground.

10. Flame throwers are best used when the enemy is in a hole or a cave. Try not to shoot the flames through the worm, instead try to make a see of flames below his feet while shooting at him. This will give the most damage. 



If you have any comments use ICQ or mail to contact me or just post a message on the message board. This is my first page so please give me some hints without making it too difficult. Ideas or related links are welcome as well. Thanks!