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Welcome to the about HereHeComes section, here you can find lots of information about....ME =). The clans i was in, personal interests, ICQ and mail, and lots of other stuff. So enjoy your stay in here and don't hesitate contacting me.


ICQ: 57738612

 The real guy behind HereHeComes is Bart Hendrix, he lives in a small town called Grubbenvorst in the southern part of Holland. He's 17 year old, born on the 12th of August 1982. He goes to school in Venlo, a town nearby. He will pass (!!) his exams this year and after that he will go to Nijmegen to study History there. In his spare time he spends his time behind the computer, or playing boardgames (wargames, like Axis&Allies and World at War). His favourite games are offcourse Worms Armageddon, Axis&Allies, Panzer General II and V-Rally 2. He really hates school and cheap television shows. 

He started his worming career at ......(oops, i forgot that). His first Worms game was Worms2, which he played lots of times, but his worming career via the net was very short. When Worms Armageddon came out he decided to buy that game too and it was a hit. Never was a game so popular at my house then wa. Days and nights he spend worming with his bro. And after some time he got bored of the computer player, so he joined the wormnet. After a period of being a newbie he became 8th in BnG-league. Slowly he started to become one of the best BnGers on wormnet. He thought he wasn't good enough to join a clan so he started his own one with his bro. They met RexNocte who was eagerly to set up a homepage for it. After that our clan, called S.I.A.D. was one of the most famous clans around and the good guys kept coming in. After a short depression my bro IllBeBack left the clan to join JEWS. HereHeComes decided to stay for a while, but he too left. After looking around for good clans, he had about 8 clans who wanted him to join em. But he chose to join MAFIA, one of the nicest clans around. In the meantime he had practiced his roping and his bro had set up a new clan called VVV with some other guys after JEWS broke up. Now HereHeComes has officially joined V.V.V. too and he's ready to kick ass in wacl.

My favourite weapon is the zooka. My favourite league is team17. My favourite type of game is roping. I really hate shitty wormnet servers, laaaaaaaag and cheaters.

  RANK:  *sigh*


If you have any comments use ICQ or mail to contact me or just post a message on the message board. This is my first page so please give me some hints without making it too difficult. Ideas or related links are welcome as well. Thanks!