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Welcome to the clans-section, this page will inform you about clans active on wormnet. The clans i am in and was in and other clans. Clans that are looking for members or wormers who are looking for a clan can contact me and i will put them here, so it may be a little easier. If a clan wants new members, please give the adress of the homepage too. If you want other people to give an advice then just put a message on the messageboard. You can also challenge an other clan for wacl there, but i think you better contact the other clan yourself. 

Clans i was in: SIAD, ERC, MAFIA.

Current clan: VVV

Clans looking for people:- Clans who are looking for people will be contacted by me via icq or mail if anyone has responded. If you are interested then send me your details (nick, mail, icq, etc.). I will forward the information to the clan you are interested in. 

People looking for a clan:- See clans looking for people for more details.

WACL news: NEW WACL system, cool i must say, but sooooo long.

This page is as you can see not much yet. For more clan info you gotta visit the wa forum. There you can find information and rules about wacl, the competing clans for this months wacl, standings, the minor clan league and the player of the month. 

If you want to see something else about clans here, please contact me and i will put it up here or simply make a link to a page where you can read all about it. Tnx. 


Someone asked me to put a list of all clans on with their members, well i'm not gonna do that =(, simply cause i haven't got the time to find out which clan has what members. And btw its lots of work to update, cause of clanhoppers.BUT if you want your clan here with their members then contact me with the url to your page and the members. Tnx.



If you have any comments use ICQ or mail to contact me or just post a message on the message board. This is my first page so please give me some hints without making it too difficult. Ideas or related links are welcome as well. Thanks!