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The Peace and Reconciliation Prayer (PARP) Force consists of an Independent, non-denominational body of believers without territorial limits committed to prayer and fasting for God’s perfect will to be done in the West African sub-region, beginning with Liberia.


On July 4, 2003 a prophecy came to the Nation of Liberia through Prophet Musa Opiyo ( as follows:

"I Am setting those of my people free who are in Liberia. The cries of Intercession and travail have reached my throne room. Will I not hear? I speak to those of you who have travailed for this country and I say unto you that you shall see the fulfillment of that which I have promised and prophesized. Continue to ask for the nations.

Freedom and liberty for the countries of West Africa shall begin with Liberia. I shall use you as my shofar to blow the announcing of my coming to redeem this nation. All the powers of witchcraft are being crushed under the might and power of My glory in this place. You shall see your sons and daughters prophecy, your old men dream dreams, and your young men see visions. I shall use you as a beacon, a light that will shine and reflect My glory upon the nations around you. I speak it to you now! This anointing and power shall pour forth to Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and others in your region. Freedom and Liberty, beginning in Liberia!

The removal of Charles Taylor is a sign in the natural of the shifting and reshuffling of authorities. You too shall say, "I too am a man under His (Christ’s) Authority". Freedom and Liberty beginning in Liberia!

In response to these gracious words of the Lord to the people of Liberia; and also in response to Gods conditional response to forgive our sins and heal our land if we that are called by His Name humble ourselves and pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways (II Chronicles 7:14);

We the members of the PARP Force of Liberia hereby commit to fervent prayer and fasting 24/7, as a group, for the perfect will of God to be done in Liberia and its surroundings as promised above.


  • To organize a body of believers to serve as watchman on the wall for Liberia and it’s neighboring countries.

  • Through prayer and fasting, to invoke the divine intervention of God in the West African sub-region, beginning with Liberia, so as to ensure that His perfect will be done, as he has faithfully promised.

  • To promote the well-being of members through regular communication, fellowship, and intercession of members for each other.

  • To undertake joint ventures that promote the spiritual and physical health of members, as directed by the Lord.


  • Members commit to fast and pray 24/7, 365 days a year as a group, until the promises of God are fulfilled in Liberia and its surroundings.

  • Members commit to having at least one intercessor praying and fasting every hour of the day 24/7.

  • Fasting shall be in the nature of a Modified Esther Abstinence Fast (AF; no food or drink including water), a Modified Esther Water Fast (WF; water only, but no food), and a Modified Esther Juice Fast (JF; Drink and/or Water, but no food), for at least 6 consecutive hours. Note: An Esther Fast consists of no food or drink for three consecutive days (Esther 4:16). Each member will be allowed to choose the kind of fasting schedule they desire and will be required to commit to it by signing a PLEDGE OF VOWS to the Lord and members. As desired, members may modify (preferably) upwards (hopefully not downwards) the kind of fasting they wish to undertake. For example a member who initially elects to fast 6 hours on Monday may elect to go 12 or more hours. No member may unilaterally change fasting schedule without informing the group in advance. NOTE: Other fasting options (e.g. Daniel Fast, Elijah Fast, Moses Fast, Jesus Fast, etc. are welcomed).


  • THE ULTIMATE SOVEREIGNTY OF A GOD OF LOVE AND JUSTICE: There is a God of Love and Justice who is in total control, who has said that all things work together for good to them that love Him and are called according to His purposes! He is faithful, and true; and is able to turn anything around for our good and to His glory!

  • THE LAW OF LOVE: Love God with all that we are, and People as we love ourselves.

  • THE LAW OF SERVITUDE: We are here to serve God and our fellow men!

  • THE POWER OF DREAMS AND LOVE: In Dreams and in Love, there are no impossibilities; therefore, we will dare to dream at all times; and we love everybody, unconditionally, compassionately, and sacrificially!

  • THE LAW OF SOWING AND REAPING: Whatever negative or positive we sow in life, we will reap in kind, later than we sowed, and more than we sowed; therefore we must sow positive seeds at all times!

  • THE VIRTUE OF PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE: In the day of adversity, we will not faint, because those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint!

  • THE GIFT OF CHOICE: We may not agree with what you believe, and will do all within our power to show you the light, in Love and with Love; but if you are resolute in your choice, however contrary, we will fight to death your right to believe as you so choose!


  • ADDRESS: 151 Northampton H; West Palm Bch, Fl 33401

    PHONE: 561-891-3587; FAX: 561-354-6034; EMAIL:

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