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Classes with Birth And BeYond are offered in Alliston at the office of Caring Hands Midwifery Services.  Four small and informal prenatal classes are held in a group setting followed by two postpartum classes held during the first six weeks after the baby is born. Private classes are available on an as needed basis.  Topics covered include:

Relaxation, massage, breathing, positioning & music

  • Process of Labour & Birth
  • Pain Coping Techniques
  • Partners & Doulas in Labour
  • Common Medical Procedures
  • Compassionate Usage of Pain Relief Options
  • The Newborn and Adapting to the Role of Parenthood
  • Breastfeeding

Great emphasis is placed on the role of the father during labour and the realm of fatherhood is explored at length in our 'father's  only' session.  So much attention is given to labour in our society that the realities of life with baby is often ignored.  Birth And BeYond will take you that step further with complete postpartum services.  We encourage parents to remember they are a parent, part of a couple and an individual.  In order to create a balance within we need to remember each part of ourselves in this transitional time.


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