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last updated: 20/03/03

My name is Crawford Johnson and I have been letting houses in Carlisle for over 10 years. I am a founding member and currently Chairman of the NORTH CUMBRIA LANDLORDS ASSOCIATION which aims to increase the professional attitude of residential landlords in Carlisle by getting them to voluntarily agree to a code of practice set up by the Association. Through this site I have access to a wide range of properties available to let in Carlisle many of which are either owned or managed by myself. I believe in treating my Tenants fairly and in return expect the rent to be paid on time and my properties to be treated with respect and returned to me in the condition that they were handed over.







Some FAQ's for the houses owned or managed by Johnson's of Carlisle:
What are the conditions of the contract?
  The contract is by Shorthold Tenancy Agreement and set for the academic year (approx. 10 months). If you want to move out before the end of the tenancy you must either find a replacement (Should they default you are again liable) or pay the outstanding balance. We are flexible by one month at the end of the contract (e.g. If your course finishes earlier/later than the stated end of the contract.).
What about properties on this site that aren't managed by Johnson's of Carlisle?
  Properties advertised on this site which are not managed by Johnson's of Carlisle will have different rules and expectations. These should be checked out thoroughly before any contract is signed.
What's your policy with regards to wear and tear on the property?
We do an inventory so you know where you stand in regards to cleanliness, Landlords property and repair. We accept reasonable wear and tear during the tenancy.
How much is the deposit?
  Bond/deposit is £150.00.
When will I get my deposit back?
  The bond is returned at the end of the tenancy after the inventory is checked, keys are returned and we receive proof that the final Gas, Electricity & if applicable the Phone bills have been paid.
What about paying the rent?
  Rent is payable by monthly standing order or post-dated cheques (for the full academic year) if from Parent or termly if from Student via loan etc. Rent is payable from the day you move in (full rent over Christmas & Easter).
Can I decorate my room?
  You may decorate the room as long as you leave the woodwork and ceiling alone.
What about the bills?
  We pay the water rates; you divide the gas and electricity between all members of the house. A meter reading is taken when you first move in to the property - you are liable from then. Average total for Gas & Electric is £2.50 per week per person (based on 4 sharing). I try and find the cheapest suppliers during the Summer for the houses.
Have your properties been checked out by the Local Authority?
  The houses are accredited by the Council and have Gas and Electricity Certificates.
How secure are your properties?
  The houses are as secure as we can make them - Some are alarmed, all have Yale/mortice locks on the front door, locks/security chains on bedroom doors. Should you want extra furniture or shelving let me know and if the request is not too outlandish I'll see what I can do.
When will you be inspecting the property?
  Towards the end of term or during the holidays, a property inspection will be carried out in regards to repair & cleanliness (You are welcome to be present during the inspection.)
What safety equipment do you have in your houses?
  For your safety the houses have Fire Extinguishers and wired in Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors.
REMEMBER we work a fair's fair policy. We let you a good house at a fair price and keep up with repairs. We want it back in the same state of repair.


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For properties not managed by Johnson's of Carlisle this list of accommodation is provided on the basis of information supplied to it by third parties and on the strict understanding that neither Johnson's of Carlisle nor any of it's employees will incur any liability to any person whether tort, contract or otherwise, should such information be incorrect.