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Thinking of Going into Buy-To-Let, Buying a Commercial Property, Refinancing Present Borrowings or just Raising Additional Capital?

Applying for a Commercial Loan is a very different affair from applying for a Domestic Mortgage which is normally a simple form filling or box ticking exercise. Every commercial proposition is different and needs an individual approach to ensure its best chance of success - on the best possible terms. A good Broker understands what the Lender wants to hear and knows how to present his client's case to advantage whereas a client's direct approach can often fail or result in less attractive terms and onerous conditions.

Although I am not a broker I am introducing potential clients to this company. I receive a 20% cut of THE FINANCE COMPANYS commission which is why I have not mentioned their name or given their contact details.

If you are interested and I strongly suggest that you at least talk to them, contact me on:

T- 01228 402397
M- 07802 427835
Johnson's of Carlisle
PO Box 254

with your name, contact number and brief description of the property or properties (Number of, rough value, etc.) you are looking to get finance for. I will pass this on to THE FINANCE COMPANY and they will contact you accordingly.

I have remortgaged my entire portfolio with them and have bought several other properties using their services.


Check out one of the current offers available at the end of this article. THE FINANCE COMPANY which as specialist Commercial Finance Brokers with over 30 years experience, and with privileged access to a wide range of reputable Institutional Lenders, are proud of their reputation for achieving a high success rate. As a result, most of their new Clients come from recommendations by Professional Advisors - Solicitors, Accountants, Commercial Estate Agents, Financial Advisors and even other Mortgage Brokers.

A No Win No Fee Policy
THE FINANCE COMPANY first discuss your requirements in strict confidence and provide, free of charge, a written illustration of the best facility available detailing the terms and costs that will be incurred should you wish to proceed. If you are happy with the illustration and instruct THE FINANCE COMPANY, the pre-agreed arrangement fee only becomes payable if and when they are successful in arranging the facility on the terms illustrated.
THE FINANCE COMPANY is a full Member of the National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers (NACFB), an Association established to promote the highest professional standards of its Members who must observe a strict Code of Practice.

Consider some of the ways the right Commercial Finance Package can be Your Saving Grace

Save on Interest
Even one half percent reduction in interest rates can save thousands of pounds over the term of a loan. THE FINANCE COMPANY are able to offer commercial facilities from Base Rate plus 0.75%.
Save on Outgoings
Consider an Interest Only option or the alternative of extending the period of repayment. Either way, payments can be substantially reduced to improve cash flow. Most of the long term repayment facilities THE FINANCE COMPANY offer (often up to 25 years) allow extra capital repayments, or even full early settlement, without any penalty. This gives borrowers a real incentive to repay earlier if they are able and choose to do so.
Save Losing an Opportunity
How frustrating to miss the opportunity to buy a property or business for lack of funds. The success of an application always depends on how it is presented. THE FINANCE COMPANY often converts failure to success by having access to well established sympathetic Lenders. Not all Lenders think the same.
Save on Security
There has always been a tendency for Banks to over secure the facilities they provide. Tying up too much security can restrict the growth potential of any business and give too much control to the Bank. Most of THE FINANCE COMPANYS facilities allow you to provide minimum security and keep your present day to day banking relationship.
Save on Fees
Many Banks review facilities annually and require periodic revaluations of their security for which borrowers are charged. When banks review their lending policy, a facility may be curbed or recalled leaving a borrower embarrassingly exposed. Most of the long term facilities THE FINANCE COMPANY arrange have fixed terms and conditions that do not require periodic review or revaluations of security.

Think of THE FINANCE COMPANY not just as a Broker - but as a Help line for free advice on all your Commercial Finance enquiries -

For an Introduction

Telephone 01228 402397 / 0780 2427835
or E-mail:
Johnson's of Carlisle
PO Box 254

Residential Investments (Buy to Let)

Apart from the conventional Buy to Let, THE FINANCE COMPANY is able to arrange funding on difficult propositions such as ex Local Authority flats or houses, flats above or attached to commercial properties, HMO properties comprising Bedsits or Regulated Tenancies. Unconventional lettings normally produce better rental yields.

First time buyers or seasoned professionals are catered for with 100% advances utilising spare equity. This type of facility can provide very cheap flexible funding that can be used for any purpose and is ideal for replacing more expensive bank borrowings

Commercial Investments
These can be attractive to more experienced investors and small Pension Funds specially since current law precludes Self Administered or Self Invested Pension Funds holding residential property investments. Depending upon the covenant of the Tenant, THE FINANCE COMPANY can arrange 25 year facilities at less than 1% over Bank Base Rate - often without Directors' personal guarantees.
Trading Business and Start-ups
All reputable Lenders insist on being satisfied that a business produces sufficient income and can afford to service any loan commitment. However, it is not unusual for small businesses to hide their true level of profit or have no Financial Statements to show - as in the case of a new business Start-up. THE FINANCE COMPANY has considerable experience arranging competitive loans on freehold and leasehold trading businesses with or without proper trading records - up to 100% of property value and 25 years to repay.
Owner Occupied Commercial Properties
For most small to medium sized businesses, owning a property from which to operate offers long term security - and an appreciating asset to bolster the Balance Sheet. THE FINANCE COMPANY can arrange 100% loans at no greater cost than paying rent. Difficult Landlords and regular rent reviews can be a thing of the past.
Property Development and Bridging Finance
Short term finance plays an important part on development projects all of which need to be considered on their own merits to provide the right level of support. THE FINANCE COMPANY can arrange up to 75% funding with interest charges rolled up. Bridging facilities can be made available for draw down within 24 hours.

Currently Available:






Interest Only or Capital Repayment Option
Limited Companies Acceptable
No-Tie in after Seven Years
Loan Term up to 35 Years
Purchases and Refinance to 80% LTV
Self-certification Option - Quick and Simple
Limited Funds - 1st Come 1st Served


Ask for a free tailored illustration without obligation.

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For properties not managed by Johnson's of Carlisle this list of accommodation is provided on the basis of information supplied to it by third parties and on the strict understanding that neither Johnson's of Carlisle nor any of it's employees will incur any liability to any person whether tort, contract or otherwise, should such information be incorrect.