Consolidating Education For World Government

NEA belongs to a world organization called World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Professions. "WCOTP plays a role at the INTERNATIONAL LEVEL similar to that of the national teachers association within a country (WCOTP Pamphlet, R 1067). WCOTP's income comes from the NEA mostly and 'external contributions" such as tax-free foundations, and UNESCO grants and contracts projects (WCOTP Annual Report, 1967. p.41,4346, WCOTP XVI Assembly of Delegates, Proceedings. 2-9 August 1967, Vancouver, Canada, p. 6). According to the President of the Ford Foundation, directives had been coming from the White House [during the 1 940s] to so alter life style in the U. S. to comfortably MERGE it with the Soviet Union. The Foundations were [and are] using their tax-exempt status to alter textbooks to teach world government or Socialism.

Delegates to WCOTP from individual countries takes "positive action" to indoctrinate state and local teacher organizations (WCOTP Annual Report 1967, p.19, item 5, p.23, item 11). This program is done so artfully that local teachers do not know from where these programs come. They usually think they come from other teachers in school systems as the need arises.

October 1966 saw WCOTP hold a Regional Conference at Bogota, Columbia, where the representatives endorsed the UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers. They declared that: "The teacher's organizations taking part in the Conference pledge themselves to the implementation of the parts related to their work by ALL the means within their power and in the shortest possible time." Then they called on "all the governments and educational authorities of the hemisphere to accept their full responsibilities for the fulfillment of the UNESCO Recommendation" (Report of WCOTP at Bogota, op. cit., p. 49.59). Remember, UNESCO is a United Nations one-world- government organization. This Conference pledged themselves to carryout THEIR plan for education!!!

The final step in the long fought process for WORLD EDUCATION was now prepared by the United Nations and FORCED upon the United States because of our treaty with that world body - that "we the people," who are supposed to be THE government of the U.S. had no input as whether to join or not. Our government was to FULFILL our obligation to implement their world education plans WITHOUT the parents and teachers of America knowing it. The UNESCO Recommendations Concerning the Status of Teachers was DESIGNED to control America's education system.

WCOTP Secretary-General William Carr [Freemason & Socialist] "was the chairman of the editing committee which prepared the Draft Recommendation of the Status of Teachers at a conference held by the International Labor Organization and UNESCO in Geneva last January [1966]" (VEA Rcpoiier, October 7,1966, p. 4).

Even though WCOTP had only one Communist nation within its framework in 1966, other United Nation agencies were heavily composed with Communist personnel but the Freemasons who founded Communism remained behind the scenes in secret. The influence of Socialism is perpetuated through cooperating agencies such as United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization [UNESCO], International Labor Organization [ILO] UNJCEF, and the World Health Organization [WHO] The chairman of the drafting committee for the UNESCO Re commendation was an international Communist, Dr M Joboru of Hungary. The two Vice-Presidents of the Conference were Communist professors V Sobakine of the U.S.S.R., and J Livescu from Romania (Report of WCOTP at Bogota, op. cit., p.49, 59; Blackboard Power NEA Threat to America, by Dr. Gordon V Drake, p.36-37).

Even more evidence of the increase in cooperation between WCOTP and the various Communist dominated United Nations agencies was found at the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession Assembly held in Vancouver, Canada, in August 1967. Director-General Rene Maheu of UNESCO stated that relations between WCOTP and UNESCO "had never been so rich." This was because of "...deliberate proposals of the Director General of UNESCO who gave instructions to his various departments that they were to intensify their relations with WCOTP. This cooperation extends to numerous and varied fields, including those that are at the very frontiers of education, and those of extra-curricular education" (Proceedings, WCOTP XVI Assembly of Delegates, op. cit., p.33)

WCOTP leaders believe that the UNESCO Recommendation of the Status of Teachers will help them gain control of education on the WORLD level. "Teacher militancy in the United States today are directly related to the UNESCO-WCOTP Recommendation on the Status of Teachers. The strikes are an essential part of the strategy plotted by UNESCO-WCOTP leaders to gain power for teachers and thus gain power FOR WCOTP', and the United Nations agencies. It should be perfectly clear that WCOTP 5 educational programs ARE NOT BEING USED IN Communist controlled countries" (Blackboard Power, p 38)

Let's have NO doubt that WCOTP has designs on world government: "Teachers need to be committed to children as well as the general communities, but this may NOT always mean unauestionin2 LOYALTY to the State (Legal Rights of Teachers, op. cit., p.4).

A pamphlet published by the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Professions [WCOTP] explains: "Since its establishment, WCOTP has had consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. WCOTP is a member of the Non- Governmental Organizations Committee on the United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF] and has specialized consultative status with the Food and Agricultural Organization. It also cooperates with the World Health Organization and OTHER United Nations bodies in educational matters" (WCOTP Pamphlet, R 10/67). The KEY statement is "...UNESCO is obligated to call upon WCOTP to assist in all activities dealing with education and teacher's organizations" (Ibid).

WCOTP is a method through which education can be disseminated on a world level WITHOUT arousing a public outcry in the United States. If the NEA openly promoted UNESCO one world education, then pressure would mount for our withdrawal, which did occur in 1986 but failed.

In the 1967 convention of UNESCO and WCOTP in Canada, the delegates were told that "UNESCO and WCOTP will again be companions on the job. They will bring in the teaching of HUMAN RIGHTS, a richer content" to UNESCO sponsored educational activities (Proceedings, WCOTP XVI Assembly of Delegates, op. cit., p.34). It should be noted that EVERY nation that has been overthrown for Communism since the United Nations was founded was sighted for "human rights" violations. Now they are teaching this throughout the educational systems all over the non- Communist world for the purpose of brainwashing peoples for the overthrow of non-Communist governments.

The NEA promoted the Education and Human Rights theme in their February 1968 Journal. One writer was Mrs. Arthur Goldberg, wife of former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations who was identified with documentation as a Communist. Arthur Goldberg, in two speeches in New York and Washington, URGED the United Nations Declaration for Human Rights be signed into Treaty form. WHY? Because those who infiltrated into our government from the Council on Foreign Relations have said loud and long that Treaty Law supercedes the Constitution of the United States. If that were the case, we've NEVER had a Constitution. The World Court would then have internal jurisdiction over U.S. citizens.

William Fleming, writing in the American Bar Association Journal, stated the following: "The nations of the world [for accepting the Human Rights program of the United Nations], far from accepting American ideas on LIBERTY, have succeeded in inducing the American delegation to accept THEIR [Communist] views. In other words, the efforts of the United States to bestow the blessings of LIBERTY on the world as a whole have BOOMERANGED" (Congressional Record, January 24, 1952, Extension of Remarks of Senator Hugh Butler). The implementation of this terrible collectivist, Socialist Declaration of Human Rights was the GOAL of UNESCO, WCOTP, and the NEA. They have accomplished their goal.

Declaration of Human Rights Threatens Our Bill of Rights

Inserted into the Congressional Record by Honorable Hugh Butler was the following: "The [Human Rights] Covenant specifically endangers FOUR of our most precious heritages. These are freedom of worship, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of peaceful assembly. The Covenant threatens them by LIMITING and RESTRICTING them. The first amendment to the United States Constitution: 'Congress shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances...' There are NO exceptions to these rights in our Constitution. But the Covenant on Human Rights contains SO MANY RESTRICTIONS, SO MANY EXCEPTIONS, AND SO MANY LIMITATIONS that they are no longer rights free men hold, BUT GRANTS BY GOVERNMENT which, in many cases, under the Covenant, can be TAKEN AWAY whenever a government decides to CALL A NATIONAL EMERGENCY.

"Paragraph 2 of article 13 of the Covenant on Human Rights reads: 'Freedom to manifest ones' religion or beliefs shall be SUBJECT only to such LIMITATIONS as are pursuant to LAW and are reasonable and NECESSARY to protect public safety, order health or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.'


"What effects will this have if this covenant is ratified by the senate as a treaty? A treaty accepted by two-thirds of the Senators present becomes the law of the land. If the Supreme Court validates this treaty, it can NULLIFY the religious freedom in the Bill of Rights by granting the Government the power to limit and restrict the free exercise of religion.

"The committee for peace and law through the United Nations of the American Bar Association has said the effects also would be these: 'We are confronted with a concept of the freedom of religion embracing the FREE USE OF LIMITATIONS reasonable and necessary to protect public safety, order, health, morals, or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others. The purported agreement of church and state in Hungary is an example of religion under state regulation and control for public safety and order.'

"...For this danger to religion, among other reasons, the American Bar Association has twice condemned the Covenant.

"FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Article 14 of the Covenant on Human Rights sets forth rights and privileges [extended by government and can be taken away by government] of speech and the press, and then limits them to a degree heretofore unheard of in free countries:

"1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.

"2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression...

"3. The Right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas carries with it SPECIAL duties and responsibilities and may therefore be SUBJECT to certain PENALTIES, LIABILITIES, and RESTRICTIONS, but these shall be such only as are provided by law and are necessary for the protection of national security, public order, safety, health or morals, or the rights, freedoms or reputations of others...

"Are opponents of these treaties alarmists, as is claimed by those pressing the senate to ratify them, or are they presenting valid arguments?

"These organizations and people believe the covenant unacceptable to the American form of government as we know it" (Ibid).

Covenant on Human Rights - Blueprint for Socialism

Continuing from the Congressional Record:

"Article 22 says: 'The States parties to the convenience recognizes the right of everyone to social security.'

"Article 23: '...recognizes the right of everyone to an adequate housing.'

"Article 24: '...recognizes the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living and the continuous improvement of living conditions.'

"All of these are 'rights PROVIDED by the state,' [Article 32] which the state can limit OR reject at any time 'for the purpose of promoting the general welfare in a democratic society.' Thus the state is empowered to control the scale of living.

"The covenant also OBLIGATES us to place both education and the medical profession under Government control.

"Article 28 reads: '[Signers of] the covenant recognize: 1. The right of everyone to education; 4. That secondary education, in its different forms, including technical and professional secondary education, shall be generally available and shall be made progressively free; 5. That higher education shall be equally accessible to all.. and made progressively free;'

"Article 32 of the covenant designates these as 'rights provided BY THE STATES...'

"Since the covenant will be [and is] the law of the land if ratified as a treaty, the Federal Government will be OBLIGATED LEGALLY to provide progressively free secondary and higher education throughout the country. This increasing control of education will affect ALL endowed institutions, ALL religious colleges, universities, and ALL State institutions. Federal aid to education will eventually become FEDERAL CONTROL of education. Education will become propaganda - for control of the budget means control of the textbooks.

"Socialized medicine [as Hillary Clinton tried to install] is also planned in the covenant. Article 24 read in part: 'IV to provide conditions which would assure the right of ALL to medical service and medical attention in the event of sickness.' "This also is one of the 'rights provided by the State' in the covenant. If ratified by the Senate, this right will become an OBLIGATION of the Federal Government...

"In the last analysis, ratification of the Covenant would amount to introducing World Government through a back door" (Congressional Record, January 24, 1952, op. cit.).