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CCHS Vocal Music Department
"Into the Woods"

Charles City High School Vocal Music Department presented the musical Into the Woods February 25 and 26, 2000. On this page you will find thumbnailed images from the show. Click on any image you wish to see in full size.

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Baker & Wife with Milky White

Jack, Mother, & Milky White

The Baker and his wife have only one more item to find to remove the curse!

Jack's Mother tells Jack to sell his cow, Milky-White

Witch & Baker

Little Red Riding Hood & Wolf

The Witch tells the Baker to move a little faster if he wishes to remove the spell on his house.

The Wolf confronts Little Red Riding Hood

Finale Act I

Witch, Baker, Baker's Wife & Child

The entire cast at the Finale of Act I

The Witch tells the Baker, his Wife and Child of a Giant in the land

Witch at Rapunzel's Tower

Entire Cast - Finale Act II

The Witch visits Rapunzel in her tower.

The entire cast at the Finale of Act II

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Updated June 26, 2000