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My Family Page

This is my page about my family.. I have a wonderful mother and a wonderful step-dad.Okay, I know I sound all happy perky "My family is so wonderful, look how lucky I am." Well, my family isn't perfect. Sometimes, I don't even think I like them. But, they are my family, and I love them, and therefore, they are wonderful. They will never abandon me, they will never leave me out in the cold, they will never tell me how stupid I am, or how dumb my ideas are. They will never shoot down my dreams, they will never tell that I am not good enough, not strong enough, not right for what I want to do.. They will always stand by me, no matter what. That is what makes a person your family. Bloodlines have nothing to do with what makes a family. Someone of your own bloodline can hurt and abuse you, tell you you are stupid, and shoot down your dreams. That is not what I consider family. I consider family someone who is always there for you, and will always be there for you, now matter how bad you may mess up. That is family. I am lucky enough to have a wonderful family. Sure, we don't always get along. But love will see us through. I don't always agree with what my family may think, but that's okay,I am my own person, and intitled to my own beliefs, and they respect that.. That is what makes them my family. And I love them for it. I love you guys!!!! <

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