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Me, The Flute Lover

I have been playing the flute since the fourth grade. I absolutely love playing my flute. I also play the piccolo in marching band, and hopefully will be in concert band (we haven't had auditions for that yet). I have a Gemeinhardt 2sp. I have had it since I started playing, but it was used when I got it and is 8 years old. My piccolo is a Gemeinhardt 4w. It is 3 years old. I recently repadded my piccolo and totally took apart my flute to clean it. It wasn't an easy job and I don't suggest you do it if you have no idea how. The hardest part was knowing which side to put the springs on and how far to screw the screws in. It took a lot of trial and error, but I did it and it actually still works. I really want a new flute. But I would never sell mine. I love it too much. Yeah, I know, it's kinda weird to love an inanimate object. But I've had it for six years and I can't help it. I am fourth chair out of seventeen flutes. I recently tried out for a special band/orchestra thing in my state called Mid-States. It is where people from all over middle Tennessee get together and try out to be in one band. I tried out and I made 12 out of 160. I was, to say the least, ecstatic. When I am older I would like to have a career in music. I don't know if this will happen, but I hope so.
When I play my flute it calms me down when I am angry or upset. It is my best therapy.

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