The History Channel

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Plane crashes into the Empire State Building, 11 people dead

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This Week's Primetime Programming Schedule
Programs @ 8pm,9pm,10pm,11pm each repeat at least once starting at 12am

Schedules usually available one week in advance

Sunday, November 1, 2009
7-8pm -- Nostradamus Effect - Secrets of the Seven Seals
The Book of Revelation, the most terrifying and controversial book of the Bible, was written by an exiled prophet almost two thousand years ago. The final chapters of the New Testament describe mankind's violent end of days--a seven-year period of unparalleled death and destruction. Jesus breaks seven seals that unleash three waves of devastation--natural and man-made, from the sky and from deep within the earth. The Antichrist will rise. Pestilence, famine, war, and natural disasters will purge humanity before Jesus returns for the final battle between good and evil. But who is the Antichrist? Who will survive God's wrath? And when will this apocalypse happen?

8-8:30pm -- Pawn Stars - 14 - Old Man's Gamble
The Pawn Stars get a call about a 1979 KISS pinball machine--can it still "Rock 'n Roll All Nite", or will it steal Corey's quarter and KISS the deal goodbye? Then Rick is stumped when a woman brings in a 1914 Star-note $20 bill. Will everyone walk away with new money, or will it turn out to be chump change? And when an old easy rider brings in his classic 1982 Harley Davidson Shovel-head, Chumlee decides to buy it for himself--but can he raise the cash before the Old Man sells it off.
8:30-9pm -- Pawn Stars - Time Machines
Rick tries to refurbish a 1950's coke machine into a modernized collector's item. Will his plan quench his thirst or fizzle out and go flat? Meanwhile, Corey is offered an old pirate favorite: an 18th Century flintlock pistol. But before he can pull the trigger he'll need to authenticate it. In addition, the Pawn Stars get a chance to buy a 1941 Philco Radio. Will they dial in a deal, or be stuck searching through the static?

9-10pm -- Gangland: Aryan Brotherhood
The Aryan Brotherhood has the distinction of being the deadliest gang in American history. They kill for hire or for free. They kill people who steal their drugs or those that owe them money. Maintaining the culture of terror that has solidified their power is their primary goal. Drugs, gambling, liquor and inmate prostitution earns them millions. From their beginnings in San Quentin Prison in 1964 to current trials of sixteen members in Los Angeles, discover the ultra-violent world that has largely gone unnoticed by the general public for the last forty years.
10-11pm -- Gangland - To Torture or to Kill?
A gritty, true-life series exposing the world of history's most notorious and dangerous gangs

Monday, November 2, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - '80's Tech
Remember "brick" cell phones, Pac-Man, Rubik's Cube, Sony Walkman, and the first music CDs? Remember all the new and exciting gadgets of the 1980s? Join us as we investigate the transition from Industrial to Information Age--a digital decade dedicated to ergonomics and entertainment. The microchip ushered in an era that revolutionized the way we work, play, and communicate. And we tour Silicon Valley--birthplace of some of the greatest inventions from an amazing time of change, including the modern personal computer. Steve "Woz" Wozniak tells us about the evolution of Apple computers, and we talk to Sony--makers of the Walkman, Betamax, and the first CD players. A visit to the Computer History Museum shows fun technological "artifacts", primitive by today's standards. At Intel, makers of the first microchips, we learn why technology moves at such a fast pace. We also take a ride in a DeLorean DMC-12 sports car--few things moved faster.

8-10pm -- Underwater Universe
Throughout history, tidal waves have drowned us, storm surges have sunk cities, and hurricanes and cyclones--fueled by the ocean--have blown away all in their path. Today, science forecasts that the oceans are getting fiercer, rising up to reshape our coastlines and create untold devastation, social unrest and economic crisis. Track the history and evolution of the ocean's seven deadliest zones--locations that throughout history have been the direct causes of human devastation by floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, whirlpools, ice, underwater volcanoes, and shipping graveyards. Using expedition footage, 3D animation, and commentary from leading oceanographers, we'll depict the awesome cosmic and geological fluctuations that make the oceans deadly over time.

10-11pm -- Strange Rituals - Last Rites

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
7-8pm -- The Universe - Strangest Things
From stars, galaxies and moons to subatomic particles, black holes and invisible phenomena, discover the most bizarre, mysterious and exotic things in our universe. Learn about actual alcohol clouds floating in space that are filled with organic molecules which produce complex compounds like ethyl alcohol, the stuff we drink. Is there a hypothetical planet that exists beyond Neptune and what are pulsar planets? Mini Black Holes are a theoretical idea, but if they were to exist, some theorists speculate that they might have been produced shortly after the "Big Bang." Finally, delve into dark matter, a hypothetical form of matter that is invisible yet it exists everywhere.

8-9pm -- The Universe - Space Wars
Outer space is already an essential part of America's ability to fight wars. Our military depends on satellites for many things, such as communications, reconnaissance and targeting information. But so far, no country has put weapons into space, although the U.S. and China have both shown they can shoot down satellites with ground-based missiles. If weapons do become a part of space, how will they work, how effective will they be, and what type of damage could they do? From ground-based lasers to telephone-pole sized rods hurtling from space at two miles per second to the far out weapons of the distant future, it's time to "lock and load" for Space Wars.

9-10pm -- The Universe - Science Fiction / Science Fact
Warp speed, transporters, wormholes and lasers--they are all staples of science fiction books, movies, and TV shows. But the fantastic world of tomorrow is quickly becoming the futuristic world of today. While you may not be "beaming" to your next appointment any time soon, researchers are preparing for the first tests of a present-day "transporter." And while scientists have long mocked Hollywood's visions of warp speed and faster-than-light travel as prohibited by Einstein's laws, a new generation of physicists continues to rewrite the fundamental rules of the universe. Is there a way around the cosmic speed limit? Maybe... as long as you're prepared to survive a journey through the ultra-high energies of one of the most violent places in the cosmos--the heart of a twisting, swirling vortex that leads either to strange, new worlds... or certain death.

10-11pm -- How the Earth Was Made - Tsunami
Tsunamis are one of the most terrifying forces of nature, destroying all in their path. The December 26th Tsunami is estimated to have released the energy of 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs. What are the enormous forces that generate these catastrophic waves deep on the ocean floor? With 50% of the world's population living within a mile of the sea, this episode looks at what could happen in the future. East coast cities from New York to Miami face the threat of a truly colossal wave that could be generated by the collapse of an active volcano off the coast of Africa.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - ET Tech
In 2003, with Mars closer to Earth than it had been in 60,000 years, scientists launched three life-seeking planetary landers. If the long journeys prove successful, all should be hard at work on the Red Planet's surface by January 2004. NASA's Spirit and Opportunity and the European Space Agency's Beagle 2 represent the pinnacle in the history of the search for extraterrestrial life. Leading scientists, who believe life may exist beyond Earth, explain skepticism about ETs having visited Earth.

8-9pm -- Secret Access: Air Force One
Viewers will go where only the most elite insiders from the highest levels of the US government are allowed--on board Air Force One. Discover what makes this uniquely modified Boeing 747 faster, more secure, more comfortable and more capable than any other comparable plane. Take a 20,000-mile voyage through the heart of Africa and join the crew and privileged passengers on one of Air Force One's most challenging missions.

9-10pm -- Nostradamus Effect - Fatima's Lost Prophecy
In 1917, three young shepherd children from the small town of Fatima, Portugal, claim to be instruments of divine prophecy. The children report being visited by the Virgin Mary. Three haunting visions of death and destruction are revealed, but the children are forbidden to give details. Two of the children die within three years of receiving their visions. The third, Lucia, shares the three "secrets" with the Vatican. The Vatican debates the girl's stories. Could three children from a poor town have really been touched by divinity? And what of the visions? Lucia claimed the first vision revealed souls burning in a fiery hell. The second foretold the outbreak of World War II and the dangers of Communism. But the third was guarded closely by the Vatican until the year 2000. The final Fatima prophecy revealed an angel with a flaming sword setting the world on fire. Is this the entirety of the third secret, or is the Vatican hiding something far more sinister?

10-11pm -- MysteryQuest - Devil's Island
This island in the middle of San Francisco Bay has a forbidding reputation. Native Americans believed it to be a place of evil spirits. When it became a federal prison in 1934, only the most violent and difficult prisoners in the U.S. were sent there. It was reputed to be escape proof; only three men have ever managed to get off the island. They left in 1962 and have never been found. MysteryQuest investigates to determine whether they could have survived the icy waters of San Francisco Bay.

Thursday, November 5, 2009
7-8pm -- Gangland - Crip or Die
8-9pm -- Gangland - Hustle or Die
9-10pm -- Gangland - Snitch Slaughter
A gritty, true-life series exposing the world of history's most notorious and dangerous gangs.

10-11pm -- Ancient Discoveries - Airborne Assault
Assault from the air didn't begin with the era of the airplane. Take a look back at early methods of airborne attack. The kite bomb was a medieval siege weapon that dropped bombs from a kite over cities. We'll build one and test it with startling new insights and success. Ancient bouncing bombs that actually skipped across water--the forerunners of the famous Dam Buster projectiles--terrorized shipping in Turkey in 1453. Learn the secrets of ancient China's whistling arrows--used by commanders to direct the flow of a battle. Investigate the world's earliest rocket-powered explosive missile from the ancient battlefields of China. Finally, in one of the most dramatic tests ever conducted, we'll build the earliest known successful parachute and drops a skydiver from 6,000 feet.

Friday, November 6, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - Acid
It is the most widely produced chemical in the world and possibly the most dangerous. Take a look at the many uses of acid. See how the military harnesses acid to make the explosive "Comp B-4." Visit a sulfuric acid plant to see how acid can take the stain out of stainless steel and learn how it can be mixed to dissolve precious metal. At the Heinz vinegar plant discover why acid's sour taste is sweet. Finally, learn how acid loving bacteria in Yellowstone National Park may hold the key to a biological industrial revolution and meet a mad scientist who will demonstrate how acid can hollow out a penny and turn a hot dog to sludge!

8-9pm -- Ancient Discoveries - Ancient Computer?
Journey back in time for an eye-opening look at the amazing ancient roots of technologies we like to think of as modern. New research suggests that many of the inventions of the last 200 years may, in fact, have already been known to the ancients. In this hour, we explore the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient machine that was discovered deep in the Aegean Sea. Could it perhaps have been an ancient computer? Could Archimedes have had a hand in its creation?

9-10pm -- Ancients Behaving Badly - Caligula
This young Roman emperor had a fearsome reputation as a sadist, a murderer...and a raving lunatic.

10-11pm -- Lock N' Load with R. Lee Ermey - MG2
When today's warriors go toe-to-toe in combat the weapon they rely on is the machine gun. From the crude machines of the 19th century to the slick weapons of today, Gunny takes us on a journey that looks at the engineering development of this rapid-fire battle winner. Learn how the "potato digger" machine gun got it's name, and why a hand held gun developed in 1965 is still the weapon of choice for the toughest warriors on the planet. Ermey compares the machine guns that stormed the beaches of D-Day--the Bren gun and the B.A.R.--with a classic shooting match. Then, Gunny cuts loose with the Special Forces wonder weapon, the MP-5, as used by the British SAS and American Navy Seals. Not only will you see these weapons in action, but with cutting-edge 3D GFX you will go inside the weapons--to see close up and personal the mechanism, operation and evolution of the machine gun.

Saturday, November 7, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - Truck Stops
Catering to more than twenty million truckers, truck stops are bigger and better than ever. These mega-pit stops are essential to the trucks and truckers that haul eight billion tons of freight annually. Tour the world's largest truck stop that offers fuel, food, parking, private showers, a movie theater, a dentist office, and a barbershop. Look at how 18-wheelers can power up their rigs with a high tech parking lot hookup called IdleAire; complete with heat, air conditioning, a telephone line, a computer with high speed internet, and of course satellite TV. We'll also see how 30,000 gallon underground diesel storage tanks are manufactured. And we'll weigh and inspect a truck while it's barely slowing down. In an interview with Willie Nelson, we'll explore one of the most unique truck stops in the United States and the revolutionary fuel it sells: biodiesel.

8-10pm -- Death Masks
Faces...and facts...fleshed out from the grave. Unprecedented technology brings to life extraordinary mirror images and powerful last impressions of history's most powerful men. Every line, every wrinkle, every expression tells a story. Forensic-science and anthropology experts have identified that history's most relevant figures left behind highly-detailed casts of their faces, created at their moment of death, to preserve their souls and physical memory for eternity. Using advanced facial-reconstruction techniques and 3-D imprint detailing, these death masks render an exact replica of every feature, and an intimate look at how their characteristics affected their lives. Includes startling new insights into the persistent mysteries surrounding these historic icons like Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon and George Washington, and just may reveal some secrets these men preferred to conceal.

10-12am -- Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall
It sprung up overnight in August, 1961--a makeshift blockade separating repressive, Soviet-controlled East Berlin from the Allied-run democracy to the west. Soon the barrier encircled all of West Berlin, sealing its two million citizens off from the rest of the world. As escape attempts escalated, deadlier obstacles were added. Eventually, a 97-mile barrier, virtually impenetrable, snaked along the border between East and West Berlin. And 28 years later, it came down as unexpectedly as it went up. Observe the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (November 9, 2009) with a dramatic look at how a line of railway cars and barbed wire evolved into the massively fortified fortress that came to symbolize the Cold War. Computer-generated imagery, re-enactments, archival footage, and expert commentary provide political and historical context while helping to illustrate how construction progressed over time--and how it was suddenly demolished by civilians in 1989.

Sunday, November 8, 2009
7-8pm -- Ancient Discoveries - Airborne Assault
Assault from the air didn't begin with the era of the airplane. Take a look back at early methods of airborne attack. The kite bomb was a medieval siege weapon that dropped bombs from a kite over cities. We'll build one and test it with startling new insights and success. Ancient bouncing bombs that actually skipped across water--the forerunners of the famous Dam Buster projectiles--terrorized shipping in Turkey in 1453. Learn the secrets of ancient China's whistling arrows--used by commanders to direct the flow of a battle. Investigate the world's earliest rocket-powered explosive missile from the ancient battlefields of China. Finally, in one of the most dramatic tests ever conducted, we'll build the earliest known successful parachute and drops a skydiver from 6,000 feet.

8-8:30pm -- Pawn Stars - 09 - Rick's Big Bet
In this episode, Rick refurbishes a gas pump with a bird's nest inside, Corey takes a quiz after misidentifying a Faberge crystal glass--if he loses, he works graveyard, if he wins he gets $2500,--and Rick buys some bayonets.

8:30-9pm -- Pawn Stars - 11 - John Hancock's Hancock
The Pawn Stars are used to paying big money for celebrity John Hancocks but will they know how to price one from the actual John Hancock? Then the guys have an opportunity to buy an allegedly authentic Indiana Jones whip--but it all boils down to two words: Harrison Ford. And finally, will the purchase of a hot item by one of his underlings land Corey in hot water.

9-10pm -- The History of Sex - Ancient Civilizations
In this hour, we study sex in the ancient world--from Mesopotamians, who viewed adultery as a crime of theft, to Romans, who believed that squatting and sneezing after sex was a reliable method birth control. We also look at revealing Egyptian and Greek practices--from the origins of dildos, to intimate relations between Egyptian gods and goddesses, to the use of crocodile dung as a contraceptive.
10-11pm -- The History of Sex - The Eastern World
An exploration of sex in China, Japan, India, and the Arab world that offers an intriguing perspective on the interrelation of sexuality and spirituality in eastern culture. Among the topics presented are the ancient Chinese equivalent of Viagra, Japanese acceptance of prostitutes and pornographic art, and tips from the Kama Sutra.

Monday, November 9, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - Hoover Dam
The task was monumental: Build the world's largest dam in the middle of the desert, and tame the river that carved the Grand Canyon--all in seven years! When the Hoover Dam was completed in 1935, it was the largest dam in the world. We'll reveal how this engineering wonder of the world was conceived and built.

8-10pm -- Jesse James' Hidden Treasure
By the time Jesse James was killed in 1882, he'd stolen over a million and a half dollars according to some estimates--gold, coins and cash that could be worth over $50 million today. History often paints James as a clever outlaw who stole money to finance a lavish criminal lifestyle, a man whose sixteen year long crime spree came to a dramatic halt in 1882 when a fellow gang member betrayed him and shot him dead in the back of the head. But now, a treasure hunt may reveal a totally new story. Was Jesse really stealing for himself, or was he actually secreting away large sums of wealth, in order to finance one of the most clandestine secret societies in American history? Follow a team of treasure hunters searching for where he stashed his riches... and a new truth about Jesse James. Their discoveries may not only re-write the history of why Jesse stole, it could also raise new questions about his death.

10-12am -- Fort Knox: Secrets Revealed
The U.S. Bullion Depository, better known as Fort Knox, is home of the United States Army and one of the world's most top secret fortresses. Hidden deep inside the vault is an estimated $73 billion dollars in gold. Almost all information about it is classified. Through interviews with eyewitnesses, rare photos and rarely seen films, we will construct a picture of what the building might look like. Hear testimony of those journalists and congressmen who were among the select few invited inside in 1974. Discover the history and secrets behind the Army's tank warfare and the classified military technologies it will use to fight the wars of the future.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
7-8pm -- The Universe - The Day the Moon Was Gone
Without the moon, Earth would be a very different and desolate place today--four hours of sunlight with pitch-black nights, steady 100-mph winds spawning giant hurricanes that last for months, and virtually no complex life forms, much less humans. Safe to say, we probably owe our very existence to the moon. But what if it suddenly disappeared? Solar gravity redirects ocean water that floods coastal spots around the globe. Sea currents shift, resulting in freakish weather patterns. Eventually, earth's axis begins fluctuating wildly and climate change grows more extreme. The poles are tropical jungles and parts of the equator become frigid wastelands. Human evolution starts churning in unpredictable ways or ends completely. Without the moon, the Earth is a very different place.

8-9pm -- The Universe - Liquid Universe
On alien planets, they rain from the sky as scalding iron. On distant moons, even at hundreds of degrees below zero, they slosh around in pristine lakes of methane. They can cover entire planets in miles-deep oceans of electrified hydrogen metal. Or erupt on alien worlds through miles-high geysers. They churn in the interiors of dead stars and even our own planet. They're so rare in the universe, they almost don't exist, but these are the magical liquids of our Liquid Universe.

9-10pm -- The Universe - Extreme Energy
Ours is a universe of energy, from powerful jets ejected from black holes to the raw nuclear fury of our Sun. But, the total amount of energy in the universe maintains perfect equilibrium--no more can be added or taken away. Because of this, there are enormous amounts of energy being transferred...electric, thermal, kinetic and magnetic energy are just a few that keep our universe balanced--and create awesome cosmic events and stellar displays.

10-11pm -- How the Earth Was Made - The Continents, Part 1
From a once seething, hellish mass of molten rock to the world that inhabits life today, take a rollercoaster ride through the entire history of Planet Earth. Its 4.5 billion year epic, a story of unimaginable timescales, earth-shattering forces, incredible life forms, radical climates and mass extinctions. Part 1 of 2

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - The Manhattan Project
At 5:30 a.m., July 16, 1945, scientists and dignitaries awaited the detonation of the first atomic bomb in a desolate area of the New Mexico desert aptly known as "Jornada del Muerto" (Journey of Death). Dubbed the Manhattan Project, the top-secret undertaking was tackled with unprecedented speed and expense--almost $30-billion in today's money. Los Alamos scientists and engineers relate their trials, triumphs, and dark doubts about building the ultimate weapon of war in the interest of peace.

8-9pm -- Nostradamus Effect - 2012 Extinction
The Maya, an ancient South American culture, predicted that time would end in a violent apocalypse on December 21, 2012. They created an elaborate astronomical calendar called "The Long Count," which stops abruptly in 2012. This date, which is also the winter equinox, coincides with an incredibly rare galactic alignment that happens once every 26,000 years. What did the Mayans think would happen when their calendar ended? And were they joined by other cultures--from different parts of the world and in different centuries--all pointing to 2012 as a calamitous end time? The Hopi Indians and Eastern Hindus have similar calendars, which are remarkably synchronous. One counter-culture mystic even uses an Ancient Chinese philosophy to unlock the key to a 2012 prophecy. Nostradamus himself suggests the world is headed toward a coming cataclysm. What can we do to head the warning of the Mayan apocalypse?

9-10pm -- Nostradamus Effect - Satan's Army
Less than 100 years after the birth of Christ, John the Apostle received a terrifying vision of Satan's final war against God--a horrific account of death and destruction that will bring about the end of human history. Heavy with symbolism, the prophecy describes a woman riding a monster with seven heads, and a Lamb releasing Four Horsemen that bring conquest, war, famine, and death. What has experts frightened is that many of the events that set the stage for Satan's rampage have already come true. Satan's wrath will be poured out upon the world in a series of cataclysms--earthquakes, pandemics, famine, and pestilence. What follows will be a massive battle with Satan's legion in a quest for world domination. All signs point to this occurring in our lifetime, a prophecy echoed by Nostradamus. Are we about to suffer the horrors of the Apocalypse?

10-11pm -- MysteryQuest - Jack the Ripper
In one of the earliest documented serial murder cases, five prostitutes in the Whitechapel district of London were found brutally murdered with throats slashed and bodies mutilated. All the deaths were attributed to one man: Jack the Ripper. Never solved, the accepted theory is that the killer was a local madman. Now, 120 years later new evidence indicates two surprising new theories: the killer might have been a woman, or the killer was not English, but American. MysteryQuest's team of experts heads to London to follow these leads and examine the evidence first hand.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
7-8pm -- Gangland: Aryan Brotherhood
The Aryan Brotherhood has the distinction of being the deadliest gang in American history. They kill for hire or for free. They kill people who steal their drugs or those that owe them money. Maintaining the culture of terror that has solidified their power is their primary goal. Drugs, gambling, liquor and inmate prostitution earns them millions. From their beginnings in San Quentin Prison in 1964 to current trials of sixteen members in Los Angeles, discover the ultra-violent world that has largely gone unnoticed by the general public for the last forty years.

8-9pm -- Gangland - Klan of Killers
9-10pm -- Gangland - Trinity of Blood

10-11pm -- Ancient Discoveries - Guns n' Ammo
Some of the strangest and deadliest weapons ever built were prototypes of the modern gun. Find out whether a simple bamboo tube could have been the world's first gun. Hidden in an ancient manuscript lays a secret recipe for ancient tracer fire, but does it really work? How far and how high could the mega-mortar "Roaring Meg" have fired its shots to take out a Royalist stronghold? Can a team of experts discover the truth behind the bizarre battlefield phenomena of "wind of the cannonball," when men were seen to drop dead without apparently having been touched by a shot? And did a nine-barreled medieval volleygun mark the birth of the modern machine gun?

Friday, November 13, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - Engineering Disasters #15
A series of construction errors causes a devastating flood that brings Chicago to a standstill. A deadly accident traps hundreds in a smoke-filled Alpine tunnel, with no ventilation. Three boilers explode on a Mississippi riverboat resulting in thousands of deaths and earning the disaster the title of the worst in maritime history. Two buildings, halfway around the world from each other, collapse from the same type of shoddy construction methods--14 years apart. And a cockpit warning system malfunctions, causing a fiery, fatal crash before the jetliner ever takes off. We interview design and construction experts as we investigate what went wrong. And we talk with rescue personnel, eyewitnesses, and victims as we visit the tragedies' sites to see what improvements have been implemented to insure against these kinds of disasters.

8-9pm -- Ancient Discoveries - Airborne Assault
Assault from the air didn't begin with the era of the airplane. Take a look back at early methods of airborne attack. The kite bomb was a medieval siege weapon that dropped bombs from a kite over cities. We'll build one and test it with startling new insights and success. Ancient bouncing bombs that actually skipped across water--the forerunners of the famous Dam Buster projectiles--terrorized shipping in Turkey in 1453. Learn the secrets of ancient China's whistling arrows--used by commanders to direct the flow of a battle. Investigate the world's earliest rocket-powered explosive missile from the ancient battlefields of China. Finally, in one of the most dramatic tests ever conducted, we'll build the earliest known successful parachute and drops a skydiver from 6,000 feet.

9-10pm -- Ancients Behaving Badly - Attila the Hun
A marauding barbarian with a reputation as one of history's monsters, even today Attila's name is a synonym for savagery.

10-11pm -- Lock N' Load with R. Lee Ermey - Bunker Busters
In days of old, if your army had to take on a huge stone castles there was only one option: bunker busting siege weapons like the giant crossbow known as the Ballista and the fearsome Trebuchet! These weapons hurled rocks and flaming kegs to cause mayhem and smash through walls. Today the siege tradition continues, with our military using high-explosives to blow the bad guys out of their foxholes. First, Gunny let's loose massive boulders from an ancient trebuchet catapult against an enemy castle. Then he gets his hands on some old-style gunpowder and recreates the big bangs that were used to bring down enemy bunkers, all the time instructed by committed experts who revel in the history of these amazing weapons. Gunny also visits today's bunker busters--military engineers who bust under, over, and into enemy strongholds.

Saturday, November 14, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - Whiskey
Known to Irish monks as "water of life", visit some of the world's finest distilleries to see how each country brews this thousand-year old spirit. Jack Daniels tells the secret of charcoal filtering, Jim Beam shows its premium bourbons and the art of blending is revealed at Canadian Club Whiskey. Cross the Atlantic to get the real deal at Jameson's Distillery in Midleton, Ireland and in Scotland discover what gives Glenlivet its character. Meet some of the people who are lucky enough to sample whiskey for a living. Cheers!

8-10pm -- The Universe - Beyond the Big Bang
The universe began with a massive expansion, billions and billions of years ago, and it continues to expand with every passing second. The idea that the universe, and man's very existence, began with a "Big Bang" is no longer a topic of debate among most scientists--it is essentially taken as fact. How has man come to this conclusion, and how has our knowledge evolved so that we can recreate the very first seconds of our universe and all that has developed since? Interviews with the world's leading physicists and historians are woven together with animated recreations and first-person accounts to explain concepts such as the formation of galaxies, the creation of elements and the formation of Earth itself.

10-11pm -- Siberian Apocalypse
At 7:15AM on June 30, 1908, a giant fireball, as bright the Sun, explodes in the Siberian sky with a force a thousand times greater than the Hiroshima bomb. It decimates 1,000 square miles of forest--over half the size of Rhode Island, and was the biggest cosmic disaster in the history of civilization. What caused the apocalyptic fire in the sky? Over a hundred theories surround what is called the Tunguska event, varying from asteroids and comets to black holes and alien spaceships. Most scientists agree the Tunguska event will happen again, and next time, the human toll could be unimaginable. Now, NASA and other organizations race against time to stop the next planet killer before it ignites Armageddon.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
7-8pm -- Hitler and the Occult
Did Hitler's obsession with astrology, numerology, ancient runes, and German mythology enable his early brash moves and ultimately spell the Third Reich's doom?

8-8:30pm -- Pawn Stars - 10 - Rope a Dope
The Pawn Stars look to buy a 1929 Chopped Ford Coupe but if they can't agree on a price, will the deal end up rusting in the bone yard? Then, a cowboy wants to sell his mechanical calf-roping machine. Can Corey rein it in without Chumlee spooking the sale? And when the prettiest pawn shop employee continues to be tardy, Rick and the Old Man dish out a fitting punishment. But is it enough to teach her a lesson?

8:30-9pm -- Pawn Stars - Knights in Fake Armor?
It's clear that this is no ordinary pawn shop as the Pawn Stars wheel and deal items ranging from an old school Pac-Man to a Medieval Jousting Helmet. If these items are as real as their owner's say they are--they could be worth up to $30,000! Then, an old timer brings in a pristine 1884 Trap Door rifle that the guys buy hoping that it still fires. But, when the gun range owner says that simply firing it could cause a "catastrophic malfunction" the guys decide it's time to bring out their human guinea pig.

9-11pm -- WWII in HD - Darkness Falls/Hard Way Back
As Europe falls under Nazi control, America is unprepared for war and the attack on Pearl Harbor. The first bloody battles are fought on Guadalcanal and in North Africa. Then, the Allies take on the daunting forces of the Axis, with victory far from certain. Charles Scheffel battles Rommel's forces in Tunisia and Jack Werner faces bitter combat in the northern Pacific.

Monday, November 16, 2009
7-8pm -- WWII in HD - Darkness Falls
[repeated from Sunday]
8-9pm -- WWII in HD - Hard Way Back
[repeated from Sunday]
9-10pm -- WWII in HD - Bloody Resolve
The Marines assault Tarawa in one of the bloodiest battles yet waged. MacArthur island-hops and Italy's front lines claim a casualty.
10-11pm -- WWII in HD - Battle Stations
The Allies lay plans for the invasion of France; Bert Stiles and the 8th Air Force attempt to clear the skies over Normandy, while the Pacific remains a quagmire. D-Day arrives.

11-12am -- Home for the Holidays: The History of Thanksgiving
From the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock, Lincoln's 1863 declaration naming it a national holiday, to turkey, Macy's parade, and football, we'll share the abundant feast of Thanksgiving history--including all the trimmings!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
7-8pm -- WWII in HD - Bloody Resolve
[repeated from Monday]
8-9pm -- WWII in HD - Battle Stations
[repeated from Monday]
9-10pm -- WWII in HD - Day of Days
The Allies are bogged down in Normandy's hedgerows in the aftermath of D-Day, while on Saipan, victory turns to horror.
10-11pm -- WWII in HD - Point of No Return
The Allies race toward Germany as American Marines battle for ground on Peleliu and across the bloody Pacific.

11-12am -- How The Earth Was Made: Great Lakes
The Great Lakes of North America are the largest expanse of fresh water on the planet. Searching for clues of their formation, our geologists delve deep into an underground salt mine, investigate a fossilized coral reef, climb an Alpine glacier, and dive to the bottom of Lake Superior. They find evidence of an ancient tropical sea, a mighty rift that almost tore the continent in half, and a mile high ice sheet that repeatedly carved its way across North America. And as the lakes settle to their current levels, cascading over Niagara Falls, we find that their evolution is far from over.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
7-8pm -- WWII in HD - Day of Days
[repeated from Tuesday]
8-9pm -- WWII in HD - Point of No Return
[repeated from Tuesday]
9-10pm -- WWII in HD - Striking Distance
American forces storm the Philippines while Shelby Westbrook is shot down over Europe. Jack Yusen battles the dangers of the deep when his ship is sunk after a heroic duel.
10-11pm -- WWII in HD - Glory and Guts
The Marine assault on Iwo Jima brings horror and glory. Pilot Bert Stiles engages a German fighter with disastrous consequences. Reinforcements arrive in Europe to push the Allies toward victory.

11-12am -- Nostradamus Effect: Hitler's Blood Oath
The most notorious madman in history was a murderer, a racist, a dictator and seducer of millions. But was this evil genius also... a prophet? And did he imagine that his sociopathic visions and violent behavior would eventually overtake the world, even if he was no longer alive to see it himself? Hitler's unlikely ascent was spurred by the eerie prophecies of two famed seers, Nostradamus and Erik Jan Hanussen; Hitler would manipulate their work to anoint himself a self-proclaimed Messiah come to save Germany in its time of need. Instead, he plundered Europe leaving millions dead in his wake. Was he the third Antichrist that Nostradamus predicted? And what role did the occult play in his attempt to re-build an Aryan master race?

Thursday, November 19, 2009
7-8pm -- WWII in HD - Striking Distance
[repeated from Wednesday]
8-9pm -- WWII in HD - Glory and Guts
[repeated from Wednesday]
9-10pm -- WWII in HD - Edge of the Abyss
The Battle of the Bulge pushes the Allies to the brink, and Rockie Blunt barely survives the fight. Okinawa erupts as the Japanese make their last stand. Hitler is handed a final ultimatum.
10-11pm -- WWII in HD - End Game
With the end in sight, Okinawa is a bloody obstacle to victory. The Third Reich ends with a single gunshot. America delivers the final blow to Japan and the world celebrates the fall of the Axis.

11-12am -- Sex in World War II: The Pacific Front
These are the untold stories of war--swept under history's rug...until now! Stroll down the streets of the busiest red-light district in the Pacific Theater of War, Hotel Street in downtown Honolulu, where 200 enterprising women made millions serving the United States during wartime.

Friday, November 20, 2009
7-8pm -- WWII in HD - Edge of the Abyss
[repeated from Thursday]
End Game
[repeated from Thursday]

9-10pm -- Ancients Behaving Badly - Julius Caesar
The ruler whose ego was as big as his empire declares himself dictator of Rome for life--turning his allies to enemies in the process.

10-11pm -- The History of Sex - Ancient Civilizations
In this hour, we study sex in the ancient world--from Mesopotamians, who viewed adultery as a crime of theft, to Romans, who believed that squatting and sneezing after sex was a reliable method birth control. We also look at revealing Egyptian and Greek practices--from the origins of dildos, to intimate relations between Egyptian gods and goddesses, to the use of crocodile dung as a contraceptive.

11-12am -- Ancients Behaving Badly: Caligula
This young Roman emperor had a fearsome reputation as a sadist, a murderer...and a raving lunatic.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
7am -- Heavy Metal: The Destroyer
In the bloody battle of the Pacific, one class of fighting ship took on the full ferocity of the Japanese and won. After destruction of the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, the US designed and built an awesome fleet of Fletcher-class destroyers--over 370 feet long, armed with 5-inch guns, and a speed of 36 knots. Featuring interviews with sailors who served on these gladiators of the sea in the often-suicidal Pacific Theater, striking archive film, much of it in color, and detailed reenactments.

8am -- Tora, Tora, Tora: The Real Story of Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941, was an historical turning point--the world was forever changed after the fateful Japanese attack against the US fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It resulted from a combination of interrelated and complicated factors--and at any point, the dangerous operation could have been called off before its commander radioed back the code words "Tora, Tora, Tora" (Tiger, Tiger, Tiger), which meant complete surprise had been achieved. Here is the real story of the "Day of Infamy".

10am -- WWII in HD: Darkness Falls
11am -- WWII in HD: Hard Way Back
12pm -- WWII in HD: Bloody Resolve
1pm -- WWII in HD: Battle Stations
2pm -- WWII in HD: Day of Days
3pm -- WWII in HD: Point of No Return
4pm -- WWII in HD: Striking Distance
5pm -- WWII in HD: Glory and Guts
6pm -- WWII in HD: Edge of the Abyss
7pm -- WWII in HD: End Game (part 10 of 10)

8-10pm -- The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After
In 2009, 46 years after he was shot, JFK will be gone for as long as he was alive. While the moments and hours after his tragic assassination were some of the most formative and important for our country, that story has rarely, and only partially, been told. For the first time, using never-before-seen transcripts only recently made public, this film pieces together the 24-hour period after the shots were fired. The timeline reveals startling new information about the death of the president and the traumatic transfer of power to his successor, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. From new details about when JFK really died, to the truth behind LBJ's Oath of Office photo on Air Force One, this special uncovers an unfamiliar story born out of one of the most crucial days in American history.

10-12am -- How the Earth Was Made
From a once seething, hellish mass of molten rock to the world that inhabits life today, take a rollercoaster ride through the entire history of Planet Earth. Its 4.5 billion year epic, a story of unimaginable timescales, earth-shattering forces, incredible life forms, radical climates and mass extinctions. Discover how the continents were formed, canyons were carved, and why the world's animals live where they do.

Sunday, November 22, 2009
7am -- The Weather At War: Pray for Rain
8am -- How The Earth Was Made: Driest Place on Earth
9am -- How The Earth Was Made: Iceland
10am -- How The Earth Was Made: Hawaii
11am -- How The Earth Was Made: Tsunami
12pm -- How The Earth Was Made: New York
1pm -- How The Earth Was Made: Yellowstone
2pm -- How The Earth Was Made: Great Lakes
3pm -- How the Earth Was Made: Krakatoa
4pm -- How The Earth Was Made: Asteroids
5pm -- How the Earth Was Made (2 hour, repeated from Saturday)
7-8pm -- The History of Thanksgiving
From the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock, Lincoln's 1863 declaration naming it a national holiday, to turkey, Macy's parade, and football, we'll share the abundant feast of Thanksgiving history--including all the trimmings!

8-8:30pm -- Pawn Stars - 12 - Plane Crazy
The Pawn Stars travel back in time over two centuries to colonial Boston but is this seller's map the real deal or will the guys tell him to take a hike. Meanwhile, Chumlee's purchase of fake art leaves Rick painting him a different sort of picture. Then will the Pawn Stars finally get their wings by buying the shop's first ever plane or will excess baggage keep this aircraft grounded.
8:30-9pm -- Pawn Stars - Sink or Sell
Corey gets into deep water with his dad and "The Old Man" when he buys a 1984 Chris Craft boat without first testing it out. Will he bounce back and make a profit or see his investment sink? Then, an old timer brings Rick an 1849 colt revolver that he forgot to unload! Will Rick add this antique weapon to his pawn shop arsenal, or will the sale backfire? Finally, the Pawn Stars get a chance to buy an incredibly rare 1954 Gretch Guitar previously owned by Robert Duvall.

9-10pm -- Cowboys & Outlaws - The Real Wyatt Earp
The fabled Wyatt Earp, credited with spreading law and order in the Wild West, was in reality a complex character who straddled both sides of the law. Throughout most of his career he rarely used a pistol to kill a man, but when his little brother is shot, he snaps and embarks on a bloody vendetta. This action seals his place in history... but obscures the real man behind the myth.

10-11pm -- Cowboys & Outlaws - The Real McCoy
At the dawn of the cowboy era, a mysterious disease threatens to derail the dreams of Texas cattlemen and their cowboys. One man vows to find a cure--and get fabulously rich at the same time. In a bold gamble, Joe McCoy builds a city in the middle of nowhere: Abilene--the first "cow town"--whose legacy would reshape the West.

11-12am -- Sex in the Real West
Called easy women, shady ladies, and soiled doves, the women who went west to practice the oldest profession were the first ladies of the American frontier. Arriving ahead of their "decent" sisters, prostitutes flocked to the boom towns and mining camps, facing ostracism and abuse as they sought a piece of the American Dream.

Monday, November 23, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - James Bond Gadgets
His movies are legend, his women beautiful, and his toys the best in the world. Whether James Bond is foiling villains in space-age flying machines or eavesdropping on his enemies with ultra-sophisticated spy gear, British Secret Agent 007 is always guaranteed to have the most outrageous and wonderfully creative gadgets ever to grace the silver screen. Bond had it all. But as we see in this exclusive look at his gadgets, it takes a lot to save the world!

8-10pm -- Surviving the Holidays with Lewis Black
Ho, ho, ho! 'Tis the season of survival. Armed with history, humor and his trademark ranting, the "Curmudgeon of Comedy" returns to make sense of this 36-day, end-of-year insanity that consumes us all. The Grammy winner takes a comedic look at how to survive the "month-long festival of consumption" without losing your mind. He consults experts in holiday history, anxiety and gift giving--and other comedians. He explores the meaning of Kwanzaa, the history of Chanukah, and the real Saint Nicholas. He interviews turkeys on a turkey farm. Lewis discovers why we drink on New Year's Eve and why the Detroit Lions always play on Thanksgiving Day. He does a stint as a department store Santa with kids and learns about the Major League Dreidel playoffs.

10-10:30pm -- Pawn Stars - Knights in Fake Armor?
It's clear that this is no ordinary pawn shop as the Pawn Stars wheel and deal items ranging from an old school Pac-Man to a Medieval Jousting Helmet. If these items are as real as their owner's say they are--they could be worth up to $30,000! Then, an old timer brings in a pristine 1884 Trap Door rifle that the guys buy hoping that it still fires. But, when the gun range owner says that simply firing it could cause a "catastrophic malfunction" the guys decide it's time to bring out their human guinea pig.
10:30-11pm -- Pawn Stars - Confederate Conundrum
An 1861 Civil War saber finds its way into the shop--but if it's real, why was the blade never sharpened? Then Rick and the owner of a Chuck Berry autographed Fender guitar find themselves on different pages when it comes to bartering over this item. Finally, the Pawn Stars appraise a "1916 National Cash Register." It looks real, but will they pull out the money from their 2009 cash register?

11-12am -- Modern Marvels: Cheese
From cheddar to brie, Parmesan to blue, take a look at both ancient techniques and new technologies behind some of the world's most popular cheeses. Visit the cow pastures of Wisconsin to the giant cheese factories of California to discover how cheese is made. Travel through history from the Roman Empire's diversity of cheeses to the 19th Century birth of industrial cheese. And yes, we'll answer that eternal question, "Why does Swiss cheese have holes?"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - More Bond Gadgets
He's everyone's favorite spy, the man with a woman in every port and a gadget in every pocket! No villain is too strong, no situation too tough for His Majesty's Secret Agent, thanks to his wits, cunning, and the best toys on the silver screen. History Channel cameras travel from the Arizona desert to the British countryside to find the best Bond gadgets--including amazing footage from inside the cockpit of the world's smallest jet and rare home movies taken on the underwater set of Thunderball.

8-9pm -- How the Earth Was Made - The Deepest Place on Earth
The Marianas Trench is the deepest place on earth, deeper than Mt. Everest is high. The trench is where the ocean floor disappears into the center of the earth. The pressures at this depth are 17 times greater than what it takes to crush a nuclear submarine. Only two men have ever been down the Trench, fewer than have set foot on the moon. Follow the daring missions into the abyss and explore the extraordinary geology that has created this deep scar along the ocean floor.

9-10pm -- How the Earth Was Made - Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon is nearly 300 miles long and over a mile deep. You could stack four Empire State buildings one on top of the other and they still wouldn't reach the lip of the Canyon. As vast tectonic plates clash and grind against one another a giant plateau has been pushed up over a mile in the air. The Colorado river, flowing from high in the Rockies and carrying a thick load of sediment, has carved an amazing canyon in the rising plateau.

10-10:30pm -- Pawn Stars - 13 - Peaches & Pinups
Corey has a chance to buy a wooden crossbow that hasn't been fired in almost 40 years--will it hold together and hit its mark or splinter, crack and fracture the deal? Meanwhile Rick blushes when a woman tries to sell her husband's Playboy collection. Will he "read the articles" and buy the lot or pass on Hef's ladies? Finally, the Pawn Stars try to sell one of their most prized items, an Ormolu clock, aka "The Death Clock."
10:30-11pm -- Pawn Stars - 14 - Old Man's Gamble
The Pawn Stars get a call about a 1979 KISS pinball machine--can it still "Rock 'n Roll All Nite", or will it steal Corey's quarter and KISS the deal goodbye? Then Rick is stumped when a woman brings in a 1914 Star-note $20 bill. Will everyone walk away with new money, or will it turn out to be chump change? And when an old easy rider brings in his classic 1982 Harley Davidson Shovel-head, Chumlee decides to buy it for himself--but can he raise the cash before the Old Man sells it off.

11-12am -- Home for the Holidays: The History of Thanksgiving
From the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock, Lincoln's 1863 declaration naming it a national holiday, to turkey, Macy's parade, and football, we'll share the abundant feast of Thanksgiving history--including all the trimmings!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - Coin Operated
Every 15 minutes, Americans insert over 3.5 million coins into vending machines. We'll visit a sprawling factory that mass produces the latest in high-tech vending machines, and a small company that makes a giant gumball machine that holds 40,000 gumballs. Then, there's the dreaded parking meter, including new ones that can take credit cards and text message for help when they are being robbed or vandalized. We'll visit America's last pinball factory, and see what strange coin operated fare kept people amused 100 years ago. Is coin counting Coinstar the ultimate coin operated machine? We'll follow their coins all the way to a Brinks warehouse. Our last stop is Marvin's Marvelous Mechanized Museum, housing some of the weirdest coin-op machines ever invented. If seeing a life-sized, robotic old man vomit is your idea of entertainment, drop a couple of quarters into "Dr. Ralph Bingenpurge". Now, that's money well spent.

8-10pm -- Woodstock: Now & Then
In the summer of 1969, on a farm about 90 miles north of New York City, more than 500,000 people gathered for a three day music festival that in an instant, defined a generation and changed popular culture forever...Woodstock. This special explores the frenzied days leading up to and throughout the festival, from how the planners scrambled to find a concert site and the traffic jams that shut down the New York State thruway to the infamously bad "brown acid," the thunderous rain and mud and, of course, the music. Weaving together first-hand accounts with rare archival images and an iconic soundtrack, the documentary allows those who were there a chance to relive the experience and gives an entirely new generation an opportunity to feel the magic of that time.

10-11pm -- The Beatles on Record
In 1962, an unknown group from Liverpool entered Abbey Road Studios to record their debut single. During the next eight years they created what is arguably regarded as the greatest collection of studio recordings of the 20th century. This special charts The Beatles' extraordinary journey in the studio from "Please Please Me" to "Abbey Road" and reflects on how they developed as musicians, matured as songwriters and created a body of work that sounds as fresh in 2009 as the time it was recorded. Narrated entirely by John, Paul, George, Ringo and Sir George Martin, the documentary features over 60 classic songs, rare footage and photos from The Beatles' archives and never heard before out-takes of studio chat from the "Abbey Road" recording sessions.

11-12am -- Modern Marvels: The Turkey
It's the centerpiece on your Thanksgiving dinner table--and one of the most famous birds in North America. From the moment a baby turkey pecks through its shell to the factory that transforms turkey waste into crude oil, see a world few have ever seen. Tour the Butterball factory in North Carolina, where millions of domesticated turkeys are processed, take a trip to a wild turkey hunt in the Montana wilderness, and stop at America's most famous turkey-themed restaurant, The Strongbow Inn, for a plate of turkey testicles and turkey eggs. From pets to presidential pardons, it's an up-close look at the feisty fowl that's the reluctant star of our holiday dinners.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
7-8pm -- The History of Thanksgiving
From the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock, Lincoln's 1863 declaration naming it a national holiday, to turkey, Macy's parade, and football, we'll share the abundant feast of Thanksgiving history--including all the trimmings!

8-8:30pm -- Pawn Stars - Damn Yankees
The Old Man hopes to hit a home run when a baseball autographed by the 1951 World Series Champion New York Yankees comes into the shop but he'll need to verify its authenticity before he steps up to the plate. Then, Rick checks out a 25-piece Knights of the Round Table set but with all the kings' men accounted for, is it really worth its weight in gold? Finally, the Pawn Stars have a chance to buy a West Point Cadet jacket owned by a famous general in 1909--will they try it on for size, or send it to the Salvation Army?
8:30-9pm -- Pawn Stars - Time Machines
Rick tries to refurbish a 1950's coke machine into a modernized collector's item. Will his plan quench his thirst or fizzle out and go flat? Meanwhile, Corey is offered an old pirate favorite: an 18th Century flintlock pistol. But before he can pull the trigger he'll need to authenticate it. In addition, the Pawn Stars get a chance to buy a 1941 Philco Radio. Will they dial in a deal, or be stuck searching through the static?
9-9:30pm -- Pawn Stars - 10 - Rope a Dope
The Pawn Stars look to buy a 1929 Chopped Ford Coupe but if they can't agree on a price, will the deal end up rusting in the bone yard? Then, a cowboy wants to sell his mechanical calf-roping machine. Can Corey rein it in without Chumlee spooking the sale? And when the prettiest pawn shop employee continues to be tardy, Rick and the Old Man dish out a fitting punishment. But is it enough to teach her a lesson?
9:30-10pm -- Pawn Stars - 09 - Rick's Big Bet
In this episode, Rick refurbishes a gas pump with a bird's nest inside, Corey takes a quiz after misidentifying a Faberge crystal glass--if he loses, he works graveyard, if he wins he gets $2500,--and Rick buys some bayonets.
10-10:30pm -- Pawn Stars - Sink or Sell
Corey gets into deep water with his dad and "The Old Man" when he buys a 1984 Chris Craft boat without first testing it out. Will he bounce back and make a profit or see his investment sink? Then, an old timer brings Rick an 1849 colt revolver that he forgot to unload! Will Rick add this antique weapon to his pawn shop arsenal, or will the sale backfire? Finally, the Pawn Stars get a chance to buy an incredibly rare 1954 Gretch Guitar previously owned by Robert Duvall.
10:30-11pm -- Pawn Stars - Gangsters & Guitars
Rick buys an old, Mafia favorite the 1962 Lincoln Continental with "suicide doors," but as the repair bills add up, so does the tension between him and the old man. Then, a guy brings in a billfold from 1857 that he found while cleaning out his garage. The best part? It's stuffed with Confederate money. Finally the Pawn Stars get a chance to buy a rare 1942 Gibson L7 guitar that was once played at a birthday party for Al Capone. But, is the seller in tune with what it's really worth?

11-12am -- That's Impossible: Invisibility Cloaks
The power of true invisibility may now be possible. This episode investigates classified reports that the British military recently tested an invisible battle tank, examines the scientific breakthroughs that may soon give us all the power of invisibility, and witnesses a remarkable demonstration of an invisibility cloak that makes a man vanish.

Friday, November 27, 2009
7-8pm -- Modern Marvels - The Telephone
From Alexander Graham Bell's crude creation, to today's high-speed wireless networks, we'll look into the past, present and future of the telephone. We'll visit the AT&T archives to see how the very first telephone boxes wired together with telegraph cables have evolved into vast wireless networks. Enter into the inner workings of Los Angeles County's 911 emergency dispatch center, as well as explore advancements made by Lucent/Bell Labs in phone-embedded GPS technology. With telephone privacy issues making headlines, witness a demonstration of how easy it can be for someone to illegally tap your phone. We'll also look at a technology developed by NASA-Ames that might one day allow people to converse by merely thinking what they want to say.

8-10pm -- Surviving the Holidays with Lewis Black
Ho, ho, ho! 'Tis the season of survival. Armed with history, humor and his trademark ranting, the "Curmudgeon of Comedy" returns to make sense of this 36-day, end-of-year insanity that consumes us all. The Grammy winner takes a comedic look at how to survive the "month-long festival of consumption" without losing your mind. He consults experts in holiday history, anxiety and gift giving--and other comedians. He explores the meaning of Kwanzaa, the history of Chanukah, and the real Saint Nicholas. He interviews turkeys on a turkey farm. Lewis discovers why we drink on New Year's Eve and why the Detroit Lions always play on Thanksgiving Day. He does a stint as a department store Santa with kids and learns about the Major League Dreidel playoffs.

10-10:30pm -- Pawn Stars - Brothels & Busses
A young man wants to trade a 1750 Blunderbuss gun for an engagement ring. Will Rick exchange vows and buy the gun or will he get cold feet and run? Then, the Pawn Stars get an opportunity to purchase an ejection seat allegedly from a World War II fighter jet, but is this deal destined to crash and burn? And later, a guy looking to make rent money wants to pawn his original 1966 Schwinn Stingray bike which has Rick remembering the good old days. Will his trip down memory lane include laying out the dough?
10:30-11pm -- Pawn Stars - Boom or Bust
Rick considers buying an 18th Century cannon that could be worth up to $40,000. But, before he makes an offer, he'll need to verify that it's the real deal by test firing it first. Then, a local woodworker needs cash to keep his business afloat and looks to pawn his 1.5 ton table saw. The Pawn Stars might lose the deal if they can't figure out a way to move it back to the pawn shop. Finally, a guy trying to sell his replica Roman armor strikes out with Corey but gets a second chance as Chumlee tries to negotiate what could be his first and last deal at the shop.

11-12am -- Modern Marvels: Coffee
Traces the origins of this tasty drink from Ethiopia over 1,000 years ago to the espresso-fueled explosion of specialty coffee stores like Starbucks today. Along the way, we'll see how American companies like Hills Brothers, Maxwell House, Folgers, and MJB grew to be giants. Discover how billions of coffee beans make their journey from coffee farms and plantations, and are processed in gigantic roasting and packaging plants before showing up in coffee cups all over the world. Details the invention and production of instant coffee, decaffeinated coffee, freeze-dried coffee, and the espresso machine. Also, we explain how coffee made shift work in factories possible, while coffeehouses provided a creative cauldron that brewed political and artistic progress in the 18th and 19th centuries. And, we also provide tips on how to make a better cup at home!

Saturday, November 28, 2009
7am -- Heavy Metal: PT Boat
Pound for pound, the Patrol Torpedo (PT) boats were WWII's most heavily armed fighting boats. Screwed and glued together on a hull made of wood, these 50 tons of fast fighting fury were hated by the Japanese who nicknamed them "The Devil Boats of the Night". With their three powerful marine engines and speedboat designs, they took on the enemy at close quarters with greater frequency than any other type of surface craft--from firefights with coastal barges to protecting the invasion fleet at D-Day. And they attacked the enemy from the freezing seas of the Aleutian Islands to the treacherous waters of the South Pacific. Using unique archive film, reenactments, and extraordinary interviews, here is the story of how this wooden wonder struggled for early recognition, but through the brilliance of its design, daring of its missions, and courage and sacrifice of its crews would play a major part in WWII.

8am -- Ice Road Truckers: Rookie Run
9am -- Ice Road Truckers: Canadian Invasion
10am -- Ice Road Truckers: Blinding Whiteout
11am -- Ice Road Truckers: Accident Alley
Noon -- Ice Road Truckers: Arctic Ice
1pm -- Ice Road Truckers: Wicked Weather
2pm -- Ice Road Truckers: Killer Pass
3pm -- Ice Road Truckers: Turn and Burn
4pm -- Ice Road Truckers: Ocean Run
5pm -- Ice Road Truckers: Busted Parts & Breakdowns
6pm -- Ice Road Truckers: Race for the Finish
7-8pm -- Ice Road Truckers - Arctic Thaw
As the final 72 hours of the Ice Road season tick away, legendary driver George Spears calls it a career, Lisa Kelly makes a harrowing 300-mile run with no brakes, the rivalry between Alex Debogorski and Hugh "The Polar Bear" Rowland comes down to the final load, and polar bears--real ones--shut down the Ice Road in front of Jack Jessee, as the "Dash for the Cash" comes down to the wire.

8-10:30pm (Reel To Real) Tombstone
Movie. After success cleaning up Dodge City, Wyatt Earp moves to Tombstone, Arizona, and wishes to get rich in obscurity. He meets his brothers there, as well as his old friend Doc Holliday. A band of outlaws that call themselves The Cowboys are causing problems in the region with various acts of random violence, and inevitably come into confrontation with Holliday and the Earps, which leads to a shoot-out at the OK Corral. Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer and Sam Elliot star. (1993)

10:30-12am -- The White House: Behind Closed Doors
The White House is at all times many different things. It's a museum where tourists come to see our country's history, a place of business where some of the greatest decisions of democracy have been made and, to the families of 41 Presidents, it has also been a home. The White House is perhaps the most photographed location in all of the United States of America but those images are mostly from the outside looking in. Now, President and Mrs. Bush invite viewers to join them on the first in-depth televised tour of this grand residence since Jacqueline Kennedy invited cameras inside in 1962. President and Mrs. Bush share their own personal insights and what it has been like to live in this historical house. In addition, special guests, brothers Leslie and Leigh Keno, well known from television's Antiques Roadshow, join Mrs. Bush to offer their insight and engaging curiosity to the journey.

Sunday, November 29, 2009
7am -- The Weather At War: Storms at Sea
June 6, 1944--one of military history's most famous dates--was chosen for the Allied invasion of Normandy, when 156,000 American, Canadian, and British went ashore in France to begin the quest to drive Germany from occupied Europe. Despite the terrible weather forecast, D-Day could be postponed no longer. Sure enough, the elements did their best to hamper the Allies. Landing craft were swamped by mountainous seas; a combat team was blown 2,000 yards south of where it should have been; the famous division Big Red One lost all but two of its amphibious tanks to the sea; and the wild waters concealed underwater obstacles that tore the bottoms out of landing craft. And those who made it through the storms to reach the beaches had to face murderous fire from German defenses. We relive the horror of the journey to, and arrival on, the Normandy beaches through the eyes of those that were there.

8am -- Hillbilly: The Real Story
The two-hour special, hosted by celebrity Billy Ray Cyrus, brings these mythic people to life through stories that span 300 years. Outcast immigrants, war heroes, isolated backwoodsmen, hard working miners, fast moving moon shiners, religious warriors, musicians and statesmen make up the rugged cast of characters.

10am -- MonsterQuest: Real Dragons
11am -- Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed
1pm -- History of the Joke: comedian Lewis Black
3pm -- Surviving the Holidays with Lewis Black
5pm -- The Beatles on Record
6pm -- Pawn Stars: Damn Yankees
6:30 -- Pawn Stars: Sink or Sell
7pm -- Pawn Stars - 10 - Rope a Dope
7:30 -- Pawn Stars - 09 - Rick's Big Bet
8pm -- Pawn Stars - Gangsters & Guitars
8:30 -- Pawn Stars - Confederate Conundrum

9-10pm -- Cowboys & Outlaws - The Real Billy the Kid
This is the true story behind one of the most notorious names from the Golden Age of the Wild West. Who was "Billy the Kid"? A cold-blooded killer who murdered 21 men? Or an orphaned teenager driven to revenge the death of the only man who offered him a place to belong? Welcome to gang warfare--Wild West style.

10-11pm -- Cowboys & Outlaws - The Real Lonesome Dove
Two cattle partners set off to blaze a trail to reach new markets. Only one returns. The epic adventure of Charles Goodnight and Oliver Loving defines the spirit of the American cowboy and the brutal reality of the West in the wake of the Civil War.

11-12am -- How The Earth Was Made: Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon is nearly 300 miles long and over a mile deep. You could stack four Empire State buildings one on top of the other and they still wouldn't reach the lip of the Canyon. As vast tectonic plates clash and grind against one another a giant plateau has been pushed up over a mile in the air. The Colorado river, flowing from high in the Rockies and carrying a thick load of sediment, has carved an amazing canyon in the rising plateau.

Monday, November 30, 2009
6am -- Desperate Crossing: The Untold Story of The Mayflower, Part 3
The conclusion of our story about "the Pilgrims", features elaborate dramatic reenactments from original source material written by eyewitnesses and participants in the actual events of the early 1600s.

7am -- The Real West: The Texas Rangers
A history of the frontier's most feared and fearless lawmen, who combed the wide-open spaces of Texas to track down some of the Old West's most vicious criminals. A Texas Ranger could "ride like a Mexican, trail like an Indian, shoot like a Tennessean, and fight like the very devil." Formed by Stephen F. Austin in 1826 to protect American settlers in the Texas territory, the Rangers later turned to upholding the law.

8am -- The Real Wolfman
Follow veteran criminal profiler George Deuchar and renowned cryptozoologist, Ken Gerhardt as they investigate the legend of the notorious Wolfman. Between the years of 1764 and 1767, the small French hamlet of Gevaudan was plagued by a mysterious beast that attacked and killed 102 villagers. The victims (mostly women and children) were all maliciously mauled and decapitated. All bore the bite marks of a non-human creature, and even more bizarre, many victims were found undressed and sexually assaulted. For centuries, the true identify of this mysterious "wolfman" has remained a mystery. Digging deeply into the mythology of Werewolves, they uncover reported paranormal transformations, diseases that make men look and act like animals, strange but true stories of children raised by wolves, and the truth about wolfsbane and silver bullets. Their modern-day forensic investigation leads them to the horrific truth behind the Werewolf murders.

10am -- MonsterQuest: Abominable Snowman
Noon -- Pawn Stars: Boom or Bust
12:30 -- Pawn Stars: Time Machines
1pm -- Pawn Stars: Brothels & Busses
1:30 -- Pawn Stars: Knights in Fake Armor?
2pm -- The Real Wolfman
4pm -- MonsterQuest: Abominable Snowman
The Abominable Snowman is among the most frightening and notorious monsters in history. This ferocious nocturnal creature is said to attack people and slaughter their animals. Witnesses report sightings of a strange, hair-covered beast and claim to have heard blood-curdling screams. Evidence amassed over the last century may point to a startling conclusion: that something real and unknown stalks the desolate mountains of the Far East. Scientists and experts will examine the clues while the MonsterQuest team will undertake their most dangerous expedition to date with an epic ascent onto the snowy peaks where recent evidence of the beast was found. 6pm -- Pawn Stars: Boom or Bust
6:30 -- Pawn Stars: Time Machines
7pm -- Pawn Stars: Brothels & Busses
7:30 -- Pawn Stars: Knights in Fake Armor?
8pm -- Pawn Stars: 11 - John Hancock's Hancock
The Pawn Stars are used to paying big money for celebrity John Hancocks but will they know how to price one from the actual John Hancock? Then the guys have an opportunity to buy an allegedly authentic Indiana Jones whip--but it all boils down to two words: Harrison Ford. And finally, will the purchase of a hot item by one of his underlings land Corey in hot water.
8:30 -- Pawn Stars: 13 - Peaches & Pinups
Corey has a chance to buy a wooden crossbow that hasn't been fired in almost 40 years--will it hold together and hit its mark or splinter, crack and fracture the deal? Meanwhile Rick blushes when a woman tries to sell her husband's Playboy collection. Will he "read the articles" and buy the lot or pass on Hef's ladies? Finally, the Pawn Stars try to sell one of their most prized items, an Ormolu clock, aka "The Death Clock."
9pm -- Pawn Stars: 12 - Plane Crazy
The Pawn Stars travel back in time over two centuries to colonial Boston but is this seller's map the real deal or will the guys tell him to take a hike. Meanwhile, Chumlee's purchase of fake art leaves Rick painting him a different sort of picture. Then will the Pawn Stars finally get their wings by buying the shop's first ever plane or will excess baggage keep this aircraft grounded.
9:30 -- Pawn Stars: 14 - Old Man's Gamble
The Pawn Stars get a call about a 1979 KISS pinball machine--can it still "Rock 'n Roll All Nite", or will it steal Corey's quarter and KISS the deal goodbye? Then Rick is stumped when a woman brings in a 1914 Star-note $20 bill. Will everyone walk away with new money, or will it turn out to be chump change? And when an old easy rider brings in his classic 1982 Harley Davidson Shovel-head, Chumlee decides to buy it for himself--but can he raise the cash before the Old Man sells it off.
10pm -- Pawn Stars: 15/16 (2 new episodes) Old Man's Booty
The Pawn Stars have an opportunity to buy a 17th Century treasure chest that nobody can open--even though what's inside could make all the difference. Will they figure out how to get in and plunder what's inside or will it remain locked keeping its contents secret forever? Then when a man wants to sell a three-sided trench knife from WWI, Rick has some concerns. And later, Rick and Corey play a prank on the Old Man by "borrowing" his 1956 Chrysler Imperial. What really happened to it?
10:30 -- Pawn Stars: 16 - Fired Up
The Pawn Stars want to buy an airplane propeller that may be historically tied to Charles Lindbergh--can they find an expert or documentation to confirm the link or will this deal crash and burn? Then when a man brings in a 1750s Flintlock Musketoon, Rick has doubts about its authenticity. And later a young man brings the Old Man a key chain that he believes belonged to Willie Nelson--the only question is--which one.

Christmas Wreaths at Arlington
Veteran's Day: Remembering those who were home by Christmas, & those who weren't

A treaty with the Big Bad Wolf (1942)

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The History Channel's real-life Pirates Of The Caribbean website including a clip of their favorite weapons: click on the pirate ship there to see video

All 3000 names from September 11, 2001
Wild West Tech @ 9am hosted by David Carradine, some episodes narrated by Keith Carradine

Next episode: Disaster Tech on Saturday July 25 @ 9:00 AM

Our Web chat with R. Lee Ermey, which took place live from Kuwait on July 6, 2003 Other videos posted by Ermey at the History Channel
Do you have written goals? In a survey of Harvard MBA grads in 1979: 84% had not set goals for themselves, 13% made goals but hadn't written them down, and 3% had written goals. By 1987, the 13% were earning twice as much as the 84% and the 3% were making ten times the earnings of the other 97%

R. Lee Ermey (Mail Call) has decided to play something other than a tough drill sgt. (Full Metal Jacket). His latest movie is a prequel to Texas Chainsaw Massacre called "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning" as the head of a very strange & lethal family of mutants

For info on UFOs, check out the interview on MonsterVision's Mars Attacks page

Watch Lock N' Load or drop and give me 20 Watch Lock N' Load every week if you know what's good for you, scumbag,
hosted by R. Lee Ermey of Full Metal Jacket
Transcript of the Live Chat with Ermey in Kuwait (2003)

Previous History Channel primetime listings:

October 2009

September 2009
August 2009
July 2009
June 2009
May 2009
April 2009
March 2009
February 2009
January 2009
December 2008
December 2007

January 2000
August 1999

Hellcats of the Navy Official Homepage Or find out what happened when with our exclusive History of the World Timeline!

A&E Prime Time listings for this month

Find out more about any topic any time, including this day in history (your choice of decade), with our Best Search in History:

Good Morning, Mr. Bond

Episodes of the quirky Northern Exposure are on Hallmark Channel. And episodes of the even quirkier "Twin Peaks" are sometimes on Bravo. Monstervision review & host segments of the Twin Peaks movie "Firewalk With Me."

Fun fact:
Griffith Park Observatory According to Ripley's Believe It Or Not, the 800-mile long Aruwimi River, which flows through the Aruwimi Forest in the Congo, was unwittingly named by famous explorer David Livingstone. He asked a native what the name of the river was. The native replied "Aruwimi," which means, "What is he saying?"

In 1942, Adolf Hitler inherited 9,000 acres of grazing land in Colorado from German relatives. The PT Boat of WW2 was based on a blueprint from Andrew Higgins, a bootlegger who had used the speedboat design for rumrunning during Prohibition. And Arlington National Cemetery has four Tomb Of The Unknown Soldiers (WW1, WW2, Korea & Vietnam) but only 3 bodies: identification processes have become so good that all remains returned from Vietnam are eventually identified!

In 1963, ventriloquist Paul Winchell was awarded a patent for the first successful artificial heart. The plastic heart was first tested on a calf, which lived 94 days.

“The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope”
Henry Ward Beecher

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"I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies:
1. Anything that is in the world when you're born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works.
2. Anything that's invented between when you're fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it.
3. Anything invented after you're thirty-five is against the natural order of things."
Douglas Adams (1952-2001, Hitchhhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
"Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine & tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon & cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good"
Alice's Restaurant Cookbook by Alice May Brock
Fun fact:
The fax number for GMAC Commercial Mortgage spells out as (215) EAT-DIRT
This Angelfire logo is history Can you google bing on yahoo?

This website created by Bill Laidlaw in 1999 and updated semi-monthly ever since
© Bill Laidlaw. All rights reserved.

Gonads are useful for their purpose but they are no substitute for brains