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Hackert Lake Association
Annual Membership Meeting
Amber Town Hall
July 27, 2002

The meeting, preceded by the summer family picnic beginning at 4:00 p.m., was well attended.

Officers and Board and Committee members in attendance: Bob Haupt, Tony Swider, Sandi Steckel, Shirley Salas, John and Linda Ochs, Frank Salas, Harold Kling, Gail Kowalski and Jane Jesuale.

President Bob Haupt called the meeting to order at 5:25 p.m.

Treasurer’s Report: Expenditures = $567 Current balance = $918.53

50 paid memberships - less than half of eligible members.

Gail Kowalski nominated Officers for 2002-2003 – incumbents Bob Haupt - President, Tony Swider - Vice-president, Shirley Salas - Secretary, Sandi Steckel – Treasurer. John and Linda Ochs were nominated as Alternate Secretaries. All nominees were unanimously approved. Gail moved that the nominees be elected; John Ochs seconded the motion.

Gary Andersen reported that so far he has received two checks totaling $70 for expenses for improvement of the Chilberg swim area. The buoys are in place at his personal expense of $266. The current dock is unsafe and falling down. He would like contributions to help pay for a new one. Tony told him he has two good docks to contribute. Discussion about money left over from the Chilberg gas project. Give it to Gary for his beach area project? Myrt Hackert suggested that it should go into the association general fund and a portion used for the beach.

Officers, Board and Committee members should all have copies of the DEQ manual “Developing a Watershed Management Plan for Water Quality” by now. All parties interested in working on this project can get a copy of the booklet from Bob Haupt. The booklet is a “blueprint” for defining areas and problems in the Hackert Lake watershed, which should result in obtaining money from DEQ/DNR for improving and maintaining the area. Discussed solutions being used by others.

We continue the water-sampling project with Westshore Community College. Aquatic plant sampling is too involved but could be done by individuals at each owner’s lakefront.

Minnow project is successful so far. Tony, John and Bob assisted in planting nine gallons of fathead minnows around the lake and one gallon in a private pond with the idea of growing our own. They seem to be reproducing pretty well so far. Seining them from the pond is a learning process; much of the first “crop” was lost because they were left in the pond too long after trapping them. Future catches will be transplanted quicker.

John Ochs reported that he, Bob and Tony met with Sheriff Larry Stewart to discuss patrolling of the lake. The Sheriff’s Department recently lost water patrol personnel and it will take two or three months to recruit and train somebody new for the job. Concerning complaints that 911 non-emergency callers are told that they are too busy, Larry said that it is not dispatcher’s job to turn down a caller. Only a regular police officer can enforce laws.

1. Is the association responsible for the Chilberg beach waterfront area?
2. We should begin working for zoning against any new multiple access to the lake.

Gail moved to adjourn the meeting; Dr. Mayer seconded the motion.

Shirley Salas, Secretary