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This page is dedicated to my Great Gramma who went to heaven on March 8, 2000....1 whole year ago. I didn't know my Great Gramma very long but, she sure was fun to play with. She always gave me hugs and kisses and shared her candy with me. I loved her alot and I sure do miss her.

Great Gramma

This pic was taken when we had a special Christmas with Great Gramma. Boy, she sure liked the goodies Santa brought her. Yummy!!!

Great Gramma and Grandpa

This is my Great Gramma and Grandpa when they were young. I wish I could have known them then. Don't they look happy?

Serenaded By Angels

This is a special Day Lily called "Serenaded By Angels" which is a song by Kirk Talley that was played at my Great Gramma's funeral. It is also the midi that is playing.

Angel Hugs to all

A special angel prayer from me to you

<BGSOUND SRC=serenadedbyangels_1_.mid" LOOP="10">