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Meet My Gramma

This is my gramma......Pam......aka "Woody" holding me when I was teeny little. I was wearing Cabbage Patch clothes. DON'T YOU TELL!! PLEASE!!!

My gramma is an EMT Specialist. She use to work on the ambulance but, now she works in Dispatch. She says it's "ok" but, she misses working with the patients and answering telephones all day is boring. She works on computers all day at work. I went there one time to pick up our's a pretty cool place. They have billions of ambulances there. I LOVE ambulances and fire trucks.

My gramma is pretty cool. She plays with me alot and reads me stories. She even makes up stories to tell me sometimes when I sleep with her. They're kinda silly and funny but, I like 'em. AND....she's a pretty good cook. She makes my favoite stuff...tuna noodle casserole and mac 'n cheese...mmmmm

My gramma loves angels so, we're making a special angel page (we hope). Tee Hee We'll be working on that soon. So, please come back and see my gramma's angel page and find out more about my gramma.

See you soon!!

We got the Angel Pages done!!

NO! NO!! Not these angels!!!!

<BGSOUND SRC="TheDance.mid" LOOP="10"> The midi playing is "The Dance" by Garth of my gramma's favorites