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A Little About Me name is Caleb and I'm almost 4 years old. Some people call me a "little guy"........grrrrrrrrrr. I'm NOT little....I'm Big Buzz Lightyear. TO THE RESCUE!!

Anyway, let me introduce myself and tell you a little about me. I was born 10 weeks early and only weighed 2 lbs. 12 oz. (guess that's where they get the "little guy" stuff). Wellll, now I'm 30 lbs. so, I'm not little anymore. TA DA!! My mom says I was really sick for a while when I was in NICU. I had a collapsed lung and lots of infections. The doctors put a nasty ole tube down my throat and one in my side plus they kept sticking me with sharp things all the time. IT HURT!! They said I was "fiesty" because I kept pulling the sharp things out....tee hee. I wouldn't be still so they had to tie me THAT'S not fun! I'm still "fiesty" but, now my mom calls it a "tude". Hmmmm wonder what that means? you can tell.....I survived and have grown alot. I love to play with my Buzz Lightyear toys that I got from Santa. How did Santa know that's what I wanted? Hmmmm smart guy that Santa. I got lots of cool stuff for Christmas....a Buzz Lightyear train, a Buzz Lightyear action figure that really talks, a pickup truck to ride outside when the snow goes away and lots of other clothes....ick.

I have a kitty named Cooper....aka Buzz Lightyear Kitty. He's lots of fun to chase around. LOL Sometimes, when I get rowdy with him, he bites me. OUCH!! Guess I shouldn't do that, huh?

My mom is Shawn. Her and I live with my gramma, Pam. I call my mom...."Dinasour Mom" and my gramma "Woody" guessed it..Toy Story guys. Sometimes, they even answer me when I call 'em that.......silly mom and gramma. Tee hee

There's lots more to tell you about me but, you'll find all that stuff out on other pages as I add them. Hope you come back soon to see my updates.

Thanks for visting!! birthday is April 23...shhhhhhh

<BGSOUND SRC="toy_story_you_ve_got_a_friend_1j.mid" LOOP="10"> midi playing is "You've Got a Friend" from Toy Story

<BGSOUND SRC="blrescue.wav" LOOP="1">