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Digital marketing is more important now than ever yet only in the last few years are some of the most crucial best practices coming into focus. A good digital marketing campaign is no longer about trial and error: You can achieve repeatable success by knowing your customers, using data, and continuously optimizing.

The big risk is this: Even a campaign well-architected in virtually every way can still fail. How? Every aspect of a digital marketing campaign works together, creating a seamless experience that lets prospects effectively sell themselves on your solutions. If one part of your strategy is missing, the rest wont produce results.

In B2B digital marketing, more professionals are falling into this trap in a very specific way: Believing the hype that search engine optimization (SEO) is dead and leaving it out of their plans.

Why Are So Many Marketing Pros So Wrong About SEO?

SEO has been a part of digital marketing since the beginning. Rudimentary SEO tools and tactics were in place almost as soon as Google started handling millions of queries yearly in 2000. Over time, the specifics have changed, but much of the effort is still focused on visibility in Google.

With Googles growth into an indispensable part of billions of lives, anxiety has grown. There are plenty of self-proclaimed experts, half-baked conspiracy theories, and plain wrong-headed ideas out there and, unfortunately, they influence digital marketing strategy every day.

The biggest myth is this: Google doesnt want SEO to succeed and that means SEO is dead.

Whats the truth? Google wants its search results to reflect the best content on the Web for a given search query. It doesnt want poor quality sites to reach the first page, no matter what methods are used. But that doesnt mean SEO is discouraged! And it sure doesnt mean its dead!

So Whats the Real Truth About SEO and Digital Marketing in 2016?

The changes Google has made to its technology over time all have one goal: Making search results better. However, there are just as many ranking factors Web designers have influence over more than ever. Google knows that rewarding sites that tweak these factors in the right ways improves user experience.

Second is this: Even with Googles power, no change it can make would kill SEO. Doing so is not only impossible, but would remove a tremendous source of influence over Web-based brands. As much as SEO has changed, much of it remains the same at heart. Unless Google transforms into something unrecognizable, so it will remain.

Its more difficult today to develop a successful SEO approach. But SEO is still a defining factor in where you fall on search engines results pages and search queries are still how do keywords work on a website the richest source of targeted, low-cost, organic traffic that any business with a major online component can hope for.

In Todays Cutthroat B2B Markets, You Cant Go Without SEO

B2B industries that used to be dominated by just a few players are becoming more diverse and competitive. Your rivals are out there, looking for ways to expand digital marketing as part of their prospecting and relationship management mix. Give up on SEO and they could build online momentum you cant beat.

SEO provides you with crucial traffic you can use to develop insights on how the other aspects of your strategy are working. Without it, prospects are more likely to see and engage with your competitors first. Plus, you wont have the raw data you need to hone your site into a true conversion machine.

In 2016, SEO is indispensable


The verdict is in: In 2016, SEO is indispensable.

Secrets To Achieving Amazing Website Marketing Success

If you are looking for some affiliate marketing techniques that can boost your sales, you have come to the right place. The best practices of internet marketing can sometimes, change without warning. You must always be educating yourself and keep up-to-date with the latest and greatest marketing tips. You should be able to find a few useful tips to help improve upon your current marketing strategies.

Try solo ads. Solo ads are ones that you provide to owners of e-mail newsletters. How does this help you? You are able to reach a targeted group that might be interested in what you have to offer. More than that, your appearance in the newsletter means the owner approves of you. So, the readers are more likely to respond favorably to your ads.

Once you've gotten a customer to buy from you, you need to remind them to come back by sending out a newsletter. Customers have already shown interest in your store by buying from it. You should remind them about you often to ensure that they come back. You can also tell them about new deals and merchandise.

If you feel that someone is being negative to you it is not a wise idea to return the negativity. That only goes to show others that you are immature. The best thing to do is to respond to any feedback you receive in the most positive way possible.

Start a blog. Every type of business can benefit from a blog. A blog lets you connect directly with your customers and give them a peek behind the scenes. An engaging blog will keep customers interested, even when they are not in the market yet - so your business is the first to come to mind when it is time to shop.

Employing the use of the tips mentioned here gives your business a leg up on the competition by utilizing information that makes your online marketing campaign work harder to drive your online sales to new heights. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced veteran of internet sales, utilizing these tips is a sure-fire way to increase your sales.