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Guy's Declassified School Survival Guide

I think studying at Aragon high school is probably difficult. This is because teacher have high expectations of students. For example, Aragon students often have a lot of homework, a lot of studying, and a lot of extra curricular activities. Learning and becoming members of clubs is good, but because they're very very busy, Aragon students are often stressed out. When there gets to be a lot of stress, people often become inefficient and sad. Actually, it is sometimes similar to being annihilated. Isn't this unfortunate? However, do not fret! If you read "Guy's Declassified School Survival Guide," everything will become O.K.!

First, rolling backpacks are forbidden. They probably seem convenient, but actually, they are inconvenient and too big. Regular backpacks are fine. Therefore, people who use rolling backpacks seem a little bit strange.

Next, sleep deprivation is also terrible. Every day, it's good to get a lot of sleep. There is a lot of homework, but don't procrastinate because if you sleep, you will be happy. It is maybe difficult, but I think it is possible. Don't use Reddit because it makes it easier to procrastinate most of the time.

Finally, the back of Aragon high school's gym is a shady place. This is because people do various bad things at this place. For example, vomiting, kissing, and getting into fights. Isn't this awful? Therefore, never go to behind the gym.

From now on, you will not die at Aragon high school! Thank you very much for reading.