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The Differences Between American and Japanese High Schools

Japanese high schools and American high schools have various differences. Now, I will explain these differences.

The first difference between American and Japanese high schools is that Japanese high schools have indoor shoes. I think that these indoor shoes are a little frustrating. However, because they have these shoes, Japanese high schools are cleaner and more beautiful than American high schools.

The next difference is that Japanese high schools celebrate school festivals. These school festivals seem very interesting and fun. This is because I like cosplay cafes and plays. Therefore, I want to participate in a school festival. The fact that American high schools don't have school festivals is disappointing in my opinion.

After that, Japanese high schools have entrance exams. Entrance exams seem difficult. I think it's good that America doesn't have these entrance exams. America does have the SAT, but I think that the SAT is easier. I have already taken the SAT, so right now, I'm not worrying about it.

Next, cultural clubs are more popular in Japanese high schools than in American high schools. Because I don't play many sports, I like these cultural clubs. For example, tea ceremony club and calligraphy club are interesting in my opinion. Therefore, I think having many various cultural clubs is good.

Finally, the cafeteria food is better in Japanese high schools is more delicious than in American high schools. I don't eat American cafeteria food because it's a little disgusting. On the other hand, when I went to Japan, I ate curry and rice from a cafeteria. It is a little spicy, but very delicious.

In conclusion, Japanese high schools and American high schools have various differences. Overall, I think Japanese high schools are very interesting and fun and American high schools are easier but a little boring. However, they also have various similarities. For example, Japanese high schools' school subjects and American high school subjects are the same. For example, American high schools' math and Japanese high schools' math are the same. Next, the sports clubs are the same. This is because Japanese and American high schools play the same sports. For example, American and Japanese high school students both play baseball and soccer. Finally, both Japanese and American high schools' homework is similar. They are both difficult and frustrating in my opinion. Nobody likes doing homework.