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Introduction of best clubs at Aragon



Japanese Conversation Club and Aragon’s Japanese class have various similarities and differences. In Japanese Conversation Club and Japanese class students practice Japanese, but in Conversation Club there is more discussion. Conversation Club teaches about Japanese language, Japanese culture, and Japanese food. Japanese Conversation Club plays a lot of games. For example, shiritori, master designer, and others. Covers action club often has karaoke and air guitar contests. Students who are in Japanese Honors and AP class will often sing karaoke for Arashi’s song Happiness. Japanese Conversation Club always participates in Aragon’s Food Fair. There they sell Japanese cuisine such as onigiri and musubi. Japanese Conversation Club meets on Wednesday in Ms. Hosoi’s room.`



Aragon’s  Tea Club is where people who like tea come together to drink it together. Japanese high-schools often have tea ceremony clubs, but Aragon’s tea club is not a ceremony club. Tea Club has a variety of activities, such as drinking tea, eating crumpets, and rapping. Tea Club usually has Indian black tea but every week there is black tea and green tea.  Aragon’s Tea Club never drinks milk tea because they believe that it is not a true tea.  Tea Club is a very relaxed club, therefore people who have a lot of stress should go to Tea Club.  Tea Club meets on Fridays in Mr. Thurtle’s room.



Mad Town Music is Aragon’s trap music club.  Trap music is a fusion of Hip-hop and Electronic music.  This is a new genre so Mad Town Music is still a bit small, however each year, the club grows bigger.  Mad Town Music has only one activity: listening to trap music.  Mad Town’s members want trap music to become popular so trap is their club’s focus.  Mad Town Music meets on Thursdays in Ms. Wei’s room.



Not everyone can join Aragon’s Robotics Team, so those who would like to enter must fill out an application and have an interview.  The Robotic’s team is student managed, however members use many dangerous tools so they also have many advisors.  The Robotics team has two subdivisions whose names are FRC and FTC.  As such, Aragon Robotics team enters both FRC and FTC competitions.  Two years ago the team went to world championships in St. Louis.  Aragon Robotics Team meets after school on tuesdays and thursdays in Mr. Apperson’s room.



“Key” is an international organization whose mission is to help the environment and people by volunteering.  Aragon’s Key Club mascot is the Aqua Ape.  Once every month Aragon’s Key Club meets with San Mateo and Hillsdale High school’s Key clubs.  Key Club has a lot of rallies, for example, every year Northern California and Nevada Key Club’s have a rally at Six Flags amusement park.  At rallies, members meet many new people as well as complete community service.  Key Club does varies community service activities such as park clean-ups and food drives.  Key Club meets on Thursdays in Mr. Colglazier’s room.



This is the first year of Doctor Who Club.  Doctor Who is an English science fiction drama.  Club activities include watching Doctor Who, debating, and Doctor Who themed charades.  In Doctor Who Club often watches Matt Smith episodes of Doctor Who because those are the the easiest episodes to watch.  The Club had a poll and David Tennant was named the best Doctor.  Not everyone in the club has seen the new season, so there is absolutely no talking about spoilers.  Doctor Who club meets on Monday in Mr. Ratto’s room.



MUN is Aragon’s Model United Nations Club.  In Model United Nations students represent different countries.  Aragon’s Model United Nations Club goes to two different conferences that happen at UC Berkeley and Stanford University.  At the conferences everyone engages in debate about current universal topics.  For example, AIDS and cultural issues.  Model United Nations is slightly difficult so members are often busy.  Modern United Nations is a very good learning experience.  MUN meets on wednesdays in Mr. Gibbon’s room.



Aragon Tabletop Gaming Club plays various different games.  For example, Risk, Monopoly, Dungeons & Dragons, Catan, and Yu-Gi-Oh!.  This club plays a lot of board games, however the focus is on Dungeons & Dragons.  In Dungeons & Dragons everyone plays as a fantasy character, and fights monsters.  Lunch break is too short, so school meetings are mostly planning.  Once every months, Tabletop Gaming Club plays Dungeons & Dragons.  Dungeons & Dragons is very long so in one year they play a single game.  Tabletop Game Club meets on Tuesdays in Mr. Doyle’s room.