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American Saddlebreds In My Life

A Saddlebred is a creature of elegant beauty, and athletic ability. He steals hearts with a mere glance. His presence speaks words that only the heart can comprehend; breathtaking only begins to describe the feeling. His versatility and history cannot be ignored. His breeding comes from Colonial times through the American Civil War when an all around horse was needed. He would plow the fields and take the children to school. He was ridden in back road races and driven by the ladies of society. Often he would take the family to Sunday church.

Today his ability to adapt is seen with his emergence in endurance, dressage, huntseat, eventing, cutting cattle, and western stockseat. This noble horse can take a rider to the heights of excitement and show ring performance that she has never known before. Spectators also see the ASB babysitting a youngster in the leadline class at their first show. A Saddlebred is a wonderful trail mount, interested in the surroundings, yet attentive to the rider. And country gentlemen still love to drive him.

The American Saddlebred is a unique breed, varied in colour and in gaits, but he will always be known as the 'peacock of the show ring.' This website is dedicated first and foremost to the love of my life, Arthur. Secondly, to 'My filly, Miss Genny', My 'Little Man' Norman, and new arrival, 'My Sprouty-Boy' and those saddlebreds that have endeared themselves to me. For like many before me, I too, have been taken in by the American Saddlebred. Good Lawd have mercy on my husband; for he knows not the depth of this addiction!

Shown at four months
April 12, 1998 - November 22, 1999

Arthur was my light and life. He became my horse in October 1998. At the early age of three months he showed signs of OCD in his stifle joints. Several vets examined him and after a trying summer, he was brought to the University of Missouri to have surgery that would put his 'kneecaps' back in place. He was to be my first horse; my first show horse, the horse of my dreams, and he could become at best, a lawn ornament after the procedure. Arthur made it through the surgery, but not the recovery process. Having done all I could for him, I held him in my arms as the vets helped me put him out of his pain. It was the last thing I could do for him. I still miss him terribly, but have never regretted him in my life. Arthur is my inspiration and constant reminder of the vigilance we must have with horses in our care. In the evenings I look to the sunset and tell him that I still love him.

More Pictures of Arthur

A Curious and Attentive Miss Genny

Miss Genny and I went to the Iowa State Fair this year, and we won 2nd in the Show Pleasure Qualifier, and 5th in the Championship. Many thanks go to my sister who was able to come to the show, and had her own first time in the ring as tailer for Norman in his futurity class. Couldn't have done it without you sis!

While I am of the opinion that the judging was 'off' during the whole show; I am still very proud of my girl. In every single class, she was giving me her best, working hard and trotting level and strong. We had some issues with canter leads again, but that is because she comes to anticipate things. She's so busy trying to please she forgets to listen to me. We're working on that at home right now, getting ready for a local show at the end of October.

We are also spending some 'play time' with Medieval Games such as the Quintain [joust at a rotating shield], the Saracen Heads [weave through a line of poles and 'chop off heads'], and we have even shot arrows off her back. This is great for her mind, and she is really enjoying the different challenges. I'll see if I can get some photos -proof yet again that if you point a Saddlbred towards a new goal, they will accomplish it in stride.

Read about our adventures

Americana's Gone Gold

Standing in Missouri, Norman is a handsome young golden stallion now available to the public for the Spring 2003 breeding season. Showing in the top ribbons in every class, he has brought home prize money for his proud owners each time. His lineage includes old time blood with well known horses in his pedigree [such as Faustiana's Top Brass, Anacacho Denmark, Wing Commander, Stonewall Premier, Edna May's King, More To Go, On the Go, Sultan's Americana, and Skyrim's Bourbon Stonewall] and Hall of Fame Broodmares who were great showhorses in their own right [WC Miss Dixie Rebel as one example].

He is maternally related to Americana's Jazz Man who has won in the Three-Gaited Division at numerous 'A' rated shows in recent years, including the American Royal and Louisville. Norman's foals are expected to be short backed, upheaded, athletic and smart horses with show ring presence. He will debut in harness this Fall and under saddle early Spring, my personal preference of not showing 2 Yr Olds in performance classes has kept him showing lightly.

Norman's live cover fee is $500.00, LFG. Shipped semen is available for $350, mare owener to pay for vet fees. Both include a non-refundable $50 booking fee. If needed, Mare & foal care $6.00 a day.

For more information, please contact Jennifer at

Please click above to see his pedigree and learn more about his family's history.

Well wouldn't you know it.. Little did I dream that when I began to follow the life of a certain rescue horse, that he would end up with me! I have kept note of Sprout's doings for about two years, always trying to find him a home -though at times somewhat passively. This August I happened to be going to Kentucky to pick up a friend, and I also happened to pick up another horse! I hid him from my husband for months, but finally told him; and surprise! he wasn't mad! Did I marry a good guy or what? So The Sproutman has a home with me now. I will train him to drive over the winter, and get on his back again too. He has this incredible floaty trot, and long neck, that I really wish he was a mare! I will also work hard to get him registered once he has proven himself in a working environment. Wether he becomes a three-gaited horse, or a competitive carriage driving horse, he'll always have a home.

Red {right} and Sprout {left} are unregistered Saddlebreds saved by an equine rescue group in Kentucky. Sprout has just been adopted [05/13/02] to an ol' Country Boy and I wish the both of them the best. Red is broke to ride, has gone on trails, and is now adopted as a New Jersey Park Ranger horse. What a trooper! Keri Basham is head of the Equine Transitional Training Alliance, also known as ETTA. Her webpage tells more about their story. Or you can drop her a note and see how you can help the horses! Keri's one of the best rescues, ask her about more Saddlebred rescues!

This is a picture taken at my first ever Calvary Episcipal Horse Show. {1997} I am riding the William Woods University horse Spin Doctor. He is better known as Duncan to his riders. Duncan guided me through the Novice Rider Class at the Calvary Episcipal Horse Show. Although we placed fifth in the class; Duncan allayed my fears of the show ring. Overall, we had a good time in Columbia, Mo. Duncan is now retired from 'The Woods' and is in a loving home.

Here is the gelding Callaway's Adam; another Country Pleasure horse. With this horse I won my first blue ribbon at the WWU Fall Classic. {1997} Adam and I entered the Country Pleasure Driving class; and had a wonderful drive. Not a thing went wrong; and we both enjoyed the limelight. I could not have been prouder of the boy. He spent some time with a lucky youngster at Wichita Riding Academy; Witchita, KS. but I understand now he has moved on.

May 21, 2000

Bleu passed on last Sunday of a rare case of pleurosy. He is sorely missed by all who knew and loved him.

This is certainly not the best picture of Bleu, but what I have developed. First to ride this horse after he was donated, I knew he was a keeper. He did wonderfully at the Missouri Horse Shows Kick Off show in Columbia, Mo. in the Spring of 1998. He won the open gaited class that was dominated by WWU horses. The learner judge even inquired about leasing him. "He's Mine Marie" is a popular one! Bleu ended up being one of those horses that do not do well in an environment where there are constantly new and different riders on their backs. He take times and consistency. Bleu took a break from the Woods and Bleu came back for the Fall 99 semester. With the influx of so many new horses donated to us, it was hard to choose one to find a new home.. And one of those horses was Bleu. Bleu went on lease to Tina at Blue Mountain Farm in Ks. to be the mount for a 17 year old girl. {He has since been purchased and they are thrilled with him!} I am happy that I could help both the horse and my friend out in this situation. This way I can visit with the horse, and travel to shows with them both. {I do enjoy it when a whole barn goes to horse shows, even if it is to watch or support each other.} I am glad of the new atmosphere at Tina's, she is so excited and enthusiastic about things again.

World Showcase
My picture has been eaten! I'm working on fixing it.

World Showcase, also known as Aladdin, is a grand trooper. He has taken riders to world class shows and has remained in the top ribbons for a number of seasons. Aladdin has the greatest personality and loves to show off for you. I love this guy and hope that I can provide him a home when he retires from 'The Woods'.

Check out my equine photographs!

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