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Lifemate of Brownberry; father of Nightfall; brother of One-Eye; uncle of Scouter; grandfather of Tyleet



Born during the days when Freefoot was chief, Longbranch was very long-lived for a Wolfrider. The brother of One-Eye, his life stretched for more than 4,000 turns of the seasons. In this long life-span, he was the tribe's storyteller, giving dreamberries to his listeners to enhance their memories and dreams, though he did not need them himself. He was also the one who initially gave Pike his howl-keeper's training.

It was Longbranch who found One-Eye (then known as Woodhue)'s body atop Nestrobber, his brother's wolf-friend, after his right eye had been gouged out by humans. Thoroughly shocked and concerned, he held One-Eye's twitching body as he sent for Rain, the Wolfrider's healer (Figure 1). Later in One-Eye and Clearbrook's den, after Rain had finished healing what he could, it was Longbranch who expressed his rage and distrust of humans (Figure 2).

Longbranch was once known as Longreach, but the event which prompted his name-change is unknown. He recognized the warrior Brownberry, and from their union came Nightfall, born approximately two years after Cutter, her life-long playmate and friend.

Longbranch was part of the scouting party that went with Bearclaw to find a habitable part of the forest, away from humans. It was then that he met his end at the hands of Madcoil, as did his lifemate Brownberry. After One-Eye had recovered somewhat from Madcoil's attack and mind-send, he called out "Longbranch...! Where are you, my brother?!?" His calls (for he was too weak to send) went unanswered. It wasn't until years later that One-Eye's spirit joined Longbranch's in the Palace of the High Ones.

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