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Welcome to Knitting Goddess #9!

This is a blog for knitting, spinning, beading, and any other craft magic I can think of.

Know me intimately? Just found me through the internet or a webring? I don't care! Just leave me a note or whatever, I'm always happy to hear from others. (Other people do exist, right?)

Knitting Goddess #9

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Thursday, September 4 :::   OH, BY THE WAY!

If you don't notice any new entries, it's because I've moved the site a little, to

Please update your links accordingly, you sexy kids, you!

::: posted by Christina at Thursday, September 04, 2003

  The horror... the horror...

So, I opened the drawer of my new dresser in my aunt's new house, and found a table cloth, an answering machine from 1986, an LP and this:

Where do I start? You know the worst part? It's hand knit! Someone spent a lot of time and love to make that thing.

I mean, the Fair Isle stuff is actually pretty damn cool, as is the use of seed stitch for the leaves. But the color scheme makes my soul hurt.

Makes me wonder what I'll think of stuff I knit in 20 years. Look at the neckline! Why did I always wear blue! (etc...)

Also, dead dog!

No, not really.

::: posted by Christina at Thursday, September 04, 2003

Wednesday, September 3 :::   Sweet, Sweet Design Projects!

I've decided I really like the idea of design my own cable tank (with cables as straps), and some design around where I always have my Fair Isle designs.

But have you noticed how long my project list is? And icy love really isn't finished because the sleeve caps are all wrong. So, patience. Patience. Must finish Molly's thing.

::: posted by Christina at Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Monday, September 1 :::   Ah, Sweet, Sweet Bounty!

LOOK what I have inherited!

See, Auntie/Roommate Nina was knitting a sweater for my grandmother. My grandmother died (about 6 years ago) and whether it was before or after that, she never used the yarn again. So now it is mine, all mine.

By the way, I realize how morbid that sounds. I do. But VoVo died a long time ago. And I had no control over Nina's yarn buying. So, I don't feel bad at all.

Alas, it is DK weight. I thought I'd sworn of DK weight. It's Jewel DK/sport weight for most of it, and a sugar 'n' cream worsted weight which I'll prolly make into Mouse-a-thon micies.

Now, here's the new question for you. What on earth do I make with this? Cleo? A DK weight cardigan I have in a book? Design my own cable tank top?

Oh, the possibilities are endless.

::: posted by Christina at Monday, September 01, 2003

Sunday, August 31 :::  

I know, I haven't posted in a while.

I've moved. I've been working. My subway yarn still hasn't arrived. Some progress made on Molly's thing, but not a whole lot. Sorry y'all.

::: posted by Christina at Sunday, August 31, 2003

Monday, August 25 :::  

I really needed a laugh.

This worked just fine.

::: posted by Christina at Monday, August 25, 2003

Sunday, August 24 :::   To Have a Knitting Blog, You Must Have a Pet

Here's Fred, my aunt Nina's dog. Since I'm living with Nina for 10 months, he is vicariously my dog for 10 months.

I PROMISE I will not spin his hair into yarn and then knit him sweaters out of it. That would be so very very wrong.

::: posted by Christina at Sunday, August 24, 2003

  Ode to Ickiness

Has anyone else noticed that everything is made out of acrylic? Yarn, fake nails, fake teeth, clothes… it must truly be a wonder substance at taking something that feels good and doing a half ass impression of it! Thank you, acrylic. You are the dyslexic overlooked child in the back row. Your mediocrity is comforting to us, and yet, unnoticed.

::: posted by Christina at Sunday, August 24, 2003

Friday, August 22 :::   And somewhere in the night, Christina cries...

There are NO yarn stores in DC. Not one. Not a Michaels, Not a Joann's, not a cute little LYS run by a wise old lady.

None. Nada. Nary a one.


Luckily, there are three that are metro accessible

::: posted by Christina at Friday, August 22, 2003


I'm taking a break from stuffing envelopes at work, cuz welll.. it's boring. But I've being reading knitting blogs while I do it. And I have the following things to say:

I really really really REALLY want a knitting machine. Because I like a lot of plain, simple stockinette shirts & sweaters. Which is REALLY frickin' boring. And I like to use thin, delicate yarn. So, I want a knitting machine. Even though I previously thought it was a sell out. The downside? You can only find them on ebay and they're in the $100 range.

I also really really really REALLY want my yarn to show up. It won't until after I move over the weekend and then be a week or three, but still... I want subway knitting projects. I want to participate in the Mouse a thon. I wanna I wanna I wanna.

Also, I miss my 6 hours of knitting time daily I had in Cali. I got things done a lot more quickly then. I was bored stiff, but Molly's thing was done in no time!

Now, I resume stuffing.

::: posted by Christina at Friday, August 22, 2003

  What a Knitting Geek...

Today, I pulled out my altoid tin, and saw that it weighed 50 grams.

"Wow!" I thought, "My curiously strong mints weigh the same as a skein of DK weight yarn!"

::: posted by Christina at Friday, August 22, 2003

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