Drunken Ramblings

"Don't tell me how to make a record. I was in Nirvana."
*someone laughs* What?
"I was in the greatest rock band of the 90s. We changed the course of rock music."

.....~Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters...bottle in hand

Hey, you wanted drunken ramblings, you got them! See, I really do listen sometimes, despite what you may think. Anyways, here's a small collection of random stuff that sounds like it was written by people under the influence of alcohol...or alien abduction syndrome. Believe whichever you want.

The Stuff

Mavis Beacon Teaches the Fundamentals of Prozac - Is any explanation necessary? I thought not.

Screwy Logic - Here's some really screwed up logic that is really pretty cool. I agree with most of it and I'm glad I finally have some proof. I should show it to my English teacher, rest his soul. Too bad he...er...well...nevermind. *looks guilty*

Why - Some psycho asks the Toaster why the government is messing with her mind.

I Think - What this drunkard thinks about the government.

So Much for Santa! - Scientific proof that Santa cannot exist. Now, who but a crazy psycho would spend time thinking up stuff like that?

Points to Ponder - Half of these don't make sense, but I guess that's kinda the point of this section...

Paranoid - Look, I'm too tired to write a summary right now, so just guess what it's about, okay?

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? - this is something pretty strange and funny I found on my old cannibalized site, so enjoy!

Twas The Night Before Invasion - This take off of the old Christmas poem just proves that Ami's insane, so don't say I didn't warn you!

Do you have something totally deranged and psycho that you think should be featured here? Email it to me and I'll tell you just how crazy you really are.

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