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I believe it all comes down to you...--Vertical Horizon

 Winter Wonderland
The original story:  Harm and Mac get stuck in a blizzard.  Inspired by the Nor'Easter of 2000.
Rated:  PG
Songfic, Romance, Angst

 Standing At The Edge of Forever
Harm and Mac embark on their newfound relationship, dealing with the inevitable bumps along the way.
Rated:  R
Romance, Angst, Humor

 Forever In Your Eyes
The Daring Duo (now happily married...for the time being), set out on their new marriage, but will the honeymoon end way too early?
Rated: R
Romance, Angst, JAG story

 Full Circle
Second half to "Forever In Your Eyes", Harm and Mac fight inner and outer demons, facing one of the most deadly enemies in years.
Rated: R
Romance, Angst, JAG story

Harbinger: a prelude of things to come.
Rated: R
Romance, Angst, JAG story

 Faith of Fools
It's just a fool's lullaby. --Amanda Marshall
Rated: R
Romance, Angst, Action, JAG story

The Road Home
Everyday miracles are miracles nonetheless.

A vignette taking place seven years after the events of "Faith of Fools". A day in the life of the new Rabb family.

In-Flight Entertainment
A vignette nine years after "Faith of Fools"; Harm takes daughter Shannon flying.

 Email Celia                                                                                                            Email Nicole 

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