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Title: "The Road Home" (or "The One Where We Finally Put The 'Baby' In Babyfic")
Authors: Nicole Berman and Celia Stanton
Feedback: and
Rating: PG-13 for minor physical ickiness at the end.
Summary: "I got my baby.  I got those good times.  No lack of sunshine, baby, I got you."
Disclaimers: JAG, Mac, Harm, et. al. are property of Don Bellisario and company.  Cecile, Dr. Kailey and Jazz are ours.

Celia's rant:  I'm going to wax poetic here for a minute, so bear with me.  As you may or may not know, the past three weeks of my life have been, to say the least, stressful.  I didn't want to write, didn't want to do anything...and then Nicole was like, "Dude, we have a fic to finish."  This was my sanctuary, and for that reason, it will forever be a favorite.  (Not to mention the fact that I got to put all my hours of watching 'The Baby Story' to good use, <G>).  I owe an insane amount of thanks to Nicole. You have been my strength, my shoulder to cry on, my laughter on the darkest days, the little devil on my shoulder pointing me in the right direction.  You're my "breath of heaven", Nic;  you're enough to make me believe.

Huge thanks as well to my crew, who banded together to get me bowling when I needed out of the house:  Taryn, Carolina, Jenn, Bob, Ryan, Mikey, Emmimee, Natalie, Lenny,  Jenifer, Kate and Katie, you all rule. An even huger thanks to Riffey; I don't even want to think what I would have done without you.

And finally (yes, I'm shutting up now):  thanks to all of you in the JAG and X-Files community whose thoughts and good wishes have filled my inbox since I said I was going to be a lurker for a little while.  It truly astounds me the grace you all have in your hearts, especially for someone you've never met.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This is dedicated to my family, especially my father..."I wouldn't want to be me if I didn't have you."

Nicole's Notes:  Once again, I had a great time.  I just feel bad for our Muses.  First their honeymoon is interrupted by spies, then their "second honeymoon" is interrupted by a pair of FBI agents with an unsolvable case, now their "third honeymoon" is interrupted by a baby!  Geesh.  By the time they get to see Faith Hill, they're REALLY going to need a week off. (Inside joke...we'll explain later.)

Serious thanks go to my friends and family, you know who you are and why I love you.  Peace!
"God *damn* *vase*!" Sarah Mackenzie-Rabb cried as she slammed her hand down on her imperfectly decorated coffee table.  She flopped (or flopped as much as a pregnant woman in her ninth month could) on the couch and covered her hands with her eyes.  She'd heard of the "nesting" phase, but this was ridiculous.

She spread her fingers apart and glanced at the mantle clock.  5:36.  Harm should be home soon, she thought gleefully.  Human contact--what a concept.

Mac sighed and wearily raised her swollen ankles on top of the coffee table, glaring for a moment at the vase, but putting it out of her mind.  In a nutshell, she was going insane.  Both her doctor and her boss had ordered her home at the beginning of her eighth month, due to high blood pressure and other minor complications from earlier in her pregnancy.  For the most part, she had been lucky.  She hadn't had much morning sickness and only mildly odd cravings only once in a while, but because she was such a high-risk pregnancy, no one wanted to take any chances.

But she was still bored, plain and simple.

Harm came through the door, dropping his cover and briefcase on the foyer table.  "Mac?" he said softly, not wanting to wake her if she were napping.  "I'm home."

Mac grinned and eased herself up off the couch, going to greet him.  "Hey.  How was work?"  She walked over to him and gave him a kiss.

"Not bad."  Harm tried to keep the excitement out of his voice.  He knew how bored Mac was since starting her maternity leave, and he hated rubbing it in her face that he could still work.  "How's everybody?" he asked, kissing her cheek while rubbing her round tummy with his palm.

"Bored stiffless," Mac said lifelessly, rolling her eyes.  "Although, we did get to see a hysterical episode of the 'Cosby Show' today.  That was a definite highlight."

Harm shook his head.  "I'm sorry you're trapped here," he said, kissing her cheek again.  "I'd switch places with you, if I could.  But since I can't, how about I make you a wonderful, incredible, mouth-watering dinner, before I give you the big 9-month surprise?"  Every month since they'd found out Mac was pregnant, Harm had managed to have a little surprise for her.  This month's, he was sure, would blow her away.

Mac smiled and nodded.  "As long as this mouth watering dinner doesn't involve any pasta.  I watched Ron Popeil make chocolate pasta today---they really should launch a Justice Department investigation into that.  It's nasty."  She moved into the kitchen and sat down on a stool, prepared to watch Harm wait on her hand and foot.  She grinned at the thought, but then remembered her other news.  "Dick Sutton called me today--you know, my official superior?"

Nodding, Harm pulled the pots out of the drawer beneath the stove, and began gathering ingredients for chicken cordon bleu.  "What did he have to say?" he inquired.

"Well, he wanted to see how our other investigations had gone, how I was doing, and all that jazz...and then offered me a promotion."

"Promotion? That's great!"  Harm came around the counter and wrapped his arms around Mac as best he could.  "To what position?"

"Basically, the Justice Department wants to spread the liaison program nationwide, starting in San Diego.  They want me to be the new national department head."  Mac smiled.  "I love this job; I don't work for nearly two months, plan to take another six off, and they still promote me!"

"Congratulations."  Harm went back to fixing dinner, a grin on his face.  After a moment, he paused, his hands resting on the uncooked chicken.  "They're going to be based out of DC, right?  They don't expect you to move to California."

Mac shook her head.  "No...although there will be some travel involved...which is why I haven't accepted it yet.  I wanted to see what you thought, if you would be able to handle me being away for three or four days every month, especially with a six month old."

"I.....guess."  Harm flipped the chicken into the baking pan and slid it into the oven.  "I mean, I'm sure I can handle it, but I'm going to miss you.  Four days a month?" he sounded like a lost little boy.

Mac got up and stood at his side, running a hand up and down his arm.  "I know, sweetheart...I just think it's such a great opportunity, and we can start saving for Shannon's college tuition, and buy that satellite dish we were talking about."  She craned her neck around to watch her husband's reaction.  "I won't do it if you don't want me to."

Harm turned, a little smile playing on the corners of his mouth.  "I'm happy for you, sweetie.  I think it's a great opportunity professionally.  I'll miss you, but I'll deal with it."  He squeezed her shoulders gently.  "Do you think you'll be able to leave the baby for that long without a problem?"

Mac took a minute to reply.  "It'll definitely be an adjustment, but they're letting me wait until she's at least six months old, so that'll be nice.  Plus, it'll give you time to spoil her rotten and have her wrap you around her little finger."

Grinning at that thought, Harm turned back to check on the chicken.  "Almost done," he said, ignoring Mac's comment.

"Good, I'm starved.  Those Snack Wells cookies and the two Lean Pockets I ate an hour ago didn't fill me up at all."

"How many cookies?" Harm asked, glancing over his shoulder at Mac accusingly.  "You know you're not supposed to have too much sugar."

"They're low fat and low sodium, relax...and I only had four," Mac replied, moving around him to get plates and silverware.  "So, tell me about work.  Is Meg handling that murder case okay?"

"Yep, she's doing beautifully."  Harm piled two cloth napkins and two cups on top of the plates as Mac passed him on the way to the table.  They'd taken to eating in the formal dining room since she couldn't squeeze into the booth in the breakfast nook anymore.  "We're doing closing arguments tomorrow, then I have the rest of the week off."

Mac looked up from her plate, confused.  "It's only Tuesday, Harm, how do you have the rest of the week off?"

"I requested a little leave time.  AJ wasn't too keen on giving it to me, until Harriet started in on her "Top Fifty Things Pregnant Women Need" and "a husband" was number two."

Mac laughed, smiling and shaking her head.  "That's why I love that girl so."  She picked at her chicken for a few minutes, before dropping her fork next to her plate in frustration.  "So, are you going to tell me why you requested leave time or do I have to come over there and tickle it out of you?"

"I'll tell you when you finish half your chicken and the rest of your vegetables," Harm bargained.  He cut into his chicken breast, taking a bite and grinning to himself.

"You forget that I could kick the crap out of you," Mac said grumpily before returning to her dinner.

"You could, but not right now," Harm countered.

After she had eaten enough to please her husband, she folded her hands on the table.  "I'm done, Daddy.  Can I hear the good news now?"

"Yes, you may."  He reached across the small table and wrapped his hands over Mac's folded ones.  "We're going to Vienna for a week."

"Austria?"  Mac looked at her husband, then reached over to feel his forehead.  "Are you feeling all right?"

"Vienna, Virginia," Harm corrected, grabbing Mac's hand and kissing the palm gently.  "To Cecile's."

Mac's look of confusion quickly changed to one of shock and then utter happiness.  "Harm!" she exclaimed, leaning over and kissing his cheek.  "That's so sweet!  I think I might cry."

"Oh, please don't," he begged.  "Two crying jags a week is all I can take."

"Yeah, has poor AJ recovered from Spencer beating him at the bowling tournament?"

Harm nodded, squeezing Mac's hand.  "He'll be okay.  His pride is a little wounded, but he'll get over it.  So we'll leave tomorrow, around 1800.  Can you be packed by the time I get home?"

Mac nodded.  "It'll give me something to look forward to."  She stood, starting to clear her plate, and then leaned over behind Harm, wrapping her arms around his neck.  "Thank you," she whispered, dropping a kiss in his hair.  "You're more than I ever could have hoped for."

Harm turned, chuckling and wrapping his arms around Mac's expanded middle.  "I'm just trying to keep up," he grinned.  "You're turning out to be more than I ever dreamed of.  I figure it's only fair I should return the favor."

"Now I'm *really* going to cry, sailor."  Mac grinned, heading into the kitchen.  "Oh, Kailey--the doctor--called today.  All the tests came back normal.  She says I might even deliver early."

"Wow," was all Harm could say.  "Are we going to be ready?  I mean, we're only three weeks away now.  If you deliver early, is everything going to be...oh, boy."  He started to look panicked.

Mac came back into the dining room and pulled her chair close enough to Harm to make their knees touch.  "Harm, honey, everything is going to be *fine*.  We live half an hour from half a dozen major hospitals, we've practiced the labor techniques, the bag's been packed for close to three months, thanks to your mom and Harriet--we're set, honey."  Mac took hold of Harm's hand and placed it on her belly, where their daughter was happily adding her kicking contributions to the conversation.  "And I know,  without a doubt, that we are prepared to love our daughter with the ferocity that we love each other.  And that is the most important part about becoming a parent."

Harm took a deep breath, calming himself.  "I've flown recon at midnight over the Mediterranean.  You'd think I could handle a baby."  He laughed nervously, rubbing Mac's belly....*for luck,* he thought.  "You're right.  We'll be fine."

Mac nodded once in agreement, and then stood up again.  "So, we have two hours and twelve minutes before I deem it bedtime...what do you want to do?"

Harm bit back a comment and inclined his head toward the living room.  "Pay per view?"

"Sure," Mac agreed, setting her dish in the dishwasher.  "Something fluffy," she voted as she attempted to get comfortable on the oversized couch that wasn't so oversized anymore.

Harm leaned over and pushed a pillow behind Mac, lifting her swollen feet onto his lap.  "How about Notting Hill?" Harm asked, handing Mac the remote as he started to rub her feet gently.

"Sounds great.  I love that Welsh guy who plays Spike.  Oh, lord, that feels good, Harm...I knew there was a reason I married you."  Mac's head lolled back and her eyes slipped shut, even as the phone rang loudly in her ear.  "You want to get it or shall I?"

"I'll get it, you stay put, sweetie."  Harm eased himself out from under Mac and grabbed the phone.  "Rabb residence."

"You're a godfather, Harm," a tired Shelby Marks said, the smile evident in her voice.

"Congratulations," Harm said quietly.  He turned to Mac with a giant grin and mouthed, 'Shelby'.  "How is she?"  They'd been ninety-nine percent sure, for three months now, that Shelby and Seb were having a girl.

"She's great.  Courtney Brianne Marks, 7 lbs., 7 oz..  I hope Mac doesn't mind we changed the middle name--the only song that would get her to stop moving at night was "Rhiannon", but that certainly wasn't going to be the new middle name, so we came up with Brianne instead."

"Gotcha.  Well, listen, you get some rest, okay? I'll pass along the good news."

"Thanks, kid...and tell Mac and baby Shannon I say hi, would you?"

"Yes, ma'am."  Harm hung up the phone with a huge smile.  He crouched down next to the couch, resting his hand on 'Shannon'.  "Shelby and Seb have a baby girl, Courtney Brianne.  Seven pounds, seven ounces."

Mac tore her eyes away from the screen and grinned at Harm.  "So, we're godparents again, huh?"

"Seems so.  God, I hope none of these people die," he laughed, "or we'll end up with a houseful of other people's kids."

Mac smacked his arm and then settled herself in the crook of it.  "Don't say that," she admonished lightly, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Just kidding."

Mac settled back against her husband and contentedly replied, "That's what I thought."
True to her word, Mac was packed, ready, and impatiently waiting at the door tapping her foot when Harm arrived home the next day.  "You're forty-three seconds late, sailor," she said teasingly.

"Sorry."  Harm held his hands up in surrender.  "Harriet and I were necking in the hallway, and I lost track of time."

Mac raised her duffel bag and motioned as if she were going to whack him upside the head, but simply said, "I'll let that one slide if you get me the hell out of this house.  I feel an eerie resemblance to 'The Stand' coming on."

Harm shook his head.  "Cabin fever," he muttered to himself, loading their bags into the trunk of the SUV.  "All ready!" he called to Mac, slamming the back gate.

"Oh, finally."  Mac replied with a smile, bending over as far as she could to pat Jingo on the head.  "Ready to go, Jingo?" she asked the dog, who barked and began wagging his tail excitedly.  Laughing, Mac bent over and gave him a quick kiss on his brown nose and turned, heading to the car.  "You got the maps, oh directionally dysfunctional one?"

"I do, wiseass."  Harm grinned lovingly and opened the back door for Jingo.  "Come on, get in!"

Jingo happily obliged as his other owner took her own seat in the front, just as happy to start on their mini-vacation.  "You know I only pester you because I love you.  Or, at least that's what I tell myself," Mac retorted, fiddling with her seatbelt, attempting to readjust it over her expanded stomach.

Harm's grin widened as he climbed into the driver's seat.  As soon as Jingo settled down on the backseat, Harm headed towards the highway.

An hour and a half later, Harm made the turn-off for Vienna and proceeded down the long, dirt road to the Pine Valley View Inn.

The large front door to the estate flew open, and Cecile Hall came traipsing merrily down the stairs, eyes shining with excitement and arms thrown wide open to receive her guests.  "Harm!  Sarah!  How lovely to see you!"

"Hey, Cecile!  How are you?" Harm asked, bags slung over his shoulders.  He nudged the back door open, allowing Jingo to jump down.

"Wonderful, now that you're here.  The season's been so slow so far, and I've been driving myself mad.  Gracious, here I am blabbing like an idiot while you're standing out here.  Come in, come in."  She turned and went up the porch steps to hold the door open for Harm and Mac.

Before Mac entered the house, Cecile stopped her with a hand on her arm.  "I'm so glad everything worked out for you two, darling."

Mac grinned and settled a hand on her content middle.  "Me, too, Cecile.  Me, too."

Watching the two women, Harm a burning pain in his shoulders.  "Hey, girls, can we move this inside?"  He hefted one bag higher up on his arm.

"Such a whiner, you are, Harmon.  You should be ashamed," Cecile mocked, holding her arm out for one of the bags.

Mac simply laughed, following them inside.  Jingo padded along, close at her heels.  Cecile began to climb the staircase and soon Mac realized she was taking them to the very room that had started the chain of events in their lives.

Cecile pushed the door to what had been Harm's room during their last stay open, and Mac was immediately taken with the light spring air that hit her face.  She walked in the room and sank down in the armchair, closing her eyes in appreciation.  "It smells so wonderful out here, Cecile.  That garden of yours is breathtaking."

Cecile set the bag on the bed and simply smiled.  "I do what I can.  You both know where everything is in this house, so feel free to roam and wander.  Dinner's at 6, as usual.  Holler if you need me, hmm?"

"Yes, ma'am."  Harm set the bags down on the bed and leaned over, brushing Cecile's cheek in a kiss.  "Thanks," he murmured.  "We really need this."

"I know," Cecile said simply, patting his cheek.  "Well, you got here in the middle of 'All My Children'...I'll be in the den if you need me."

"Thank you, Cecile," Mac added, still sitting with her eyes closed.

As the door closed behind Cecile, Harm sank to a squatting position in front of Mac.  "You happy?" he asked quietly.

"Deliriously so," Mac replied, finally opening her eyes and revealing the tears that harbored there.  "Thank you," she whispered, a smile overtaking her face.  "For everything."

"Aw, stop, Mac," Harm blushed a little, still not used to the open exchange of affection.  "What do you want to do?" he asked.

Mac shrugged, looking over her shoulder at the late April day unfolding outside.  "Let's take Jingo for a walk," she suggested.

"Okay," Harm agreed easily.  He straightened, offering Mac a hand up.

Gratefully accepting the assistance for once, Mac eased up and started downstairs, her descending accompanied by Cecile's frustrated cry of, "Excuse me, dog?  Just what *are* you doing sniffing around my counter?  You get on, now."

Mac laughed and stuck her head in the kitchen.  "Come on, Jingo, you want to go for a walk?"

The dog quickly lost interest in whatever Cecile was making for dinner and followed Harm and Mac outside and began to chase the butterflies and roll in the mulch, like any good dog does.

Harm laughed as Jingo tried to eat a butterfly, as it kept teasing him, flying just above his reach.  "Dog, you're never going to catch it," he chuckled.  "Give up now."  His arm was wrapped around Mac's shoulders.

In response, Jingo looked at Harm with a determined glare and lay down on his stomach, waiting to pounce on the butterfly.

Mac laughed and poked Harm in the stomach.  "You're supposed to *encourage* them, Harm, not tell them not to dream."

"He's a dog," Harm protested.  "He understands four words, one of which is his name."

"I told you before, he understands a hell of a lot.  He's a Marine's dog," Mac replied proudly, lacing her fingers with Harm's.

Harm grinned, shaking his head.  "He knows "food", "walk", "bad" and "Jingo".  Trust me."

"Great, and to think I chose you to procreate with," Mac replied with a grin.

"You didn't have a choice," Harm teased.  "It was me or Brumby...and I'm really the lesser of two evils, wouldn't you agree?"

"At this rate, I'll have to get back to you on that one."  Mac leaned into his shoulder playfully.

"It's too late now, honey," Harm laughed.  "You're stuck with me."

"And there's no one else I'd rather be stuck with, sailor," Mac said quietly.

"Ditto."  Harm kissed Mac's cheek gently.  As they walked together in peaceful silence, Harm cocked his head to one side.  "Hey, Mac," he said softly, "did you hear that?"

Mac matched his stature, straining to hear.  "What, a normal life for the two of us?

Harm placed his hand over Mac's mouth gently and strained to hear the practically inaudible rustling again.  There it was... Harm stepped towards the bush it seemed to emanate from and pushed aside the leaves.  Two little blue eyes met his and a tiny kitten mewed piteously.  "Mac, look," he whispered.

Mac laughed lightly, bending down as well as she could to hold her hand out to the kitten. "Only you could find a stray in the middle of the woods, Harm," she said softly.

Jingo came up behind her, sticking his nose under her arm, trying to see what exactly was going on.  He put his long nose up to the kitten's small one and snorted, nearly knocking the poor cat over. He looked from the cat to Mac and then back down again, then lay down at Mac's feet, looking up at her as if to ask, "Well, aren't you going to introduce us?"

Harm laughed quietly, trying not to startle the little thing. "I suppose we should take her in and get her some food.  Cecile would never forgive us if we left her out here."

Mac nodded, reaching her hand slowly around the little kitten, who climbed up on her palm and nestled in. Mac grinned at Harm and whispered, "Maybe we have this parental instinct thing down already."  She held her other hand out to him to ask him to help her up; she couldn't wait for this whole pregnancy thing to be over

Reaching down and helping Mac to her feet, Harm glanced down at Jingo.  "Come on, let's go, kiddo."

Jingo woofed in accordance, and wagged his tail, following next to Mac, trying to see what she had in her hand.

They strolled leisurely back to the manor and as Mac opened the door, Cecile came into the foyer, drying her hands on a dishtowel.  The comment she had poised to make fell right off her tongue as she noticed Mac and Harm.  "Well, my gracious, a little presumptuous are we?  Another mouth to feed without even asking," she teased with a smile.  "Where ever did you find her?"

"She was hiding under a bush, just inside the garden gate," Harm said, reaching over to pet the kitten.  She had the bluest eyes he'd ever seen on a feline, but there was something in them...some expression...that reminded him of Mac.  *Oh, yes,* he thought.  *The one that makes me melt.*

Mac noticed Harm 's faraway expression and smiled.  *If he can be this smitten with a cat, I can only imagine what he'll be like when Shannon arrives.*

Harm headed over to the fridge and got out the jug of cold water, pouring some into a bowl and placing it on the floor.  Scraping some leftover tuna onto a plate beside the bowl, he motioned for Mac to put the kitten down.

Mac set the kitten gingerly down on the tiled floor and stood back, hoping the kitten would eat. She seemed incredibly young, and probably had been abandoned on the main road and wandered onto the property, so she probably wasn't used to being fed out of a bowl.

As if sensing this, Jingo lay down next to the food, taking a quick lick of the tuna and then nudging the kitten's head towards the bowl.  He repeated the action with the water, surprising everyone with his instincts.

Harm's eyes widened.  He stepped over Jingo and crossed the room to Mac, wrapping his arm around her waist.  "That," he murmured.

The kitten looked at Jingo and cocked her head to one side, imitating him.  She dipped her head and took a tiny bite of the tuna.  After sensing that the first bite didn't have any ill effects, she placed both paws on the edge of the plate and began to snarf the tuna down.  The plate tilted and she leaned backwards, heading for a back flop on the linoleum.

Jingo nudged the kitten's behind with his nose, setting her back on all fours.  Then he started mixing their scents by rubbing his nose into her fur and then looking at her, portraying with his knowing eyes that there was nothing to be afraid of.

From across the kitchen, Mac laid her head on Harm's shoulder and smiled.  "He's definitely a Marine's dog.  Caring, neat and smart as a whip."

"Well, that's a Navy kitten, right there," he teased as the little ball of fluff nudged one of Jingo's paws to the side and curled up under his chin.

"Yeah, always relying on the Marines for everything," Mac teased.  She stretched her back and sat at the counter, watching the interlude.  *Well, at least we won't have to worry about Jingo when the baby comes,* she mused.

As if psychically, Harm was thinking the same thing.  *It's amazing how we just found this little....thing....five minutes ago, and now I'm acting like we're going to keep it.  I haven't even asked Mac...*  Without thinking, Harm began to rub Mac's stomach in slow circles.

Suddenly, Mac straightened as a sharp pain shot down her back.  "Ow," she said, hissing at the sensation.

"Did I hurt you?" Harm asked immediately, worry filling his eyes.

Mac closed her eyes and cocked her head a little, shaking her head after a moment.  "No, no, it's nothing, I just...I just had this funny pain."  She placed a hand at the small of her back, rubbing in small circles.  "I must have just stood for too long or something."

Harm nodded, reaching for her arm.  "Cecile, we're going to lie down.  Can you keep an eye on the 'kids'?" he nodded toward the kitten and Jingo.

Cecile nodded, watching Mac warily.  "Okay," she said after a minute.  "Tell me if you need anything."

Mac smiled her thanks and eased up off the chair, steadying herself on the edge of the counter.  "I think I'm okay," she said after a minute.

Taking Mac's arm in a careful grip, Harm led her up the stairs to their room.  Helping her lie down, he pulled a chair to the edge of the bed and sat down, clasping her hand.

Mac shook her head as she lay down, protesting, "Harm, I'm really fine.  I think it was just a fluke."

"I don't believe in flukes," Harm murmured, rubbing Mac's stomach again as she lay on her side, facing him.  "I also don't like seeing you in pain, whatever the reason."

Mac laughed.  "Well, considering the process in which we're going to meet our daughter, I'd say it's a little late for that, Rabb."  She struggled to sit up.  "I'm not an invalid, Harm.  I'm fine.  See?" She held out her arms wide as to prove her point, but only doubled over in pain seconds later.  "Okay, that hurt," she admitted.

"Lie still," Harm ordered.  "If you get any more of these pains, tell me and I'm calling Dr. Kailey."

Mac could only nod her agreement, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths.  *I can't be in labor,* she thought.  *I'm not ready for this.*  "I'm not ready for this," she echoed out loud.

Harm squeezed Mac's hand tightly, as he'd done so many times before.  "It's okay," he said, trying to keep his voice level.  "We're ready.  We took the classes, we practiced every night for six months, remember?  We're ready."  He was trying to convince himself as much as he was Mac.

Mac took several more deep breaths and nodded. "I'm a Marine, I can handle anything," she said, half-convinced.  She gritted her teeth when another pain came along and after it passed, she looked at Harm.  "Okay, I think we can call Dr. Kailey now."

*This is happening way too fast,* Harm thought, reaching for the phone.  He dialed the doctor's pager number from memory, then sat back impatiently to wait.  The phone rang almost immediately.  "Kailey?" he said quickly.  "It's Harm Rabb.  Uh huh."  He paused.  "About five minutes.  Shit, really?  Okay.  Thanks."  He hung up and smiled at Mac.  "It's okay, Kailey says we'll probably have a long wait ahead of us, since it's a first baby.  But she said to get to the hospital as soon as possible.  Sorry, honey," he squeezed Mac's hand again.  "Our vacation's over."

Mac smiled.  "This vacation, and our lives as we know them."  She closed her eyes as another contraction hit.  "Hey, Harm?"

"Yeah, baby, what?" he murmured.

"We're going to be parents in fifteen hours."

"Twenty," he said as he tossed their clothes into the suitcase.  "I'm putting money on twenty hours."

"I say ten."  Cecile said from the doorway, holding a large brown paper bag.  "Lunch and dinner for when you get hungry, Harmon, because I know you won't leave Sarah's side."

Mac smiled.  "Think we can put the rest of our vacation on credit, Cecile?"

Cecile continued to smile.  "Anytime you want to come here, darling, you're welcome."

Harm took the bag gratefully, adding it to the quickly growing pile of luggage.  "I'll give you a call and let you know who wins the betting pool," he said, grinning at Cecile.

Cecile nodded, then snapped her fingers.  "Hang on, I forgot something.  Don't go anywhere."

Mac rolled her eyes.  "Like I can without a forklift."

A few minutes later, Cecile returned with a crystal rosary and placed it gingerly in the suitcase.  "My daughter Karen got that for her little girl a few years ago.  Gracie loved the way it caught the light and danced on the walls..."  Cecile shook her head as if trying not to cry.  "Anyway, I believe that my faith, Gracie's wonder, and the Johnson sense of humor are contained within these beads, and I want to pass them on to your child."  She crossed over to the bed and placed a hand on Mac's folded ones.  "It's all worth it in the end, dear.  Just keep telling yourself that."

Mac nodded, tears filling her eyes.  "Thank you, Cecile," she whispered.

Cecile patted her hand and then rose to give Harm a kiss.  "She's going to say things she doesn't mean.  Don't hold it against her, okay?"

"Never," Harm promised, kissing Cecile's cheek.  "Can we go now?" he asked teasingly.  "I'm a little anxious to meet my daughter."

Cecile smiled and nodded.  "Of course."

Mac sat up and took a deep breath, gently swinging her legs over the side of the bed.  "Hey, Cecile?"

Cecile turned.  "Yes, dear?"

"Your granddaughter's name is Grace Johnson?"

Cecile smiled bittersweetly.  "Yes, it was.  She died of leukemia last year.  But I still feel her around...I'd bet she was walking around causing problems."

Mac nodded and said, "Well, unless we want this baby to be born on the Beltway, we'd better go."

Harm led Mac out to the car, trying not to show the worry and anxiety he felt.  Jingo hopped up obediently on the backseat, as if he understood the time crunch.  Harm tucked the little kitten safely between Jingo's forelegs, and they sped down the highway towards home.  All of a sudden, something clicked.  Harm turned to Mac and asked, "Grace Johnson....wasn't that..." he trailed off.

"The woman on the plane to Barbados.  That's what I was thinking, flyboy.  But it couldn't..." She paused.  "Could it?"

"Could be a coincidence," he shrugged, glancing at Mac with a little smile.  "But I'd say we had a little help getting this far, wouldn't you?  Wouldn't surprise me a bit if some of it really was angels' work."

Mac laughed a bit, and then gritted her teeth as another contraction hit.  "Harm, just start talking to me, okay?  Keep my mind off of this God-awful pain."

Harm thought fast, something lawyers are especially good at doing.  " remember the first time we fought?" he asked rhetorically.  "You said I sandbagged you in court..."  He paused, searching his memory.  "You remember the night we found out about Shannon?  I almost had a heart attack," he laughed.  "I couldn't believe I was going to be a daddy.  I still can't."

Mac took several deep breaths, sighing as the pain passed.  "You'd better get used to the idea quick, Harm."  She craned her neck as they merged onto the Beltway.  "Looks like smooth sailing," she said, crossing her fingers.  With their luck and her father's last name, Shannon would indeed make her debut along the Virginia/DC border.

Harm glanced at his wife and put pedal to the metal.  Soon, they were screeching to a halt in front of Georgetown Hospital.  He came around to Mac's side of the car and helped her into the Emergency Room.

Mac calmly strolled up to the admitting counter and smiled.  "Hi, I'm Sarah Rabb, and I'm in labor."

The charge nurse looked up with a pleasant smile.  "Hi, I'm Melisa.  I'm the charge nurse tonight.  Welcome to Georgetown."  She giggled softly, handing Harm some forms to fill out, as she asked Mac, "Has your water broken yet?"

Mac shook her head.  "Not as far as I know."

"Good," Melisa said.  "Then take a seat in Triage and we'll be with you as soon as the forms are done.  'Kay?"

Mac nodded, smiling.  She made her way over to the chairs, easing herself in.  The smile remained on her face as she thought of the monumental thing that was about to happen...she was about to become a mother.

*Shit,* she thought, *a mother.*

Filling the forms out as thoroughly as possible, Harm glanced up every once in a while at Mac.  "You okay?" he asked after a couple of minutes

Mac nodded and smiled brightly.  "I'm excited...and a little nervous," she admitted.  As another contraction hit, she asked through clenched teeth, "Um, honey, do you think you can write faster?"

"They're not going to take us until your water," Harm paused as he noticed a puddle slowly forming on the floor, "breaks," he finished lamely.  Sprinting across the waiting room to the desk, he spoke rapidly to one of the nurses.  Melisa came around the desk with a smile, approaching Mac.  "All right, Sarah, looks like you're ready.  Can you walk?" she asked in a soothing voice.

Mac nodded.  "I think so."  She took a few deep breaths and grasped Melisa's arm.  As they entered the Triage unit to be prepped before transport to the Maternity Ward, Mac went white.  "Harm!  The dog!" she cried.

"It's okay," Harm said, his face draining of color.  "I'll be right back."  Dashing into the parking lot, he found a sedately sleeping pair of pets in the backseat of the SUV.  Heading back in to the hospital, he called Harriet and asked her to come get them for the night.  Thanking her, Harm made another sprint and ended up in the delivery room, out of breath and nerve-wracked.  "They're....fine..." he gasped.

Mac let out a relieved breath.  "So am I, apparently...already five centimeters.  They think I started dilating last night, and all the walking we did helped me along."

"Whoa," Harm said, his eyes wide.  He sank into a chair beside her bed.  "So you have five centimeters to go?"

Mac nodded.  "But we still have a long way to go, sailor.  You'd better get comfy."

"Comfy?  Never happen," Harm teased.  "You're gonna be beating on me in about two hours."

Mac laughed.  "That's a very good possibility, from what Harriet tells me."  She settled back against the pillows.  "So, wanna watch some TV?'  she joked.

"Sure."  He glanced at his watch.  "General Hospital?"

"Well, it's either that or 'A Baby Story', and since we have one of those going on here as it is, I think that's a good choice

"Lucky and Liz it is."  Harm flipped on ABC and reached for Mac's arm, rubbing it gently.

A "General Hospital", an "Oprah" and an hour of channel 7 news later, Mac was gripping Harm's hand so tightly, she was half-afraid she'd cut off all his circulation.  The other half didn't really care, as she was in the utmost pain in her entire life, and it was his little Captain that did it to her.  "Why did I agree to do this naturally again?" she asked, squeezing her eyes shut

"Because you're a wonderful mother and you don't want to expose Shannon to the risks of a C-section," Harm reminded her, rubbing her back in slow circles, as requested.  "Hang on just a little longer honey, the anesthesiologist is coming back with your epidural."

Mac rolled her head back on the pillow, breathing deeply.  "I think the anesthesiologist is going to be my new best friend," she proclaimed.

Harm chuckled softly, rubbing Mac's back a little more firmly.  Harriet stepped through the doors, carrying a cup of ice.  "How is everyone doing?" she asked softly.

Mac smiled.  "I'll be fabulous once the drugs and the baby get here," she replied, gratefully taking the cup.  "Thanks for taking care of Jingo and the kitten."

"No problem.  Go easy on the ice chips, Mac," Harriet suggested.  "You don't want anything more coming out of you than absolutely necessary.  And believe me, when Shannon comes out, *everything* does."  She wrinkled her little nose delicately.

Mac smiled.  "Thanks for the warning."  She put the cup on the table and then looked at Harm.  "Hey, we should think about naming that cat.  I mean, since we have a few minutes and all."

"Okaaay," Harm said, coming around to the side of the bed where Mac could see him easier.  "How about...Fluffy?"

"Ew," Harriet piped up.  "Fluffy? Gag me."

"I agree with Harriet.  She's not competing for the new job of Snuggle stuffed animal."  Mac thought a minute.  "How about...Gracie?"

"Hmmmm....." Harm thought for a long moment.  "What about Rose?  We found her in a rose garden, after all."

Harriet slipped discreetly to one side of the room as the anesthesiologist rolled a tray into the room.  "Good evening, ladies and gentleman.  I have an epidural here for a Sarah Mackenzie.  Anyone care to claim it?" he kidded.

Mac immediately raised her left hand, which wasn't hooked to any monitors or IVs.  "I'll give you a billion dollars for it."

"Sold!"  He took out a long needle and waved at Mac.  "Roll on your left side, please.  Harm," (they were on a first-name basis by now), "hold her hand as tightly as you can, and Harriet," he gestured to the blonde, "put your hands on her shoulder and hold Sarah steady.  Everyone ready? Okay, let's do it."  He administered the epidural quickly, with relatively little pain.  "Sarah, how do you feel?" he asked as he hooked the tubing up to an IV of pain killers.

After shuddering as the long needle went in her spine, Mac sighed.  "I love you.  I really mean that.  I love you."

"Prove it," he laughed.  "Get me a date for my cousin's wedding on Saturday."

Mac laughed druggedly.  "Hmm, let's see...well, Tiner and Gunny are boys, so they're out, because boys, well, they're just icky...let me think 'bout it, and I'll get back t'you, okay?"

"Okay," the anesthesiologist said, patting her hip.  "She's good to go," he told Harm.  "She's still going to feel pain, it's not like a real pain killer.  It's just going to numb her from the waist down.  She'll feel a squeezing when a contraction hits, but nowhere near as bad as she would without the meds.  Page me if you need me, okay?"

"Thanks," Harm said, squeezing Mac's hand.

Mac took a deep breath and exhaled. "Okay, that wave of oddness has passed."  She looked at the TV screen where ABC was running a "GH" commercial.  "Hey, Harm, let's name the cat Jasper, in honor of Jax' leaving."

Harm glanced from the TV to his wife.  "It's a girl, honey.  Jasper's a boy's name."

"Well, what about...Jasperia or something?  Jazz for short."  Mac laughed.  "I don't know, it's better than just calling her 'cat'.  And plus, we don't know that it's definitely a girl, unless you did a check while I wasn't looking."

"It's a girl," Harm insisted, "and I think Jazz fits her perfectly."

"There you go," Mac smiled.

"Hi, Mrs. Rabb, I'm Jennifer.  I'm the night nurse," a perky blonde said from the doorway.  "Can I check to see how you're doing?"

Mac shrugged.  "The rest of the hospital has, go right ahead."

The nurse smiled and lifted the sheet covering Mac.  "I'd say you're about 6 to 7...not too bad for a first child."

"How much longer?" Mac asked as Jennifer moved around the bed to check the fetal monitor.

Jennifer shrugged.  "Maybe four to five more hours, I'd guess."

Mac sighed, leaning back against the pillows.  "Well, I suppose this child has her father's sense of timing...always late!"

Two o'clock the next morning rolled around and found three very disheveled military officers where their clean, sane, calm counterparts had been.  Harriet stood on one side of Mac, holding her right leg at an angle, and Harm mirrored her on the left.

Mac hee-heed and hoo-hooed her way through a pretty good size contraction and then looked at Harm.  "We are never, I repeat, *never* doing this again, okay?  I know I'm a kick-ass jarhead, I've proved it time and again.  But seriously, Harm, whoever came up with this whole birthing process had to be a man.  Am I right, Harriet?"

Harriet nodded.  "Absolutely.  No woman would do this to her sister."

Harm nodded agreeably.  "Okay, this is the last time you'll have to do this," he promised.

Dr. Kailey smiled reassuringly at Mac.  "It's okay, Sarah, just a little more and we're done."  The words were like deja vu to Harriet.  She'd heard them twice now, and they were lies, all lies.

Mac gritted her teeth and said, "I need to push."

"Go ahead," the doctor said comfortingly.  "Give it your best."

Mac nodded, grasping Harm's hand tightly, and put her chin to her chest, squeezing her eyes shut and baring her teeth as the doctor counted to ten.  "Good God, is she *out* yet?" Mac cried at the end of the contraction.

"Just about," the doctor exclaimed.  "Her head's out.  You wanna feel it?"

Mac looked at the doctor.  "No, I don't want to feel it!  I want all of her out!"

"Okay, just asking.  Calm down and save your energy for pushing," she directed.

Harm heard the machines start beeping wildly again as another contraction prepared to squeeze Mac's abdomen.  "Come on, Mac," he cheered her on, "you can do this."

Harriet chimed in, "You're a Marine, Sarah, you've been through worse."

"Yeah, like marrying that doofus," Mac said, then pushed with all her might.  "Is she out?" she cried after the necessary counting to ten.

Harm had a sudden vision of what their future held.  *"Are we there yet?  No?  How about now?  I *know* it's only been five minutes, Daddy, but aren't we there *yet*?"*  He decided it was time to get tough.  "I know it hurts, Mac, but if you don't stop whining and push, the kid's never going to see the light of day.  Ready?  One, two, three!"

Mac pushed one final time and in a second that lasted forever, Kailey eased the baby out and laid her on Mac's chest.  She cleaned her up quickly, rubbing the baby with a blanket and cleaning out her eyes and nose.  "A beautiful baby girl, born 0256.  Congratulations," she said softly.

Mac's jaw dropped as she watched Shannon open her mouth and let out a high-pitched wail.  Tears filled her eyes and she looked at Harm with wonder.  "Oh, my God," she said, wrapping one arm around her daughter.  "Oh, my God!"

Tears streamed down Harm's cheeks as he brushed his hand over the top of his newborn daughter's head.  "I'm so proud of you, Mac," he whispered.  "Thank you."

Harriet stood in the corner, snapping picture after picture, a rapturous smile fighting with her tears.

Mac wrapped her left arm around Shannon's head and reached up with her right to pull Harm's head to her.  Kissing him thoroughly, she said, "I love you more right now than I ever have, or ever will, I think."

"Mmph," Harm replied, buried in her kiss.

Mac smiled against his mouth, then turned her attentions back to her daughter, who was being cleaned up by one of the nurses.  "Perfect APGAR score, Mrs. Rabb," Jennifer informed Mac as she laid Shannon on her chest.

"Thank you," Mac said, looking at her beautiful baby girl, then up to her beautiful husband.  *You finally achieved it all, Sarah.  Great career, great man, lots and lots of comfy shoes, now that you fit in them again...and a great daughter.  Can't get much better than this.*

Feedback is better than babyfic on a rainy night.;