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Title:  Faith of Fools
Authors:  Nicole Berman and Celia Stanton
Rating:  R (disturbing content, situations)
Spoilers: No, but if you haven't been reading the "Winter Wonderland" series, you will be mightily confused.
Disclaimer:  Dude, if DPB wants to do this with the heroes, I say go for it!  At this rate, though, they're not ours, they're his and CBS's.  We also use Dixie Chicks in here ("Let Him Fly" from "Fly"; OMG, good song!), they're not ours either.  We do own, in no particular order, Shelby, Seb, Terri, Leslie, Ashley, all the villains, and Cindy.  I like Cindy.  These characters may not be used without the express written permission of the authors and their Muses.  (But if we get the Muses really liquored up, anyone can pretty much do anything with 'em…within reason, of course.)
Archival:    Anywhere, just let one of us know first.
Summary:  "It's just a fool's lullaby." -- Amanda Marshall

Celia's Notes:  Look out Tom Clancy!  We're on your tail! This was *so* much fun to write, I can't even begin to thank Nicole again…so, I won't.  <G>  You know I love you, baby; "you're the miracle that makes me everything I am" (FH).  I've said it before and I'll say it again:  a big ol' THANK YOU to Jenn, Taryn, Carolina, Bob, Ryan, Mikey, Natalie, Kate, Katie, Riffey and Anj for teaching me what real love is, and for helping me to grow over the past two years. To all who have supported us throughout this endeavor:  you have no idea what your kind words mean, and this is for you guys.  Oh, the title comes from a combination of a fave artist of ours, Amanda Marshall; her songs "Fall from Grace", "Last Exit To Eden" and "Beautiful Goodbye" (as well as her entire "Amanda Marshall" CD) served as inspiration for this thing.

Celia's dedication: I dedicate this to my sister; she *is* Shelby.  You're still number one, Spanky.

Nicole's Notes:  I think the phrase for this one was, "Stop reading my mind!"  Despite the complicated plot, full of twists, turns and red herrings, our ideas kept meeting right in the middle.  Every time one of us would suggest a new plot device, the other one would say, "I was just gonna say that!"  Well, they say great minds think alike, and I don't know any greater than Celia's.  Once again, it's been a pleasure writing with you.  I must say, I'm looking forward to finishing this series in the next couple of stories and moving on to the next challenge.

Nicole's dedication: As always to my friends, for standing beside me no matter how weird I am. :o)  Catie, Desi, Jen, Cord, I'm so proud of you.
Harm awoke slowly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.  He felt unrefreshed, as even his dreams had been tormented by visions of bombs and bullets.  Carefully extricating himself from under a sleeping Mac, Harm wandered over to the dresser and pulled on a pair of jeans over his boxers.  He headed downstairs and turned the kitchen radio on low.  As it hummed softly in the background, he got out the fixings for breakfast.  He did everything slowly, carefully, as if by making the French toast perfect, he could make everything so.

Shelby came out of the office and came up behind him, saying quietly not to startle him, "I could eat a horse right now."

Harm turned to smile at Shelby, but found he couldn't force the familiar expression onto his face.  "Good morning," he said quietly.  "French toast okay?"

"Sounds wonderful.  It would be amazing with coffee, but apparently that's yet another thing I can't have, so I'll just pretend."  Shelby sat at the counter, rubbing her eyes.  "You sleep okay?"

Harm nodded, his nod slowly turning into a shake of his head.  "Nightmares," he explained succinctly.

Shelby nodded.  "I gave up about 3 this morning.  Got a lot of general information online, might help us later on."

"Okay," Harm thanked Shelby silently, hoping she could feel it.  He just had an overwhelming sense of dread about the whole thing.  He turned on the stove and put the butter in the frying pan to melt.

Shelby got up and wandered to the pantry, humming along to the radio.  "Ooh, double stuffed Oreos!" she said, temporarily happy.

Mac wandered into the kitchen in one of Harm's dress shirts and bare feet and smiled at Shelby's exclamation.  "Makes a wonderful breakfast," she said quietly.  She walked over to Harm and rose to kiss him good-morning.

"Don't eat that crap!" Harm exclaimed, turning to kiss Mac.  He planted a kiss on her lips, but managed to throw a dishtowel at Shelby at the same time.  "I'm slaving over a hot stove and she's eating cookies," he pouted.

Shelby stuck her tongue out at him and continued to munch happily, ducking at the dishtowel.

Mac mock-pouted at him, murmuring, "Oh, poor baby."

Harm sighed softly, his distress real, if hidden.  He ducked his head and concentrated on the browning toast.  "Well, fine," he declared, like a father to a recalcitrant child.  "Eat all of those damn things you want, but you're not getting my toast.  Or my sympathy when you're sick," he added, brandishing the spatula.

Shelby pouted, leaving the cookies on the counter.  "Why's everybody always pickin' on me?" she said, her voice nasal like the television character famous for those words.

Mac laughed, getting plates and silverware from the cabinets and setting them on the table.  Walking back into the main part of the kitchen, she went over to the coffee maker.  "Is this fresh?"

Harm nodded silently, flipping the French toast.

Mac looked worriedly at him and shot a look at Shelby, who nodded almost imperceptibly.  "Dude, Harm, I'm feeling beyond gross right now...will the toast keep?"

Harm shrugged, reaching across to turn off the burner.  "Guess so."

Shelby nodded.  "I'm gonna go back, um, whenever."  She shuffled out of the kitchen and bounded up the stairs.

Mac sighed and set her coffee mug on the counter.  She crossed her arms and said softly, "Talk to me."

Harm leaned against the counter, crossing his arms in a mirror of his wife.  " 'Bout what?"

Mac waved her hand in the air.  "This.  Us.  Everything.  I know you, and I know you didn't sleep last night...I felt you tossing and turning.  What's going on in that head of yours?"  The last line was said lightly, trying to sugarcoat the inevitable truth, but failing.

Harm sighed, wandering over towards Mac.  He leaned back against the counter, inches from her, staring into her brown eyes.  "I have a bad feeling about all this," he admitted, "worse than when we agreed to it."

Mac nodded, closing the distance between them and cupping his cheek with her hand.  "I know.  I don't like this either.  But in order to get to the bottom of this, we need to be brutally honest with each other, all right?"

Harm sighed softly.  "I *am*," he said, his voice low.  "I just didn't feel like putting my shit on Shelby.  God knows she doesn't need it."

Mac sighed softly.  "I know you think you need to protect her.  I do too, to a certain extent. But Harm, she's a big girl, and despite the meltdown last night, she's still got it together, and she's our best link to whatever the hell's going on here."

Shaking his head slowly, Harm moved back behind the stove and poked at the toast lying dormant in the frying pan.  Without looking up, he spoke.  " remember a while back, I told you that the gift for hunches runs in my family?  It's the reason I couldn't stop searching for my dad in Russia.  I *knew* I'd find didn't matter that if was already dead, I knew we'd find him."  He paused, cursing himself silently for letting this get to him.  "I have the same feeling now, a hunch, that chunk of dread in the pit of my stomach."

Mac sighed, looking at Harm's back.  "I know what you're talking about, Harm, I have it too.  But we have to keep the focus on our mission, we have to take those gut feelings and use them to our advantage, not hide them from each other or from Shelby just because we want to soften the blow."

"That's just it!" Harm said, whirling around to face Mac.  His eyes were wide and filled with...was that fear?  "I'm not talking about hiding feelings. I think we've established that you and I can communicate openly.  I'm just not going to put you in danger," he said, adamant.  "I will not see you hurt because I didn't listen to my gut."

Mac threw her hands up in the air, frustrated.  "For crying out loud, Harm, I'm a Marine Colonel.  That woman upstairs is a detective licensed to carry a concealed firearm.  We can take care of ourselves, as long as we trust you to trust your gut, which I know you will.  There's nothing else to it.  You listen to your gut, Shelby and I will rely on our training."

Harm threw the spatula down onto the counter and it bounced harshly into the sink.  Whirling, he faced Mac.  "I was trained, too," his voice straining against the words.  "I was trained that in this life you do three things: respect those above you, fight for your country, and most importantly, protect the ones you love.  Dammit, Mac," Harm said, his fist clenching by his side, "I know you're a Marine, I know Shelby can take care of herself, but it's still *my* job."

Mac jumped a little as Harm threw the spatula in the sink, but didn't back down.  "Well, that's all well and good, Rabb, but it'll get you nowhere if you don't trust *me*."

"I trust you," Harm said quietly.  His voice was filled with fierce determination.  "It's *them* I don't trust."

"Then prove it to me, Rabb.  *Show* me.  You stand here and tell me you trust me, but then you go off and get obsessed with this need to protect me.  You have to put the trust above all else, or you're liable to get us killed."

Harm growled mentally.  One of the reasons he adored Mac was her stubbornness, but times like these, he just wanted to smack some sense into her.  "Prove it how? By letting you get hurt, or worse?  I'm not obsessed," he said, his voice rising a little.  "I just can't lose you to some psychopath."

"You're *not* going to lose me, Harm, that's the whole damn point.  Instead of putting all your faith in *you*, share the wealth.  Put your faith in me and my instincts, and in Shelby.  Give me a little credit, I can take care of myself."  Mac was fuming, her pent-up frustration with their current situation and Harm's behavior over the past day spilling over like ash from Mount St. Helen's.

"Dammit, Mac, I know you can take care of yourself!  I've been watching you do it for six years."  Harm wanted to scream.  "But if something happens to you, it's not you I'm going to blame.  I need to know that I'm doing everything possible to protect you, or I'll go crazy."

Mac threw her hands up in the air and then placed them angrily on her hips.  "You know what, Rabb?  Sometimes talking to you is like talking to a brick wall."  She looked around the kitchen for an escape route.  Finding one, she swiftly walked around the counter and started to head upstairs.   Within a minute and a half, Mac had pulled on jeans and shoes and was back downstairs getting her car keys.  She headed towards the garage, saying, "I need to clear my head."

Harm nodded curtly.  "Fine."  He walked calmly out onto the back porch and slammed the door.

"Asshole," Mac muttered, slamming the garage door and getting in her car.

Upstairs, Shelby sat on the guest bed, head in her hands.  *How did it come to this?* she asked herself.  She wiped her hands over her face and walked downstairs, taking the now-cold French toast out of the pan and sticking it in the microwave.

Harm sat out on the back porch, his head in his hands.  "Fuck," he muttered to himself.  "I'm doing this for *her* and she throws it back at me.  Why am I surprised?" he asked himself suddenly.  "She's always been like this."

Mac sped out of the community, unshed tears starting to blur her vision.  "God damn him.  God DAMN him," she cursed, thumping her hand on the steering wheel.  Rationally, she knew Harm was only trying to protect her because he loved her; his early life had built him up to believe that he needed to be the ultimate protector.  But what really infuriated her was the fact that sometimes, she felt he couldn't see her for anything *but* the protected.  "Fuck the protected," she cursed to herself.  She angrily pushed at the radio buttons and then finally pushed the CD Shelby had left in the car into the player.  "Ain't no talkin' to this man, ain't no pretty other side, ain't no way to understand stupid words of pride. It would take an acrobat, and I already tried all that, I'm gonna let him fly." Gentle words and yet so powerful.  Mac pulled off of the road into a parking lot and just cried; cried for herself, for Shelby, for Harm, and for the realization that no matter what he did or how badly he pissed her off, she was still going to end up with him.

Mac's cell phone rang shrilly from the passenger seat.  Once. Twice. Three times.

Sniffling, she reached over and pressed "Send" after taking a deep breath.  "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry."  Harm's voice was soft and apologetic.  He sat out on the back porch, the phone cord stretching from the kitchen, around the counter and through the back door.

Mac slumped back in her seat, wiping her eyes.  "Me, too," she said quietly.  "Not for my opinion, mind you...I shouldn't have left that way."

"Me, either," Harm said quietly, swiping at a tear.  "I shouldn't have let you leave."

There was silence on the line for a minute, until Mac said gently, "Don't take this the wrong way, Harm, but I can't come home just yet...I need a little time to calm myself, all right?"

"Fine," Harm said curtly.  "Will you be back before lunch?"

Mac sighed.  "Don't do this, Harm."

"I'm not doing anything.  I'm asking when my wife will be home."

*When your wife stops wanting to castrate you in the hopes it will stop the testosterone from flowing freely through your body.* Mac thought, simply sighing.  "I'll be home within the hour, okay?"

"Sure.  See you then."  Click.

Mac sighed again, throwing the phone on the passenger seat and sending it an accusatory glare.  She pulled the car into drive and listened to the new song playing through the car's speakers.  "Ready to run is right, girls," she muttered, merging into traffic.

Harm sighed, slowly pulling himself out of the lawn chair and heading back into the kitchen.  He hung up the phone and turned around.  "Oh, hey," he said, half-surprised to see Shelby munching on French toast.

Shelby looked up from her plate and smiled.  "Hey," she said around her breakfast.  "Good toast."  she continued after a beat, not sure how to approach the subject of what she had overheard that morning.

"Thanks."  Harm poured himself a cup of coffee and slid into a chair across from Shelby.  "How much did you hear?" he asked slowly.

"If I flashed you a really innocent face, would you believe nothing?"

"Hah."  Harm's laugh was dry and forced.  "It's okay," he said quietly, staring at the mug in his hands, which had "JAG" across the side in bright blue.  "We weren't exactly being quiet about it."

Shelby bit back her sarcastic reply and focused on the anguish displayed in his handsome features.  "Seb and I have had some doozies of fights over the years; sometimes we're so compatible it's scary, but others, we're like oil and water.  And I hate how he knows just which buttons to push, even if I'm notorious for pressing an issue until he wants to throw something at me."

Harm couldn't stop a grin from spreading across his face.  "I know exactly what you mean," he said with a sigh.  "That's why I don't tell Mac when I'm feeling overprotective...I know it's just going to piss her off."

"Do you understand why that pisses her off?" Shelby asked gently.

"Yeah," Harm nodded.  After a moment of silence, he continued.  "But she's the same way with me.  Why is it okay for her to be protective but not me?"  He sounded almost angry.

Shelby shook her head.  "I can't explain that to you, Harm, because I've only known you for a few months."  She paused, swirling her fork in the syrup on her plate.  "But I think her overprotectiveness is only in warranted situations, while yours is every minute of every day.  That's not necessarily a *bad* thing, mind you," she added hastily, "it's just different for the two of you.  You're used to protecting, and she's used to depending solely on herself."

"But, Shel," Harm tried to explain, "even if I worry about Mac every second, and I do, I don't tell her.  And I try not to show it.  It's times like these, in situations like this, that I *have* to."

Shelby grinned in spite of herself.  "Sweetie, what makes you think she doesn't know you're worrying?  That woman knows you better than your own mother.  She knows you're scared for her at work, when she's sleeping, when she's peeing, for Christ's sake."  Shelby leaned back against the high back stool and regarded him.  "She and I are very much alike," she said after a minute, "so I'll tell you what I would be thinking if I were in her shoes.  I'm fiercely independent, but I'm also very aware of what's going on around me, and especially what's going on around me with other people.  When you or Seb or my mom worries about me, it makes me doubt myself, and when I'm preoccupied with that, it makes me doubt my capabilities.  I suspect that's at least partly what Mac's feeling right now."

"I'm never going to stop worrying about her, Shelby.  Mac's my life."  Harm raised his head to look Shelby in the eye.  "And if I ever stop worrying it means I don't need her.  I worry because I don't ever want," he corrected himself, "I *can't* lose her.  So how do I make it clear that it's not because I doubt her?"

"If I knew the answer to that, Harm, I would have my own psychic hotline."  Shelby smiled briefly.  "I think deep down, Mac knows that you worry only because you love her...but those feelings of doubt are a part of her, just as your protective nature is a part of you.  My advice to you would just be to tell her outright that you trust her, you love her, and you believe in her, before gently telling her that you also worry for her, not in spite of those things, but along with them.  It's going to hurt her, as much as it hurts you, but that's marriage."

Harm nodded.  "How'd you get to be so smart?" he teased Shelby.

Shelby shrugged, scooting down from the counter and rinsing off her plate.  "I've known Seb since my freshman year in college.  Thought he was the biggest asshole this side of the Grand Canyon.  When you're oil and your soulmate is water, you learn a few things."

Harm grinned broadly.  "Sounds like the past six years," he observed, walking over to Shelby and taking the plate out of her hands.  "Get out of there, you're a guest."  He stuck it in the dishwasher and started cleaning up the breakfast mess.

"Technically, this house is registered to me, buddy, so you're the guest, but hey, I'm a princess, I digress."  Shelby grinned, looking at his profile.  Impulsively, she leaned over and hugged him.  "Everything's going to be fine," she said knowingly.  She separated herself and then motioned down the hall.  "I'm gonna go check on the stuff I requested from the girls."

"Okay," Harm said, giving her a quick hug in return.  "Thanks," he said under his breath.

Shelby shrugged, wandering down the hall and sitting in the oversized chair at the desk.  She looked down at her stomach and rubbed it with a smile.  Humming a random Sarah McLachlan song, she logged onto her email, looking for the file from Clay.  Double clicking on the icon, she started reading as she pressed print.  "Mary, Mother of God, and Christ on crutches," she said, shaking her head.  "Harm?" she called, easing herself up and heading back into the kitchen.

Harm met Shelby in the hallway.  "What's up?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Well, I have bad news and worse news.  Which do you want first?"

"Start with the bad and ease me into the worse," he said slowly.

Shelby handed him the first few printed pages of Clay's email.  "The CIA file on this whole matter.  Seems our darlings Terri and Ashley haven't been totally frank with us.  The bad news is there's a hierarchy here we haven't been privy to:  Abdulan wasn't the leader of this thing; Delancey is.  But there are at least five other people associated with this shebang, Jackson and Abdulan among them.  The file goes on to say that the CIA currently has a 'whereabouts unknown' out on Delancey."

"Damn," Harm swore softly.  "I knew Jackson was no good."  He looked up at Shelby with wide eyes.  "So we've got at least five MIGs on our sixes, a dead terrorist and a couple of lying Company rats.  Very nice."

"Yep.  Just a walk in the park, as usual."  Shelby shook her head.  "I can't believe Jack's involved in this.  It's a bad dream.  Worse than a bad dream.  It''s me cooking, that's what it is."

Harm tried to stifle a chuckle but was unsuccessful.  "It's not *that* bad, Shelby.  We still have a fighting chance here.  All we have to do is find one of the guys working for him to roll over and we can nail Delancey."

Shelby nodded and then cocked her head, listening.  She wandered back into the office and picked up the rest of the file off the printer.  She went back into the hall, highlighter in hand, and started going upstairs.  "You have something else to deal with right now," Shelby said, motioning to the garage, where Mac's car was pulling in.

"Hey, Shelby," Harm called after her.  "Thanks.  For everything."  He braced himself as he heard the door from the garage to the house clicking shut.  He sat down, back to the living room, waiting for Mac to make the first move.

Mac put her car keys on the counter and slipped off her shoes.  She saw the back of Harm's dark head and sighed, collecting herself.  Finally she said softly, "Hey."

Harm turned around, as if he'd just heard her come in.  "Hey."

Mac said nothing, but took a few tentative steps towards him.  "Where's Shel?" she asked, looking around and not meeting his gaze.

Harm stood up and took a couple of steps towards Mac.  He inclined his head upwards and said, "She went upstairs, something about research."

Mac nodded, still not looking at him, not knowing what to say.

Harm sighed softly, took a step towards Mac and opened his arms silently.

Mac's face crumbled as she went to him, burying her face in his shirt and pulling him to her.

"I'm sorry," Harm said softly, kissing the top of her head.  "I'm an idiot."

Mac shook her head, her breath hitching. "We're both idiots," she said, sniffling.

"Okay," Harm agreed with a little laugh.  "But that's why we make such a great pair."  He rubbed Mac's back tenderly, his voice gentle.  "I'm not sure how to explain this, but...I worry about you because I love you, not because I don't trust you.  Hell, Mac, you're one of the very few people in this world that I trust implicitly.  And I'd want you covering my six more than anyone else.  I just can't help wanting to protect you from everything bad in this world."

Mac nodded, leaning back and looking up at him.  "I know," she whispered.  "I just...I'm just not used to having people look out for me, and it scares me sometimes."


Mac shrugged, sighing.  "I feel like if I allow myself to be protected, that if I acknowledge that fact, it makes me less of a person.  I was so independent before I met you, Harm, and now...the idea of being dependent on you worries me."

"Oh, Mac," Harm breathed.  "I don't ever want you to be dependent on me.  I love your's one of the reasons I fell in love with you.  I just want you to know that if you need to, you *can* depend on me, like I depend on you.  Does that make sense?"

Mac nodded, burying her face against him once more.  "I'm sorry," she said again.

"Stop apologizing," Harm said quietly, hugging Mac tightly to him.  "We had a fight.  So what? We're two very strong-willed, independent thinkers.  We're going to have a hell of a lot more fights before we're done."

Mac nodded.  "That's true...we'll just have to make sure all the breakables are out of the way first," she teased, rubbing her hands up and down his back.

"And make sure the kids are out of earshot!" Shelby called from upstairs.

"Oh, shut up, Buddha!" Harm called back.  He tilted his head forward and kissed Mac softly.

Mac kissed him back, murmuring against his mouth, "I love you."

Shelby laughed out loud and yelled over the railing, "Bite me, little tubby kid who starred in 'Seven Years in Tibet' with Brad Pitt."

Harm burst out laughing and whispered to Mac, "She's on *crack*! Are you sure you want her to stay with us?"

"I heard that!"  Shelby yelled.

Mac looked up at the ceiling to where Shelby was sitting.  "Oh, yeah?  What'd he say?"


"There ya go," Mac said with a smile.  "And yes, I want her to stay with us.  At least this way we can contain her damage path."

Harm chuckled, kissing Mac again.  "You're going to make a great mother someday," he murmured, then leaned back and tilted his head back, looking up.  "I just hope our kids know how to behave better than Shelby!" he yelled.

"I am now sticking my tongue out at you and mooning you at the same time!" came the bellowed reply from upstairs.

Mac simply smiled, keeping her arms wrapped around him and looking at him, relieved the worst of their disagreement was over.  She knew fights were inevitable--it's a part of marriage to disagree--but she still hated fighting with him.

Harm just shook his head, laughing.  He glanced at Mac with a smile, relief flooding his heart.  Her smile was the only thing that kept him going some days, and he hated it when they fought.  "Oh!" he exclaimed, breaking the silence.  "Shelby, get your Nevadan ass down here and tell Mac about Delancey!" he bellowed.

Shelby pattered downstairs and came into the living room, making a face at Harm.  "I will, but only 'cause I'm paying you to."  She paused, cocking her head.  "That's not right...whatever."  She quickly brought Mac up to speed on what had developed during her absence, causing Mac to shake her head.  Looking at Harm she said, "It's worse than we thought."

Harm nodded somberly.  "Much worse," he echoed the sentiment.  "But at least now we know where we stand, thanks to Webb."

"What I don't understand is why the girls didn't tell us this at the beginning.  If Abdulan is at the bottom of this food chain, why not have us look for obvious connections between him and the higher-ups?"

A sudden thought occurred to Harm.  "What if they didn't know?"  At Mac's incredulous look, he explained himself further.  "I mean, what if this stuff was hidden even from Ashley and Terri?  Webb's always been able to get his hands on stuff no one else could."

"That doesn't jive with me," Shelby said quickly.  "As well as I know Ash, Les and Ter, they've made it more than clear over the years how they feel about security as their biggest concern."

Harm shook his head.  "But when someone else is hiding something from you, you don't know it," he pointed out.

"I'd know," Shelby said adamantly.  "I grew up with these girls, they can't lie to me, and for the last few months, I've truly felt they were keeping something from me, even *after* we killed Abdulan.  I think we need to go over their heads with's safer."

"Nothing's safe," Harm countered.  "I think we need to keep this among the three of us."  He glanced from Mac to Shelby.  "Everything we've learned so far needs to stay in this house."  He lowered his voice to a whisper.  "And we need to turn off the bugs.  At this point, I wouldn't trust my own mother."

Mac nodded, as did Shelby.  As she nodded, Shelby pointed to the floor and mouthed, "I'll go disarm."  She took off quietly for once, handing the file to Mac.

Mac looked at the file and then at Harm, shaking her head.  This was getting stranger and stranger by the minute.

Harm leaned down and whispered in Mac's ear.  "And then there were three."
Harm called upstairs, "Dinner's ready!  What are you two doing anyway?"  He thought he'd smelled nail polish earlier when he ventured into the master bathroom for a Tylenol, and he didn't know if the hysterical giggles coming from behind Shelby's closed bedroom door were a good sign or not.

In Shelby's room, Mac cleared her throat.  "We'll be right down!"  She admired her newly done nails and grinned at Shelby.  "His majesty calls," she said, nearly sending the two of them into another fit of giggles.

"Uh, yeah, right," Shelby snorted, this time making them laugh hysterically, stepping over the pile of nail polish, makeup and other odds and ends that had been acquired as the afternoon had worn on.

Harm shook his head as the giggling twosome descended the stairs.  He glanced at Mac's hair, done up in rollers and barrettes.  "How femme," he teased.

Mac's hands flew to her hair, as she had just realized they'd forgotten to take the curlers out.  This, of course, sent Shelby into peals of laughter, sliding down the wall.

Mac looked at her husband as calmly as she could and said, "I'll be right back."  She flew up the stairs, Shelby trailing behind saying, "Tell me about the one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish boxers again!"

Harm looked panicked for a second.  Not the fish boxers.  She'd been sworn to secrecy.  He was just about to yell up and remind Mac of that when the phone rang.  Harm reached over and picked it up on the second ring.  "Anderson."

"Is it secure?" the voice on the other end of the phone said softly.

"Absolutely," Harm said, his voice low.  "Who is this?"

There was a stifled sob, then a long pause.  "Cindy."

"Cindy," Harm said, a smile flitting on to his face and disappearing as quickly as it had come. "You sound terrible, what's wrong?"

Cindy sniffled softly.  "Is Shelby there?  I really need to talk to her first."

"Of course," Harm said softly.  "Hold on one second."  He covered the mouthpiece of the phone and called, "Shelby, your mom's on the phone!"

Shelby handed Mac her short black skirt and ran downstairs, commenting, "Okay, if this didn't feel like a slumber party, I don't know what does."  She grinned at Harm and then took the phone.  "Hey, Ma, what's up?"  There was a long pause and Shelby's face went completely devoid of any emotion.  After a minute, her hand flew to her mouth in shock and tears filled her eyes.  Her breathing became shallow and she blindly groped for a chair.  After a few minutes, she said in a strained whisper, "Oh, God, Mom...I'm so sorry."  The tears began to flow freely and Shelby rocked herself in the chair.  "I'm so sorry, Mom, I'm sorry."  She nodded after a minute and said, "Okay.  Yeah, I'll meet you there."  She hung up the phone and buried her head in her hands, sobbing.

Harm immediately dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around Shelby, comforting her with soft whispers.  "Shh, it's okay.  Shelby, what's wrong?"  He turned his head and called upstairs.  "Mac, come here!"

Upstairs, Mac zipped Shelby's lent black skirt and black v-neck shirt and hurried downstairs.  "What's up?" she called before making the turn into the kitchen.  Seeing Shelby and Harm, Mac rushed over and bent next to Shelby's chair, pulling her head up so they could maintain eye contact.  "Shelby, what happened?"

Shelby's breath caught in her throat a few times before she could say, "Luke.  He's dead."

Harm's eyes widened and he turned his head to look at Mac.  He had a feeling that the shit was about to hit the fan.

Mac looked quickly back at Harm and then turned her attention to the shell-shocked Shelby.  "Shel," she said quietly, "Can you tell us what happened?"

Shelby looked at her blankly and then started muttering, "They found out we knew because of me.  They knew we doubted him.  I killed him.  I killed him."

Mac looked worriedly at Harm.  "I think she's in shock.  Or post-traumatic stress."

Harm nodded.  He put a hand up to Shelby's cheek. "Hey," he said softly, "kiddo, it's not your fault.  He was in it up to his ass."  He sighed, glancing at Mac.  "Upstairs, in bed," he mouthed.

Shelby showed no signs of hearing Harm, simply rocking herself back and forth muttering incoherently.

Mac inched closer to her whispering, "C'mon, Shel, it's okay.  Honey, everything's fine.  You want to go upstairs for a bit?"  She inched even closer and went to touch Shelby's arm when the woman snapped her head up, flung her arms and started screaming.

Mac flew back, hitting her back and right arm on the coffee table.  "Fuck," she hissed, as Shelby bolted out of the chair, still screaming, tears falling down her face.  "No!" she wailed, her eyes wide and on fire.  She was no longer the calm and witty Shelby; she was more reminiscent of a scared caged animal.

Harm glanced down at Mac, making sure she was okay.  He took a deep breath and without missing a beat, grabbed Shelby and pinned her arms to her side.  "Calm down," he whispered.  "It's okay.  We're here."  He kept murmuring reassurances as Mac stood up and brushed herself off.  He nodded to her as he fought a struggling Shelby for control.

Mac motioned for Harm to move further back from Shelby, but still hold her hands down.  She stepped between them and put her hands on Shelby's face.  "SHELBY!" she screamed.

Shelby jumped in response and blinked a few times, her eyes remaining wide.  She took a few heaving breaths and looked at Mac.  "Mac?" she said, her voice wavering, her face crumpling.

Mac sighed internally.  "Yeah, it's me, Shel."

Shelby's blue eyes darted around for a minute and then her face crumpled as she sobbed.  She slid down the wall, Mac going with her, gathering the hysterical woman in her arms and rocking her back and forth, murmuring to her as Harm had done.  As Shelby continued to cry, Mac looked up at Harm.  "Water," she mouthed.

Harm nodded, hurrying over to the fridge.  He grabbed a bottle of water and opened it.  Harm handed it to Mac, and leaned against the counter, unsure of what, if anything, he should do now.

"Shel," Mac said softly, "Drink some water, honey.  That's a'girl."

Shelby raised her head, eyes red from crying and took a small sip.  Her eyelids fluttered a few times and she said hoarsely, "Can you call Seb for me?"

Mac nodded.  "Of course, sweetheart. Harm'll call him right now, won't you?"

"Uh huh."  Harm grabbed the receiver and ducked around the corner, into the pantry.  He slid the door shut and dialed Sebastian's number from memory.

"Hello?" Seb shouted over the clatter of dishes.

"Hey, Sebastian," Harm said softly.  "We have kind of a situation."

Sebastian covered his right ear and pressed the phone to his left.  "What's wrong?" he asked, immediately concerned.  "Is Shelby okay?"

"She will be," Harm said, sighing.  "A friend of her mom's was killed, Luke Jackson.  He was involved in this thing we're investigating..." he trailed off.  "Anyway, Shelby's blaming herself.  She had a little episode just now.  She's okay for now, Mac's with her.  But if I were you, I'd get here as soon as I could."

Sebastian nodded, even though Harm couldn't see him.  "As long as she's okay now, I'll wait until after work and catch a flight.  Can I talk to her?"

"Sure."  Harm slid the pantry door open and forced a smile.  "Seb wants to talk to you, Shel."  He handed her the phone and sat down Indian-style on the floor across from her.

Shelby took the phone from him, sniffling.  "Hey, Boo."

"Hey, angel.  What's this I hear about you making trouble for the Rabbs?" Sebastian teased gently.  "I told you to behave."

Shelby let out a watery chuckle.  "I guess I can't go anywhere without you, huh?"

"Nope," Sebastian sighed softly.  Shelby sounded almost like herself.  "Will you be okay until I can get there?"

Shelby nodded as her face crumpled again.  "I just need you here, Seb."  She started to cry softly again, and Mac squeezed her shoulder comfortingly.

"Hey, hey," Sebastian whispered, hoping she could hear him.  "Come on.  You're a big girl, and you've been through a lot worse than this."  He paused for a second.  "C'mon, Shelby, you have to calm down.  If not for me, then for the kid.  This can't be good for him."

"Her," Shelby said adamantly.  "It's a goddamn girl, Sebastian, better get used to it," Shelby sighed, wiping her eyes.  "I'll be okay," she said finally, nodding with her words.  "Dude, Seb, can you call my mom and see if you can get her on the same flight?  She said she was coming down would make more sense if you came together."

"Sure, honey."  Sebastian decided he'd wait until Shelby was calm to start arguing over the sex of the baby.  "Do me a favor, sweetie?"


"Take a couple of deep breaths, go lie down and quit annoying the nice military folks until I get to Phoenix, okay?"  Sebastian's grin was evident in his voice.

Shelby chuckled.  "Okay, I promise."  She paused, wiping her eyes.  "I love you," she whispered, drawing her knees up to her chest.

"I love you, too, baby," Seb said softly.  "To the moon and back."

"Crappy song, Seb, but I love you anyway," Shelby said, finally smiling and wiping her eyes.  "See you soon."

Sebastian chuckled.  "See you tonight, baby."

"Bye," Shelby said softly, hanging up the phone.  She sighed and looked at Harm and Mac, who were still crouching next to her.  She shook her head and looked out the window before saying, "I'm sorry."

Harm cleared his throat before Mac could reply.  "I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Mac three years ago when we got in a hell of a fight."  He grinned, remembering the names she had called him that day after court.  What a fight that had been.  "I am, and always will be, your friend.  So cut out the apologies and get off your ass.  I think I speak for Mac, too."

Mac nodded.  "Absolutely.  Shelby, as a Marine Colonel, I am hereby ordering you upstairs to take a bath, do your hair again, nap, whatever you do to relax, okay?"

Shelby nodded, sniffling again.  "All right, you win, I lose."  She took a deep breath and stood up, her knees shaking.  Mac held out a hand and steadied her, to which Shelby gave her a grateful look.  "Save me some dinner?" she asked Harm.

Harm nodded.  "Sure thing.  Just go with Mac and relax, okay?"

Shelby nodded tiredly and with Mac's help started upstairs.

Once in the guest room, Shelby immediately climbed under the covers in a fetal position, allowing her eyelids to flutter closed in exhaustion.  Mac stayed with her for a few minutes, cleaning up the remnants of their bonding session.  She looked over and after she saw Shelby breathing evenly, Mac turned off the light and began to close the door.  It was almost shut completely when Shelby muttered, "Shoot him if he doesn't notice your legs in that skirt."

Mac chuckled.  "All right.  Sleep, Shelby."

Shelby nodded, yawning again.  "Okay."  Within a minute, she was snoring softly.

Harm had divided the cooling pasta from dinner onto two plates and put a third in Tupperware in the fridge for Shelby.  He heard Mac coming downstairs and glanced up at the doorway.

Mac looked back at him, nodding.  "Sound asleep."  She walked over to the kitchen table and sat down, folding her arms on the table and resting her head on them.  "What a day."

Harm went over and slid in beside Mac, rubbing her back gently.  "I know," he murmured.  "But it's over."  He kissed the back of her neck softly.

Mac lifted her head and looked at him.  "I can't help but feel guilty."  She shook her head, looking up at the wall above the fridge.  "We knew we were being taped, but we kept talking about our doubts.  If anyone got a hold of those tapes, they knew Jackson's cover was blown, so of course they had to dispose of him."

"Mac," Harm said softly.  "We had no idea anyone but Ashley and Terri, maybe Leslie, would be listening to those tapes."  He put his hand on her cheek, drawing her head down to meet his.  "This is not your fault any more than it is Shelby's."

Mac nodded.  "I know you're right."  She sighed, rubbing her face with her hands.  "So what'd you make me for dinner, sailor?" she teased.

"Linguine with shrimp and garlic."  Harm leaned over and kissed Mac's cheek.  "I love you," he whispered.  "Stop beating up my wife."

Mac turned and smiled at him, kissing him lightly.  Patting his arm, she said, "You sit, I'll get dinner."

"No, it's okay, I got it."  Harm walked over to the microwave and carried the two plates back to the table.  He set them down and grabbed two waters off the counter.  Scooting back into his place next to Mac, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.  He always felt better just being close to her.

Mac rested her head on Harm's shoulder, wrapping her right arm around his waist and twirling her pasta with her left.  "This should be interesting."  she joked, raising the fork to her lips.

Harm smiled and lifted his fork to his mouth.  "At least we're not a boring old married couple," he remarked.

"Very true," Mac said around her food.  "Very good, sweetheart."

"Thanks," Harm said, swallowing quickly.  "I had to work at this one, actually.  It was a tough recipe."

"Well, I'm impressed nonetheless."  Mac wiped her mouth with a napkin and sighed quietly before taking a sip of her water.

Leaning over, Harm kissed the side of Mac's neck.  "It'll be okay," he whispered.

Mac nodded and leaned into the crook of his neck.  "I know.  It feels like the whole world is crashing down on me and I can't do anything to stop it."

Harm held his hand up over Mac's head like an umbrella.

"You're so not funny," Mac admonished, sitting up and eating a little more pasta.

"I'm not trying to be," Harm said softly.  "I just mean that I'm here, and I'll try not to let you get hurt. Okay?"

Mac sighed, putting a hand on his cheek.  "I know.  Thank you."  She pushed her dinner around on the plate for a minute and finally sighed again.  "Do we have any more Tupperware that I can put this in?  I'm not very hungry."

"Yeah," Harm said, his face twisting a little with worry.  "Just promise me you'll stay strong, okay? Shelby needs us now."

Mac nodded, rising from the table.  "I know she does."  She walked over to the kitchen counter and hunted down some Tupperware.  She chuckled as she poured her leftover pasta in and turned to Harm.  "She told me the funniest stories about her and Seb...they remind me of you and me."

Harm grinned, walking over to her and leaning around Mac to add his pasta to hers.  "Well, she reminds me of you, so I guess it follows suit."

Mac smiled, craning her neck to kiss him lightly on the lips.  She sighed again, moving around him to put her plate in the dishwasher.  She wiped her hands again and then hiked herself up on the counter, her legs swinging and her skirt hiking up her thighs.  "We need to figure out who the hell killed Jackson, and why, aside from the obvious."

Harm nodded, barely able to focus on the issue at hand.  He reached out and gently tugged Mac's skirt down so it covered her thighs.  He looked up at her with a half-smile.  "Yeah, we do.  I'm still a little lost on how Jackson fits into all this."

Mac chuckled at his attempt at modesty for her.  "From what Shelby said, I think that somehow, Abdulan, Delancey and Jackson, along with these other mystery men, were all involved in the same Marine infantry unit.  Something happened there, causing this whole thing to explode.  We just have to figure out what that is."

"So I guess we start by calling Bud and having him go through the units that Delancey, Abdulan and Jackson could've been in together.  Where were they from?"

Mac shrugged.  "I don't know if the file said...hang on."  She hopped down from the counter and went searching for anywhere Shelby had been prior to their slumber party.  She returned a few minutes later, file in hand, lips pursed.  "They are only referred to by initials...CM, I'm assuming is Abdulan's alias, LJ is Jackson and RD is Delancey...we've also got a CS, an MM and a TW."  Mac leaned over and showed Harm the file.  "It looks like TW, CS and MM all served together out of Quantico at the same time.  They got dispensed to Saudi Arabia during the Gulf...maybe that's where they hooked up with Delancey and Abdulan," Mac speculated, frustrated at the questions being posed instead of the answers.

"Then that's where we'll start," Harm decided.  "I'll call Bud tomorrow morning and have him get started on the research.  "And meanwhile, you and I, and hopefully Shelby, can get started on figuring out who TW, CS and MM are."

Mac nodded, but any reply she had was cut off by a shrill scream emanating from upstairs.  Mac looked up through the landing and then worriedly at Harm.  "Shit.  Shelby."

Harm took off running up the stairs and burst into Shelby's room.  "What's wrong?" he asked, going over to Shelby.

Shelby was sitting straight up in bed, soaked with sweat and tears, chest heaving.  She took a few deep breaths and finally croaked, "I dreamt I saw Luke.  He was blaming me."

Mac clucked her tongue and went to sit next to Shelby on the bed, cradling her as a mother would her child who had just woken up from a nightmare.  "It's okay, Shel, it was just a bad dream."

Harm knelt beside the bed and squeezed Shelby's knee.  "It's okay," he added softly.  "It's over."

Shelby wiped her eyes and nose, nodding and breathing deeply.

Mac asked quietly, "Do you want to go back to sleep or come downstairs with us?"

Shelby shook her head.  "Nah...I'll just lie here and count ceiling tiles or something.  Thanks, guys."
"Welcome," Harm said quietly.  He followed Mac out of the room and shut the door with a gentle click.  He looked at his wife, worry filling his eyes.

Mac immediately embraced him, holding him to her to make sure the nightmares Shelby was having wouldn't claim them as well.  "We can just hope that once Seb and Cindy get here, she'll be better."

Harm started to rub Mac's back in a familiar pattern he'd found soothed him as much as her.  "She'll be fine," he reassured Mac, with more confidence than he felt.  "We just have to get through this."

"One day at a time," Mac muttered.  She separated herself from him and took his hand.  "Let's go downstairs, leave her to sleep."

"Yeah," Harm agreed, squeezing Mac's fingers.  As they headed down the stairs, the phone rang.  Harm hurried to pick it up.  "Hello?"  He nodded a few times, and grabbed a pen and pad from the counter next to the phone, scribbling a few words.  "Okay, we'll be there."  He hung up and turned to Mac.  "Seb and Cindy's plane will be here at 11:55.  I'm meeting them at the airport."

Mac nodded.  "I'll stay here with Shel--I don't think she's in any condition to travel.  And God willing, she'll sleep until you get back."

Harm nodded.  "I was hoping you'd say that."  He glanced down at his watch.  "I should leave now if I'm going to make it to the airport on time."  With a sigh, he started gathering up the papers from the dining room table and putting them back in the manila folder.

Mac watched him, not quite sure how to continue the conversation.  "Harm, about this afternoon..."

Harm shook his head, laying the papers down and going over to Mac.  "Shh," he whispered, putting a finger over her lips.  "Not now, okay? We have enough to worry about between Delancey and Jackson and Shelby.  We need to be a team."

Mac's eyelids fluttered for a minute, as she nodded.  "Drive carefully," she finally said, leaning up and kissing him lightly.

Harm returned her kiss, saying softly, "You be careful, too, all right? Lock the doors and keep your gun nearby."  He paused, sighing at himself.  "I'm sorry, I know that you know all this."

Mac smiled.  "There's hope for you yet, sailor.  I promise I'll be safe.  Now get, or you'll be late."

"All right, jarhead."  Harm kissed her gently.  "I'll be back in an hour or so."

"Kay."  Mac watched him leave and then hustled upstairs, searching for her weapon, just in case.  She brought it downstairs and flicked on the TV, idly flipping through, trying to find something interesting.

Harm drove towards the airport, a gnawing sense of dread scratching at his heart.  He arrived at the airport with no problem, finding the gate and sitting down to wait.  He fiddled nervously with his cell phone, debating whether to call and check on Mac.  *No,* he thought.  *She'll think I don't trust her.*

As she laughed at Scooby Doo and the Cartoon Network, Mac's intuition and training kicked in as she heard something unidentifiable.  She stood, cocking her gun, getting low to the floor.  She reached the sliding glass door and quickly peered outside into the dusk, not able to see clearly.  She reached up and turned on the outside light, unprepared for the crash the glass made as an unknown and unwelcome figure joined her on the floor.

Harm tapped his foot impatiently as the door to the gate opened.  He stood up and paced around the airport in a small circle, watching as the few passengers disembarked.  He finally saw Cindy and Sebastian hauling themselves and a couple of pieces of luggage off the plane.  Hurrying over, Harm took a suitcase from each of them, smiling wearily.  "Thanks for coming," he said quietly.  "I want to catch you up on everything before we get into the car.  I'm not sure what's bugged anymore, and I don't want to take any chances."

Cindy nodded understandingly, staying quiet for once.

"How's Shelby?" Sebastian asked as they walked through the airport towards the parking garage.

"She's fine," Harm assured him.  "She's probably asleep by now, safe and sound with Mac."

The man in the ski mask grabbed Mac's arm, shoving a gun roughly into her back.  "Don't move," he said in a harsh whisper.  "Don't scream or I'll shoot you."

Mac took a deep breath, keeping her hands in front of her, covering her gun.  "All right."  she whispered.  "Don't hurt me." She tried to sound pleading; just in case this guy had no idea who she was, she could play the unknowing victim and surprise him later on.

"Don't piss me off and I won't have to," the man growled.  "Get up, nice and slow."

Mac rose slowly, keeping her hands in front of her, her chest hunched over to block the gun from her attacker's view.  "What do you want me to do now?" she asked, making her voice waver as if she weren't planning to incapacitate this bastard in the next thirty seconds.

The man paused, as if he hadn't expected her to cooperate so easily.  "Where's the bitch cop?" he asked gruffly.

"She's upstairs, sleeping.  She's very ill," Mac said, continuing to hold her gun close to her chest and getting ready to jump at any opportunity to use it on him.

"Aw," the guy said sarcastically.  "Tough shit.  Move it on upstairs."

Mac lurched forward, stumbling from his push.  She let inertia take over, bending father over, sending the guy over her back.  She kicked him in the ribs, sending him rolling in pain, his back to her.  She trained her gun on him, hissing, "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to *fuck* with a Marine Colonel, asshole?  Put your gun on the floor and push it towards the front door.  And don't think of pulling anything on me, bastard, I'll blow your head off faster than you can piss."

With a shaking hand, the guy dropped his gun to the parquee floor and kicked it away.  "Bitch," he muttered.

Mac kicked him in the back, sending him groaning and gasping for air.  "Show a little respect," she ordered.  She leaned over, yanking him up by the collar and shoving the gun in his face.  She all but threw him back into the living room, saying, "You'd better keep your girly screams to a dull roar, I'd hate to see what the 'bitch cop' does if you wake her up."

"Fucking women in the military ruin everything," the man growled as he lay on the living room floor, trying to breathe.  The phone chose that moment to ring.

Mac looked over in the kitchen, not quite sure what to do.  "Get up," she ordered.  "UP!" she screamed louder when he didn't respond, walking over to him and yanking him up by the collar again.  "March."  Mac pushed him into the kitchen.  "Answer the phone, very calmly, and then hand it to me.  Don't try anything funny, got it?"

The attacker picked up the phone and handed it to Mac without a word.

Mac smiled genuinely, then raised her hand behind his head, coldcocking him with her gun.  The attacker fell limply to the floor, out cold and Mac raised the phone to her ear.  "Hello?"

"Hey, Mac."  Harm's voice was staticy from the cell phone.  "How's everything?"

Mac nearly burst out laughing at the question, looking at the large body laying across the kitchen floor.  "Just peachy, honey.  How far out are you?"

"We're about ten minutes from home," Harm said, turning off the interstate.  "Cindy and Seb are up to speed.  Sebastian wants to know how Shelby is."

"Still sleeping, as far as I know.  I was, uh, otherwise occupied for a few minutes, so I haven't been able to go check on her..." Mac trailed off.

"Occupied with what?" Harm's guard was up immediately.  "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, sweetheart, just like I told you," Mac said.  Sighing, she continued, "Some guy came barreling in the back door, but now he's out cold on the floor."

"Jesus," Harm swore.  He took a deep breath.  "As long as you and Shelby are okay," he said, trying to appear calm but hitting the accelerator until they were nearly doubling the speed limit.

"I'm fine.  I'll go check on Shel--this guy is gonna be out for a little while anyway.  Hang on."  Mac ran double time upstairs and stuck her head in Shelby's room, relieved to find the woman sound asleep.  "Snoring like you do when the Admiral's briefing us, sweetie," Mac said calmly, running back downstairs to find her attacker still incapacitated.

Harm grinned despite himself.  "We'll be home in two minutes.  See you then."  He hung up and smiled at Sebastian.  "Apparently, some guy's unconscious on our kitchen tile.  That's my girl," he said, shaking his head.  "Shelby's still asleep."

"That's my girl," Sebastian echoed Harm with a laugh.

Mac hung up and peered over the man like a child does a new discovery.  She nudged him with her foot, gun still trained on him, content with the fact he didn't move or wake at all. He was still breathing, she noted, so they would be able to interrogate him later.  Mac sighed and sat at the counter, keeping her gun on him, and waited for the cavalry to arrive.

A few minutes later, as promised, Harm, Cindy and Sebastian came trooping into the kitchen.

Cindy nodded approvingly.  "Nice work, Sarah," she said quietly.  "Do you have any rope? He'd be safer tied to a chair."

Mac nodded.  "There should be some rope either in the garage or in the basement."

"I'm on it."  Cindy headed out to the garage and returned with some rope.  With Mac's help, they tied the terrorist to a chair while Harm was on the phone with Bud, giving him a list of information they needed.

Sebastian quirked an eyebrow at Mac.  "Shelby?"

Mac inclined her head.  "Upstairs, second door on the right."

Sebastian nodded his thanks and headed upstairs.  He knocked on the appropriate door before opening it slowly.  "Shelby?" he said softly. "I'm here."

Shelby stirred and rolled over, seeing the form of her husband emerge from the darkness.  "Seb!"  she exclaimed quietly and hoarsely, sitting up and throwing her arms around him.

Sebastian squeezed Shelby tightly, kissing her cheeks and forehead.  "Hey, hey, let a man breathe," he grinned.  "I'm glad to see you, too."

Shelby smiled and released him.  "Sorry," she said, wrinkling her nose.  "You smell like garlic."

Laughing, Sebastian kissed her.  "I had work today.  Unlike some people, I didn't get to spend the day lounging around the house."

Shelby stuck her tongue out at him.  "Quit being a meanie."  She rubbed her eyes and yawned, stretching like a cat.  "Is Mom here?"

"Yeah, she's downstairs with the gang."  Seb stood up, holding his hand out to Shelby.  "Come on, I'll make you dinner.  Harm said you haven't eaten since breakfast."

Shelby nodded, clasping his hand.  "I want some of that pizza on an English muffin thing you make so well."

"Shelby Marie Marks, for the last time, English muffin pizza is NOT a meal," Seb huffed with a grin, as he led her downstairs.  "How about some chicken and vegetables?"

Shelby pouted.  "Seeeeebbbb," she whined, "I want pizza!"  They traipsed downstairs and went into the kitchen with Shelby saying, "Hey, Ma--" and stopping short upon seeing a random man in a chair.  "Is this some kind of weird JAG game?"

Cindy laughed softly, getting up from her chair and smushing Shelby in a hug.  She released her daughter and promptly smacked her on the arm.  "What the hell is wrong with you?  You were raised better than to have a breakdown over some asshole.  If Luke did half the things he's accused of, he got what was coming to him.  There's no excuse for putting my daughter, not to mention my *grandson* in jeopardy over some schmuck, you got that?"  She patted Shelby's cheek.  "You're more important than anybody else."

Shelby melodramatically hung her head in shame at her mother's comment.  "I'm sorry, Mom," she said.  She couldn't help but laugh a bit before continuing, hands on hips.  "First of all, this child is a girl; don't mess with me on that.  And second of all, what the hell is going on?  I'm so confused!"

Cindy chuckled, patting Shelby's arm.  "First of all," she mimicked her daughter, "you've never been pregnant so I'm pulling rank.  And secondly, you're *always* confused."

Harm jumped in.  "Apparently, this guy broke in and Mac knocked him out.  When he wakes up, we all get the pleasure of questioning him."

Shelby stuck her tongue out at her mother.  "I am not *always* confused, Mother dear."  She looked at the still-unconscious man, kicking his foot with her own.  "Can I play bad cop?"

"No!" Harm and Sebastian exclaimed at the same time.  "You get to sit quietly and keep your blood pressure down," Sebastian added hurriedly.

Shelby rolled her eyes, but nodded.  "Whatever."  She sashayed back to Seb, wrapping her arms around him.  "So, do I get my pizza yet, cutie?" she purred.

"Oh, god," Sebastian looked at Harm pleadingly.  "She's making those eyes at me.  I can"

With a grin, Harm pointed towards the pantry.  "The sauce and bread stuff is in there, I'll get the cheese.  You want anything, Mac?" he asked with his head in the crisper.

"Way to give into it, baby."  Shelby grinned, leaning up and kissing her husband lightly on the mouth.

Mac laughed and then shook her head at Harm.  "No, thanks, I'm still full from dinner."

Shelby clapped her hands.  "Yay!  More for me!"

Sebastian shook his head, pulling out the ingredients.

Harm raised an eyebrow at Mac, murmuring, "But you hardly ate."  He deposited the grated cheese on the counter and slid up next to her.  He whispered in her ear, "In fact, you've eaten a lot less than usual lately.  Are you feeling all right?"

Mac nodded, waving a hand dismissively at him.  "Oh, I'm fine.  I'm just not hungry, really."

"You? Not hungry? That's not "fine"," Harm said adamantly.  But he backed off anyway, going over to turn on the oven for Seb.

Mac shrugged and went to sit in the family room, watching their prisoner intently.

Shelby shot a look at her mother, raising an eyebrow.

Cindy nodded and stood, walking into the family room after Mac.  "Sarah?" she said quietly.  "Mind if I join you?"

Mac looked up, shifting across the couch to make room for her.  "Of course not, Cindy."
Cindy sat down with a tired sigh.  "So how've you been?" she asked.  "How's married life?"

Mac smiled.  "I wouldn't really know," she joked.  "Haven't gotten to be married yet."

Cindy nodded with an understanding smile.  "I hear ya."  She paused for a moment.  "Are you all right?" she asked, a note of motherly worry in her soft voice.

Mac nodded, continuing to smile softly.  "Truly, Cindy, I'm fine.  Just tired and not hungry, which to Harm is the equivalent of a bomb scare...but I think it's just the stress of this case that's getting me down."

Cindy nodded, and said casually, "I was just thinking that the only time I lost my appetite was when I was pregnant, and the same went for Shelby, for the first month or so."

Mac's heart stopped and she fought to breathe.  "Uh, Cindy, I,, I don't know what to say.  But I don't think that's the case...I would *love* it to be the case, but, um, no."

Cindy shrugged.  "Let me just give you something to think about, hm?  I don't know if you'd have noticed it yet, but I'm very observant, and since I saw you in Las Vegas three weeks ago, you looked like you've filled out a little, especially around your middle.  No offense."  She smiled broadly.  "And you're eating less, probably only able to eat certain foods and at certain times, right?" Cindy nodded to herself, awaiting Mac's reply.

Mac opened and shut her mouth a few times, not sure how to answer.  She looked down at her folded hands and then looked back at Cindy, tears filling her eyes.  "Yes," she finally whispered.

Cindy's grin widened and she leaned over, lowering her voice.  "Tell him," she said softly.

Harm, oblivious to the conversation in the living room, turned to Sebastian as they watched Shelby devour four English muffins in a row without stopping to breathe.  "Good lord," he murmured.  "She's competing with Mac for the title of Human Garbage Disposal."

Sebastian nodded.  "You should've seen her the first month of her pregnancy, though.  I could barely force a Saltine and Evian into her."

Harm's eyes widened as a thought rolled slowly through his mind.

Mac covered her mouth with her hand.  "What if we're wrong, Cindy?  I couldn't bear to tell him and then have us be wrong."

"He's your husband, Mac.  Tell him you're not sure, but give him the option of going through this with you.  Don't try to tackle everything alone.  You don't have to do that anymore."  Cindy patted Mac's hand comfortingly.

Mac exhaled loudly, rubbing tired eyes with the back of her hand.  Sighing, she looked up at Cindy.  "I guess you're right."  She looked back to the kitchen, but made no move to go talk to Harm.

Cindy gave her a gentle shove.  "Go," she directed Mac.  "I'll clear Shelby and Seb out if you want."

Mac took another deep breath and finally went into the kitchen.  Clearing her throat, she said quietly, "Harm?"

Harm turned with a smile.  "What's up, sweetie?"

Mac motioned back to the living room.  "Can I, uh, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Shelby tugged on Seb's sleeve.  "You should be getting a sense of deja-vu right about now, honey,"  she whispered.

Sebastian looked confused.  "Huh? What?"

Cindy smiled helpfully at Mac, sitting down at the kitchen table with a bottle of water.

Harm nodded.  "Sure, Mac."  He turned to Shelby and Seb.  "'Scuse us for a minute."  He followed Mac into the living room and looked at her, worry filling his eyes.  "Are you okay?"

Shelby smacked Seb on the arm and rolled her eyes towards her mother.  "Men.  Only good for one thing...feeding me!"

Cindy chuckled softly as Sebastian looked toward her for help.  "What is she babbling about?" Seb asked.

"It's a woman thing," Cindy said as Shelby giggled.

Mac sat down and fought over how to present the situation.  Finally, she looked up at him and cleared her throat.  "I, uh, I haven't been totally truthful with you over the past month or so, since before we started getting ready to move in.  I just thought it was stress, but Cindy and Shelby pointed something out to me."

Harm raised an eyebrow.  "What is it, Mac?" he asked, his voice wavering.  "Is something wrong? You know you can tell me anything."

"I don't want to build your hopes up, Harm...but I think I might be pregnant."  There.  It was said; Mac prepared for the onslaught.

Harm opened and closed his mouth a couple of times.  "Pregnant?" was all he could manage.

"It's a definite maybe, Harm...but yeah.  Pregnant."  Mac braced herself for any reaction he would have: screaming, fainting, running around.

In the kitchen, Shelby craned her neck so she could see in the living room.  "If I just heard what I think I just heard, I am *so* going to the drugstore."

Harm's face broke into a giant grin, rivaling the one he'd had when he'd proposed to Mac.  "Wow," he murmured.  "Pregnant."  He leaned over and squeezed Mac gently, but tightly.  As he released her, a small tear was present in the corner of one eye.  "I guess we just wait and see, right?"

Cindy smacked Shelby's arm.  "Sit down, and let the couple have their moment, for Chrissakes!"

Shelby stuck her tongue out at her mother and continued to crane her neck, nearly falling out of the chair.

"Do you, uh," Mac licked her lips before continuing, "want to find out tonight?  We could go to the supermarket or something..."

Cindy reached out and grabbed Shelby's robe, yanking her back with a serious look on her face.  "I mean it, Shelby Marie.  Lay off."

Harm thought for a long moment, then shook his head.  "I do, but I don't.  It's up to you."  *Let her take the lead,* AJ's words came back to him.

"I need to go."  Mac's eyes filled with tears again, her chin trembling.  "If this is even a remote possibility...I just need to know."

Shelby leaned back and sighed.  "All right, Cindy Anne, calm down. I'll behave."

Harm nodded, taking Mac's chin in his hand.  "It's okay," he whispered, rubbing his thumbs against her cheeks.  "But do me a favor, okay?  If it comes back "no" tonight, don't be upset.  It might be too early to know."

Cindy stuck her tongue out at Shelby.  "Watch your mouth.  My name's 'Momma' to you."

Shelby grinned and saluted.  "Yes, ma'am."

Mac nodded against Harm and then left his embrace, running a hand through her hair.  "Do you want to come with me?"

Cindy grinned and sighed long-sufferingly.  "Seb, will you take my daughter to bed before I kill her, please?"

Harm stood with a smile.  "Of course," he said.  "We're a team, remember?"  He reached out a hand for Mac, calling into the kitchen, "All right, eavesdroppers, we'll be back in about fifteen minutes."

Shelby held her hands up, feigning innocence.  "Dude, it was *all* Sebastian."

Mac rolled her eyes as she put on her shoes.  "I'm sure it was."  Nodding over to their guest, who was still out cold, she said, "Don't have any fun with him while we're gone."

Sebastian groaned, rolling his eyes at Harm.  "She's such a pain in the ass sometimes," he grinned.  "Have fun, you all!"

"We won't!" Cindy smiled.  "We'll be good."

Harm led Mac out to the car and opened her door.  "Here goes nothing," he grinned.

Fifteen agonizing minutes later, the duo had returned from the grocery store, plastic bag in hand.  They were now upstairs in the master bath, staring at the box.  Shelby, Seb and Cindy had remained downstairs, and even Shelby was quiet in anticipation of the next five minutes.  Mac looked up at Harm and smiled shakily, her voice portraying her light words with an air of terror.  "Well, I suppose I should go pee on the stick now, huh?"

Harm nodded.  "Go ahead." He sat down on the edge of their bed.  "I'll be right here when you're done, Mac," he assured her.  "It'll be fine."

Mac nodded, shutting the bathroom door partway and doing her business.  She placed the stick on the counter and washed her hands, and sat down to wait.  She gave up after about a minute and a half, walking back out into the bedroom.  "I want us to see it together, good or bad," she whispered to Harm, hoping he'd understand.

Harm nodded; he'd been hoping she would invite him in.  "Come on," he said softly.  They went into the bathroom and he sat down on the toilet, patting his lap for Mac.

Mac grinned, sitting down and closing her eyes, her nervous stomach somewhat soothed by her husband's presence and the soothing ministrations on her back.  They sat in silence for the remainder of the five minutes until Mac looked up at him.  "It's time, if you're ready," she said, more nervous at that very moment than she had ever been in her life.

"Okay," Harm said.  "On the count of three.  One.  Two.  Three."  He peered over at the little stick.

A bright, clear blue.

Mac's hand flew to her mouth, a single sob escaping her.  "Oh my God," she said, looking up at Harm.  "Oh, my God!"  She flung her arms around his neck and started to laugh.

Harm laughed along with her, a few happy tears making their way down his face.  He stood up, bringing Mac with him.  He walked calmly out into the hall, still holding her hand, and bellowed, "We're pregnant!"

Shelby screamed, running up the stairs and nearly knocking the two of them over.  "I *knew* it!  I just *knew* it!"

Mac threw her arms around Shelby, laughing uncontrollably.

Cindy began to clap softly.  "Yay!" she said, coming out into the living room, grinning like an idiot.

Sebastian smiled broadly and looked at his wife and mother-in-law.  "You two are evil, evil women.  Deja vu indeed.  Congratulations!" he told Harm and Mac.

Shelby continued to hug Mac until Mac finally had to say, "Okay, honey, I can't breathe," and Shelby jumped back.  She grinned at Harm and then turned back to Mac, saying, "We'll have matching bellies!"

Mac laughed again.  "Very true."

Harm just grinned like an idiot.

"Eeeeiii!"  Shelby squealed again, hugging Mac one more time.  "I can give you pregnancy tips if you to finagle them to get Chunky Monkey Ice Cream at 2 in the morning, even if it means going into the next county to find the 24 hour convenience store, how not to throw up at the sight of pickles...sheesh, I should write a book!" Shelby declared, hands on hips.

Mac grinned again.  "You do that, Shel."

Shelby nodded thoughtfully.  "I think I will.  And speaking of pickles and ice cream, what did I do with those Oreos I had this morning?  This calls for a milk and cookie celebration!"

Harm groaned loudly.  "Sebastian, tell me it gets better after a few months, please?" He threw his arm conspiratorially around the younger man's shoulder.

Seb shrugged with a grin, watching the girls.  "How the hell should I know? She's only been pregnant for two months!"  He laughed good-naturedly.  "I guess we'll just muddle through together, you know, veggie to veggie."

Harm sighed softly.  "Cindy?" He winked at her, mock-pleading with his eyes.  "Tell me I'm not going to be in hell for the next eight months?"

Cindy grinned broadly.  "Oh, you will, but you'll love every minute of it!"

Shelby clapped her hands.  "Amen!"

Mac just continued to laugh, feeling freer than she had in a long while.  Linking her arm through Shelby's she said, "Take me to the Oreos."

Shelby nodded succinctly at her and they made their way back to the kitchen.  As they passed by the chair, Shelby knelt down and nearly fell over as the once-sleeping figure stirred.  "Hey, boys!  The whipping boy's awake!"

Harm hurried into the kitchen, and stood over the man tied to the chair, glaring.

The man groaned and opened his eyes.  He jumped when he saw four pairs of eyes staring at him.  "Ah!"  He began to struggle against the ropes.

Shelby held up a hand, kneeling back in front of him.  "Unless you want me to castrate you with a nail file, I suggest you stop that right now before you piss me off."

The man froze and his hands went limp.  "You must be the bitch cop," he muttered.

Shelby curtsied.  "Of course.  But I suggest you show me a little respect, because you know," she said, leaning in almost conspiratorially, "if you make another evil remark, my husband, the *girl* who beat the hell out of you in the first place, her husband, and my mother, who by the way has serious connections to make sure you never leave the backyard, will not be pleased."  She straightened, donning her Detective persona.  "So, now that all the introductions are finished, who the fuck are you?"

The man remained silent, his eyes, which Harm noticed were a mismatched set of blue and brown, flashing defiance.

"Oh, the strong silent type.  Love that."  Shelby laced her fingers together, looking melodramatically around at her company, before hauling off and slapping the man hard across the jaw.  "You wanna keep fucking with me, you go right ahead, you yellowbellied cocksucker.  I can wait all day."

The man took the slap with barely a flinch.

Harm held up a hand.  "Wait, Shel, let me talk to him, okay?"

Shelby nodded, sweeping her hand out in a grand gesture and wandering into the kitchen, muttering something about Oreos and peanut butter.

Harm waved for Mac, Shelby and Cindy to leave the room, and he waited until they'd gone.  He crouched down in front of the terrorist and lowered his voice.  "Listen, buddy, are you hungry?" he asked kindly.  "Can I get you something to drink?"

The guy stayed silent.

"Listen," Harm said, trying to hold his temper in check, "I'm not doing this to be nice, but because it'll probably be your last meal."

The guy's face drained of all color.  "Whaddya mean?" he asked, trying to sound as if he didn't care.
"What I mean," Harm replied, "is that your boss knows you fucked up, and you're about to get the ax. Literally."  He grinned as the man flinched.  "Now, I personally don't want to see that happen, but you've pissed off my wife and her friend, and they're both pregnant.  And it's not a good idea to piss off one pregnant woman, much less *two*!  So if you cooperate with me, I go back in there and tell them how helpful you were and maybe we help you hide.  Or, you keep up this attitude, and we let your guys find you out front, tied to our mailbox.  What'll it be?"

The guy sighed.  "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know where TW is," Harm said, picking one of the sets of initials from their list.

The guy grinned broadly.  "You don't know as much as you claim, asshole, or you'd know right where she is."

Harm turned and called into the kitchen.  "Your turn, copper!"

Shelby came out, grinning like a cat who's about to get the canary.  She dragged one of the dining room chairs over and sat in front of him, sitting knees bent, back hunched over so she was actually looking up at the man.  "So, I take it from Harm's bellow that you were less than cooperative, eh?"  She shook her head and clucked her tongue.  "Not too smart, honey.  Not too smart at all."

The guy didn't breathe.

Shelby leaned closer to him, lowering her voice.  "You know what happens when you don't cooperate?  I get very, very upset.  And do you know what happens when I get upset?"  In a flash, she was up and her chair was on the floor, and her tiny hand was wrapped around the guy's neck.  "I lash out irrationally.  Do you want me to lash out irrationally?"

The guy shook his head silently.

Shelby released his neck and stepped back, crossing her arms.  "A good choice," she said, her voice lethal and low.  "But I'm warning you right here and now, that I may be pregnant, and I may be a woman, but I can nail your ass against a wall so quickly you won't know what's your head and what's your keister.  And the best part is that *because* I'm pregnant and a woman, I can claim temporary insanity...oh, wait, I forgot.  I'm a *cop*, for Christ's sake...which basically means you, my friend, are screwed."  She circled around him, whispering in his ear.  "If I should decide not to kill you for what you did to my dear friend here, you'll get to go to prison and feel what real screwing is like.  I think you'd enjoy that, huh?"  She squatted down in front of him, actually laying her hands on his thighs and whispering, "You think you're a big man now.  Just wait till you get to the Arizona State Pen.  *Then* you'll be a big man."  She cocked her head, trying to get any reaction.

The guy's eyes widened.  "You don't have shit on me."

Shelby leaned back, feigning an impressed look.  "What, you don't think I already know all about you, hotshot?  That you're just the scum of the operation, the whipping boy, sent to do all the dirty work?  Do you actually think I don't know who your superiors are?  Do you *actually think* I'm not capable of doing the same job your higher-ups are going to do when they figure out you've been compromised?"  Shelby shook her head and clucked her tongue.  "You think all that and you've got another think coming."

The guy shrugged.  "So either way I'm dead.  Why should I tell you anything?"

Cindy slipped into the living room with a polite smile.  "Because your comrades will just shoot you in the head.  We'll make you suffer."

The guy gulped.

Shelby grinned and walked over to Cindy, putting an arm around her.  "I want you to meet my mother.  You think I'm scary?  You ain't seen nothin' yet."  She walked back behind the guy and tilted the chair back so he was teetering on two chair legs and Shelby's hand.  "I'll tell you one other thing, too, hotshot...the guy who killed Abdulan?  She's right over there.  And I know she'd love to do it again, wouldn't you, honey?"

Mac nodded.  "I always finish what I start."

Shelby released the chair, sending it thumping onto all four legs.  She went around in front of him, crouching down again.  "So.  You have some choices.  You can either dredge up what little human decency you have left and tell us what the fuck you're doing here breaking into government property or you can sit there and be quiet and then I kill you.  Your choice."

The guy sighed, beaten.  "Fine. What the fuck d'you wanna know?" he repeated the question from earlier, stalling for time.

Shelby went over to him and slapped him with her knuckles, much harder than before.  "I want you to clean up your mouth and show us some respect, first of all.  Second of all, you will not feed us bullshit and you will stop stalling for time to save your already skewered ass."  She turned to Harm, cocking her head as if she were pondering something immense.  "Harm, isn't this house wired for sound?  And don't those transmissions go straight to the Justice Department?"

Harm nodded, crossing his arms over his chest.  "Yup, right to the top," he backed her up.

The guy shook his head quickly, trying to get the ringing out of his ears from Shelby's slap.  "All right, Jesus Christ, all right.  I'll tell you what you wanna hear.  Bitch," he added inaudibly.  "TW's at the Company House," he said, using the slang.  By the look on Harm's face, he realized he wasn't dealing with Company people.  "CIA Headquarters," he clarified, before Shelby could start beating on him again.

"Names, asshole, we want names."  Shelby said impatiently, crossing her arms.  "First of all, who the hell are you?"
"Name's Mike Middleton, nice to meet ya," the man said sarcastically. "Next question."

Shelby walked back over to him and punched him dead in the face.  "I don't know how many times I have to tell you, you fucking piece of shit, but you're going to show me some respect before I yank your balls out of your nose.  Got it?"

Middleton shook his head, blood spouting out his nose onto the white carpet.  "Jesus, lady, you've got a mouth on you.  What else do you wanna know?" he growled, longing for this PMS-session to be over.

Harm glanced at Mac and mouthed "Seb?" questioningly.  The chef had seemingly disappeared into thin air.

Mac walked silently over to Harm and turned her back to Middleton and Shelby, who were staring evilly at one another, murmuring quietly, "While you were in here with Middleton, Seb and Shelby decided it would be better for Seb to stay upstairs while Shelby 'questioned' our prisoner; I guess they know how she can get, and didn't want him seeing that."

Harm nodded, although he didn't quite understand it.  *I guess all men are different,* he thought, *and some don't get turned on when their wives go bitch on some psycho's ass.*

Mac nodded and turned, watching the tableau in front of them.

Shelby turned at the same time, smiling.  "I think our friend Mikey and I have come to an understanding.  He's going to go ahead and tell us *everything* and in exchange, I'll let him pee before I kill him.  Right, Mike?"

Mike nodded silently.

"Thatta boy.  Well, you have our attention.  Please go ahead and tell us first of all, who TW and CS are, and what you have to do with this whole mess."

"Well, CS is Curtis Schenke, a middle man, takes care of enforcing the objectives, if you get my drift?  And me? Well, I just kinda hang out, do a little B&E if the mood strikes me, and generally wreak havoc on the military."

"How quaint," Mac said sarcastically, planting a grin on Shelby's face.

Shelby turned back to Middleton and said, "That's a good start.  Now, you had told us a little about TW; can we have a name now?"

"Terri Walker."

Shelby's mouth dropped open in complete shock.  "Terri Wa-Walker?" she stuttered.  "About 5'8", brown hair, insanely loves Faith Hill?  That Terri Walker?"

Harm didn't blink as he stepped closer to Middleton.  He took the guy's shirt in his hand and lifted him off the ground, chair and all.  "You better not be fucking with us or I'll kill you myself, you slimy son of a bitch!"

Mac came up and put a hand on his arm.  "Don't kill him just yet, Harm, I think he wants to talk a little more.  Don't you, Middleton?" Mac asked, her voice very much betraying the anger she was feeling.

Middleton started to shake a little under Mac's intense glare.  "What else can I tell you?"

"Well, since you like to talk so much, tell us a story, Middleton.  Give us a play-by-play of everything that you know, hmmm?"  Mac said, coming closer, Marine fury in her eyes.

Middleton glanced from an irate Mac to a shaking Harm to a seething Shelby and decided he had no place to go but up.  He sighed softly.  "Look, I'm low man on the totem pole, so I don't know much.  I was recruited by these guys about a year ago.  They knew my...patriotism...could be swayed, and they knew how to sway it," he shrugged.  "And after Delancey finally made his appearance about a month and a half ago, things have really taken off."

"What do you mean, taken off?"  Shelby and Mac asked at the same time.  Under normal circumstances, they would have laughed, but at this point, they were both barely holding their tempers in check.

"I mean, everything's speeding up.  Three weeks ago, we were takin' it slow, seein' what happened in Vegas, and now bam!  We're all into high gear like it's finals week in college," Middleton said, excitement evident in his voice.

"Honey, I remember finals in college, it ain't anything to get all excited over, so just stop that right now," Shelby said, annoyed.  "What's the plan now?"

Middleton shook his head.  "Don't know.  My orders were to come here, shoot the three of you and get my ass out before the cops showed up.  Delancey's got it under control."

"Where's Delancey now?"  Mac asked.

"MIA," Middleton said.  "I just get a memo from him before a job."

"You have no idea where he is?" Shelby asked incredulously.  "I have a hard time believing that."

Middleton shook his head.  "Not a clue, sorry.  I told you, I'm just the middle man.  Delancey's the head of ops now."

"Now?" Mac asked.  "Was there someone else before?"

Nodding, Middleton said, "Abdulan.  The one you all shot to pieces."

Shelby shook her head at him.  "You're one sorry son of a bitch, you know that?"

"Yes, ma'am," came Middleton's defiant reply.

"You want me to break your jaw along with your nose, fucker?  You keep that up."  Shelby's equally defiant reply sent her into the kitchen.  "I need something to eat."

Mac nodded at Harm.  "I'm going to go join her."

Nodding assent, Harm sat down on the couch and shook his head slowly.  "Thanks," he finally said to Middleton.  "I'll try to keep them from killing you."

When Mac went into the kitchen, she found Shelby sitting at the counter, phone in hand.  "Yeah, that's right...Detective Shelby Marks, Las Vegas PD...right, I've got a perp on breaking and entering, assault of a federal officer, one attempted assault, three attempted assaults on federal hour?  Do you know what time it is?...well, fine, be that way."  She sighed, rubbing her face.  "Yeah, I'll be there with him.  Right out on the front porch.  And you have my permission to shoot him if he so much as sniffles wrong....yeah, I suppose you could bring an EMT, if you were really nice...okay, thank you."  Shelby hung up the phone and smiled wearily at Mac.  "Police are on the way; apparently there was a big accident on the interstate they have to take care of first."

Mac nodded.  "Are you sure you want to stay with him?"

Shelby nodded back.  "Of course.  I'll bring Sebbie down from upstairs and he can sit with and Harm need to rest, you've had a big day," she smiled.

Mac looked at her, concerned.  "You're sure?"

Shelby nodded, waving her away.  "Go.  I'll be fine.  Hey, Sebastian!" she hollered upstairs.  "Get your cute white ass down here!"

Mac laughed and went back in the living room, looking for Harm.

Harm looked up as Mac entered the room.  "What's next?" he asked quietly, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Shel's called the police, and they'll be here soon.  She and Seb are going to stay down here with our good buddy Middleton," Mac rolled her eyes in disgust, "and we can go upstairs and get some much-needed rest."

"Sounds good," Harm said.  His eyes were beginning to droop now that the adrenaline had worn off.

Sebastian came tumbling down the back stairs and into the kitchen, avoiding the prisoner in the living room. "Hello, sweet cheeks!"

Shelby grinned up at him.  "I love you even if you make me sound like the latest dish at Denny's.  We have babysitting detail for a little bit...wanna make out in front of him?"

"Woohoo!" Seb cheered with a grin.  "Let's give him a show he can remember for years to come when he's sleeping a 6 by 6 cell with a guy named Bubba who wants this jerk to be his love monkey!"

Shelby laughed out loud and shook her head.  "You're absolutely impossible, Sebastian Marks, but I love you anyway."  Seeing Mac and Harm heading upstairs she called, "Sleep well, you two!"

Harm waved over his shoulder.  "G'nite!"

Cindy sat at the kitchen table, drinking Evian and shaking her head at the impetuousness of youth.  On impulse, she pulled out her cell phone.  "Baby, it's me.  I miss you, too."  She paused.  "I'll be home on Sunday.  Get the bearskin rug out of storage."

Shelby spun around, staring at her mother.  "Cindy Anne McCready, you did *not* just say that!  EWWWWWW!" Shelby wrinkled her nose, running to Seb.  "Make her stop being icky!"

Cindy laughed softly, hanging up the cell phone.  "So my husband and I have an active, rich sex life.  You should wish the same for yourself when you're my age, little lady."  She winked at Sebastian, adding, "And if I'm any indication of what's lurking in our gene pool, you're in for a treat."

Shelby's mouth dropped open at her mother.  "You have to be the most disgusting woman EVER, Ma!  I don't want to know you and Rob are...that's just wrong."  She took Sebastian's hand and went back into the living room.  "It's the lesser of two evils, really," she explained, sitting on the coffee table and looking at Middleton.  "I can either look at you for an hour or listen to my mother talk about sex.  I vote for the looking!"

Middleton shrugged.  "Tell her to come in here, I'm bored."

"You are so getting hit for that," Shelby said, making good on her promise and shutting Middleton up for the remainder of the hour.
Mac stirred around 0930 the next morning, half alarmed at the unfamiliar surroundings.  She flailed her arm around until she connected with Harm's shoulder.  Chuckling, she turned around and smiled at her husband's boyish traits as he lay sleeping next to her.

Harm snorted softly, curling up into a tighter ball.  "Mac?" he murmured, opening one eye.

Mac leaned over and kissed him lightly.  "Go back to sleep, sweetheart."

"Nah," Harm said softly, stretching out to his full length.  "I'm up already, might as well get on with the day."  He tucked his arms beneath his head and smiled wearily at his wife.  "Did Shelby and Seb ever go to bed?"

Mac shrugged.  "I dunno.  I guess we'll know when we go downstairs and when *you* make me breakfast."

Grinning, Harm sat up and leaned over, taking Mac's face between his hands, as if he were going to kiss her.  Instead, he murmured, "Or I could teach *you* how not to burn water."

Mac rolled her eyes and scampered out of bed, retreating to the bathroom, not turning her back on him.  "Last one to the bathroom makes me Belgian waffles!"  She grinned and shut the bathroom door, laughing.

Harm shook his head with a smile, wandering over to the bathroom and pushing the door open.  "Well, fine," he said, pretending to be disgusted.  "But if I have to slave over a hot stove for you, the least you can do is share the hot water."  He shut the door behind him and the mirrors quickly steamed up.

Twenty glorious minutes later, Mac was traipsing downstairs and into the kitchen, where Shelby was sitting at the counter, leafing through the paper as Seb tried in vain to read over her shoulder.

Mac grinned, walking over to the coffee pot.  "Good morning, you two."

Shelby looked up, grinning.  "Well, hi.  Does your presence mean the rest of us can have hot water?"

Mac shot her a look and poured a cup of coffee for Harm as well.

Harm chugged half the steaming cup in one gulp.  "No, we didn't save you any," he said with a teasing grin.  Reaching deftly between Shelby and Sebastian, he grabbed the world news section and settled down on a free stool.

While Shelby was distracted making faces at Harm, Sebastian snuck his hand under her arm and whisked the comics out.  "Yes!" he cheered, climbing down off his stool and pulling a chair up at the breakfast table.

"Hey!"  Shelby protested, her mouth twisting up in frustration.  She held up the two remaining sections to Mac, saying, "Sports or business?"

Mac laughed.  "Business."

"Damn!" Shelby said, sighing dramatically.  "You'd *think* that people would appreciate me, since I *am* giving birth in six and a half months.  But no, I'm made a martyr.  Whatever."  She turned to Harm and Seb.  "So, which one of you is making us breakfast?"

Mac motioned to Harm with her coffee cup.  "Harm, sweetheart, didn't you say something about Belgian waffles?"

Harm shook his head, pointing at Sebastian.  "It's his turn."

Seb looked up from where he was chuckling to himself over Cathy.  "What?"

Harm motioned towards the fridge, then the stove.  "You. Cook.  Earn your keep, man."

Shrugging, Sebastian stood.  "All right, but did Shelby mention that I usually work the dinner shift?  Your waffles might taste a little like country-fried steak."

"Country fried steak..."  Shelby tapped her chin thoughtfully.  "Hey, can you guys make me a twice-baked potato?"

Mac laughed and rolled her eyes.  As she moved to pour herself another cup of coffee, Shelby threw the sports section at her.  "No coffee for you, babe.  It'll stunt your growth and make your baby come out with three eyes.  Or, even worse, as my mother says,  your kid'll end up like me."

Mac put the coffee pot back down and shook her head.  "Couldn't have that, could we?"

Harm reached across the table for the abandoned pot.  "Yet another reason I love being a guy."

"Amen!" Seb called from the other side of the kitchen.  "All right, my lovely wife," he couldn't keep from laughing, "wants country-fried steak and a twice-baked potato.  Who else wants what?"

Shelby shook her head.  "No, Seb, I want a twice baked potato and waffles.  It's not that hard."

Mac laughed again.  "I'll just have waffles."  She looked around the kitchen and into the living room.  "The cops pick up Middleton?"

Shelby nodded.  "Didn't come till after one, the pricks...but as of now, our buddy should be in the Arizona State Pen.  I told the officers to wait on my call before charging him officially...I figure he can rot there for a little bit."

"You know, Shelby," Harm said, clearing his throat, "I don't think I like you using that language around my child."  He suppressed a grin.

While the other three were talking, Sebastian was pouring Poppin' Fresh waffle batter into the waffle maker and set Shelby's potato to rotating in the microwave.

Shelby rolled her eyes and gave Harm a look that said all too well, "The only reason I'm not beating the crap out of you right now is because I'd get my slippers dirty."  Shelby looked up towards the landing and said, "Did you guys hear my mom at all this morning?"

"No, not yet," Seb said.  "But she went to bed after we did, so I'm not surprised."

Shelby nodded, turning her attentions to the abandoned comics section on the kitchen table.  "So, dudes, what's the plan?" she asked after a few minutes.

Mac looked at Harm; where should they go from here?

Harm raised an eyebrow.  "Well, I guess we go down to the jail and have ourselves a little chat with Middleton, see if we can get anything else out of him.  Then I'll go get set up at the base and start work tomorrow on figuring out who Delancey is."

Shelby nodded.  "Sounds good to me."  She looked at her hands and then back at Harm and Mac.  "Do you guys want me to stay here with you?  They have to know I'm more involved than they originally thought...I don't want to jeopardize your mission or your lives by hanging around if you don't need me."

Sebastian shot Shelby a look behind Harm's back, one eyebrow raised, then went back to cooking.

Harm shook his head swiftly.  "As long as you stay out of sight, you won't endanger anything.  And frankly, I don't want you, or your family, going out there alone."  He gestured towards the front door.  "It's a hell of a lot safer here."

Mac nodded in agreement.  Chuckling, she said, "Plus, you can help us in squeezing out information in that lovely manner that you have."

Shelby grinned.  "Very true.  I do have a...a certain simpatico when it comes to suspects and government officials."

"It's called ball-busting, Shel," Seb said from behind Harm.

Shelby smiled sweetly at her husband.  "Thank you, darling.  What a help you are."

"I try."  Ding.  Sebastian dropped the steaming potato onto a plate and started to dish out crispy-brown waffles.

Harm reached into the fridge, coming up with a gallon of milk and a bottle of Aunt Jemima.  He smiled softly as he brushed by Mac.  "If you're giving up coffee, I will, too," he whispered.

Mac grinned and patted him on the cheek.  "Thank you for the gesture, sweetheart, but I'm just humoring Shelby at this's not the best thing I can have, but it's not *that* dangerous.  And besides, if both of us were off coffee, poor Bud and Harriet would be in for a lot of mood swings."

"Potay-to!" Shelby cried happily, digging in and grinning messily up at her husband.

Harm grinned in relief.  "Thank God.  I was hoping you'd say that."  He grabbed his blue and white Navy mug and tossed back another mouthful of caffeinated heaven.

Mac shook her head at Shelby's antics and gratefully took Seb's offered plate.  She ate a few bites, her mind whirling, trying to make a plan for the rest of the investigation.  "I think we should head up to visit Middleton ASAP."

Shelby cocked her head.  "I dunno...we should probably let Clay and the girls know Terri's been compromised.  Middleton can stay with cellmate Bubba for as long as we want."

Mac looked at Harm.  "What do you think?"

Harm shrugged thoughtfully, taking a sip of his coffee.  Swallowing, he said, "I think we need to find out who else is involved as soon as we can.  Unfortunately, the only one who knows that is Middleton, at least for now."  Spearing another bite of waffle, he added, "Besides, you can call Clay while we're at the jail, and I don't think we should let the girls know that we know that Terri's a double agent."  Harm shook his head slowly.  "Who knows, they could've been involved from the start, too.  We don't know who we can trust right now."

Both Mac and Shelby sighed at his words, not liking the inevitability in his tone.  Finally, Shelby acquiesced.  "All right, if you think it's a good idea, I'll call the warden and let him know we're coming."

Harm nodded.  "Mac and I will go.  You stay Clay, and keep an eye on the fax machine."

Shelby nodded, hopping down from the counter and grabbing the phone.  "I'll be right back."

Mac quickly finished her plate, smiling at Sebastian.  "Those were really good, Seb."

Seb smiled broadly.  "Glad you liked 'em.  You want more?" he asked, heading towards the waffle iron.

Mac shook her head.  "No, thanks, I'm great.  We should probably get ready to go."

Shelby returned to the kitchen, hanging up the phone.  "All set," she said, straightening the desk, not looking at them.

Mac shot a look at Harm and then looked back at Shelby.  "Shel, you okay?"

Shelby swung around and nodded.  "I'm fine," she said quickly, before sighing.  "I'm just so tired of this.  It wasn't supposed to be this way...this massive conspiracy.  I guess I'm just mad at myself for not seeing it earlier."

"At least we know now," Harm said pragmatically.  "And we can go from here."

Shelby nodded, relief crossing her features. She turned back to the desk and quickly wrote out a short note to the Deputy Sheriff, explaining Harm and Mac's business at the jail.  "I'll start figuring out what's up with Terri and do some more digging."

Mac nodded, walking over to the front hall closet to get her shoes.  "How do we know it's the same Terri we met in Barbados?"

"Ter was married to a guy named Jake Walker.  They divorced about eight months ago.  She goes by Masden, her maiden name, nowadays, but was Terri Walker for a long time."

Harm paused, car keys in hand.  "How long have you been working with them, Shelby? I mean, you seem to know a hell of a lot about all of them."

"Well, I've known Terri for about seven years...we met through a mutual friend.  Ash and Les I met, let's see...probably about three years ago when I attended a DOJ conference in DC."  Shelby shook her head.  "You think you know someone..."

Mac smiled comfortingly at Shelby.  "Not everything's as it seems, Shel.  You did the best you could."

Shelby nodded and said, "You guys should get going."

Mac turned to Harm.  "You ready?"

Harm nodded quickly, opening the garage door.  "Call us on the cell if you need anything," he called over his shoulder.

"Will do," Shelby waved, shutting the door.  "So, Sebsicles, you said something about a steak?"

Sebastian shook his head and pointed to the phone.  "Sorry, honey, we've got work to do."

Mac climbed in next to Harm, fastening her seatbelt.  Sighing loudly, she looked at her husband.  "On the road again, huh?" she joked.

Harm nodded, and as soon as they were out on the highway, he reached for Mac's hand.  "Something's off," he said quietly.  "It just doesn't add up."

Mac looked at him, confused.  "What do you mean?" she asked quietly.

"I mean," Harm thought aloud, "we're in Barbados on our honeymoon, and they...whoever *they* are at this point...bug our room and then ask for our help.  We're supposed to find Abdulan.  We find him, we kill him.  Now all of a sudden, there's Delancey and Middleton and Terri Walker.  It just doesn't make sense, why they would lie to us and then ask for our help, *again*."

"Well, it was Shelby and her parents that figured out the details of the Delancey/Abdulan connection," Mac pointed out.  "She had no way of knowing what that digging would end up with."

"I guess not," Harm agreed reluctantly, "but there just seems to be a piece missing.  It's too clean...even the frayed edges seem to be trimmed up."  He sighed at his own pathetic metaphor.

"Harm," Mac said gently, "I think you're looking for something melodramatic in this situation that's just not there.  The mission now is to confront Terri, find out who these other two soldiers are, and find Delancey.  Easier said than done, I know, but don't go off on some wild goose chase just to satisfy that arrogant-yet-loveable pilot's ego of yours, okay?"

Harm slid his hand out of Mac's and clenched the wheel.  He nodded tightly, biting his tongue to keep peace.

Mac sighed.  "I'm sorry," she said, her voice a combination of regret and annoyance.  "I just don't want you going off on some half-cocked plan because you're looking for more action. If you want that, just let me know and we'll go do it on the pool table again."

Harm chuckled despite himself.  "I'm not looking to get an adrenaline rush, Mac.  I thought you knew me better than that."  He pulled up outside the jail and slipped the car into park.  Turning to Mac, Harm raised an eyebrow, a challenge in his eyes.  "I just want to find the missing puzzle piece."

Mac placed a hand on his arm.  "All right, but don't expect to find it.  I really think that, for once in our lives, this is, while complicated, an open and shut case."

Harm nodded again, his head beginning to ache from the strain of the week's events.  He headed into the jail, glancing back to be sure Mac was on his six.  Approaching the desk, Harm put on his business face.  "We'd like to see a prisoner, please," he told the younger gentleman manning the phone.  "Michael Middleton."

The man, Deputy Pfeiffer, looked back at Harm and Mac.  "Who are you?"

Mac pulled out her ID.  "Lieutenant Colonel Sarah Mackenzie, United States Marine Corps.  This is Commander Harmon Rabb, US Navy.  We'd like to speak with the prisoner, who was brought in here late last night."

The man looked at her in confusion, then down at his clipboard.  "I've got a prisoner by the name of Masters, but no Middleton."

Mac looked at Harm.  "Shelby said the jail, right?"

Nodding, Harm pinned the desk clerk with a glare.  "Michael. Middleton," he repeated slowly.  "He was brought in around 0200 today.  Federal prisoner, awaiting transfer to Leavenworth.  Check again."

The man nearly peed his pants, but looked down at his clipboard.  "Lanslow, Adam, brought in for DWI.  Masters, Christopher, brought in for public drunkenness.  Foran, Sheila, for battery.  Tyler, Andrew, also for battery.  I also have a few in the drunk tank, but they're regulars.  I'm sorry," the man said earnestly, "But there's no one in this jail by the name of Michael Middleton."

"Shelby said she talked to the warden before we came," Mac said to Harm before turning back to the man.  "Is your warden around?  Perhaps he can help with this situation."

The man nodded, picking up the phone.  "Warden?  There are some folks out here who'd like to talk to you....mmhm.  Okay."  He looked back at Harm and Mac.  "Warden Leahy will be right out."

"Thank you," Harm said crisply.

A few minutes later, a middle aged brown-haired man emerged from within the jail, coming up to Harm and Mac.  "I'm Tristan Leahy, the warden.  You are?"

"Lieutenant Colonel Sarah Mackenzie and Commander Harmon Rabb, JAG Corps.   We were informed that we could meet with a prisoner being held here, but evidently, that's a little much for your officer to handle," Mac said calmly, but making sure the Warden knew she didn't take any crap from anyone.

"What's the prisoner's name?" Leahy asked, equally calm.

Harm crossed his arms in front of him, smiling inwardly at Mac's demeanor.  She was so cute when she was feisty.  "Michael Middleton," he informed the Warden.

The Warden looked at the Officer, who shook his head.  "I've been on all night, and there was no Middleton brought in here, I'm sorry...perhaps they've already transferred him upstate?"

Mac shook her head.  "No, sir.  Detective Shelby Marks of the Las Vegas Police Department was supposed to have cleared a meeting with you."

Leahy shrugged.  "The only call I got between 11:00 last night and right now was from my daughter.  I'm sorry."

Harm turned his head slowly and glanced from Mac to Leahy.  "Detective Shelby Marks never called you?"

Leahy shook his head.  "No, sir, she did not.  Officer, did you receive a call from Detective Marks?"

The Officer shook his head as well.  "No, Warden."

Mac stood, somewhat aghast at what was going on in front of her.  "Do you keep records of all calls made to your facility?"

Leahy nodded.  "Yes, ma'am, we do."

"And what about prisoner pick-up and processing?"

Again, Leahy nodded.  "I can bring you back to our conference room and give you all the files you need...but I swear to you, there's no Michael Middleton in my facility."

Harm shook his head.  "Thank you, but that won't be necessary.  If we could just get a copy of the call logs from last night and this morning's shifts, we'll be on our way."

Leahy nodded.  "Give me five minutes."  He turned back and went to where the Officer was sitting.  He bent over and clicked a few keys, and the printer began to whirl.

Mac dared not look at Harm; she physically couldn't do it, because her mind was too preoccupied with the odd turn of events.

Harm slipped up behind Mac and placed one hand on her shoulder.  He didn't dare speak, for fear of opening the floodgates of wrath.  Simply squeezing Mac's shoulder, Harm sighed softly.

Leahy straightened and handed them a wad of papers.  "Here are the incoming call logs from 8 PM last night to ten minutes ago, 11:15 AM."

Mac took the papers, nodding at the Warden.  "Thank you for your help."

Leahy shrugged.  "Sorry I wasn't able to do more."

Mac turned to Harm.  "You ready?"

"Thank you, Warden, you've been quite helpful."  He turned to Mac.  "Ready."  He followed her outside silently, climbing into the car without a word.

Leahy watched them leave and without saying a word, went back to his office and picked up the phone.  "It's me.  They were just here.  You better kick it up a notch."

Outside, Mac sat in the car, dumbfounded.  "It's got to be a mistake," she finally said, venturing a look at Harm.  "Maybe Shelby got the jails mixed up...or Clay had him transferred like the Warden said...hell, maybe the Warden's Delancey!" she exclaimed, frustrated.

Harm shook his head slowly.  "No mistake.  Shelby never called."  He paused, thinking.  "I don't think the Warden's Delancey, but who's to say that *Shelby* isn't?"  His anger was becoming more apparent with each passing moment.

Mac let out a disbelieving sigh.  "Harm, as much as things aren't making sense right now, Shelby Marks is *not* Delancey.  Of that I am absolutely sure."  She sighed, running a hand through her hair.  "But we have got to figure out what's going on."

"What's going on is that we've been betrayed, Mac!" Harm spit out venomously.  "Shelby Marks is a liar and I'm going to find out what else she's been conning us about," he seethed, revving the engine and peeling out, towards home.

Mac remained silent, staring out the window.  She wanted nothing more than to believe Shelby was simply being jerked around, as they were, but with the evidence as it was, it was more difficult to ignore it.  " you think Bud can trace all calls made out of the house?" Mac asked quietly.  "I don't want to go in there guns blazing, only to find out she's an innocent."

"I guess so," Harm said, trying not to take his anger out on Mac.  She'd been as duped as he had, and he knew she was just trying to believe in their friends.  Opening the console, Harm handed Mac the cell phone.  "Will you call and ask him?"

Mac pulled out the phone and quickly dialed JAG headquarters and Bud's desk.

"Lieutenant Commander Roberts speaking."

"Bud, it's Mac.  Listen, I can't talk long, but I need you to do something for me.  I need you to quietly check all outgoing and incoming calls to the house Harm and I are staying in, from about 11 last night to say, 8 this morning."

"Sure thing, Colonel."

"Call me back when you get something.  Thanks, Bud."  Mac disconnected, saying quietly, "He's on it."

Harm nodded silently, pulling into the driveway.  "Thanks," he said softly.

The phone chirped and Mac answered.  "Anderson's phone."

"Colonel, it's me."

Mac let out a breath.  "That was quick."

"Well, there were only four incoming and outgoing calls from your residence between the hours you gave me.  Two of them were to an untraceable number, probably a cell phone.  That same cell number called a few hours later, and the last incoming call was from the New River Police Department, about twenty minutes ago."

"Can you find out who that cell phone is registered to, Bud?"

"I tried, Colonel, but all I could figure out was that it wasn't part of any major carrier, like Sprint, which probably means it's government issued."

Mac sighed.  "All right, Bud...can you keep digging?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Mac smiled.  "Thanks."  She disconnected, looking at Harm.  "There were only four phone calls in and out of the house yesterday and today.  Three were to an unknown cell number, and one was twenty minutes ago from the city jail."

"The warden," he surmised, squeezing the steering wheel tight enough to snap it in two.  "I guess we should wait to confront Shelby," he added reluctantly, "until we have all the facts."

"Bud's working on trying to find out who the cell belongs to.  We could tell her Middleton's escaped, see her reaction."  Mac suggested, exhaling loudly.  "I just don't understand it.  Her brother's best friend was killed by Abdulan; why would she be so deeply involved with something like that?"

"Mac, if Shelby lied about Middleton, she could've been lying about everything, right from the start.  She's probably just here to throw us off if we get too close."

Mac sighed again, watching their neighborhood through the car window.  "What if she's being threatened by these people?  If they killed her brother's best friend, they're certainly capable of killing her brother, her husband, her mother...I'm sorry, Harm, but I just don't see Shelby Marks being capable of these things.  She's a good actress, but no one's *that* good."

"I also don't see Shelby agreeing to work for terrorists under threat of harm to her family, Mac.  She's not like that," Harm threw back.  "I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, it's just..." He trailed off as Sebastian came onto the front porch and glanced at the car with a puzzled expression.

"You guys coming in?" Seb yelled.

Harm nodded.  "Come on," he murmured to Mac.  "Just act like nothing happened for now."

Mac said nothing, but smiled at Seb as she got out of the car.  She waited for Harm to come around from his side before ascending the porch steps.  They entered the house to peals of laughter.  Shelby came running into the foyer, stomach protruding, thanks to several pillows.  "Look, you guys! I'm either a Sumo Wrestler or pregnant!" she said, giggling. She cleared her throat and threw the pillows on the floor.  "How'd it go?"

"Well, we've got something to go on," Mac said, shutting the door behind her and Harm.

Harm nodded.  "Not much, but it's a start.  Anything going on around here?" he asked, settling down on the arm of the couch.

Shelby shrugged.  "I tried to get a hold of Clay, but apparently he's out tangoing with his mom or something.  I left like eighty-five messages with his secretary..." she was cut off by the ringing of the phone.  "That's probably him now, although I don't know why he wouldn't have called my cell."  She hurried into the kitchen, answering with a guarded, "Hello?"  She returned a moment later, indicating the kitchen with her hand.  "A Lieutenant Roberts?"

Mac nodded, going into the other room to take the call.

"Secretary? I had no idea Clay had a secretary," Harm said aloud, with a shrug.  "That guy's full of surprises."

"What's up, Bud?" she asked quietly.

"Well, ma'am, I kind of had to resort to a little bit of underhandedness to get what little information I have.  Apparently this cell phone was issued by such a remote carrier that they don't fully register with the government, for whatever reason.  The only paper trail I could find--which, by the way, ma'am is very odd--was a receipt for about a year ago purchasing the phone and initial plan.  The final page of the contract was initialed 'SM'."

Mac's heart stopped.

"Are you sure, Bud?"

"Yes, ma'am.  I can fax the contract to you."

"Do that.  Thanks, Bud, we owe you."

"No problem, ma'am."

Mac walked out, dazed.  "Harm?  Can I talk to you a minute?"

Harm nodded.  "Excuse me," he muttered to the couple.  He followed Mac into the kitchen.  "What's wrong?" he asked in a low voice.

"Bud was able to get somewhat of a lead on the cell that called here and that someone from this house made a call to.  It's a remote carrier, and the only clue he could find was the last page of a contract with the initials of 'SM'." Mac shook her head.  "I can't even imagine it one minute, Harm, and now..." she trailed off, emotion starting to get the better of her.

Stepping towards Mac, Harm wrapped his arms around her.  "I know," he murmured.  "But this clinches it."

Seb cleared his throat, stepping into the kitchen.  "Everything okay?" he asked.

Harm nodded, jerking his head back towards the living room, hoping Sebastian would take the hint.  "Pregnancy hormones," he mouthed.

Mac moved back into the living room, plopping down on the couch next to Shelby, who was happily engrossed in some random television show.  Mac pretended to watch as well, but was actually watching Shelby out of the corner of her eye, trying to figure out what went wrong.  The evidence was beginning to be overwhelming, and Mac was impatient having more questions than answers.

Harm came into the living room, sinking onto the couch beside Mac, silent.  He couldn't speak for fear of saying the wrong thing, and the tension finally got to him.  "I'm going upstairs," he said curtly.  "Holler if you need me, sweetie."

"Will do," Mac replied.

Shelby watched the exchange and said, "Are you guys okay?"

Mac shrugged.  "Just having another difference of opinion.  It happens."

Shelby smiled.  "I hear that.  But just think," she grinned conspiratorially, "that means you get to make up."

Mac smiled back out of politeness and then rose.  "Well, he's had enough brooding time, don't you think?  Excuse me."

"Sure," Shelby replied, returning her attentions to "Anastasia" on HBO.

Harm sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the bureau.  *God dammit,* he thought angrily.  *God damn Shelby.*

Mac knocked lightly on the door and entered the master bedroom, shutting it tightly behind her. "We have to deal with this sooner or later, Harm," she said, flopping on the bed with a defeated air.  "If it's true, and I hope to God it's not, we can't let it go on anymore.  Innocent people are dying."

Harm nodded, flinging himself back and staring up at the ceiling.  "This sucks," he said softly.

Mac couldn't help but let out a huff of laughter.  "That's an understatement and a half, sweetheart."

"No shit," Harm muttered.  "I can't stand being stuck between friendship and duty.  It never gets any easier."

Mac leaned over and spooned her body against his.  "I know, sweetheart.  This is a terrible position to be in, and I for one cannot wait to get back to DC and wash my hands of it.  But right now, we have a situation we need to defuse.  Do we confront her?  Do we try and get more evidence?"

"I don't know," Harm admitted quietly.  "How much more proof can we get, though?"

Mac looked at him warily.  "I don't know.  Maybe we should call Clay ourselves, and then confront her."

Meanwhile, downstairs, Shelby heard the fax machine  whirl to life.  She nearly called upstairs to tell Harm and Mac they had a new fax, but remembered that they were "making up"...*making out's more like it*, Shelby thought to herself as she wandered into the office to get the fax for them.  She picked it up and dropped it again, her eyes becoming wide in terror.  "Shit!" she said, coming out of the office.  "Seb!" she hissed, searching frantically for her husband.

Sebastian poked his head around the corner, a potholder on one hand.  "What?" he asked, immediately concerned.  "Are you okay?"

She thrust the piece of paper into his waiting hands.  "We're in serious trouble."

Sebastian glanced down, and recognized it instantly.  "Holy fuck," he whispered.  "We're sunk."

Shelby nodded.  "What the hell are we gonna do, Sebastian?  What the hell am *I* going to do?  If they figure it out..." she trailed off dramatically, blatant worry creasing her features.

Seb shook his head, crumpling the fax in one fist.  "They won't figure it out," he promised, leaning over to kiss Shelby quickly.  "We'll just shred this now."

Mac rose from the bed, holding her hand out for Harm.  "Come on, if we're gone any longer, they might get suspicious."

Following Mac without a word, Harm trekked down the stairs and into the living room.  He held up a hand suddenly.  "What's that?" he whispered, hearing voices.

Mac cocked her head, listening.  She straightened when an unbidden thought struck her.  "Harm, the fax."

Harm's eyes widened and he strode into the kitchen, Mac on his heels.  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he hissed.

Shelby spun around.  "Jesus Christ and Mary Hart,  Harm, you scared me!"

"What the *hell* are you doing with that?" he repeated, his voice booming with rage.

"Doing with *what*?"  Shelby cried.  "What are you babbling about?"

"That paper," Harm said, lowering his voice and staring at Sebastian's hand.  "Our fax."

"We were picking it up for you," Sebastian said, laying it on the counter, curled into a little ball.  "Sorry, it got a little wrinkled."

"We were sitting out here and heard it start to go, and then it jammed.  So I went in to try and get it out for you," Shelby offered.

"Then why were you about to shred it?" Harm countered, advancing on the pair without realizing it.

Shelby took a step back, nearly falling over a chair in the process.  "You know, I think Mac was right the other night when she said you've been watching too many 'Crime Stories'.  I don't know what you think you heard, Harm, but neither of us said 'shred' in any context in our *private* conversation."  Shelby began to don her detective persona, prepared to take anything Harm would dish at her.

Mac held up a hand.  "You know what, Shel?  Just cut the lies right here. We deserve more."

Shelby turned, mouth hanging open in shock.  "And what, pray tell, have I lied about in the past?"

"Everything," Harm said, his hurt evident.  "Who you are, what you're doing here.  And who you work for," he growled.

Shelby looked at her husband and then back at Harm and Mac, her mouth dropping even further open.  "*What?!*"

Harm slammed his open palm down on the counter, making Sebastian jump.  "SM.  Shelby Marks.  You bought the cell phone that was calling this house last night, when *you* said the cops were picking Middleton up.  Middleton's not at the jail, they never got a call from you.  What are we supposed to think, *Detective*?" he spat the words.

Shelby crossed her arms defensively.  "Well, *Commander*, I handed the prisoner over to the local authorities at 0115 this morning.  I know it was this time, because the rerun of 'Oprah' had just started.  I handed the prisoner over to two officers, who then made phone calls, ostensibly to their superior to let them know they had the prisoner in custody.  And as for this *fax*", Shelby pointed vehemently, "'SM' could be Sam Mendes, the director of 'American Beauty' for all you know.  It proves *nothing*."

Harm shook his head, anger boiling his blood.  "No," he said with eerie calm, "but the fact that you're explaining yourself proves a great something."  He turned to Mac.  "I'd bet money she never spoke to Clayton Webb."

Sebastian finally stepped between Shelby and Harm.  "That's it," he said softly.  "I'll thank you to stop abusing my wife."

Shelby leaned around Seb, tears beginning to run down her face.  "I can't say anything to you that will change your mind.  But let me tell you this; I handed over that prisoner last night.  I have not kept *anything* from you, nor have I misled you in *any* way.  I am doing my damndest trying to fix this.  You want me out?  Fine.  You'll just be a man short.  I'm going to bed."  She turned on her heel and bounded upstairs.

Harm couldn't breathe around the lump in his throat.  Less than two days ago, he'd been holding Shelby in his arms as she cried over Luke Jackson and now she was as good as his enemy.

Mac exhaled loudly, heading into the kitchen to call Webb herself.  She dialed the number and waited for him to answer.


"It's Mac."

"How's Arizona?"

"Peachy.  Listen, did you get a call from Shelby Marks at all this afternoon?"

A pause.  "Let me check my messages...yeah, I got several, actually.  Everything okay out there, Mac?"

Mac sighed.  "Everything's fine, Webb.  Thanks."

Mac walked back out into the living room, wearily sitting in a chair and burying her face in her hands.

Harm stood over Mac and reached down to gently rub her back.  "I'm sorry," he said uselessly.

"She did phone Webb."  Mac said, raising her head.  "It doesn't fit, Harm.  I think she's holding something from us, but I don't think it's as intentional as we're making it out to be. That scene right there proved it."

Harm sighed softly.  "I know she's holding back, but why? If she's on our side, why lie to us?"

"Maybe she has to," Mac speculated.  "What if she's in just as deep as, say, Jackson?"  She straightened immediately.  "Oh, God, Harm...the Nevada case, the Lieutenant Abdulan attacked...what was his name?"

Harm thought a moment.  "Chris Jackson," he said.

"Right.  What if...Chris and Luke Jackson were somehow related, and that's how Luke got involved?  What if Shelby's in the same situation?"

"How?" Harm asked, crouching beside Mac and looking up at her.  "Who could be involved that Shelby would have to protect?"  He answered his own question almost immediately.  "Cindy?"

"Or her stepfather.  Or even her father's name within the Navy.  If what we're thinking is true, we have to get some kind of help for her, Harm."

Harm shrugged, unable to drum up much sympathy at this point.  "What can we do? If she's in this as far as Jackson, she cooked her own goose."

Mac shook her head in disgust.  "Nobody could save Jackson.  We can save *her*.  And, by God, Harm, I won't give up on her that easily.  I *won't*."  She rose, heading into the kitchen, trying to clear her head before she said anything she regretted.

Harm stood and followed Mac into the kitchen.  He walked up behind her and slid his arm around her waist, murmuring into her ear.  "I'm sorry," he whispered.  "You're right, I'm being an ass.  What do you propose we do?"

Mac shook her head.  "I don't know," she admitted in a whisper.  "Part of me wants to slap her silly in the event that she's actually doing something wrong.  The other part of me wants to call Webb and Leslie and Ashley and put Shelby into hiding.  I honestly have no idea where we go from here."

Hugging her tightly, Harm nodded slowly.  "I hate to say it, but until we find out for sure why she's been lying to us, we can't trust Shelby, Mac.  We have to do this on our own."

Mac sighed again and nodded, burying her nose in the space between his chin and collarbone.  "What's the next step?  Tracking down the remaining soldiers?"

Harm ran his fingers over Mac's hair, trying to calm himself.  "Yeah," he said quietly.  "We find Curtis Schenke.  He's the only one we haven't identified, and more importantly, who probably hasn't identified *us*.  I think he'll be the one to lead us to Delancey."

In the guest bedroom, Shelby lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.  She'd done the same thing after her nightmare about Luke, and she'd had the same pit in her stomach.  She'd known her involvement in this case would be deep and would probably lead to a few cover-ups on her part, but she hadn't planned on it feeling this horrible.

Sebastian came out of the bathroom and took a long look at his wife.  He sighed softly, going over to the bed.  He sank down on it, his light frame barely wrinkling the bedspread.  "You okay?" he asked quietly.

Shelby turned her head and looked at him.  "Seb, I've known you for over ten years.  Do *you* think I'm okay?"

Seb shook his head slowly.  "I had to ask, it's my job," he tried to joke.  At her Look, he tried a different tack.  "Look, I'm sorry," Seb began.  "We should never have stayed this long."

Shelby shrugged.  "It's not your fault, Sebastian.  We just have to figure out what's next.  It's obvious the cover's blown, or very damn well near blown...we just have to figure out what's next."

"What's next?" Sebastian looked slightly confused.  "What's next is we go downstairs and tell them the truth.  They're our *friends*, Shel, we can't keep lying to them."

Shelby shot up and looked at him. "Sebastian, we *can't*.  You know what will happen if we do. My heart is breaking every time I look at them and know that I'm causing this...but telling them everything wouldn't just risk their lives, but ours, and the girls'...we have to keep this quiet just a little longer."

"Shelby," Sebastian said warningly, "we're putting Mac and Harm in danger just by *being* here.  They're adults, I think they deserve to choose for themselves."

"Seb, we *can't*," Shelby replied again, her voice breaking.  "You know I'm trying to protect them, but you also know that if we do *anything*, say *anything*, it's all gonna go to hell."  Shelby looked away, tears brimming. "I want so much to tell them, Seb, I really do...but I just can't."

Sighing to himself, Sebastian stood.  "Then I'm not staying here, Shelby.  You can, in fact, I want you to, you're safer here than with me.  At least here, you're protected.  But I'm not going to keep lying to them."

"I think you're right, Seb.  You should go home.  But we *can't* *say* *anything*, sweetheart, as much as we want to.  It would jeopardize too much, including those people downstairs.  I can keep them protected for the time being, but if we say anything..."

"Oh, no," Seb started to shake his head violently.  "I'm not going home, I'm going to finish this bullshit once and for all!"

"Fine!" Shelby said indignantly, climbing to her feet and staring at him from across the bed.  She sighed and shook her head.  "So, Cowboy, what's the plan?"

Sebastian shrugged.  "Thought I'd play it by ear."  Impulsively, he stepped across the room and opened his arms.  "C'mere," he muttered.  "Damn stubborn woman."

"Adds to the charm," Shelby muttered back, mimicking Mac's posture from earlier.  "Sweetheart, I think you should leave the house...once *they* find out you're my weak link, it's all over.  We need to keep this going for just a little while longer, okay?"

Sebastian nodded, kissing the top of Shelby's head.  "I'm a weak link, eh? So what's that make you, my Achilles Heel?" he teased, resting his hands on her rounded hips.  Seb grinned to himself, thinking that in a few months, they'd be pretending to be normal parents.

"I like to think I'm more important than your foot, Sebastian," Shelby kidded back, sighing again.  She disengaged herself from her husband's arms, rising to kiss him gently on the mouth.  "I'll go make arrangements for you for tonight."

Seb smiled tensely.  "Okay, thanks, sweetie.  Hey," he called as Shelby walked towards the door, "I love you."

Shelby covered her heart with her hand.  "That's what's getting me through this, Sebastian."  She smiled briefly at him and went into the upstairs office to get on the phone.

Seb sighed, sinking onto the floor, cradling his head in his hands.  He knew that Shelby was a big girl, she could take care of herself and she knew the risks, but he still felt like all of this was his fault.

Shelby sat at the office desk, cradling her head in her hands as well, letting the tears flow.  She sniffled and then straightened, squaring her shoulders for battle.  She picked up the phone and dialed, smiling at the answer.  "Rise and shine, asswipe....listen, I can't talk long, but the situation here is getting a little tense...get Seb the hell out of here.  I'll expect a page within a half hour."  She hung up the phone and then sat still, looking at her hands.

Seb came into the office and put his hands on the back of Shelby's chair.  "This will all be over in 48 hours, either way," he said, an ominous note entering his usually cheerful tone.

"I can only hope, Seb.  I can only hope."

"I know it, Shelby," Seb said firmly, glancing at his watch.  47 hours and counting.

The phone rang and Shelby jumped, almost laughing.  She picked up the phone and said briskly, "Yes?  Good.  I'll let him know."  She tilted her head back and looked at an upside down Sebastian.  "They're moving you to a safe house within the hour, sweetheart."

Nodding, Sebastian headed into the guest room to pack.  He glanced up and down the hall with a frown.  "Shel?" he called over his shoulder softly.  "Where's Mom?"

"Dairy Queen.  She decided to do her normal fifteen miles, stop and get a Blizzard, and then walk back.  She should be back soon."

Seb nodded and continued on his way.  He quickly packed his few things into the suitcase and traipsed down the stairs, setting it in the foyer with a thunk.

From the kitchen, Mac heard the thunk in the foyer and leaned around the corner.  Seeing Seb, she asked quietly, "Seb?  What's going on?"

Sebastian turned to Mac, dusting his hands off.  "I'm on my way out," he explained quietly, joining her in the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water.

Mac nodded. "Oh.  Are...are you and Shelby okay?"  She nearly berated herself at the question; if she found out Harm had been lying to her for months, maybe even years, as Shelby had to Seb, she'd be devastated.

Seb shook his head.  "No, we're not," he said, misinterpreting Mac's question.  "We're awful," he added, his voice low, as he twisted the water bottle in his hands.

As mad as she was at Shelby, Mac couldn't help but feel sorry for the pair.  She saw how much Shelby and Seb were like her and Harm, and it occurred to her that everything could change in a split second.  She reached over and placed a hand comfortingly on Seb's arm.  "We're going to try and help her out of whatever mess she's in, okay, Seb?"

Sebastian's head snapped up and he laughed sardonically.  "It's a nice thought, Mac," he said, patting her hand, "but it's bigger than just Shelby. Or me."

Shelby entered the kitchen at that point, eyes red from crying.  "Your ride's here, Seb," she said with an air of detachment, but with hurt in her eyes.

Seb stood, squeezing Mac's hand again, trying to reassure himself that he was doing the right thing.  He glanced over at Shelby briefly.  "See you later," he said, trying to be nonchalant.  As Seb passed her, he murmured in a voice meant only for Shelby, "Be careful, kiddo."  He walked into the front hall and calmly picked up his bag, disappearing down the driveway without a backwards glance.

Harm came in from the back porch and glanced from Mac to Shelby.  "What's going on?"

Shelby just looked out the front door, crossing her arms at the chilly breeze that came into the house as Seb's ride pulled away.

Mac said quietly, "Seb just left."

Harm raised one eyebrow.  "Where'd he go?" he asked casually.

Shelby turned, a single tear falling down her face.  She waved a hand in the air. "Oh, you know, where every paranoid-influenced possibly soon-to-be-ex-husband goes."

*"Vegas?"*  Harm had to bite back the snide remark.  "Sorry," he managed to say.  Turning on his heel, Harm went back out to the back porch, settling onto a chaise lounge with a mental sigh.

Shelby's chin trembled and she shut the door, resting her forehead against the wood.  She sniffled once, wiping her eyes, and turned to go back upstairs without another word.

Mac watched her go, and as mad as she was at Shelby right now, her heart still felt for the torn young woman.  She walked back out onto the porch and sat on the edge of Harm's lounge.  "I can't help but feel bad for them."

Harm nodded, reaching his hand up and holding it out for Mac.  "Me, too, but I'm still too angry to think straight."

Mac laced her fingers with his.  "I know."  She sighed and looked out at the expansive back yard.  "We have to figure out what the hell's going on here, and do it quickly.  I think we should probably work our way onto the base and start pressing for information.  What do you think?"

"Agreed," Harm said simply, toying with Mac's wedding ring.  "Your fingers are starting to swell," he remarked idly.

Mac smiled, pulling her hand away.  "That's not all that's swelling."  She pointed to her ankles, which were just minutely larger than they had been a month ago.

Harm grinned broadly.  "What's next?" he asked, his eyes traveling from her belly up to her breasts.

"For the case or my body, Hormone?"

With a wicked grin, Harm stood and enveloped Mac in his arms, kissing her neck softly.  "Make me forget about the case for tonight, please?" he begged, his voice low and sensual.

Mac smiled against his mouth.  "If you're a good boy.  But come on, I think we need to put some space between us and Shelby; let's head out to the base for a little bit."

Harm nodded, kissing Mac gently but firmly.  "You drive," he said.  "I'm afraid I'll go road rage."

Mac nodded, rising and bringing him with her.  They walked quickly back into the house, gathering their shoes and Mac's purse, and headed out to the garage. Mac started the Lexus and pulled out of the driveway, heading to the base a few minutes away.

Shelby watched them from the upstairs window, a new batch of tears overflowing onto her cheeks.

Harm sat silently in the passenger seat, contemplating the day's turn of events.

Mac sighed internally as she steered the large car towards the guardhouse at the marine base.  She flashed her fake ID at the guard, then handed over Harm's.

"What's the purpose of this trip, Major Anderson?" the guard asked, ignoring Mac completely--after all, she *was* technically a civilian.

Harm smiled tightly, his eyes daring the man to defy him.  "Just giving my wife the grand tour," he said, slipping his hand into Mac's.  "And doing some paperwork."

The guard saw the challenging look in Harm's eye and stepped back, saluting.  "You have security clearance level two, ma'am.  Please stay within the level two parameters."

Mac grinned, saluting him back lazily.  "Aye aye, Sir...or whatever you military brats call each other."

The guard lifted the gate and Mac steered the car into the nearest parking lot.  She put the car into park and looked at Harm.  "So, what's the plan, Batman?"

"I don't know, Robin," Harm shrugged.  "I thought we'd start with 'my' office and work our way through the base?"

Mac shrugged back.  "Lead the way," she replied, climbing out of the car.  Smiling playfully, "After all, I'm just a lowly reporter."

Harm chuckled softly, wrapping an arm around her waist.  "Lowly, hell, with your journalistic instinct, you'll probably crack this thing open long before the FBI."

Mac crinkled her nose and smiled at him, following him down a long hallway that sent shudders up her spine; it was too much like the hallway in which she and Shelby had found traces of Harm's blood and where they ultimately found Abdulan.  She shook her head and concentrated on the task at hand; finding out the last players in the mystery that enveloped them.

Harm pushed open a door, the slow creak of old wood against rusted metal filling the hallway.  He stepped in, motioning for Mac to follow him quietly.  "Files," he murmured, pointing at the long rows of cabinets.  "I have clearance, but you don't," he reminded her, "so let's be careful, hm?"

Mac nodded.  "If these files are divided up in any kind of order--and you know they are, because they're Marine files--they'll be split into classified and general non-classified."  She walked over to a file cabinet and opened it, quickly inspecting the markings on the outside of the manila folder.  "Aha!" she declared, grinning.  "Non-classified.  I doubt there will be anything about what we're looking for in here, but it's worth a shot."

Harm nodded, moving over to another row.  "What do you think CLAS stands for?" he grinned triumphantly.  "This bank seems to be off-limits, baby."

Mac mock-pouted, grabbing half of the first set of files.  She sat down on the dusty floor and began to pore over them, looking for anything that would help--travel records, phone records, official memos.

Harm grabbed a stack of files and headed over to the rickety conference table in the center of the hardly-used room.  He started to flip through files, hoping to find one little word, phrase, something to give him a clue as to who Delancey was.  After a few minutes, he sighed and leaned back, slamming a folder closed.  "Shit," he muttered.  "Nothing."  A paper fluttered to the floor and Harm leaned over to grab it carelessly.  "What the fuck..." he murmured in surprise.  "Mac, what's this?"  He handed her the small slip of paper.  "Is that a Marine requisition form?"

Mac leaned over, taking the paper from him.  "It's a travel requisition form from about six months ago.  It looks like...someone requested compensation for flights from Las Vegas International to LAX, and then to Riyadh.  I...I can't make out the signature..."  She squinted at the fading carbon copy for a minute, and then looked up at Harm with wide eyes.  "I can make out an 'S' and an 'M'.  You don't think..." she trailed off, unwilling to admit to the unraveling lie.

Nodding severely, Harm held his hand out for the paper, silent anger sweeping across his features.  "She has some explaining to do," he murmured, tucking the form into his pocket.  "Keep looking around, I have a feeling there might be more."

Mac swiped a stray lock of hair out of her face as she went through the remaining non-confidential files.  After about an hour, she looked up at Harm, smiling shortly at the swipe of dust that trailed along his cheek.  Without thinking, she leaned over and wiped it off, then sighed as she looked at the pile of papers spread out in front of them.  "You find anything else?" she asked quietly, rubbing her eyes.

Grinning slightly at the comfortable gestures and looks that had so quickly become an essential part of their relationship, Harm's hand slipped over to squeeze Mac's gently.  "Not a thing.  You think this is enough to confront her with?" he murmured, gesturing to the paper in his pocket.

"Considering the reactions we got the last time we confronted her, I think we need a little more than a faded piece of paper with her initials on it," Mac said, sighing again.  "This sucks."

Harm nodded slowly.  "I know.  I don't want Shelby to be guilty any more than you do, I just wish we had something more to go on, either way."  Almost immediately, his eyes lit up with an idea.  "The computers," he whispered.  "I bet there's a gold mine in the new computer system."

Mac shot a look at him, nodding.  "We'll have to call Bud and tell him to do it as quietly as possible, make sure he doesn't leave the so-called paper trail."

"Absolutely.  I'll call him as soon as we get out of here."  A crash from the hallway cut off the last word, and Harm's head snapped towards the door.  "Let's go," he whispered.  "Someone's coming."

Mac scrambled up and grabbed his hand, pushing him into the dark corner of the basement.  They'd have to wait until whoever it was left; that was the only entrance.  Mac held her breath and pressed against the wall as the visitor turned on another light and bent down at the sight on the floor.

"Damn messy bureaucrats," a woman's voice said, sifting through the files until finding whatever she was looking for.  She straightened, her profile turning towards the hiding Harm and Mac.

Shelby Marks turned on her heel and left the basement, humming to herself, as Mac's jaw dropped.

His mind whirling, Harm pressed deeper into the shadows, clinging to Mac like a lifeline until Shelby's footsteps had receded down the hall.  "God," he murmured.  "What balls!"

"Which file could she have needed out of here?" Mac asked, her heart racing, her eyes searching for the answer across Harm's face.

Shaking his head, Harm rifled through the papers.  "I don't know, I didn't see anything incriminating enough for her to risk coming here."  He glanced down at the makeshift piles scattered across the table and the floor.  "I can think of one way to find out," he muttered, his blue eyes icy with anger.

Mac raised her eyes to his, a silent question contained within them.

"We're going to follow her," he decided abruptly.  "Come on."  Grabbing Mac's hand, they headed down the hall and out the back of the building.

Mac initially stumbled as she followed him, but kept her eyes trained on Shelby's retreating form.  The woman stopped several times to talk and laugh with people along her exit route, then went out into the parking lot and climbed into her rental, played with the radio, and took off in a cloud of dust.

Climbing into the SUV, Harm waited a few seconds until Mac was safely buckled in beside him.  Then he hit the gas and peeled out of the base parking lot, staying a safe distance behind Shelby as they passed the exit guards.

Not noticing she was being followed, Shelby picked up her cell phone and dialed quickly.  She smiled at the response as she turned onto the highway.  "It's me...I got what you needed...yeah, yeah, I know.  I'll drop it off on my way home.  Okay, will do.  Bye."  She threw the cell on the passenger seat and turned up the radio.

Mac saw this through the windshield and shot a look at Harm.  "Should we have Bud try and trace that?"

Without a word, Harm handed Mac his cell phone and nodded, trying to follow Shelby while keeping her in the dark about her tail.

Mac quickly dialed the familiar number and waited for a reply.  "Hi Bud, it's Mac...yeah, listen, I need you to trace the last number that was dialed from Detective Marks' cell phone...yes, I know that's difficult, but Bud, this is really important...okay.  Call me back when you get it."  Mac exhaled loudly and jumped when her cell phone rang a minute later.  "Hello?" Mac said.  "Yeah, Bud, what did you find?'re sure?  No, no, I believe you.  Thanks, Bud."  She hung up and looked at Harm.  "She called the Motel Six in Phoenix.  Room 405."

"What?" he asked blankly, glancing over at Mac briefly before returning his eyes to the road.  "Who the hell?" he wondered aloud.  "Well, it's up to you.  Do we keep following her or go to the motel?"

Mac's decision was made when Shelby took the off-ramp towards the house.  She looked at Harm, getting the map out of the glove compartment.  "Motel."

As she took the turnoff, Shelby glanced in her rearview and gasped as she saw the SUV roll past her.  She double checked the license plate, cursing softly.  "Shit.  Way to go, Marks, don't realize when you're being followed."  She picked up the phone off the seat and dialed again.  "It's me.  They're on to something, and I think you're their next visit.  Get the hell out of there.  I'll come later."

Harm pulled up in front of the hotel and didn't even bother turning off the car.  His sneakers pounded the pavement as he ran up the sidewalk towards room 405.  Peering through the open curtains, Harm saw an empty room, papers spread around the bed and dresser.  "Dammit," he cursed softly as Mac came up behind him.  "We're too late."

Mac sighed.  "Of course we are."  She turned on her heel and looked down at the check-in.  "I'll go see if they have any records.  See if you can not quite break and enter."

Quirking an eyebrow, Harm crouched down and began to fiddle with the keyhole.  After a minute, the lock popped open and he slipped into the dim room.  A shaft of sunlight peeked through heavy draperies, and Harm squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light.  He began to thumb through the papers scattered around the room, careful to leave everything as he found it.  He was just finishing up with the second pile when Mac returned.  "Find anything?" he asked without looking up.

Mac shook her head.  "I told them I was looking for my brother in this room and the girl in the office said there was no name registered to this room, they had paid with cash.  She said they left about twenty minutes ago."  She sat gently on the edge of the bed, peering over his shoulder.  "Anything?"

"No," Harm said, as he picked up another pile.  "Wait," he murmured.  "Check this out," he said, handing it to Mac.

Mac took the piece of paper and started to read.  "Ash--Not good; if we tip D off too early, it could blow everything out of the water.  I'll take care of it.  Later, S."  Mac searched the rest of the email, finding the original message from Ashley.  "Hey--Had an idea.  We need to figure out if what Harm and Mac found out about Ter is true...should we confront her about it?  If it is true (and I hope to God it's not), we can use her to get to Delancey.  Let me know.  Be safe. - Ashley."

Mac pointed to the top of the email.  "It's from 'S. Marks'.  Looks like Shelby wanted to get Ashley and Leslie on the wrong track."

Sinking down onto the bed, Harm sighed softly.  "This is getting more fucked up with every passing minute."  Shaking his head, he continued, "We need to end this, and quickly, before someone else gets hurt."

Mac nodded, defeated .  "I think we have enough to try and talk to her again."

Reaching out to take Mac's hand, Harm stood.  "Come on."

The ride to the house was quiet, both of them needing the silence to act as the calm before the storm.  After the half-hour it took to get home, Mac straightened in her seat as Harm turned into the driveway.  Looking to him, she said, "How do you want to do this?"

"I'm not sure."  He leaned back, closing his eyes for a second.  "Confronting her didn't work last time, so we should probably try talking to her, friend to friend."  His face contorted as he used the word "friend".

Mac wearily rubbed her face and nodded.  "Let's go."  She climbed out of the car and trudged through the garage into the kitchen, where Shelby was sitting, playing with her Ramen noodles.  Shelby shot a look at Mac, crossing her arms defensively.  In return, Mac raised her hands in a "don't shoot" posture.  "Hi," she said softly.

Shelby returned her attentions to her lunch.  "Hi."

Harm followed Mac in.  "Hey, Shel," he said quietly, hoping her nickname would forestall an argument from the detective.  "Can we talk to you?"

Shelby shrugged.  "It's a free country."

Mac sat down on the stool next to Shelby, leaning in towards her but keeping her distance at the same time.  "We're worried about you, Shelby.  If you're in any kind of trouble, we have the resources to help you...I just don't want to see you hurt, and I know Harm doesn't either."

Harm shook his head, crouching down beside the breakfast table.  "Shelby," he said softly, "tell us what's going on.  Please."

Shelby looked between the piercing gazes of the two people that she had let get close to her--the number of those people she had in her life, she could count on one finger.  Her eyelids fluttered shut for a moment, and then she looked back at Harm and Mac.  "There's nothing going on," she protested wearily.  "I've been saying that since day one.  Yes, I'm hurt that you would think I'm in on the same thing that killed my brother's best friend and just killed a man I've known since I was able to walk, but that doesn't mean I'm going to turn my back on this.  I can't do it."

"What did you take from the base this morning?" Harm asked, his blue eyes pinning her with a clear stare.

"Files on Delancey, what else?" Shelby asked, meeting his stare with equal intensity.  "Why were you at the base?"

"Looking for the same thing," he countered, lying, "but we didn't find anything.  What did you take?" he pressed.

Shelby got up from the counter and walked over to the couch where she had kicked off her shoes and dumped the file.  She returned, handing it to Harm.  "I was going over the time frame again...this thing with Ter is confusing the hell out of me, and I wanted to double check."

Harm decided to take Shelby at her word, and with a sideways glance at Mac, he took the file and opened it.  "How does this stuff figure in?" he asked, glancing through it.  "We saw it this morning and it didn't seem to have anything to do with Delancey."

Shelby leaned over the couch and got another file, opening it and spreading out the papers next to the file Harm had.  "These movements are Delancey's," she said pointing to her file.  "These movements that you have were previously unidentified.  I thought it over and decided to compare them to Delancey's and to what I know about the murders," Shelby shrugged.  "I was just playing a hunch."

Harm glanced through the file and raised an eyebrow.  "Some of these match, but there are..." he counted quickly, "...six flights to and six flights from Al-Bahil that don't."

Shelby shrugged.  "Could be decoys," she suggested.  "I was just trying to make heads or tails of this whole thing.  I haven't exactly had much help from you two over the past few days," she said pointedly.

Harm stood, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.  "We've been a little tied up," he threw back at Shelby.  "And you're still not telling us the whole truth.  Why are your initials all over these papers?" he asked, trying to be gentle.

Shelby melodramatically slapped her head to her forehead.  "I told you this once.  Those are my initials, yes, but they're also the initials of millions of other people in the US, let alone *billions* in the world."

Mac watched Shelby's expression carefully before interjecting.  "Shelby, I've noticed you've given us a lot of explanations, but no clear answers.  So do it now.  Are you involved with Delancey, or any of his associates?"

Shelby whipped her blonde head around and glared at Mac.  "No," she hissed, her voice breaking.  "I'm not involved in any part of this other than investigating it.  Don't you think I would stop it if I could?"

"We'd like to think so," Harm spoke for the couple, "but the evidence is mounting against you."  He paused, hating to bring it up.  "And Seb left," he pointed out.  "Something's bothering him, too."

Shelby shook her head and then looked at her hands.  "Seb doesn't handle this side of me very well.  He, um, he thinks he needs to protect me and all that stuff and can't deal when he sees me go deep into an assignment."

Harm shrugged, glancing at Mac briefly.  *She's still hiding something,* his eyes seemed to say.  "All right, Shel.  We believe you," he said softly.  "Let's just forget this for now."  He glanced at Mac for confirmation.  They'd get Shelby to trust them again, at least enough to find out what she was up to.

Shelby smiled in relief, even as her stomach dropped.  There was only so much that she could put up with, and lying to two very good friends was the end of the road.  "Sounds good to me.  I'm gonna go do some research in the office, if you'll excuse me."

Mac nodded.  "Sure thing."

Shelby hopped down and headed into the office.  Quickly shutting the door, she picked up the phone and dialed a familiar number.  "It's me.  We need to pick this up a tad, the heat's turned up here...fine.  At the base?  Tonight's great.  Have cookies."  She hung up and logged on, humming to herself.

Harm stepped away from the office door, tiptoeing into the living room where Mac waited.  "It's on," he whispered.  "Tonight."

Mac nodded.  "We'll be ready."

About 10:30 that night, Shelby came downstairs and smiled at Harm and Mac, who were watching "Law and Order".  She walked past them and put on her shoes, saying, "I have this odd craving, so I'm going to the grocery store.  You guys need anything?"

"A six pack of Michelob would be nice," Harm said without glancing up.  *You know,* he thought idly, *that Angie Harmon is really quite cute.*

"Will do.  Later taters."  Shelby quickly left the house and headed for the base.

Mac waited until the headlights were out of sight and turned to Harm.  "Let's go," she said, handing him a weapon and strapping hers to her waist.  "Leslie and Ashley took a flight out of Dulles about three hours ago, they should meet us at the base to act as backup."

Harm slid the holster over his shoulder, patting his Colt, and lifting his foot, tested the familiar weight of his backup SIG.  "Let's go then."

The night was eerily quiet as Shelby climbed out of her car at the base.  There were no crickets, no cars driving by, no useless Marine noise.  She looked at the sky, a childlike wonder momentarily overtaking her demeanor.  She looked back at the metal door in front of her, saying a silent prayer for what she knew was about to happen. Barely breathing, she took the handle and opened the door slowly, slipping inside and letting the shadows envelop her.

Mac watched alongside her husband, crouched in some bushes beside the base warehouse.  She looked quickly around for any sign of their backup and sighed almost imperceptibly.  "Is it a go?" she asked quietly, not daring to rustle the leaves that surrounded her and disturb the silence.

Harm nodded his head to the side, tilting his gun up and cocking it.  "They're here," he whispered.  He adjusted the headset in his ear and fiddled quickly with the wire slipping down his shirt and under the Kevlar vest Cindy had lent him.  Turning to Mac, Harm murmured, "Now listen, I know you're a kickass Marine, and we've had this discussion before, but you're still my wife, and," he pointed to her still-flat stomach, "that's my baby.  So be careful, and don't take any unnecessary risks, okay?"

"I know," Mac said simply, leaning over and kissing him, relaying everything words could not say.  She readjusted her own vest and looked up at the same sky Shelby had, not thinking but simply looking.  Ashley and Leslie crept next to them, waiting for any kind of explanation.  "Just be on the ready," Mac said quietly, rising to a half-hunched over position.  "Don't let anyone get out."

Ashley and Leslie shot a look at each other but nodded, raising their guns towards the door.

Mac crept towards one side of the metal door, waiting for Harm to do the same.  "On three, it's a go," she mouthed, waiting for him to signal his readiness.

Clutching his gun in one hand, Harm's heart pounded.  He nodded, counting off silently.  "One," he mouthed.  "Two.  Three!"

Mac swung the door open and crept inside.  They were in a large storage room that led to a second door at the back, where there was light filtering through.  Like stealth cats, the two crept towards the second door.  With a swift kick that would do Billy Blanks proud, Mac kicked the second door open, causing Shelby to jump three feet in the air.

"What the fuck in God's green heaven?" she gasped, clutching her hand to her chest.  "You nearly made me miscarry!"

"Mac, watch her," Harm said quietly.  "I'm going into the back."  He crept along the wall, until he came to the door, which was ajar.  He pushed it open with the toe of his shoe and whirled into the room, gun forward.  "Jesus!" he gasped.

"What the hell are you *doing* here?"  Shelby hissed, looking nervously around.

"I should ask you the same thing."  Mac replied, keeping her gun steadily trained.

Shelby rolled her eyes and walked behind Mac, flicking on a few lights.  "Do you mind?  I don't like to have guns pointed at my head."

"Mac!" Harm called, without turning his head away from the three captives he had at gunpoint.  "Bring Shelby back here.  I think we're about to get an explanation."

Mac laid a strong hand on Shelby's shoulder and all but pushed her into the back room.  She came upon Harm holding three men at gunpoint, and nearly miscarried herself at the sight before her.  "What the...?" she said, looking back and forth at the scene laid out before her.

Harm used his gun to point to each man as he called out their names.  "Mike Middleton, our former houseguest," he laughed coldly, "I'm not sure who our next contestant is, but he seems like a trustworthy fellow."  The smug-looking brunette in the middle just crossed his arms defiantly.  "And I believe you know Sebastian Marks."

Shelby grinned and waved.  "Hi honey!"

Seb grinned lightly and waved back.  "Hey, kiddo.  They treatin' you right?"  He glared at Harm and Mac, half out of concern for his wife and baby, but more out of anger that they were about to screw up what he and Shelby had worked so hard and sacrificed so much for.

"Enh," Shelby said, shrugging.  "It's been really fun the last few days, though, 'cause Sherlock and Watson here think they've got the universe figured out.  You should hear their theories, Sebastian, they're quite hysterical."

Harm turned his head slowly and raised his gun until it pointed directly at Shelby's head.  "Shut up.  Sit down," he gestured in Sebastian's direction.

Shelby stuck her tongue out at Harm.  "Toucheeeee," she said sarcastically.  "You can put the gun down, Rabb, 'cause it ain't gonna do you no good right now."

Harm glanced at Mac.  This was going nowhere fast.  "Listen, Marks," he said quietly, "I don't feel like having any more blood on my hands, so why don't you just tell us what the hell you've both been up to so we can go home and be done with it?"

Shelby gestured to Seb.  "I think he can explain it better than I can," she said seriously, sitting down in a chair next to the door.

Harm turned the gun on Sebastian like a spotlight.  "Care to enlighten us?"

Sebastian shrugged, walking up behind Shelby and placing his hands on her shoulders.  "Which version do you want? The DOD version, the CIA version, the FBI version or the Iranian rebel version?"

Middleton had slunk back into the shadows, avoiding Shelby and Harm entirely.  At Seb's comment, he called out, "Yeah, tell 'em how you used ta' be a government fink, D!"

"D?"  Mac asked, confused.

"Shut UP, Middleton.  Don't make the Marine and me come over there and make you pee out of your nose again!" Shelby replied, lacing her fingers with Seb's.

Middleton growled but settled down.

"Yes, D," Seb said slowly.  "As in Delancey."

Mac opened and closed her mouth in shock, unable to form any coherent thoughts, let alone voice them.  "What?" she finally sputtered in unadulterated shock.

"Delancey," Sebastian repeated carefully.  "You know, the man you've been tracking for nearly five months."

Mac looked to Harm for any kind of help in defusing the situation.  She kept her gun leveled at Shelby while Harm kept his trained on Seb.  "You're serious?"

Nodding, Seb threw a glance at Harm's gun.  "I'm serious," he parroted, looking up at Mac with a rueful smile.  "Let me explain."

"Please do," Harm said coldly, stepping a few inches closer.  He hoped to God the wire would catch all of Sebastian's confession.

"I used to work for the FBI, just like he said," Seb informed them, jerking his head towards the sulking Middleton.  "I was working on a variety of projects, most of which involved anti-terrorism, until this came up.  Suffice it to say I had enough experience and balls to make the FBI want me in on the ground floor of this...organization."  He glanced at Mac, hoping they'd let this go before it got them all killed.

Mac studied Seb's face for a minute before continuing.  "You *used* to work for the feds?"

"Yes," Seb answered.  "I'm kind of a freelancer now," he continued, glancing warily at Middleton, who was shifting his weight from foot to foot.  "About eight months ago, we got word---"

"We?" Harm interrupted.

"Shelby and I," Seb said, squeezing his wife's hand.  "We got word that the FBI was looking for help on a terrorist thing.  We figured I was the most qualified guy around, and I gave them a call.  That's when Ashley came into it.  She and Leslie were the first agents on the case, it was something to cut their teeth on, so to speak."  Seb paused for a breath, glancing at Mac and Harm, apologies in his eyes.  "Everyone in the organization knew who Delancey was, by name and reputation.  He was the most feared invention of the federal government since Fidel Castro."

"Invention?" Harm broke in again, uncomprehending.

"Invention.  Eight months ago, Ashley and Leslie started monitoring a ragtag group of contraband smugglers and arms dealers, who had ties to Iranian leftist groups.  Two months after that, we started intercepting e-mails from group members.  We latched on to their system and invented an identity: Delancey.  He was to become the leader of the group, all through the computer and phone.  When the time came, he'd finally make himself known to the group and take charge, and I'd complete the undercover operation with a mid-air raid of a shipment of bombs from Al-Bahil to Dulles International."  Seb sighed, crossing his arms.  Thunk.  The sound of shit hitting the fan.

Mac had to shake her head a few times to try and wake her brain up to understand all this.  Finally, she looked to Shelby for help.  "What's your stake in all this?"

"He's my husband."  Shelby said simply.  "When they asked him to go undercover, I knew that I had to be the one to do the outside work for him."

"So why couldn't you tell us, Shelby?"  Mac asked incredulously.  "We could have helped."

Shelby shook her head, somewhat sadly.  "My mother didn't even know.  The whole fight we staged after you two accused me...she thought we were breaking up or something."  Shelby shot another sad look at Middleton, whose eyes had become enraged throughout the conversation.

Mac shook her head again.  "Shelby, I'm sorry, but I still don't understand...why could you be involved in this when these people killed friends of yours?"

Shelby looked at Middleton.  "You want to answer that?" she asked softly, tightening her grip on Seb's hand.

"You lying bitch!"  The piercing wail burst from Middleton's throat without a millisecond's warning.  Harm jumped, shifting his gun from Seb to Middleton without a thought.  Middleton advanced on Shelby, his eyes blazing.  "You and your fucking brother never gave a *shit* about me," he swore, his face contorting into an animalistic snarl.  "These people were my family, my brothers, they gave me something to live for.  And you were going to take that all away from me?"  Before anyone could react, Middleton was behind Shelby, his gun pressed into her back.

Shelby straightened automatically, a sad expression of longing and forgiveness crossing her face, as if she carried the burden of responsibility for his mistakes.  "Oh, Mikey," she whispered, "Oh, Mikey."

Mac crept towards Harm, speaking towards his mike so Ashley and Leslie would know their presence was requested at the not-so-classic soirée.  "Middleton, you don't need to do this.  We can all just walk out of here right now."

"Fuck off," Middleton whispered, digging the muzzle of the gun into Shelby's spine.  "You and your fed-ass-kissing friends are about to sleep with the fishes."

As if on cue, Ashley and Leslie crept into the room, trying not to startle Middleton and cause him to do anything rash.  Leslie walked around Mac's right side, close to him.  "Mike," she said calmly and quietly, "You have all the control here, okay?  There's been so much death, Mike," she said desperately, pleadingly.  "There doesn't have to be any more."

A weary sigh escaped Middleton.  His young face fell as he realized what he'd been about to do.  "Shelly, I'm sorry," he whispered, lowering the gun to his side.

Shelby turned to face him, placing a hand on his cheek.  "I know," she said in a broken whisper, a single tear escaping down her cheek.  She sighed, clasping his hand and then moving away from him towards Sebastian's safe arms.

Ashley sighed in relief, holstering her gun.  "Well, thank God that actually worked, Les," she said somewhat sarcastically, moving in tandem with her partner to place Middleton under arrest.

Seb wrapped his arms around Shelby, pressing his nose into her hair, grateful that once again Fate had decided not to take her from him.

Seeing Ashley's handcuffs in her hand, Middleton freaked.  "Get the hell away from me!" he yelled, whipping the gun around blindly.  He aimed at Mac and his finger pressed reactively into the trigger.

Without even thinking, Leslie stepped between Mac and the barrel just as it discharged, shoving Mac out of the way.  Leslie's bright silver-green eyes fluttered closed as she hit the ground, and a deathly quiet overcame the warehouse once again.

"God, no!" Ashley cried, running to her partner's side, tears streaming down her face.  Mac stumbled back to her feet, not believing the sight in front of her and Shelby broke down in tears, looking at the shell-shocked Middleton, who was in disbelief as well over what he had just done.

Sebastian shook his head, a slow tear trickling down his cheek.

Instinctively, Harm pushed his way past Ashley and pressed his hand over the gaping wound in Leslie's chest.  He pulled his shirt off with the other hand and pressed it down, trying in vain to stop the blood from flowing out of the young woman.

A scraping sound from outside caught Seb's ear.  He glanced up, seeing Terri as she stood in the doorway, tears coursing her cheeks.  "I never meant for this," she murmured.  "Never."

Ashley raised her head to meet her former colleague's gaze.  "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right here!" she cried, motioning to Leslie's lifeless body.  "She sacrificed *everything* for you!  *Everything*!"  Her chest wracked with sobs and she began to hyperventilate with anger.  Mac recovered and went to her side, cradling the younger woman in her arms.  She too raised her gaze to meet Terri's, only hers was carefully void of any emotion.  "Get out," she seethed.  "Have your last few hours of freedom, if you can call it that.  Because when we get out of here, so help me God, I will hunt you down and make sure you never see the light of day again, except through the bars in your prison cell.  You are more responsible for these deaths than anyone who pulled the trigger."

Terri didn't say a word, she didn't even blink.  She simply turned on her heel and walked out of the warehouse.  As her footsteps died against the concrete, a single shot rang out and the gun fell to the grass beside Terri.

Ashley sniffled and wiped her eyes, straightening and standing over her partner.  She moved Harm's hand away, whispering faintly, "It's done."  She took a shallow breath, then made the sign of the cross over her fallen partner, saying quietly, "Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee..."

Mac straightened as well, moving back away from the scene, needing some space to readjust.  She placed her hand on her abdomen, saying her own silent prayer, a guilty one of thanksgiving.

Harm stood, wiping blood onto his jeans.  He walked over to Mac, still in shock, and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close.  He offered his own grateful thoughts to her guardian angels...who, from now on, would have Leslie Shannon's silver-green eyes, at least in his mind.

Three days later
Sacred Heart Cemetery
Seattle, Washington

Mac's gaze remained on the drizzly gray sky throughout Leslie Shannon's memorial service.  It had been a rough three days for all involved; the majority of those days was spent either consoling an inconsolable Ashley, or in a stunned silence.  The pastor finished the Lord's Prayer and the mourners each took their turn at the casket.  As they approached the dark mahogany wood, Mac's eyes filled with yet another batch of tears, and she reached out for Harm, knowing he'd be there for her, just as he always was.  That knowledge was the only thing keeping her together at this point.

Harm slipped his arm behind Mac, holding her tightly against his side.  "Shhh," he murmured.  "It's okay."  As they bent their heads in tandem over Leslie's still body, he whispered, "Stop blaming yourself.  She made a choice."

Mac sniffled and shook her head for the millionth time in three days.  Instead of continuing, however, she just kept her head bent and placed her palm against the cool wood.  *Leslie,* she thought in silent prayer, *There is so much to be said, and so few words to say it in.  Thank you seems so trivial and inconsiderate, and yet it's the only thing I can come up with.  You not only saved my life, but you saved my child's, and in turn Harm's...I hope you can know how much you mean to me as a result.  I know you're looking down on all of us blubbering idiots right now with that grin that Shelby taught you...just know you will never be forgotten.*  Mac opened her eyes and patted the casket once more, moving aside to let the other mourners pay their own last respects.

*Thank you,* Harm thought, before following Mac away from the altar.  He bent over as he passed and placed a small token of remembrance in the casket beside Leslie: his Medal of Honor.  *Thank you from the bottom of my heart.*
Mac turned and silently reached for his hand as they made their way over to Seb, Shelby and Cindy, who were talking quietly at the edge of the crowd.

Mac offered a weak smile at the threesome, and Shelby leaned over and gave her a hug.  "Are we okay?"  Shelby whispered.

Mac nodded.  "I think so."

Shelby leaned back against Seb, tilting her head backwards to offer her own tired smile.

Seb smiled at Shelby as the crowd started to disperse, murmuring quietly to each other.  "Hey," he said softly, "remember that time Leslie shot the ceiling fan in Tahiti?" he asked, trying to lighten to mood.  He'd spent two years working as closely with Leslie as anybody, and he knew she wouldn't want this doom and gloom hanging over them.  "The bartender had a fit!"

Shelby laughed outright.  "Well, he shouldn't have asked her to do her Annie Oakley impression, then, should he?"

"If he'd known that she was armed, I don't think he would've," Seb countered with a little chuckle.  "Hey," he said, as if noticing for the first time that Mac and Harm were there.  "Did you ever hear her sing?"

Harm shook his head.  "No.  We really didn't get to know Leslie all that well before..." he trailed off.

Seb grinned at Shelby.  "God, that woman had a voice!"  He glanced at Mac.  "Sounded like somebody crossed Patsy Cline and Celine Dion."

Shelby wrapped an arm around Seb's waist.  "The greatest part was that she hated getting up in front of an audience...but once she was up there and belting out Amanda Marshall tunes, you couldn't shut her up."

Mac couldn't help but glance at the casket before replying.  "It's a shame we didn't get to know her all that well."

Shelby nodded.  "Yeah...but hold on to what you do'll keep you from going insane."  She looked up at her husband suddenly.  "Dude!" she said, her eyes lighting up.  "I have the *best* idea!"

Seb smiled at Shelby, running his hand up her arm.  "What, Dudette?"

A mischievous grin spread across Shelby's face.  "You know Leslie wouldn't want us boo-hooing over stale cookies and cold tea, right?"

"Fresh cookies and hot cocoa?" Seb suggested.

Shelby smacked his arm.  "No, doofus.  She'd want us to go out, have a good time and get plastered.  Now, obviously Mac and I can't do that, but you and Harm and my mom and Ashley can.  There was that little restaurant thingy on the way in here; I know you saw the 'Karaoke Tonight' sign."

"Oh, yeah!" Seb remembered.  "Karaoke night in honor of Leslie?"  His eyes wandered over to the oaken casket as he finished.  "Absolutely."

Shelby nodded her head succinctly.  She turned on her heel, saluted the casket and then held out her hands to Seb and Mac.  "Let's blow this pop stand."

Seb took Shelby's hand with a little smile.

Mac shook her head, this time with a smile on her face.  "What the hell?" she asked rhetorically, linking arms with Shelby instead and lacing her hand with Harm's.

Harm started to link fingers with Mac, but turned suddenly.  "I'll meet you outside," he whispered, kissing her cheek.  He strode across the room, and slid into the front pew.  Ducking his head silently, he knelt beside Ashley.  "Hey," he said after a long moment.  "I'm not sure what to say," he began.  "I know you were closer to her than any of us, but it'll be okay.  Eventually."

Ashley raised her solemn brown eyes to Harm's and nodded after a moment.  "I sure as hell hope so," she finally said hoarsely with a semi-smile.

"I know so," he assured her in a voice that reverberated with knowledge born of experience.  "Now, listen, Shelby, Seb, Mac and I are going out.  We think we can honor Leslie's memory better at a bar than in a church.  How much time did she spend in churches, anyway?" he said with a half a grin.  "Come with us."

Ashley shook her head.  "I don't think I'd be very good company right now.  That whole guilt thing, you know."

"Guilt?" Harm asked, leaning back on his heels.  "You have no blame in this, Ashley," he said seriously.

Ashley focused on a spot above his head as her eyes filled with tears once more.  "I never should have stepped towards him like that.  I never should have said anything.  I never should have let my guard down.  I should have done a million other things differently, and if I had..." her breath hitched in a sob, "she'd be here right now."

Reaching out and hooking a tender finger beneath Ashley's chin, Harm brought her eyes to meet his.  "And if she hadn't been such a selfless person, my wife *wouldn't* be here right now.  It's not your fault, Ashley, do you understand me?  Leslie gave her life so that Mac wouldn't have to.  She *chose* to do what she did.  And as far as Middleton," he spat the name as if it made his mouth sour, "he's going to get what's coming to him, I owe Leslie at least that much."

Ashley's face crumpled and she dissolved into tears, leaning forward and burying her face in his shoulder, sobbing for what had been and what would be, especially the hole in her heart at the loss of her best friend.

"Shhhh," Harm soothed her, stroking Ashley's back, "it'll be okay.  I promise."

After a few minutes, Ashley straightened and wiped her eyes.  She looked at the caring face in front of her and couldn't help but smile.  "So, you said something about going out?  Would there be alcohol involved?"

"Would Leslie have it any other way?"  He stood, reaching down a hand for Ashley.  "Come on."

Ashley took his hand, but paused at Leslie's casket before walking out of the small church.  "I love you," she whispered, her face crumbling somewhat.  "Don't you ever forget that."  She leaned down and kissed the wood, laying a cheek on the cool surface.  "And don't worry," she whispered, "I'll take care of Mr. Tootles for you."  She turned on her heel and walked quickly out of the church, saying to Harm behind her, "Do you like pina coladas and dancing in the rain?"

"Only with a pretty lady," Harm replied.  As they reached the door of the church, he turned and regarded the echoes of their footsteps with a soft sigh.  Snapping to attention, Harm saluted Leslie, saying quietly, "With the thanks of a grateful nation."

4 hours, 32 minutes later
Le Chateau Bar and Grill
Seattle, WA

Mac dissolved into giggles again, shaking her head at the antics of the group she was traveling with.  Ashley was on her third mudslide and was preparing to get up on stage and sing the "Grease" megamix.  Everyone else was pretty plastered too, with the exception of Mac herself and Shelby.  But of course, even without the alcohol, Shelby was still the most insane out of all of them.

Shelby raised her Evian bottle in salute.  "Dankeschein, darling, dankeschein!"

Harm shook his head and flashed a flyboy grin across the table at Mac.  "C'mon," he drawled, "if Shebly's not gonna sing, then you and I hafta."

Mac shook her head, a matching smile on her face.  "No way, no how, forget it.  I only sing in two places; the shower and in the privacy of our own airplane.  This is neither."

Shelby pouted.  "C'mon, Mac!" she whined.  "You've lost that lovin' feeling!" she declared, leaning over as if she were drunk.

"No, I'm just keeping it to myself, thanks," Mac replied, shaking her head at Shelby's familiar antics.  She pushed the pang of regret she felt over suspecting Shelby the way they had earlier in the week to the back of her mind and concentrated on Ashley as she continued with her slurred version of "Hopelessly Devoted To You".

"C'moooon, Mac, pleeeease?" Harm pleaded.  "I wanna sing wif you."

"If you're not gonna do him--I mean, do it, Mac," Seb giggled drunkenly, "then I will.  Come on, Rabb.  Les' go."  Seb grabbed Harm's hand and dragged him onto the small stage.  He gave Ashley a little shove towards their seats.

Ashley pouted and hopped off stage, staggering to her own seat.  Mac rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair, crossing her arms in preparation for the show.

Harm waved at Mac from the stage.  "Hey, baby!" he yelled.  "I love yoooooou."

Mac buried her face in her hands and Shelby rubbed a soothing hand up and down her back.  Suddenly, inspiration struck.  Mac reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone, dialing quickly.  It was only about 7 o'clock in Seattle, which meant it was 10 in DC...

"Yes?" a gruff voice replied.

"Admiral?" Mac all but yelled into the phone, finally waving back at her inebriated husband.

Harm grabbed a mike and started to sing....loudly. And off-key.  And not realizing that Mac was dialing the phone.  "Have I told you lately that I love yooooou?"

Seb joined in, wrapping an arm around Harm's shoulders as they both swayed in the non-existent wind.  "Have I told you there's no one else above you?  You fill my heart with gladness...take away all my sadness...ease my troubles, that's what you do."

Mac simply held up the phone for the Admiral to hear.  When she put the phone back to her ear, she was met with loud guffawing laughter, both male and female.  "Just, uh, just wanted to let you know we'll be flying home day after tomorrow, Admiral."

The Admiral's laughter subsided somewhat to a few chuckles as he said, "Good to know, Mac.  Good to know."  There was some muffling on the line before he came back.  "Spencer wants to know if they take requests."

Mac laughed.  "God, I hope not."

"You take care, Colonel."

"Will do, Admiral.  Thanks."  Mac disconnected and grinned at Shelby.  Nodding to their respective husbands, she said, "Do you have Tylenol for when they wake up crying like babies tomorrow?"

Shelby dug into her purse and whipped out an oversized pill bottle.  Without another word, the two women settled back in their seats to enjoy the rest of the show.

"Have I told you lately that I looooooove you?" Harm and Seb kept singing as the song faded away behind them.  "Thank you, thank you," they bowed.  Then they stumbled off the stage and into the waiting arms of their wives.

Mac and Shelby tried desperately not to look at each other with the sure knowledge they would break into peals of laughter at the site of their cross-eyed federal employee husbands fawning all over each other, congratulating themselves on a wonderful performance.  "I think," Mac said finally, "It's time to call it a night."

"I agree," Shelby said quickly.  "At this rate, we're going to have to alternate vomiting in the morning, and that thought just disgusts me beyond belief."

"Aw, c'mon, yer no fun," Harm drawled, barely able to sit up straight.

Seb nodded agreement, toasting Harm with his Black Russian and sloshing it all over his hand.  He licked up the spill with a grin.

"I outrank you, Commander," Mac said in her Marine Colonel voice.  "And I say march."  She straightened, half-dragging and half-carrying Harm out the door, with Shelby leading Seb and Ashley like overexcited children.

Harm sighed softly, letting himself be led to the car.  "Fine, fine," he slurred, "but I expec' a lil' somethin'-somethin' later, woman."

Mac strapped Harm into the passenger seat of the rental car and patted his hand.  "Right, dear.  Of course, dear.  Anything you say, dear."

"Thankth," Harm said, curling up, his back against the window.  "I love you," he murmured as they drove away.

Mac smiled.  "I know, sweetheart, me too," she said lovingly, meaning everything.  "Rest, honey.  We'll be to the hotel soon."
"Breathe," Harm coached her.  "Come on, you can do this."

Two pain-filled eyes glared up at him.  "What do you know? You're a *man*," she accused.  "You have no idea what this is like."

"I know, honey," Harm apologized.  "I wish I could make it all better, I really do, but this is one thing you've got to do by yourself.  I'm here," he murmured the words of encouragement.

A soft sigh escaped her lips.  *Dammit, I'm military!* she berated herself.  *I've been through worse, I can beat this.*  Glancing up at Harm, determination shone in impassioned eyes.  "All right, let's do this!" she grinned.  As the next contraction hit, she pushed with all her might, groaning aloud at the pain enveloping her abdomen.  The crest of the contraction squeezed her womb and Harriet screamed.  "Where the HELL is Bud?"

"I think you're being summoned, Lieutenant," Mac said with a smile on her face as the two rushed down the Maternity Ward corridor.

Bud smiled nervously.  "Yes, ma'am."  He started to speed up, almost breaking into a run, then guiltily shot a look back at Mac.  "Do you, uh, do you need help, Mac?"

Mac laughed and shooed him away.  "What would Harriet do if you asked her that?"

"Probably hit me," Bud offered, his own smile widening.

"Then just imagine what I'd do to you.  Now, march!" Mac barked, her Colonel persona taking over for a moment.

"Yes, ma'am!" Bud replied, hurrying up the rest of the hall and into his wife's room.

Mac made her way, albeit a tad slowly, up to Harriet's room, standing in the doorway, her hands resting lightly on her own swollen stomach.  *Just think, kid, four months and you'll be making your own debut.*  She smiled at this thought and smiled even wider as Harriet's OB looked over at her and said, "We're just about ready to deliver."

Harm stepped back and relinquished his role as Lamaze coach to its rightful owners.  He stood off in a corner, trying not to get in the way.

Mac nodded and walked over to Harriet's bed, smiling at her friend and holding her hand, encouraging her.  "You've got it, Harriet.  All the way, kid, you're doing fantastic.  Keep going, honey," she whispered into Harriet's blonde hair.

"We've got a head!"  The OB proclaimed, causing Bud's eyes to light up.

"Harriet!  Our baby has a head!"

"William John Roberts, Junior!  Do you remember that night before the Surface Warfare Ball?" Harriet asked through clenched teeth.  "When I told you I'd never *ever* be pregnant again?"

"Yes, dear," Bud said meekly, knowing, as a young child does, that the use of his full name meant trouble with a capital T.

"Just think, Harriet, a few more pushes and little Mackenzie will be out, and *then* you can throttle Bud, okay?" Mac said soothingly, patting Harriet's sweat soaked hair.

Harriet moaned softly, nodding.  She looked up at Mac with pleading eyes.  "We're almost done, right?" she asked pitifully.

Mac nodded encouragingly.  "You're doing fabulously, Harriet."

"Just one more push, Harriet, and she's out.  Next contraction, okay?" the doctor said, donning scrubs and gloves and setting herself at Harriet's feet.

Harriet nodded, leaning her head back on the pillow and gathering up her strength.

Harm stood back, watching and waiting, his heart racing from the adrenaline of the moment.  He worked his way carefully around to the other side of the room and pulled his camera out of his pocket, snapping a picture of the baby's crowning head.

"Sir!" Harriet exclaimed in horror.  "You didn't!"

Harm nodded with a smile.  "Hell, yeah. That's my godbaby.  I've gotta make up for not having a camera when AJ was born, right?"

Harriet couldn't form a reply as a contraction hit and sucked away her breath.  "Uh," she muttered, reaching her hand out for Mac's.

Mac clasped Harriet's hand as the OB said excitedly, "Here we go, Harriet!  One, two, three...great!...four, five, six, seven, she comes, here she comes!...nine and ten...okay, kid, nice and easy, nice and slow, can you feel her?"

Bud looked at his wife with tears in his eyes.  "She's beautiful."

The OB guided the baby out and quickly set her on her mother's stomach.  "Baby girl Roberts, born 1432.  Congratulations."

Mac gingerly hugged Harriet's shoulders.  "You did it, Harriet!"

Harriet smiled, happy tears filling her eyes.  "Bud, we have a daughter," she whispered, reaching out and slipping her hand into his.  "She looks just like you."

"Yeah," Harm teased, coming around to wrap his arms around Mac's waist, or what was left of it.  "Short and bald."

Bud just leaned down and kissed his wife's forehead.  "I'm so proud of you," he whispered.  "Hi, baby."  He kissed his daughter's wrinkly pink head.  "I think she looks like her mother--absurdly beautiful."

Harriet beamed brightly, her blue eyes shining.  She smiled up at the pair.  "Thank you," she said softly, wiping away her tears.  "I couldn't have done it without you.  Again," she laughed.

"Somehow I think you would have survived," Mac smiled, laying her head on Harm's shoulder.

The doctor came back over to pick up the baby and clean her up a little bit.  Bud watched in awe as his tiny daughter was bundled in a pink blanket, weighed (6 pounds, 3 ounces) and her feet were inked up and put on her birth certificate.  "Do we have a name for this beauty?" the OB asked, returning the baby to Harriet's arms.

Harriet shook her head at Mac.  "I doubt it," she said sincerely, before returning her attention to her doctor.  "Mackenzie Elizabeth Roberts," Harriet said, kissing her daughter's tiny hand.  "Welcome to the world, honey."

Mac looked up at Harm, her eyes shining with both love and tears.  She looked back down at her friend, knowing she'd be in the exact same position (literally and figuratively) in a few months--and couldn't wait another damn minute.

Harm smiled back at Mac, kissing her cheek.  He was so scared and excited and nervous all at once.  He felt like a kid on Christmas Eve.

The OB came back over to Harriet and said quietly, "It's about time for the afterbirth...can I take the baby for just a couple of minutes?"

Harriet nodded, feeling the twinges of an impending contraction.  "All right," she said, handing Mackenzie over to the doctor.  "You guys don't have to watch this."  As Bud tried to escape behind them, she grabbed his shirt.  "You *do*, you schmuck.  You put me here."

Mac silently took his hand and ushered him out into the hallway to the sounds of Bud's "Ewww, that's just not right!"

Mac laughed and eased herself into one of the chairs in the hallway.  "Oooh," she groaned, readjusting herself.  "If I'm like this in my fifth month--even if it *is* almost six--I hate to think what I'm going to be like when it's time to deliver!  You're going to have to get me in our car with a forklift!"

Harm grinned, crouching in his familiar position, in front of Mac, resting his hands on her knees.  "You're beautiful," he enthused.  "I don't think I've ever wanted you more," he whispered.  "And if I hear one more comment about you looking like a whale, a house, in fact, anything bigger than a lawyer, I think I'm going to have to prove it to you," he teased.

Mac cupped his cheek with her hand.  "You're all talk, sailor," she teased, smiling.  But her smile quickly turned to a grimace as the baby kicked her, reminding her she was a part of this conversation too.  Mac rubbed her belly, shaking her head.  "This child is *all* Rabb!  Always has to be the center of attention."

"Oh," Harm said, sympathy flitting across his face.  He rubbed his hand soothingly over Mac's belly.  "Hey, kiddo," he murmured, pressing his face close to her rounded tummy.  "Mommy and Daddy are right here.  Calm down."

For good measure, the baby kicked once more and then settled down.  Mac sighed in relief and readjusted her position again.  "I think in naming this child what we're planning on naming her, we've conjured up something."

Harm grinned, rising up and settling into a chair next to Mac.  "I guess Shannon Shelby is going to have a little of both her namesakes in her, huh?" he chuckled.

Mac looked at him with pleading eyes.  "Let's just hope it's a *little*, okay?"

Harm nodded emphatically.  "I'm praying she has a lot of her mother in her," he grinned.  "You know, your stubborn streak, your sense of humor.  Everything that drives me nuts and everything I'd never change about you."

"And I won't mind if she has elements of her father, especially those I've learned to deal with.  Those blue puppydog eyes, that flyboy grin that gets you *anything* you want..."  Mac smiled up at him.  "I think we're gonna be okay at this parent thing."

Nodding, Harm put his hand on Mac's stomach, feeling the baby stir at his touch.  "I think we're gonna be *great*.  Speaking of which, didn't someone want to make a trip to Baby Gap today?"

Mac nodded enthusiastically.  "And I don't want any ribbing from you, Commander, when I start goo-gooing and ga-gaing over those adorable little hats.  I may be a Marine Colonel, but my kid is going to be the best dressed on the block, I tell you what!"

Harm pretended to zip his lip.  "No ribbing, ma'am," he promised.  "But only if you promise that we'll buy one little sailor suit.  Just for her first visit to JAG Ops.  Please?" he pleaded, flashing her the aforementioned flyboy grin.

Mac rubbed her eyes in exhaustion.  "I'll consider it, as long as we find a Marine Green one for her christening party.  Deal?"  She held out her hand, both for a handshake and as a signal for Harm to help her up.

"Marine green velvet dress?" Harm compromised, holding out his hand and standing up.

"All right," Mac smiled, groaning lightly as she stood.  She smiled as she peeked in Harriet's hospital room, seeing the new parents simply looking at their baby daughter, reveling.  Instead of going inside, Mac took Harm's hand and led him to the elevators, saying, "So...Shannon's thinking Mom could use some Haagen Dazs right about now..."