

Episode Stuff

Mulder’s Odyssey

PMP Homage

X-Files E-Cards

Win My Award


KraneGirl Designs


Here is the section of my site where I get to do two of the things that I love the most: vent my ‘shipper’ feelings, and be very disorganized. Aren’t you lucky? Unless you couldn’t tell, I am a shipper in a big way. I’m more of a shipper than my uncle the commodore, and that’s lots. There’s a couple of reasons for this. First of all, why not? It’s bring a whole new dimension to the show. Second of all, there’s such a chemistry, such a lover’s bond between M and S that sometimes I just watch the show and squeal, and I picture a million other squealing shippers, and it makes me happy. And that’s important. They just belong together, and plus, I’d enjoy watching DD in a nice love scene. Mmmm. I have to stop this. So anyway, in this nice section, we have episode reviews, sound bytes, and when I think of other episode related stuff, I’ll post it here too. So sit back and relax, and wear comfy slippers.

Episode reviews:

Season 1

Season 2

Don’t you worry, more is on the way, as soon as I convince my teachers not to give me homework any more. It hasn’t been working so far. Wonder why?


This site designed and maintained by KraneGirl Designs